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09-13 投稿



inadvisable 发音

英:[ˌɪnədˈvaɪzəb(ə)l]  美:[ˌɪnədˈvaɪzəb(ə)l]

英:  美:

inadvisable 中文意思翻译



inadvisable 反义词


inadvisable 词性/词形变化,inadvisable变形

名词: inadvisability |

inadvisable 同义词

disadvantageous | inexpedient | ill-advised | imprudent | foolish | impolitic |unwise | unadvisable | injudicious | ill-considered

inadvisable 短语词组

1、inadvisable unadvisable ─── 不明智的 ─── 不明智的

inadvisable 相似词语短语

1、inadmissible ─── adj.不许可的;难承认的

2、unadvisably ─── 不幸地

3、inadvisably ─── 不合时宜

4、inaidable ─── 不可否认的

5、advisably ─── adv.可取地;明智地

6、inadaptable ─── adj.不适合的;不能改写的

7、advisable ─── adj.明智的,可取的,适当的

8、inadvisableness ─── 不可察觉的

9、unadvisable ─── adj.不适宜的;不明智的;不听劝告的

inadvisable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、6.It is inadvisable to enter the bath(s) when intoxicated, with an empty stomach, or after a filling meal. ─── 6 酒醉、空腹及饱食后,不宜入浴。

2、Were I to answer the director's question now, I would say that not speaking is probably inadvisable in this age of shareholder activism. ─── 如果现在让我来回答那位董事的问题,我会说,在这个股东积极维权的时代里,不说话也许是失策的。

3、Running on the ice is inadvisable. ─── 在冰上奔跑是不被允许的

4、second, it is sometimes inadvisable to fight when the force confronting us, though not so large, is very close to other enemy forces; ─── 第二是当面敌人虽不多,但它和邻近敌人十分密接,也有时不好打;

5、28."It is generally inadvisable to eject directly over the area you just bombed." ─── 一般来讲,直接降落在刚刚被轰炸过的区域是不明智的。

6、11. This working method, which is related to that used especially for running movements, is inadvisable. ─── 这个“分片包干”的工作方法,是同那种专搞运动的方法有关,是不好的。

7、Large Scale Reclamation Inadvisable to Agricultural and Pasturing Interlaced Zone in Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia and Shaanxi ─── 甘宁蒙陕农牧交错区不宜大规模开垦

8、Since the complexity and uncertainty, static design used for underground engineering is inadvisable, so dynamic informative design for tunnel support is introduced. ─── 摘要由于地下工程环境的复杂性和不确定性,采用的静态信息设计方法存在着明显的缺陷。

9、It was thought highly inadvisable for young women to go there alone. ─── 人们认为年轻女子独自去那里是极不妥当的。

10、However, a great appreciation of RMB, as well as its considerable depreciation, is inadvisable. ─── 但是,由于我国的汇率政策传导机制已经中断,人民币不宜大幅贬值,更不宜大幅升值。

11、(medicine) any indication or symptom that makes it inadvisable to employ a particular procedure or treatment. ─── (医学)表明使用某一特殊过程或治疗不可取的迹象或症状。

12、It's inadvisable for young ladies to lose weight by sacrificing health. ─── 年轻女士牺牲健康来减肥是不可取的。

13、It is Inadvisable to Bind Drawings of Science and Technology in Arrangement Work ─── 科技图纸整理不宜装订

14、1.make a treatment inadvisable. ─── 进行了不正确的治疗。

15、As for moving to eastern Hunan,it was certainly inadvisable for the main forces of the Red Army to do so unless there was a split among the ruling landlords of Hunan,Hupeh and Kiangsi Provinces. ─── 至于往湘东,在湘鄂赣三省豪绅政权尚未分裂之前,亦决不宜用红军的主力去。

16、9.It is inadvisable to be immersed in the hot spring above the heart. ─── 9 温泉浸泡高度不宜超过心脏。

17、unwise; ill-advised; inadvisable; indiscreet ─── 不明智

18、products quality was a global issue , the ministers said , it was inadvisable to overplay the quality issue of chinese exports. ─── 产品质量是各国共同面对的挑战,不应过度关注和夸大中国产品质量问题。

19、Upvaluation of Exchange Rate of Ren Ming Bi Is Inadvisable from "Overflow Domino Offect" ─── 从“溢出效应”论人民币汇率不宜升值

20、It is inadvisable to bring children on this trip. ─── 这次旅行带孩子不妥当。

21、It's inadvisable to establish too large-scale national tourist vacation areas in the opening stages. They should gradually develop from small to large. ─── 旅游度假区起步阶段规划不宜过大,应从小到大,逐步发展。

22、Most LDP leaders agree that the economic turmoil makes early polls inadvisable, and one is not due until next September. ─── 自民党的多数决策人一致认为是经济动荡造成了早起民调结果不理想,一直要等到明年9月才能彻底稳定首相的位子。

23、Upvaluation of the exchange rate of the RMB is inadvisable. ─── 人民币不宜升值。

24、An Exploration on TCM Treatment of Inadvisable Operation in Middle and Late Stages of Hepatocarcinoma ─── 不宜手术的中晚期肝癌中医药治疗方法探析

25、Development of self-cured fly ash small hollow block is inadvisable ─── 不宜发展自然养护粉煤灰小型空心砌块

26、sometimes, finding it inadvisable to fight in one place, they may have to disengage quickly and fight the enemy elsewhere. ─── 也有在这里不利于战斗,要立即脱离此敌转移到另一方向去进行战斗的。

27、The PDR for Herbal Medicines states that licorice is contraindicated (use is inadvisable) in people with chronic hepatitis, cholestatic liver disease, and cirrhosis. ─── 国际医生手则(PDR)在草药部分规定,禁忌对患有慢性肝炎、胆汁淤积性肝病和肝硬化的人使用甘草。

28、Ought to use basin Sheng Shui but be inadvisable to turn on the tap turning on the water irrigation; ─── 宜用盆子盛水而不宜开水龙头放水冲洗;

29、8.It is inadvisable to be immersed in the hot spring for more than 15 minutes at a time. ─── 8 浸泡温泉时间一次不宜超过十五分钟。

30、ALTERNATE AERODROME, An aerodrome to which an aircraft may proceed when it becomes either impossible or inadvisable to proceed to or land at the aerodrome of intended landing. ─── 备用机场,当不可能或不适宜在预选机场着陆时,可作着陆使用的场机。

31、sometimes,finding it inadvisable to fight in one place,they may have to disengage quickly and fight the enemy elsewhere ─── 也有在这里不利于战斗,要立即脱离此敌转移到另一方向去进行战斗的

32、fourth, it is inadvisable to continue an engagement in which there is no prospect of victory. ─── 第四是打而不能解决战斗时,不好再继续打。

33、It is inadvisable to have too much sugar in your diet. ─── 饮食中糖分太多是不可取的。

34、When they are young, they complain to husbands how the mothers are fastidious, but when they get old, they complain to sons how the wives are inadvisable. ─── 女人们年轻的时候对丈夫抱怨他们的母亲挑剔难伺候,老了以后对儿子抱怨他们的妻子不识大体。

35、Applying mosquito coil incense to household use relating to infant brain development is inadvisable. ─── 婴幼儿大脑尚未发育完善,因此,家庭不宜使用蚊香等.

36、It's Inadvisable to Set up Fonds For the Town and Township Organizations ─── 乡镇机关不宜分设全宗

37、293. The judge deemed it inadvisable to hear the appeal. ─── 法官认为听取这个上诉是不明智的。

38、The serum CA_(125),CEA and NES are of great value in differentiation diagnosis of lung benign from malignant disease,with CA_(199)inadvisable as a tumor marker. ─── 肿瘤标志物CA125、CEA、N SE在肺部良、恶性病变的鉴别诊断中有意义。 CA199不宜作为肺癌的肿瘤标志物临床应用。

39、It is inadvisable to let subconsciousness achieve in satisfied art. ─── 作者认为直觉主义放任意识流动,让潜意识支配创作是不足取的。

40、It is highly inadvisable to start a programme of studies in Austria without being assured of having the financing for the entire period. ─── 在没有确保有能够维持真个阶段的费用的情况下在奥地利学习是不妥当的。

41、Of course, it is inadvisable to have too many of the latter. ─── 游民成分太多,当然不好。

42、Taking Standard Error as the Standard for Comparing Two Kinds of Total Volume Difference Is Inadvisable in Forest Planning, Design and Inventory ─── 规划设计调查不宜采用标准误作为两种总体蓄积差值比较标准

43、It is inadvisable to rely only on the litigant lawsuit mode. ─── 采用完全的当事人主义诉讼模式是不可取的。

44、Hurdle rate A somewhat arbitrary rate of return, related to the current cost of borrowing money, set by a decisions. Below this limit, investment is normally considered inadvisable. ─── 临界获利率,最低预期资本回收率指政府或公司为了引导投资决策,结合现行借款费用制订的人为收益率。低于这个利率限度的投资通常被认为是不可取的。

45、Given the sensitive nature of the information in the keystore, even placing it on a shared network accessible file system is inadvisable. ─── 考虑到密钥存储库中信息的敏感性,即使将它放在可通过网络访问的共享文件系统中,也是不妥当的。

46、Poured concrete retains walls work well in the heavy or unstable soil and steep slopes, making other walls inadvisable. ─── 在重质或不稳定的土壤和陡峭的斜坡上,浇注混凝土挡土墙效果良好,让其他墙成为不明智的选择。

47、More common, but still inadvisable , are uses that contort an operator's "normal" meaning to force a fit to a given type. ─── 更常见但仍不可取的是,改变操作符的“正常”含义以强行适应给定类型。

48、More common, but still inadvisable, are uses that contort an operator's "normal" meaning to force a fit to a given type. ─── 更常见但仍不可取的是,改变操作符的“正常”含义以强行适应给定类型。

49、The doctor has diagnosed the local inflammation at the ankle in profile, but a prompt surgical treatment is inadvisable. ─── 结论为脚踝侧面局部发炎,立即进行手术是不可取的。

50、The doctor has diagnosed the local inflammation at the ankle in profile, but a prompt surgical treatment is inadvisable. ─── 结论为脚踝侧面局部发炎,立即进行手术是不可取的。

51、2.An overnight use of air conditioner in summer, closely relating with facial paralysis,is inadvisable. ─── 夏天开空调过夜很容易引起面部神经麻痹,因此最好不要通宵使用.

52、9.For people with photosensitivity disorders, or anyone with a personal or family history of non melanoma skin cancer, any amount of extra sun exposure would be inadvisable. ─── 对于有光敏症的人们,或者有个人或家族缺黑素瘤皮肤癌历史的人,不建议进行任何量的额外阳光照射。

53、inadvisable; undesirable ─── 不足取

54、It is inadvisable, therefore, to rely on the stability of high value resistors for the performance of a system. ─── 因此,让系统的性能依赖于高阻值电阻的稳定性的做法是不可取的。

55、Running on the ice is inadvisable . ─── 饮食中糖分太多是不可取的.

56、On the base of the principle of respecting human rights, it is inadvisable to fix negligent crime on the act that does not encroach upon legal benefits too grossly. ─── 根据尊重人权主义的原理,对于法益侵害并非严重的行为,不宜确定为过失犯罪;

57、For three days last week, it was inadvisable to leave the harbour. ─── 在上周的三天里,离开该港口是不明智的。

58、Those with enlarged thyroid should be given a modification in the case of Sarvangasana(Shoulder Balance) and Halasana (Plough) where full chin lock would be inadvisable. ─── 甲状腺肿大的学员在做肩倒立或者犁式体式时要适时调整体式,不要做完全的锁喉。

59、third, it is generally inadvisable to fight an enemy force that is not isolated and is strongly entrenched; ─── 第三,一般地说来,凡不孤立而占有十分巩固阵地之敌都不好打;

60、Then there are the sections of Suichuan, Linghsien and Yunghsin under our regime which are all hilly areas, and where the peasants are so poverty-stricken that any taxation is inadvisable. ─── 此外,遂川、酃县、永新各一部在割据区域内,都是山地,农民太苦,不好收税。

61、Her condition made surgery inadvisable. ─── 她的情况并不适合动手术。

62、is inadvisable to bring children on this trip. ─── 这次旅行带孩子不妥当。

63、an unnecessary and inadvisable action. ─── 没有必要而且失策的行动。

64、They readily destroy lactic acid bacteria, but are useless against coliforms and bacilli; for obvious reasons, the use of these compounds is regarded as strongly inadvisable in the dairy industry. ─── 它们可以迅速破坏乳酸菌,但对大肠杆菌和芽孢杆菌作用较低;由于明显的原因,这类化合物的使用显然不适用于乳品工业。

65、The net family is a game which is harmful to both health and morality of the young net game players’ ,and really an inadvisable activity for young people. ─── 对青少年的学习、生活、身心发育都有不良影响,这是一种对青少年不宜的游戏活动。

66、7.Generally, longer periods of sitting in tight cross-legged or kneeling postures are inadvisable. ─── 通常,长时间的双腿交叉背部挺直的坐姿或者跪姿是不合适的。

67、Functions of Share System Is Inadvisable to be Exaggerated ─── 股份制的功能不宜任意夸大

68、It is therefore inadvisable to use electrolytic, paper or plastic film capacitors for decoupling at high frequencies. ─── 这种结构的电容具有相当大的自感,而且当频率超过几兆赫时主要起电感的作用。

69、It was found that the inappropriate selection of materials as well as the inadvisable structure design and the inapposite welding caused the naphthenic acid corrosion at high temperat... ─── 并结合分析结果,提出了控制环烷酸腐蚀主要应选择耐环烷酸腐蚀的材料等措施。

70、Were I to answer the director's question now, I would say that not speaking is probably inadvisable in this age of shareholder activism. ─── 如果现在让我来回答那位董事的问题,我会说,在这个股东积极维权的时代里,不说话也许是失策的。

71、In the first place, it is inadvisable to fight when the force confronting us is too large; ─── 然而在我们面前有几种不好打的情形:第一是当面的敌人多了不好打;

72、And it is inadvisable to criminate the abettor separately by the aspect of legislation and judicature. ─── 在个罪意义的立法和司法操作中也不宜于对教唆犯单独定罪。

73、Of course,it is inadvisable to have too many of the latter. ─── 后者成分太多,当然不好。

74、The end result is as unrepeatable as it can be inadvisable. ─── 最终的结果因其可能失策而不可复制。

75、But you have time and again insisted upon having "no contact, no talks and no compromise", which I truly think inadvisable ─── 惟弟一再声言“不接触,不谈判,不妥协”,余期期以为不可。

76、(medicine) any indication or symptom that makes it inadvisable to employ a particular procedure or treatment ─── (医学)表明使用某一特殊过程或治疗不可取的迹象或症状

77、11.It is inadvisable for pregnant women, elderly persons who have difficulty moving, and children under the age of three to enter the bath(s). ─── 11 孕妇、行动不便老人及未满三岁之幼儿,不宜入浴。

78、It is Inadvisable to Regard All Calcareous Nanofossils in Hydrocarbon Source Rock as Mark for Hydrocarbon Source Rock of Marine Transgression or Paralic Origin ─── 不宜笼统地把钙质超微化石都当作海侵或海陆过渡相烃源岩的标志

79、An overnight use of air conditioner in summer, closely relating with facial paralysis, is inadvisable. ─── 夏天开空调过夜很容易引起面部神经麻痹,因此最好不要通宵使用。

80、It's inadvisable to overemphasize this point ─── 这一点不宜过分强调。

81、The infant under 1-year-old is inadvisable to drink leben. ─── 1岁以下的幼儿不宜喝酸奶。

82、It's most inadvisable for young people to be influenced by emotion in handling things, pay attention to avoid this. ─── 意气用事是年轻人的大忌,要注意避免。

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