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09-14 投稿



haversian 发音


英:  美:

haversian 中文意思翻译



haversian 短语词组

1、Haversian spaces ─── [医] 哈弗氏腔(存在于正在发育的骨内)

2、haversian canals ─── 哈弗氏管

3、haversian canal lamella ─── 哈弗运河层板

4、haversian space ─── [医]harersian腔:存在于正在发育的骨中,同haversian calal (canalis nutricius ossis〔NA〕)

5、Haversian system ─── [医] 哈佛氏系统(骨小管四周的骨层同心性排列)

6、haversian canal ─── [医]Havers管:在致密骨哈弗系统中的自由吻合的小管

7、haversian canal gland ─── 哈弗管腺

8、Haversian glands ─── [医] 哈弗氏腺(滑液腺)

9、Haversian fringe ─── 哈弗氏绒毛,滑膜绒毛

10、Haversian canaliculi ─── [医] 哈弗氏小管

11、Haversian gland ─── [医] 哈弗氏腺(滑液腺)

12、haversian canal fringe ─── 哈弗西亚运河边缘

haversian 相似词语短语

1、Persian ─── n.波斯人;伊朗人;波斯语(同Farsi);波斯猫(同Persiancat);adj.波斯的;伊朗的;波斯人的;伊朗人的;波斯语的

2、haversack ─── n.干粮袋;背袋

3、havers ─── n.(Havers)人名;(英、德)哈弗斯

4、haversines ─── n.[数]半正矢

5、havering ─── n.(Havering)黑弗灵(伦敦东北部一自治市);v.(苏)说废话;(英)犹豫不决(haver的现在分词)

6、have in ─── 贮存

7、Haversian ─── adj.哈弗斯的;哈弗斯发现的

8、haversacks ─── n.干粮袋;背袋

9、haversine ─── n.[数]半正矢

haversian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The amount of Haversian lamella and diameter of central canal in human were the biggest; ─── 人骨哈佛骨板层数最多,哈氏系统直径最大;

2、haversian system ─── 哈弗氏系统

3、Haversian space ─── 哈佛(氏)腔:存在于正在发育的骨中

4、(2) There were significant differences in the structure of Haversian system between human and animal bones; ─── (2)人骨与狗、猪、牛、羊骨在哈氏系统结构方面有明显区别;

5、Blood vessels on the bone surface reach into the center of each Haversian system supplying the bone cells. ─── 在骨骼表层的血管进入每个提供骨细胞的哈弗斯系统的中心。

6、Haversian systems, each about one-sixtieth of an inch wide, make up the structure of compact bone. ─── 哈弗斯系统,弥补了每个大约六十分之一英寸的宽度密骨的构造。

7、Objective To explore the differences in Haversian system between human and animal bones through imaging analysis and morphology description. ─── 目的探讨人与狗、猪、牛、羊长骨的哈氏系统的形态特点、图像分析特点及其鉴别要点。

8、Haversian canal ─── 哈佛管哈佛氏管

9、Haversian glands ─── 哈弗氏腺滑液腺

10、Many professional test driver praised the performance of the new Haversian: unexpected, at the same venue to test other models, have not reached such an effect. ─── 很多专业试车手称赞新哈弗的表现:出乎意料,在同一场地测试其它车型时,都没有达到这样的效果。

11、2if the Poisson's ration of cylinder wall in the longitudinal directio was 1/2, the liquid in the Haversian canal wouldn't effect the mechanical behaviors of osteon; ─── 若筒壁的轴向泊松比为1/2,则哈弗氏管内的液体将不影响骨单元的力学行为;

12、Haversian canaliculus ─── 哈佛(氏)小管:在密质骨内与每个Havers管连接的任何微小的小管系统

13、haversian canal gland ─── 哈维腺

14、Section of compact ground bone - dry and unstained - showing cross - cuts of Haversian systems. ─── 密质骨横切面--未染色--显示哈佛氏系统的端面。

15、Decalcified bone with Haversian system cut longitudinally. Notice the central blood vessel and the many concentric bony lamellae around it. As always, osteocytes are trapped in their lacunae. ─── 脱钙骨片切片,示哈佛氏系统的纵切面。观察中央管内有血管走行,中央管周围,有多层骨板相环绕。骨细胞位于骨陷窝中。

16、Haversian lamella ─── 哈佛骨板

17、SEM indicated that the microstructure of Haversian system was destroyed under the impact of bone diagenesis. ─── 其骨组织的显微结构分析指出,成岩作用业已严重破坏了骨骼的哈佛氏系统结构。

18、haversian canal fringe ─── 滑膜绒毛

19、In the center of each system is an Haversian canal which carries blood vessels. ─── 每个哈佛氏系统的中央都有一个中央管,其内都有血管走行。

20、Objective To study the relationship between Haversian remodeling and bone regeneration in guided bone regeneration(GBR). ─── 目的观察研究引导性骨再生模型中皮质骨内哈弗系统再建及其作用。

21、Haversian spaces ─── [医] 哈弗氏腔(存在于正在发育的骨内)

22、The process of Haversian remodeling and regeneration was coupled in topography,time and size. ─── 哈弗系统中央管腔内的成骨细胞与周围骨修复组织中的成骨细胞相联系。

23、There were significant differences in the shape, size, location, density of Haversian system, between human and animal bones. ─── 人与狗、猪、牛、羊骨的哈氏系统在形状、大小、分布位置、均匀程度等方面存在明显差异;

24、Keywords bone defect healing;cortical bone;haversian system; ─── 骨缺损修复;皮质骨;哈佛氏系统;

25、Haversian gland ─── [医] 哈弗氏腺(滑液腺)

26、In life these canaliculi held the processes of osteocytes thus permitting diffusion of nutrients from the central blood vessels to the outer lamellae of the Haversian system. ─── 生活状态下,这些腔内有骨细胞和其突起,,这些结构可使营养成分由中央管向外周扩散,营养整个哈佛氏系统内的骨细胞。

27、The very dark blue at the lower left and right is spongy bone of the periosteal bone collar of the shaft.This will later be remodeled into Haversian systems of compact bone. ─── 图片右下方极深兰色的为骨领的松质骨成分,以后,包括骨领都会逐渐被重建改造为由骨单位构成的密质骨。

28、Haversian systems, each about one-sixtieth of an inch wide, make up the structure of compact bone. ─── 哈弗斯系统,弥补了每个大约六十分之一英寸的宽度密骨的构造。

29、Haversian remodeling in guided bone regeneration ─── 引导性骨再生模型中皮质骨哈弗系统再建及其作用

30、The relationship between radial distribution of Haversian canals and the stress status of on bone are analyzed. ─── 对哈佛氏管径向分布规律与骨受力状态之间的关系作了分析。

31、Haversian fringe ─── 哈弗氏绒毛滑膜绒毛

32、Haversian to fashion, science and technology, fine quality and brand value of the award-winning cost-effective. ─── 哈弗以时尚、科技、精美的品牌价值和优秀的性价比屡获殊荣。

33、Objective To explore the differences in Haversian system between human and animal bones through imaging analysis and morphology description. ─── 摘要目的探讨人与狗、猪、牛、羊长骨的哈氏系统的形态特点、图像分析特点及其鉴别要点。

34、Haversian canals, which run through the center of each Haversian system, contain the blood and lymphatic vessels supplying the bone. ─── 穿过每个哈弗斯系统中心的哈弗斯管,包含了供应给骨骼的血液以及淋巴血管。

35、Haversian canaliculi ─── [医] 哈弗氏小管

36、Detail of Haversian system, showing the tiny, spidery canaliculi extending from one lacuna to the next. ─── 高倍观察哈佛氏系统结构,可见如蜘蛛般结构的骨陷窝和骨小管彼此相连通。

37、haversian canals ─── 哈弗斯管(密质骨中之管)

38、In fact, before coming to China, the two Haversian University of Ireland is the award-winning and did not have any hope. ─── 事实上,在来中国前,这两位哈弗大学的高材生对获奖并没有抱什么希望。

39、gland of Haversian ─── 哈弗腺

40、You can see on the left that a central vascular channel (Haversian canal) is surrounded by concentric lamellae (layers) of bone. ─── 图右侧示一个骨单位:中央为中央管,其内有血管走行,中央管周围同心圆环绕的骨板。

41、The orientation and length of Haversian canals and the connection are measured or calculated. ─── 对三维模型进行测量、推算,得到了哈佛氏管走向、长度、微管连接密度等数据。

42、The third introduces the mechanical models of Haversian osteon. ─── 第三部分介绍了哈弗氏骨的力学模型。

43、In the Beijing Olympic Games, has been Haversian Romania, Croatia and other countries by selected as the official Olympic vehicles and incentives for car champion; ─── 在北京奥运会上,哈弗先后被罗马尼亚、克罗地亚等国家靠选定为奥运代表团官方用车和冠军奖励用车;

44、Section of compact ground bone - dry and unstained - showing cross-cuts of Haversian systems. ─── 密质骨横切面--未染色--显示哈佛氏系统的端面。

45、The endosteum lining the marrow cavity is therefore continuous with the endosteal linning of Haversian canals. ─── 骨髓腔的骨内膜与骨组织中的管腔内膜也是相连续的(包括中央管)。

46、Haversian canals, which run through the center of each Haversian system, contain the blood and lymphatic vessels supplying the bone. ─── 穿过每个哈弗斯系统中心的哈弗斯管,包含了供应给骨骼的血液以及淋巴血管。

47、Tissue fluid from the capillaries and connective tissue of the Haversian canal can seep through these spaces and channels, bringing nutrients to the stellate osteocytes residing there. ─── 来自于毛细血管和哈佛氏管结缔组织中的组织液可以通过这些管道将营养物质输送到骨陷窝营养骨细胞。

48、Great Wall will be launched the second half of the minimum displacement of 1.3L Haversian 1,1.3 L, 1.5L of Haversian 2. ─── 下半年长城还将推出国内最小排量1.3L的哈弗1,1.3L、1.5L的哈弗2。

49、haversian canal lamella ─── 哈维板

50、Blood vessels on the bone surface reach into the center of each Haversian system supplying the bone cells. ─── 在骨骼表层的血管进入每个提供骨细胞的哈弗斯系统的中心。

51、Keywords Haversian cannal Guided bone regeneration Calcium alginate film Bone defect; ─── 哈弗氏管;引导性骨再生;海藻酸钙膜;骨缺损;

52、In the center of each system is an Haversian canal which carries blood vessels. ─── 每个哈佛氏系统的中央都有一个中央管,其内都有血管走行。

53、Many dinosaur bones do have Haversian canals, and that is true. ─── 很多恐龙确实有哈弗森管,这是事实不能否认。

54、As successive lamellae are laid down, the cavity will gradually grow smaller, until eventually a new Haversian system with a narrow central canal will be formed. ─── 随着一层一层骨板的形成,腔隙越来越小,最后别为哈佛氏系统的中央管为止,一个新的骨单位建成了。

55、Comparation on Haversian System between Human and Animal Bones by Imaging Analysis ─── 人与狗、猪、牛、羊长骨哈氏系统图像分析的比较

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