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09-16 投稿



unfailingly 发音

英:[ʌnˈfeɪlɪŋli]  美:[ʌnˈfeɪlɪŋli]

英:  美:

unfailingly 中文意思翻译



unfailingly 词性/词形变化,unfailingly变形

副词: unfailingly |名词: unfailingness |

unfailingly 短语词组

1、unfailingly dry ─── 永远干燥

unfailingly 相似词语短语

1、failingly ─── adv.似将消失地;似将断绝地

2、unfamiliarly ─── 不熟悉

3、unflaggingly ─── adv.不屈不挠地;不衰地

4、unavailingly ─── 徒然地

5、availingly ─── 有效地

6、unfailing ─── adj.经久不衰的;可靠的;无穷尽的

7、unfadingly ─── 坚定地

8、unfeelingly ─── adv.无情地;无感觉的

9、unsmilingly ─── 不苟言笑

unfailingly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Stingy with his English though unfailingly polite to reporters, Wang, a native of Taiwan, is a wickedly funny teammate apparently immune to pressure. ─── 他的英文话少却对记者不失礼貌,王,来自台湾,极稀有的对压力免疫。

2、At the restaurant they sat together, presenting a study in contrasts: Wang, unfailingly thoughtful, and Yu, as jaunty as ever. ─── 但是余华有一种综合能力,他有经过市场检验的主题,更有雄心,能量和煽情的天赋。

3、In order to turn off thyristor unfailingly, the inverter circuit should be rebuilt. ─── 为了保证可控硅可靠关断,需要改造逆变电路主回路。

4、Southerners are unfailingly polite, having learned to say "ma'am" and "sir" when they were toddlers. ─── 南方人的礼貌周到是不容置疑的;他们从小就学会称呼「女士」和「先生」。

5、Prior to this incident I had traveled with my coin unfailingly for five years and then intermittently for six years. ─── 在此之前,我一定带着我的硬币连续旅行五年了,断断续续也有六年时间了。

6、The recession has certainly come with more problems than Andrea anticipated, but she remains unfailingly optimistic. ─── 经济衰退带来的问题当然比安德里亚预期的要多,但她始终保持乐观。

7、This classy and handy machine makes life a little easier for your dear ones by serving them hot piping Espresso or Cappuccino every single morning unfailingly. ─── 一张圣诞贺卡或许诚意十足,但是男人真正喜欢的礼物又有谁能了解?以下是为男人精挑细选的圣诞礼物,让男人女人欢欢喜喜过圣诞。

8、Kolakowski warns that his little book is not intended as "philosophy in a pill" and indeed, though he is unfailingly lucid, he never oversimplifies. ─── 科拉柯夫斯基警告说他的小书不是要作为“哲学药丸”,实际上,虽然他绝对地明白易懂,但从来没有过分简单化。

9、From that day on, I often encountered Marguerite at the theatre or on the Champs-Elysees. She was unchangingly gay and I was unfailingly quickened by the same emotions. ─── 从此以后,我经常在剧院里,在香榭丽舍大街遇见玛格丽特,她一直是那样快活;而我始终是那样激动。

10、She was unfailingly courteous and helpful. ─── 她无论什么时候都彬彬有礼,乐于助人。

11、When accidents as tramcar slipping happen in railway laneway,stopblocks can unfailingly stop it.And in the normal run,stopblockst can open or close automatically and don't influence the transport. ─── 它安装坚固的挡车器,使轨道运输发生跑车能可靠阻挡,且正常运行时,挡车器能自动开启和关闭,不影响行车正常通行。

12、How to ensure it to run unfailingly is an important demand in the design of the control system of the high frequency electronic knife. ─── 本文主要从硬件和软件2个方面简单介绍了高频电刀控制系统的抗干扰方法和措施。

13、Even though the Naboo politicians seemed unfailingly polite, he could never quite get a straight answer out of anyone. ─── 尽管纳布政治家个个都表现得彬彬有礼,但马诺朗总也不能从任何人口中得到一条明确答复。

14、unfailingly upright ─── 一贯正直的

15、Confirm here tomorrow noon latest unfailingly ─── 最迟请于明日中午以前确认,勿误。

16、The doctor was unfailingly punctual for his appointments. ─── 这位医生总是可靠地准时见病人。

17、unfailingly loyal/polite ─── 一贯地忠心耿耿/彬彬有礼

18、Also imagine that no matter how rude, unhappy, irritated, or ornery the voices are on the other end of the line, these young Indians are incessantly and unfailingly polite. ─── 也可以设想不管电话那头的声音多么粗鲁、不悦、恼怒或争吵,这些年轻的印度人不倦的保持礼貌。

19、The error message box must be unfailingly polite. It must never even hint that the user caused this problem, because that is simply not true from the user's perspective. ─── 因此错误消息框必须要时刻对人有礼貌,而无论如何也不能指责,甚至暗示是使用者造成的这个错误,因为从使用者的角度来看根本不是这么回事。

20、Mrs Bush has been unfailingly supportive of her daughters. ─── “我想,和所有的父母一样,孩子们开心,父母就开心。

21、For starters, he is unfailingly polite and accommodating. ─── 作为一个先发投手,他这麽的有礼貌而且平易近人。

22、Through the adoption of sons God had enabled man so generously and bountifully to know him as Father, to love him with his whole heart, and to follow his Word unfailingly. ─── 并慷慨地赐予人以义子的地位,使人认天主为父,全心孝爱祂,并专心追随祂的圣言。

23、After being strictly checked by the inspection and quarantine officials, these live domestic fowls and animals from the Pearl River Delta Region will be exported to markets in Macau unfailingly. ─── 经过检验检疫人员的严格检查,这些产自珠三角地区的活禽畜被源源不断地输往澳门市场。

24、Although unaggressive and unfailingly polite, the Fayed heir was " a complete pain in the backside " with no concept of time-keeping, yet petulant at necessary delays. ─── 虽然法耶德家族的这位继承人总是温和、有礼,但简直让他感觉"如芒刺在背",因为多迪毫无时间概念,却还为必然的延误发脾气。

25、Even though the Naboo politicians seemed unfailingly polite, he could never quite get a straight answer out of anyone. ─── 尽管纳布政治家个个都表现得彬彬有礼,但马诺朗总也不能从任何人口中得到一条明确答复。

26、It has voltage and current controlling loops, under the control of them, it can output constant power, so high pressure sodium Lamp can work unfailingly and steadily. ─── 该电子镇流器由电流电压控制环,在双环控制下使其输出恒功率,从而使高乐钠灯可靠稳定的工作。

27、Whenever he grew tired of his constant travels and returned home, he would unfailingly argue with his family, though they always resolved their differences at the end. ─── 寅大部份时间都在旅途中,他偶尔鸟倦回家,但总与家人大吵,然后又和好如初。

28、Firstly, you are a kind, unfailingly patient and humorous woman. ─── 希望男孩子性格稳定,不要喜怒无常和花言巧语,最最欣赏行胜于言的。

29、As he had served unfailingly, the servant was remembered in his master's will as a reward. ─── 由于仆人忠实可靠地服务,主人在遗嘱中提出遗赠作为报酬。

30、It never hurts to point out how much you appreciate the small services and tasks that someone unfailingly performs. ─── 去表达自己对小事帮忙、以及某人总是顺利完成的任务自己的欣赏再怎么多也不过分。

31、it is a manipulative, adjustive , unfailingly practical quality - one of the most eminent and endearing of the animal virtues. ─── 它是一种控制、调节、绝对实际的品质——动物品行中最出众和最受宠的一种。

32、Although unaggressive and unfailingly polite, the Fayed heir was "a complete pain in the backside" with no concept of time-keeping, yet petulant at necessary delays. ─── 虽然法耶德家族的这位继承人总是温和、有礼,但简直让他感觉“如芒刺在背”,因为多迪毫无时间概念,却还为必然的延误发脾气。

33、To reward unfailingly ─── 报施不爽

34、An unfailingly patient leader and guide. ─── 一位一向颇具耐心的领导者和引路人

35、Under the regime of the proletariat, our workers have unfailingly displayed high political consciousness and enthusiasm for labour ─── 在无产阶级政权下面,工人的政治觉悟和劳动积极性一直很高。

36、The river supplies water to the city unfailingly. ─── 这条河经久不衰地为这个城市供水。

37、unfailingly courteous ─── 一贯谦恭有礼.

38、5 The LORD within her is just, who does no wrong; Morning after morning he renders judgment unfailingly, at dawn. ─── 但上主在她中间是正义的,从不行不义;他每天早晨施行审判,有如不消散的光明,他全不认识可耻的邪恶。

39、To recompense unfailingly ─── 报应不爽

40、The book says it has been reluctant to comment on their scrapes but Mr Bush has expressed some impatience.Mrs Bush has been unfailingly supportive of her daughters. ─── 这本书不愿对她们的窘境做任何评价,但是布什表现出有点着急,而布什夫人仍然是女儿们永远的支持者。

41、When praised for his services to the Confederacy, he unfailingly replied that blockading was a business with him. ─── 思嘉知道瑞德对艾希礼没有什么太高的评价,而且毫不关心他最近当上了少校的这件事。

42、when an apple is tossed into the air, it unfailingly returns to the earth. The secret behind the phenomenon is the force of gravity. ─── 当苹果仍向天空时,它一定会落回地面。这个现象背后的秘密就是地球重力。

43、when an apple is tossed into the air, it unfailingly returns to the earth. The secret behind the phenomenon is the force of gravity. ─── 当苹果仍向天空时,它一定会落回地面。这个现象背后的秘密就是地球重力。

44、His relations with colleagues, differences of opinion notwithstanding, were unfailingly friendly. ─── 他与同事们尽管有意见分歧,但关系一直很融洽。

45、unfailingly positive, stout at altitude, and seemingly resistant to cold. ─── 他们健壮顽强,在高海拔地带生活得极富生气,而且似乎十分耐寒。

46、It never hurts to point out how much you appreciate the small services and tasks that someone unfailingly performs. ─── 去表达别人细心和不倦帮助的欣赏吧,再怎么多也不过分。

47、He was unfailingly polite to customers. ─── 他对顾客永远都彬彬有礼。

48、But the easy, complacent distance that informs much historical filmmaking is almost entirely absent from this supremely intelligent, unfailingly honest movie. ─── 不过令人发笑甚至滑稽无比的一点就是:一个专制国家居然称自己为“民主共和国”,其本质简直是既荒谬又邪恶。

49、FOR more than a quarter-century, the dominant idea guiding economic policy in the United States and much of the globe has been that the market is unfailingly wise. ─── 四分之一多世纪以来,指导美国和世界许多地方经济政策的主导思想一直都是:市场是聪明的,绝不会出错。

50、There are no undervalued stocks, these theorists argue, because there are smart security analysts who utilize all available information to ensure unfailingly appropriate prices. ─── “如果价格完全反应既有的资讯,则这类的投资技巧将不存在。”

51、(2) messages that can unfailingly guarantee that the contents remain complete and unaltered from the time when they are finally generated. ─── (二)能够可靠地保证自最终形成时起,内容保持完整、未被更改。

52、Perhaps for the same reason, in any labour dispute Donahue unfailingly supported organized labour, never favouring business even if labour excesses were involved. ─── 可能是出于同样的原因,在任何劳工纠纷中,唐纳休总是支持劳工组织,从来不给企业好脸看,哪怕劳工的行为确实过火。

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