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09-15 投稿



inerrancy 发音


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inerrancy 中文意思翻译



inerrancy 网络释义

n. 无差错;绝对正确

inerrancy 短语词组

1、Infallibility and Inerrancy of the Bible 《 ─── 圣经》的不可战胜和不可毁灭

2、Infallibility and Inerrancy of the ─── 的无敌和不可救药

inerrancy 同义词

inerrancy 反义词


inerrancy 相似词语短语

1、incessancy ─── n.持续不断;频繁性

2、inerrably ─── adv.无误地;确实地

3、invariancy ─── 不变性

4、aberrancy ─── n.脱离正道,偏离常轨;反常

5、inertance ─── n.[力]惯性;声质量

6、errancy ─── n.错误;错误状态;犯错误的倾向

7、inelegancy ─── n.不雅;粗俗

8、intendancy ─── n.监督团;监督官之职

9、inerrant ─── adj.无错误的,绝对正确的

inerrancy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Over the Centuries, people have used different words to describe the truthfulness of the scripture, and one of the words is INERRANCY. ─── 在过去的许多世纪以来,人们用不同的语言在描述圣经的可靠性,其中一个字就是“无误”。

2、Application of PLC in solving of mechanical inerrancy in reciprocating installation ─── PLC在克服往复装置机械惯性中的应用

3、The SBC was divided over theology, particularly theissue of biblical inerrancy. ─── 当时,SBC在神学上发生了分裂,特别是在圣经绝对正确性的议题上。

4、Calvinism was spread through the denial of the inerrancy of Scripture by theolohical liberals as God raised up men to stand against them. ─── 因着新派神学人士否认圣经无误,神兴起人与这些自由派对抗,加尔文主义就传播开了。

5、relating to or being a Christian church believing in personal conversion and the inerrancy of the Bible especially the 4 Gospels ─── 属于或关于基督教派的,该派信仰圣经教义(尤指新约圣经中的四福音书之一)的毫无错误,信仰个人悔改的

6、Infallibility and Inerrancy of the Bible ─── 圣经无误

7、Firmly believe the Bible’s inerrancy, retain the Truth, resist new faction and heresies. ─── 坚信“圣经”的无误性,持守真道,抵挡新派和异端.

8、relating to or being a Christian church believing in personal conversion and the inerrancy of the Bible especially the 4 Gospels. ─── 属于或关于基督教派的,该派信仰圣经教义(尤指新约圣经中的四福音书之一)的毫无错误,信仰个人悔改的。

9、Evangelicals who deny the inerrancy of Scripture: neo-Evangelicalism. ─── 不承认圣经无误的福音派:新福音派。

10、The modernists rejected the inerrancy of Scripture, and the postmodernists make the idea of an inerrant Bible absurd. ─── 现代派拒绝圣经无误,而后现代派使圣经无误的观念变成荒谬。

11、Inerrancy is applicable only to the original manuscripts,not to translations. ─── 这种无误仅限于最原始的手稿,不指后来的大量译稿。

12、We further deny that this absence renders the assertion of Biblical inerrancy invalid or irrelevant. ─── 我们更否认:原稿的不在,使得“圣经无误”的宣称变为无效或无关紧要。

13、Evangelicals who deny the inerrancy of Scripture: neo- Evangelicalism. ─── 不承认圣经无误的福音派﹕新福音派。

14、Christ is not lost to us, he claimed, if we discard the old belief in the inerrancy of Scripture. ─── 他宣称,如果我们摒弃圣经无误这古旧的信念,基督对于我们也没有迷失。

15、belief in the inerrancy of the Scriptures. ─── 坚信《圣经》的正确性

16、The Chicago Statement On Biblical Inerrancy, ─── 芝加哥圣经无误宣言

17、authority of Scripture is inescapably impaired if this total divine inerrancy is in any way limited or disregarded, or made relative to a view of truth contrary to the Bible's own; ─── 如果“圣经是神的话,完全无谬误”的真理,在任何方面被人贬低、局限、视为无关紧要、或是让人用不合圣经的理论来冲淡的话,则圣经的权威势将无可避免地遭损;

18、metal inerr gas ─── 金属电极惰性气体保护

19、WE AFFIRM that the doctrine of inerrancy has been integral to the Church's faith throughout its history. ─── 圣经无误的教义,是教会从古至今的基要信仰。

20、Our understanding of the doctrine of inerrancy must be set in the context of the broader teachings of the Scripture concerning itself. ─── 我们对“圣经无误”教义的了解,必须根据圣经论及其本身的整体教训。

21、Today, I affirm that all who believe in the inspiration, infallibility and inerrancy of the Bible are my brothers and sisters in Christ. ─── 今天我承认,所有相信、承认《圣经》的默示,无谬,无误的都是我的弟兄姐妹。

22、The Evangelical Free Church is born out of a heritage of commitment to the authority and inerrancy of Scripture. ─── 播道会源始于坚信圣经的权威与无误。

23、Over the Centuries, people have used different words to describe the truthfulness of the scripture, and one of the words is INERRANCY. ─── 过去的许多世纪以来,人们用不同的语言在描述圣经的可靠性,其中一个字就是“无误”。

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