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ridged 发音

英:[rɪdʒd]  美:[rɪdʒd]

英:  美:

ridged 中文意思翻译




ridged 词性/词形变化,ridged变形

动词第三人称单数: ridges |动词过去分词: ridged |动词过去式: ridged |动词现在分词: ridging |

ridged 短语词组

1、ridged wheel ─── 脊形轮

2、Ridged eye flounder ─── 刺眼比目鱼

3、ridged roof ─── 隆起的屋顶

ridged 常用词组

mountain ridge ─── 山岭;山脊;山梁

alveolar ridge ─── [医]牙槽嵴

ridge line ─── 山脊线;甲板中线;分水岭

ridged 相似词语短语

1、ridded ─── v.使摆脱,使去掉;n.(Rid)(俄、德、英、美)里德(人名)

2、fidged ─── n.坐立不安的人;坐立不安的习惯或状态;vi.抽筋

3、abridged ─── adj.删节的;削减的;v.缩短;减少;删去(abridge的过去分词)

4、ridgel ─── 单睾丸动物

5、bridged ─── adj.桥接的;v.架桥;渡过;横跨……之上;缩小(差距)(bridge的过去式和过去分词)

6、Bridgend ─── n.布里真德(英国国会选区)

7、ridges ─── n.(ridge的复数)山脊,隆起的纹路;n.(Ridges)人名,(英)里奇斯

8、ridge ─── n.山脊;山脉;屋脊;vt.使成脊状;作垄;vi.成脊状;n.(Ridge)人名;(英)里奇

9、ridger ─── n.起垄犁

ridged 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The low land should be ridged before they are used. ─── 低地在使用前应先整成交替的垄和沟。

2、A sharp, ridged hill. ─── 尖削的小山,突出的小山

3、Branchlets dark grayish brown, terete or obtusely ridged. ─── 小枝黑的淡灰棕色,圆柱状或者钝成脊状。

4、He had been surprised to learn that Fisher, several years older, was a similar mix of ethnicities; part Chinese-you could see it in his eyes, narrow drops of oil beneath a ridged brow-part Brazilian. ─── 凯文在体育馆里认识的费蛇耳,费蛇耳正躺在凳子上举重,凯文斗胆提出帮费增加重量()这些砝码大的象下水道的井盖。

5、decorated ridged edge wash basin ─── 彩花卷边脸盆

6、"carambola:an ornamental evergreen tree (averrhoa carambola), native to southeast asia and having crisp, edible, yellow to orange, longitudinally ridged fruits that are star-shaped in cross section." ─── 五敛子,阳桃:一种(阳桃阳桃属)属装饰性常青乔木,原产于亚洲东南部,其果实松脆,可食,呈黄色或桔红色,纵向上隆起,截面呈星状。

7、A utensil with a conical, ridged projection, used for extracting citrus-fruit juice. ─── 果汁压榨器一种常有圆锥突出物的器具,突出物上有脊凸,用以榨取果汁

8、Meanwhile, 22-year-old HS feels creeped out by contact with a textured glove, disgust at wax and fleece, disappointed by corduroy but calmed by ridged plastic. ─── 与此同时, 22岁的HS女性在戴粗糙有纹的手套时就会有种虫子在手上爬时让人起鸡皮疙瘩的感觉。她对与蜡和羊毛质感十分厌恶,对灯心绒也很不满意。

9、a utensil with a conical ridged center that is used for squeezing juice from citrus fruit. ─── 有从柑橘类水果榨果汁的圆形皱状心孔的器具。

10、Branchlets terete or obtusely ridged, slender, pendulous. ─── 小枝圆柱状或者钝使成脊状,细长,下垂。

11、single ridged waveguide ─── 单脊波导

12、Analysis of effects of trains on cutoff frequency rectangular tunnel with ridged waveguides method ─── 列车对矩形隧道电磁波传输影响带脊波导分析

13、Young branchlets castaneous, longitudinally ridged and sulcate, glabrous; ─── 幼枝栗色,纵向脊和具槽,无毛;

14、If low lands must be used for the bean crop, they should be ridged. ─── 如果低地必须用于种植豆类作物,就必须把地整成交替的垄和沟。

15、Young branchlets castaneous when dry, terete or ridged, longitudinally sulcate, densely pubescent or glabrous; ─── 幼枝干燥时栗色的,圆柱状或使成脊状,纵向具槽,密被短柔毛的或的无毛的;

16、If low lands must be used for the bean crop, they should be ridged. ─── 如果低地必须用于种植豆类作物, 就必须把地整成交替的垄和沟。

17、It shall be the new generation that shall pave the way to another dream that is less ridged and more capable of further ascension in Europe. ─── 正是这些年轻的一代,将在前方为欧洲开辟进入新梦想的道路,那是更少僵化并能更进一步提升的。

18、Any of several wild goats of the genus Capra,especially C. ibex,native to mountainous regions of Eurasia and northern Africa and having long,ridged,backward-curving horns. ─── 巨角塔尔羊一种山羊属的野羊,尤指大角野山羊,原产于欧亚和北非的山区,长有隆起的、向后弯曲的长角。

19、Leaves with petiole 13-20 cm, axis terete, slightly ridged adaxially, concolorous with branches; ─── 正面的叶柄13-20厘米,轴圆柱状,稍具脊,两面同色的具分枝;

20、Surfaces may be fairly smooth or irregular, hummocky or ridged. ─── 其表面也许是相当平滑或不规则,成波形或背状。

21、This paper describes the application of finite element method for obtaining the cutoff wavelength, field pattern and bandwidth in ridged waveguide of ridge on the short side, gives the specific equation of related parameter to the subject. ─── 摘要提出用有限元方法分析位于窄边的脊波导主模的截止波长和场结构图以及单模带宽特性,推导出用有限元法计算相关参数的计算公式。

22、My fingernails were ridged, thicker and brittle.....now there is a demarcation line on every nail, where the newer nail is smooth and supple. ─── 我的手指甲曾经变得双薄又脆又糙,但是现在好了,手指甲上有条分界线了,下面新生的新指甲又光滑又柔软。

23、A printer that forms dot matrix characters by means of linear, ridged print hammers that impact paper and ribbon against a helical ridge on a rotating cylinder. ─── 一种采用线性脊纹打印锤的点阵字符打印机,打印时打印锤撞击紧贴在螺旋脊纹旋转圆筒上的纸和色带。

24、An ornamental evergreen tree(Averrhoa carambola), native to southeast Asia and having crisp, edible, yellow to orange, longitudinally ridged fruits that are star-shaped in cross section. ─── 五敛子,阳桃一种(阳桃阳桃属)属装饰性常青乔木,原产于亚洲东南部,其果实松脆,可食,呈黄色或桔红色,纵向上隆起,截面呈星状

25、The eigenvalues and cut-off wavelengthes of double ridged waveguide are computed and analyzed by Finite Element Method(FEM). ─── 本文主要运用电磁场有限元方法来分析计算脊波导的特征值以及截止波长。

26、Current year's branchlets castaneous, stout, longitudinally ridged, glabrous; ─── 当年小枝栗色,坚固,纵向使成脊状,无毛;

27、An ornamental evergreen tree(Averrhoa carambola),native to southeast Asia and having crisp,edible,yellow to orange,longitudinally ridged fruits that are star-shaped in cross section. ─── 五敛子,阳桃一种(阳桃阳桃属)属装饰性常青乔木,原产于亚洲东南部,其果实松脆,可食,呈黄色或桔红色,纵向上隆起,截面呈星状。

28、rachis wingless, sometimes ridged or sulcate, pubescent or glabrescent; ─── 无翼的轴,有时成脊状或者具槽,具短柔毛或脱落无毛;

29、Most humans are very ridged in their existence. ─── 大多数人类都是非常僵化的。

30、ridged roof ─── 人字屋顶

31、The realistically styled dong is pliable and soft, with a prominent head, ridged shaft, and firm testicles for maximum pleasure. ─── 实际地被称呼的东是韧劲和软,与最大乐趣的一个突出的头、山脊轴和坚定的睾丸最大的乐趣。

32、The machine is hydraulically driven and structure with steel welded plate.This structure has enough ridged. ─── 本机床采用液压传动,机架为钢板焊接结构,有足够刚性和强度。

33、double - ridged horn antenna ─── 双脊喇叭天线

34、Application of FDTD to Ridged Wave-guide Filled With Divisional Dielectric ─── FDTD在分区填充脊波导中的应用

35、pyrenes 4, ellipsoidal, ca. 6 mm, ca. 4 mm in diam., abaxially irregularly striate and slightly sulcate, laterally irregularly longitudinally ridged and deeply sulcate, endocarp stony. ─── 果核4,椭圆体,大约6毫米,直径约4毫米,背面不正规具条纹和有点具槽,纵向脊和具深槽,内果皮石质的侧面不正规。

36、For lessening the damage to corn caused by flooding, ridged culture is usually adopted in southern Taiwan.Two rows are planted on each ridge. ─── 为减轻玉米涝害,台湾南部地区常采用垄作方法种植玉米。

37、The paper analyzed an S-band single ridged waveguide antenna used for near field measure by FDTD method and microwave transmition line theory. ─── 本文采用FDTD方法以及微波传输线理论对一个用于近场测量、工作在S波段的单脊波导天线进行了分析。

38、The ridged portion stimulates your clitoris and its superior design allows you to satisfy your partner at just the right angle. ─── 脊部分刺激你的阴蒂,并以其优越的设计,让您满意的合作伙伴,光是直角。

39、The bone itself is also less ridged and therefore less subject to breaking and can “bend” more greatly in the event of an impact. ─── 水晶骨头本身也更柔软,因此更不容易骨折并能在受到冲击时更大“弯曲”。

40、Fruit a small nut, with persistent perianth at apex, exocarp dry, membranous [rarely fleshy], endocarp bony or slightly rigid, usually ridged; ─── 果一小的坚果,具宿存花被在先端,外果皮干燥,膜质[很少肉质],内果皮骨质或者有点硬,通常成脊状;

41、His forehead was ridged with anxiety ─── 他的前额因焦虑而布满了皱纹。

42、ribs 5, prominent, all ridged to very narrowly sinuate-winged; ─── 棱5,突出,全部脊状到非常狭具深波状具翅;

43、ridged sweep ─── 培垄铲

44、A utensil with a conical, ridged projection, used for extracting Citrus - fruit juice. ─── 果汁压榨器一种常有圆锥突出物的器具,突出物上有脊凸,用以榨取果汁

45、Methods: Two constructs were compared, a double-ridged and a non-ridged slab. ─── 方式:将双脊和无脊板进行比较。

46、if low lands must be used for the bean crop, they should be ridged. ─── 如果低地必须用于种植豆类作物,就必须把地整成交替的垄和沟。

47、This stone is hard, round, dark brown appearing ridged or corrugated seed, have a annular groove around the core, like encloses a nutlike stone with an edible seed. ─── 古代传说鬼畏桃,胡桃是扫除不祥的辟邪宝物,此石胜似桃符!佩带桃核,可美容养颜,愿您有桃花人面,桃夭柳媚之姿!

48、Shaped like or having a carina or keel; ridged. ─── 象脊或龙骨的,有脊或龙骨的;成脊状突起的。

49、Under scanning electron microscopy, the ridged surfaces of the palps of the 2 bivalves are folded into deep ridges and grooves, and the cilia is robust. ─── 扫描电镜下,2种贝唇瓣的褶皱面呈现沟和嵴,纤毛浓密;光滑面纤毛较少。

50、Young branchlets castaneous-purple, longitudinally ridged, glabrous; ─── 幼枝栗色紫色,纵向脊,无毛;

51、A body structure or an organ resembling a comb, as the ridged part of the eyelid of reptiles and birds. ─── 梳膜,栉膜一种作为爬行动物或鸟类眼脸突起部分的象梳子一样的身体结构或器官

52、As we stated above, it is probably a good thing that genetics are so ridged, or some might have grown bunny fur or horse hair upon their skin in the ascent to date otherwise. ─── 就如我们上面指出的,基因是如此刚性也许是一件好事,否则有些人可能会在至今的提升中在皮肤上长出褐色的兔毛或马毛。

53、Branchlets grayish brown when dry, ridged. ─── 小枝淡灰棕色被干燥时,成脊状。

54、ridged wheel ─── 凸缘轮

55、ridged basin ─── 卷边脸盆

56、a body structure or an organ resembling a comb,as the ridged part of the eyelid of reptiles and birds ─── 一种作为爬行动物或鸟类眼脸突起部分的象梳子一样的身体结构或器官

57、Use them to turn meat on a ridged grill pan, to toss salads, mix pasta with sauce and rotate cake and pie tins in the oven. ─── 使用夹钳翻转烤架上的食物,搅拌沙拉,使意大利面充分沾有肉酱,将烤箱里的蛋糕和苹果派翻面。

58、A Simplified Design of Wide Band Ridged Horn Antenna ─── 宽带加脊喇叭天线的简化设计

59、The method rnay also be used to calculating the trausmit-ting characteristics of ridged waveguide and other heteromophic waveguide loaded rectaugular metal. ─── 本方法也可以计算带脊波导和其它矩形金属加载的异形波导的传播特性。

60、Branchlets obtusely ridged, slender, usually pendulous. ─── 小枝钝使成脊状,细长,通常下垂。

61、A semiwild hog of the southeast United States, having a narrow body with a ridged back. ─── 尖背半野猪一种产于美国东南部的半野猪,身体瘦小,脊背突出

62、expanding ridged tractor roller ─── 可拖拉扩张式凸纹滚柱

63、Most humans are very ridged in their existence. ─── 大多数人类都是非常僵化的。

64、a utensil with a conical,ridged projection,used for extracting citrus-fruit juice ─── 一种常有圆锥突出物的器具,突出物上有脊凸,用以榨取果汁

65、quadruple - ridged rectangle waveguide. ─── 四脊矩形波导

66、double ridged waveguide ─── 双脊波导

67、branches striate-ridged, sometimes minutely verruculose. ─── 分枝具条纹状脊,有时微小的。

68、Perhaps those reaping large gains off of the system do not desire the system to change; however the reality is that that pyramidal dream is so ridged that it cannot flow into a new dream. ─── 也许那些从该体系中收获了丰厚利润的人们并不希望体系改变;然而实际上,是金字塔如此僵化而无法流进一个新梦想之中。

69、We don't like the rim. The rim should be ridged. ─── 我们不喜欢这样的盘边,盘边必须是脊状的。

70、Any of several wild goats of the genus Capra, especially C. ibex, native to mountainous regions of Eurasia and northern Africa and having long, ridged, backward-curving horns. ─── 巨角塔尔羊:一种山羊属的野羊,尤指大角野山羊,原产于欧亚和北非的山区,长有隆起的、向后弯曲的长角

71、The best way to catch them is to use a small spinning reel on a 12 foot jig pole ridged with 6 pound line. ─── 最佳的方式捉住他们将使用在一根12只脚夹具杆的一个小转动的卷轴山脊与6磅线。

72、Any of several African antelopes of the genus Kobus, having curved, ridged horns and frequenting swamps, rivers, and other bodies of water. ─── 水羚羚羊属的几种非洲羚羊之任一种,生有弯曲和脊状的角,常出没于沼泽、河流和其它水体

73、If it is from the trunk of the tree, it will be ridged like mineral grid work, or the grid work for one's bones. ─── 如果是树干的晶格层,那么它就会象矿石晶格层或人类骨骼的晶格层一样坚硬。

74、any of several large African antelopes of the genus Kobus having curved ridged horns and frequenting e.g. swamps and rivers ─── 捻角羚属的几种大型非洲羚羊,有弯曲的脊状角,时常出没于比如沼泽和河流地区

75、double- ridged horn ─── 双脊喇叭

76、7. any of several large African antelopes of the genus Kobus having curved ridged horns and frequenting e.g. swamps and rivers. ─── 捻角羚属的几种大型非洲羚羊,有弯曲的脊状角,时常出没于比如沼泽和河流地区。

77、Branches sometimes pendulous, terete, youngest parts ridged. ─── 枝有时下垂,圆柱状,成脊状的幼嫩部分。

78、I dressed up in full police woman garb, complete with a ridged baton and handcuffs. ─── 于是在他的一个生日,我决定给他一份特别的献祭。

79、The Watts Series TDV valve bodies have anti-rotation lugs on the inlet and outlet. These lugs, combined with the Watts Flange Adapters, provide a ridged rotation free installation. ─── 在进口和出口处,美国瓦茨系列TDV阀体有反旋转凸耳。这些凸耳,结合美国瓦茨法兰适配器,提供无旋转安装功能。

80、In order to solve the problem of cutoff frequency of rectangular ridged waveguide,effects of trains on cutoff frequency in rectangular tunnel are analyzed by using ridged waveguides method. ─── 为求解矩形正脊波导的截止频率问题,把求解矿井隧道中存在列车时的电磁波传播特性问题归结为求解矩形正脊波导截止频率的问题。

81、Rigatoni is usually ridged and the tube's end does not terminate at an angle, like penne. ─── 大通心粉通常是有脊状线且管子的尾端没有任何有角度的尾端,像尖面通心面。

82、broadband ridged horn antenna ─── 宽带加脊喇叭天线

83、"First-year ice has normally a smoother surface than multi-year ice, which tends to have rougher, ridged surfaces," says Pedersen. ─── "一般来讲,第一年冰较多年冰冰面更平整,这样一来,熔体池就能最大限度的铺开在冰面上,从而吸收更多的太阳辐射,这样就进一步加速了冰川的熔化.

84、african antelope with ridged curved horns; moves with enormous leaps ─── 有成脊状的、弯曲的角的非洲羚羊;以大步跳跃而行

85、Optimum design of voltage standing - wave ratio for Xc - Band double - ridged horn ─── Xc波段双脊喇叭驻波比优化设计

86、There are a lot of spherial granules, which are mucous cells, on the smooth surfaces and near the free edge of the ridged surfaces of the palps in C.gigas. ─── 太平洋牡蛎唇瓣褶皱面的游离边缘部分和光滑面有大量的球状突起,这是杯状细胞所在处。

87、African antelope with ridged curved horns; moves with enormous leaps. ─── 有成脊状的、弯曲的角的非洲羚羊;以大步跳跃而行。

88、Branchlets grayish white, ridged. ─── 小枝浅灰色白色,成脊状。

89、Branches gray, slightly ridged and furrowed, subglabrous, lenticels inconspicuous. ─── 分枝灰色,稍具脊并且棱槽,近无毛,不明显的皮孔。

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