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09-14 投稿



hayfield 发音


英:  美:

hayfield 中文意思翻译



hayfield 短语词组

1、hayfield bonus hayfield ─── 奖金

2、hayfield vineyard ─── 海菲尔德葡萄园

3、hayfield manor ─── 海菲尔德庄园

hayfield 词性/词形变化,hayfield变形

名词: hayer |动词第三人称单数: hays |动词过去分词: hayed |动词现在分词: haying |动词过去式: hayed |

hayfield 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There's a big hayfield up near Buxton. You know where Buxton is? ─── 布士登附近有个草场,你知道在哪里么?

2、A few days later, however, changed his mind on the hayfield, he admitted that night he was very excited about the completion of the game when we are all fair. ─── 但是几天之后,海菲尔德就改变了主意,他现在承认夜战让他感到非常兴奋,在完成比赛的时候大家都是公平的。

3、How do you cut a hayfield? ─── 你怎么修剪种秣草地呢?

4、tom , just cut his arm with a scythe , tumbled on it in the hayfield. ─── 汤姆,只是胳膊给割破了--在草田里摔在镰刀上了。

5、5.Find a hayfield. ─── 5、寻找一片干草地。

6、At the base of that wall, you'll find a rock that has no earthly business in a Maine hayfield. ─── 多年过去,有一天,安迪郑重地对雷德说:如果你出狱,一定到某地一棵树下把一个盒子挖出来。

7、A hayfield in NW Kansas. ─── 堪萨斯图片 Kansas Hayscape.

8、There's a big hayfield up near Buxton.You know where Buxton is? ─── |布克斯顿附近有个草场,你知道在哪里吗?

9、There's a big hayfield up near Buxton. You know where Buxton is? ─── 布士登附近有个草场,你知道在哪里么?

10、Red walks the fields and back-roads, cheap compass in hand.Looking for a certain hayfield. ─── 瑞德手里拿着廉价的指南针,走在田间和偏僻的小路上,找寻那个干草场。

11、If you ever get out, find that spot. In the base of that wall you'll find a rock that has no earthly business in a Maine hayfield. ─── 在那堵石墙的墙基,你会发现有一块与缅因州任何干草场都不同的岩石。

12、So the animals trooped down to the hayfield to begin the harvest, and when they came back in the evening it was noticed that the milk had disappeared. ─── 于是动物们列队去草地收割,当他们回来的时候发现:牛奶已经不见了。

13、Tom, just cut his arm with a scythe, tumbled on it in the hayfield ─── 汤姆,只是胳膊给割破了--在草田里摔在镰刀上了。

14、- At Dennehy's Cross, take a right turn and there will be a signpost for Hayfield Manor. ─── 3.取消办法:请在取消前仔细查看酒店取消政策,并点击订单上的取消链接自助取消或登陆网站取消;

15、Then they made a tour of inspection of the whole farm and surveyed with speechless admiration the ploughland, the hayfield, the orchard, the pool, the spinney. ─── 然后他们又在庄园视察了一周,带着惊叹的神气巡视田地、草地、果园、池塘、灌木林,激动地说不出话。

16、They went into a hayfield to have some sport and play ─── 他们在草场玩耍捉迷藏

17、His first unconscious delight in the sights and sounds of the battlefield had given way to another feeling, ever since he had seen the solitary dead soldier lying on the hayfield. ─── 最初由战场的景象和声音引起的兴奋的感情,现在却为另外一种感情所取代,特别是在看见一个孤独地躺在草地上的士兵以后。

18、If you ever get out, find that spot.In the base of that wall you'll find a rock that has no earthly business in a Maine hayfield. ─── 在那堵石墙的墙基,你会发现有一块与缅因州任何干草场都不同的岩石。

19、High white clouds in a blazing blue sky. The trees fiery with autumn color. Red walks the fields and back-roads, cheap compass in hand. Looking for a certain hayfield. ─── 晴朗的蓝天上高高地悬着几朵白云,树木充满了秋天的颜色。瑞德手里拿着廉价的指南针,走在田间和偏僻的小路上,找寻那个干草场。

20、And so early in the morning at the dawning of the day,They went into a hayfield to have some sport and play,And what they did there she never would ',But she never more complained of his growing. ─── 真是美得令人落泪,让人心动,给人惊艳,超凡脱俗。第三段开始突然响起的震撼人心的交响伴奏似乎把人从梦里惊醒,感受到疏离于人类的气息,感受到另人心碎的悲凉。

21、turns back) (转身)Red, if you ever get out of here, do me a favor. There's this big hayfield up near Buxton. You know where Buxton is? ─── “瑞德,如果你有一天你出去了,帮我个忙。巴克斯顿附近有个大干草场,你知道巴克斯顿吗?”

22、They went into a hayfield to have some sport and play, ─── 他们去了一片干草地玩耍嬉戏,

23、Oh, a farmer and his son, they were on the run To the hayfield they were bounding. ─── 哦,农夫和他的儿子,他们正朝着束缚着他们土地奔跑着。

24、Red walks the fields and back-roads, cheap compass in hand. Looking for a certain hayfield . ─── 瑞德手里拿着廉价的指南针,走在田间和偏僻的小路上,找寻那个干草场。

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