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09-14 投稿



impersonating 发音

英:[ɪmˈpɜːsəneɪtɪŋ]  美:[ɪmˈpɜːrsəneɪtɪŋ]

英:  美:

impersonating 中文意思翻译



impersonating 词性/词形变化,impersonating变形

动词过去分词: impersonated |动词第三人称单数: impersonates |动词现在分词: impersonating |动词过去式: impersonated |名词: impersonation |

impersonating 同义词

coldly | impassively | detachedly | grayly | anonymously | distantly | neutrally | carefully | greyly | remotely | frostily | coolly |objectively

impersonating 反义词


impersonating 相似词语短语

1、personating ─── v.扮演,伪装,冒充(personate的现在分词)

2、impersonalise ─── 模仿

3、impersonalising ─── 非人格化

4、impersonalize ─── v.使......失去人格性,使......非人格化

5、impersonation ─── n.扮演;模仿;装扮

6、impersonality ─── n.非人格性;无人情味;与个人无关;冷静

7、impersonations ─── n.扮演;模仿;装扮

8、impersonate ─── vt.扮演;模仿;拟人,人格化

9、impersonalizing ─── v.使......失去人格性,使......非人格化

impersonating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Tennessee policeman has scared a suspect out of hiding by impersonating a dog. ─── 一名田纳西洲的警察日前扮狗叫吓倒了一名罪犯,让他从匿藏地乖乖地走出来。

2、When the national television announces a Tony Manero impersonating contest, he knows it's an opportunity to achieve his dream, being a successful showbiz star. ─── 偏执狂的性格,著魔般的执著,透过看似恣意的手持拍摄,幽微反映主角内心的混沌颠狂。

3、The intruders can take dictionary attacks on them and then impersonating legal users to access resources which only members have. ─── 攻击者可以利用字典攻击取得通行码,进一步地假冒合法使用者来存取只有会员才拥有权利读取的资源。

4、He was arrested for impersonating a police officer and once in jail, attacked one of the guards, who beat him senseless and stuffed him in solitary confinement. ─── 他曾因假冒警察被捕,又在狱中袭击一名狱警,那个狱警把他痛打了一顿,并把他关了禁闭。

5、impersonating value ─── 模仿值

6、impersonating attack ─── 伪装攻击

7、This problem would allow Green Dam's makers, or a third-party impersonating them, to execute arbitrary code and install malicious software on the user's computer after installing a filter update. ─── 绿坝的开发方,或是假装成开发方的第三方均有可能利用这一点,于安装过滤文件升级后在用户电脑上执行任意代码或是安装恶意软件。

8、In addition, she must be sure that the information really does originate from Bob and not from someone impersonating Bob. ─── 此外,她必须确定信息确实是发自小明而不是有人模仿小明发出的。

9、In this release, only the Open method will be called while impersonating the user. ─── 在此版本中,只有Open方法将在模拟用户时进行调用。

10、He is a man of religious convictions. He once did six months for impersonating a priest. ─── 他有着虔诚的宗教信仰,曾花六个月时间扮演一名牧师。

11、Do you often have instant communications software impersonating others, and made a joke with friends because feel very jolly? ─── 你是否时常在即时通讯软件上冒充他人,并因为与网友开了个玩笑而感到痛快无比?

12、When impersonating at this level, the impersonation token can be passed across only one machine boundary. ─── 当在该级别模拟时,模拟标记可以只横穿一个计算机边界。

13、Assault. Grand theft auto. Impersonating an officer. Mayhem. Theft. Resisting. ─── 指伤人、偷车、假扮警察、故意伤害、偷窃、拒捕罪行。

14、"In impersonating women, male actors speak and sing in a shrill falsetto, and as "flowers ", they wear "golden lilies", tiny wooden shoes designed to give the impression of daintiness." ─── 扮演女角时,男演员用很尖的假嗓念词唱曲,扮演花旦时他们穿的是"金莲",一种给人优雅感觉的木底小鞋。

15、But Jack is in fact cleverly impersonating one of them. ─── 但事实上,杰克正聪明地假冒他们其中一个人。

16、Spoofing means impersonating someone else to the computer. ─── 欺骗意味着模拟其他用户访问计算机。

17、Sydney must ally herself with Sloane in order to catch the man who has been impersonating him. ─── 雪儿再次与施龙合作,目的是要捉拿假冒他的人。

18、South Korean stars openly admit impersonating a different nationality while doing bad things in a foreigner country is patriotic.... ─── 陈致中赴日13次国安零纪录,立委:去干见不得人的事.

19、1)A prose or verse composition, especially one telling a serious story, that is intended for representation by actors impersonating the characters and performing the dialogue and action. ─── 戏剧:以散文或诗写成的,特别是叙述严肃的故事的,通过演员扮演人物角色,表演对话与动作来表现的作品

20、An attempt has been made to operate on an impersonation token by a thread that is not currently impersonating a client. ─── 尝试已取得经营上的模拟令牌由一个线程目前未模仿客户端。

21、When impersonating a principal by using the EXECUTE AS LOGIN statement, or within a server-scoped module by using the EXECUTE AS clause, the scope of the impersonation is server-wide. ─── 当使用EXECUTE AS LOGIN语句模拟主体或使用EXECUTE AS子句在服务器范围模块内模拟主体时,模拟的作用域为服务器范围。

22、Pinkley:[impersonating a General] Where are you from, son? ─── 平克利:(模仿将军)孩子,你是边从哪来的?

23、You know what the penalty for impersonating a soldier is? ─── 你知道冒充士兵要受的惩罚有多重吗?

24、Now, they're hacking into people's accounts and impersonating them to ask for money, usually with some weird sob story. ─── 现在,他们侵入人们的帐户,冒充这些人,通过一些怪异的骗取同情的故事向别人要钱。

25、Look out for Jacky Cheung impersonating Bruce Lee, very funny!! ─── 留心成龙模仿李小龙的那些部分,真的是很搞笑!

26、Japanese comedian group "The News Papers" member Akira Matsushita impersonating U.S. President Barack Obama at a studio performance in Tokyo, Japan, Wednesday, Jan. 21. (AP ─── 日本喜剧剧团“新闻”的团员松下,一月廿一日在日本东京的一家电视台模仿美国总统欧巴马。(美联社照片

27、He was returned to prison in 1977 for impersonating a police officer. ─── 他1977年因假扮一名警官再次入狱。

28、When impersonating at this level, the impersonation token can be passed across any number of machine boundaries. ─── 当在该级别模拟时,可以让模拟标记穿过任意数目的计算机边界。

29、I ought to be arrested for impersonating an officer. ─── 我假冒警官应该被捕。

30、Look up yourself and see if someone's impersonating you. ─── 你也可以查你自己看看是不是有人在模仿你的信息。

31、and all the pieces impersonating his ideas on the board were here as conspirators and sorcerers. ─── 每个创作者是绘图员,并且扮演他所构想的阴谋家和巫师。”

32、But actually she is in love with the slave Kunlun (Dong-Gun Jang), who is impersonating the general. ─── 昆仑的任务是保护国王不受外来刺客无欢和雪狼之害。

33、52.Managing a national team is similar to impersonating Homer Simpson watching TV, you sit down in front of a screen and watch the days go by while you do nothing. ─── 执教一个国家对就好像是模仿豪摩尔-辛普森看电视:你在屏幕前坐下,然后无所事事地看这日子一天天过去。

34、They do a pretty good job of impersonating Laurel and Hardy. ─── 他们扮演劳莱和哈代很成功。

35、Idea 2: Glyn tells Mark and Kathleen that somebody has been going around impersonating him and selling fake potions.Glyn gives Mark the antidote. ─── 想法二:葛林告诉马克和凯萨琳说,有人一直到处假冒他贩卖假药水,然后他就给了马克解药。

36、Is not specified, the original identity of the system administrator or database owner impersonating the user is reset. ─── 将重置模拟用户的系统管理员或数据库所有者的原始标识。

37、server impersonating ─── 服务器伪装

38、So there you have it. Someone's impersonating you, Goliath. ─── 那么你们知道了。有人在摹仿你们,哥利亚。

39、Qingcheng's love for the general (or Kunlun) is doomed whether or not she discovers that the former slave is impersonating his master. ─── 无论倾城是否发现大将军是个冒牌货,她的爱都注定没有好结果。

40、He gained entrance to the house by impersonating a local authority inspector ─── 他假冒地方当局检查员进入住宅

41、It's no wonder the local media fell madly in love with him: Lotito's such a character that in Italy there's a stand up comedian impersonating him in a famous TV program. ─── 这也解释了当地的媒体疯狂的追捧他的原因:一个著名的模仿秀节目,洛蒂托被人们塑造成一个喜剧形象。

42、Zhang Haitao, 28, who had been impersonating a police officer fo the past 3 years,. offering advice on traffic violation cases, was arrested Tuesday in Zhengzhou, Henan. ─── 现年28岁的张海涛在过去3年里冒充警察,协调违章车辆。3日,他在河南郑州被警方拘捕。

43、The man was accused of impersonating a officer. ─── 那个男人被控冒充官员。

44、On the one hand, I was impersonating a dog. ─── 一方面来说,我,一个正经人类,在冒充一只小狗。

45、He is a man of religious convictions. He once did six months for impersonating a priest. ─── 他有着虔诚的宗教信仰,曾花六个月时间扮演一名牧师。

46、Only the user that the module is impersonating needs to have permissions on the objects accessed by the module. ─── 只有模块模拟的用户需要具有模块所访问的对象的权限。

47、A man impersonating a police officer was arrested after he tried to pull over a motorist -- who turned out to be a real cop. ─── 一个假扮警官的人想让一个摩托车手靠边停车,结果这人是个真警察,于是他被捕了。

48、Weasley, still pink in the face as she helped her husband out of his cloak. "I mean, a Death Eater might have forced the answer out of you before impersonating you!" ─── 韦斯莱夫人说着帮丈夫脱下斗篷,她的脸仍然微微泛红,“我的意思是,食死徒会先逼你说出答案,然后再冒充你的!”

49、Any men caught impersonating women will be severely punished. ─── 如果有人化装成女士,一经发现便将受到重罚。

50、By impersonating, you can use database permissions to deny non-managers the ability to query for salary data. ─── 通过模拟,您可以使用数据库权限拒绝非管理人员查询工资数据的能力。

51、My hobbies are classical guitar and impersonating people on the internet. I like to steal their names and then sell fake guitars in their name. ─── 兴趣爱好:我的爱好是古典吉他以及在网路上冒名顶替,我喜欢窃用他们的名字然后用他们的名字贩卖假琴。

52、A man impersonating a police officer was arrested after he tried to pull over a motorist -- who turned out to be a real cop. ─── 一个假扮警官的人想让一个摩托车手靠边停车,结果这人是个真警察,于是他被捕了。

53、They do a pretty good job of impersonating Laurel and Hardy. ─── 他们扮演劳莱和哈代很成功。

54、A prose or verse composition,especially one telling a serious story,that is intended for representation by actors impersonating the characters and performing the dialogue and action. ─── 戏剧以散文或诗写成的,特别是叙述严肃的故事的,通过演员扮演人物角色,表演对话与动作来表现的作品。

55、A prose or verse composition, especially one telling a serious story, that is intended for representation by actors impersonating the characters and performing the dialogue and action. ─── 戏剧以散文或诗写成的,特别是叙述严肃的故事的,通过演员扮演人物角色,表演对话与动作来表现的作品

56、An unemployed man was sentenced to nine months imprisonment for conspiring to swindle money from an illicit oil station operator by impersonating as a Customs and Excise officer. ─── 一名无业男子,因假扮海关人员,向一名非法油站经营者骗取金钱,被判入狱九个月。

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