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09-13 投稿



hyphae 发音

英:[ˈhaɪˌfiː]  美:[ˈhaɪfiː]

英:  美:

hyphae 中文意思翻译



hyphae 短语词组

1、coralloid hyphae ─── 珊瑚状菌丝

2、arbuscles hyphae ─── 丛枝菌菌丝

hyphae 词性/词形变化,hyphae变形

名词复数: hyphae |形容词: hyphal |

hyphae 相似词语短语

1、hyphenate ─── v.用连字符连接;用连字符分割(词语);n.(非正式)活跃于多个领域的人

2、hedyphane ─── n.砷钙铅矿

3、hyphen ─── n.连字号,连字符;v.以连字号连接,以连字符连接

4、hyphy ─── adj.极度吵闹的;n.嗨飞乐

5、nymphae ─── n.蛹;若虫(nympha的复数)

6、hypate ─── 炒作

7、hypha ─── n.菌丝

8、-phae ─── 斐

9、hyphal ─── adj.菌丝的

hyphae 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A solid mass of fungal hyphae, sometimes including host tissue, in which fruiting bodies may be produced. ─── 其上着生子实体,例如麦角菌的黑色密实子实体。

2、The hypha of P. parasitica and P. capsici were aberrance, twisted and cell wall was disintegrated. ─── 处理烟草黑胫病菌和辣椒疫霉病菌菌丝畸变、扭曲、菌丝壁消解;

3、Keywords Candida albicans;Hyphae;Yeast-form;Genes;fungal; ─── 念珠菌;白色;菌丝;酵母相;基因;真菌;

4、Some segments of hypha, swelled hypha, pelotons and conidiophore were in colonies in cork and secondary phloem. ─── 在美登木木栓层和次生韧皮部中分布有菌丝片段、膨大的菌丝、菌丝团及分生孢子;

5、Effect of Plastic Bag with Micro Air Vent on Hyphae Growth Rate of Pleurotus Ostreatus ─── 微通气塑料袋对侧耳菌丝生长的影响

6、Fungi are generally saprophytic or parasitic, and may be unicellular or composed of filaments (termed hyphae) that together comprise the fungal body or mycelium. ─── 在它们的生活史的任一阶段都未发现鞭毛。

7、All lack septate hyphae and are commonly coenocytic; spores are formed by asexual means. ─── 所有缺乏隔膜的菌丝是通用的多核细胞的;孢子通过非性方式产生。

8、107 cases of oral leukoplakia were studied with PAS and silver stains, candida hyphae were found in 16.8%(18/107) of the cases. ─── 107例口腔白斑,经PAS和六胺银染色,16.8%(18/107)的口腔白斑检出念珠菌菌丝。

9、Food is digested and absorbed at the tip of each hyphae; ─── 在菌丝尖端,食物被消化并吸收;

10、Effect of Traditional Chinese Medical in Umbelliferae Family on Pleurotus ferulae Lanzi Hypha Growth ─── 几种伞形科中药浸出液对白灵菇菌丝生长的影响

11、The results showed that growth condition for hypha and fruit of pleurotus ostreatus on medium of maize cob and cotton seed shell and sterlized with Co-60 was normal and the biological efficiencies were 5.6% and 9.7% respectively. ─── 在经辐射杀菌的玉米芯、棉子壳培养料上,平菇的菌丝和子实体生长情况正常,生物学效率(干/干)分别为5.6%和9.7%。

12、Hyphae with nuclei of different genotypes can fuse to form a heterokaryon. ─── 当含有两种不同基因型的菌丝融合在一起时,可以形成异核体。

13、Appropriate substrate was utilized at different stage of submerged cultivation, and corresponding ultramicrostructure of hyphae was observed. ─── 发酵的不同时期菌丝利用的底物不同,菌丝的超微结构也呈现出相应的变化。

14、1.Other examples include aseptate fungal hyphae and certain green algae, such as Acetabularia. ─── 其他的例子还包括不具隔膜的真菌的菌丝以及一些绿藻,例如伞藻。

15、Pseudoparenchyma A fungal or algal tissue resembling parenchyma but made up of interwoven hyphae (fungi) or filaments (algae). ─── 拟薄壁组织:在真菌或藻类组织中,类似于薄壁组织但是是由菌丝(真菌)或藻丝(藻类)交织而成。

16、Under high power microscope, it was observed that the spear of the nematode stabbed into the hyphal cell and the stabbed hyphae were distortional or the protoplasm in the hyphae vanished. ─── 在高倍显微镜下能观察到线虫以口针刺吸菌丝,受害菌丝变形,大部分细胞成为空细胞,并且在被取食菌丝的细胞内外能观察到大量细菌。

17、The Influence of a Few Materials on Hypha of Boletus regius ─── 几种物质对桃红牛肝菌菌丝生长的影响

18、The colony of strain M6 was white, thin and round at beginning, and then expanding layer upon layer with rosette patterns and forming cottony hyphae. ─── M6菌落为白色,菌落初期很薄,圆形,然后一层层扩展,形成花瓣状,并长出棉花状菌丝。

19、The fungus primarily grows along tree roots via hyphae, fine filaments that mat together and excrete digestive enzymes. ─── 一般说来,真菌会沿着树根生长,伸出菌丝并分泌很多消化酶。

20、Minor abscesses were all detected in the epithelium of conventional histopathologic sections, the hyphae were shown by PAS staining invading the epithelium. ─── 常规组织病理切片均见上皮内微小脓肿,PAS染色可见真菌菌丝侵入上皮表层。

21、occasionally with vesicle at the setal top or with forked hyphae. ─── 延伸菌丝及刚毛内部并有明显之隔膜出现,亦有发现分叉的情形。

22、The Comparison on Growth of Hyphae of Tissue Separated from Different Parts of Four Species of Mushroom Fruit Bodies ─── 四种食用菌子实体不同部位组织分离菌丝长势对比

23、Mechanism of control Alternaria alternata (Fries) Keissler with the fermentation filtrate of SZF2 and SZF7, microscopic observation showed that they could interfere the normal development of hyphae and conidiospores. ─── 作用机制的研究表明SZF2和SZF7的发酵液能抑制烟草赤星病原菌(Alternaria alternata(Fries)Keissler)的菌丝生长和孢子萌发。

24、The hyphae can fuse and form a heterocaryotic mycelium . ─── 菌丝可以融合并形成异核的菌丝体。

25、Characteristics of Bailing mushroom hypha growth in different culture mediums ─── 不同培养基中白灵菇的菌丝生长特性

26、Lipoid was accumulated while the vacuole was increasing in both quantity and size in the hyphae as a sign of differentiation at the middle stage. ─── 发酵中期,菌丝开始分化,液泡增多增大,并通过内吞作用积累了一些脂质物质。

27、Effect of the Maceration Extraction from the Vegetables Umbelliferae Family on Pleurotus ferulae Lanzi Hypha Growth ─── 几种伞形科蔬菜浸出液对白灵菇生长的影响

28、A specialized fungal hypha that produces conidia. ─── 分生孢子一种能产生分生孢子特殊真菌菌丝

29、Dikaryon (dicaryon) A fungal hypha or mycelium whose cells each contain two different nuclei, arising from the fusion of two compatible cells, each with one nucleus. ─── 双核:真菌的菌丝或菌丝体细胞含有两个不同的细胞核,来源于两个相同的各具有一个细胞核的细胞的融合。

30、and had an obvious inhibitory effect on gray mold hypha growth; ─── 对灰霉菌丝生长有显著抑制作用;

31、Understood relevance of penicillin organism synthesis ability with hyphae cell differentiation theory in fermentation. ─── 目的:通过菌丝细胞在发酵阶段中的分化规律,去了解青霉素生物合成能力的相关性。

32、are branching Aspergillus hyphae. ─── 分枝状曲霉菌菌丝。

33、Putting 5% broadleaf sawdust into PDA culture medium has a notably effect on rejuvenescence of Pieurotus ostreatus hypha. ─── 在PDA培养基上添加 5%阔叶树锯木屑可明显对平菇菌丝复壮起一定作用。

34、Among them, C hypha is more developing, compared with others, which can produce a great deal of branch spore directly The other 3 kinds of agent can become a few branch spores. ─── 其中C的基内菌丝较其它3种发达,可以直接产生大量的分生孢子,其余3种只能形成极少分生孢子;

35、In 17 PCR-negative cases, less amounts of specimens and a small quantity of hyphae were found in 7 and 5 cases. ─── PCR检测为阴性的17例中有7例标本量较少,有5例菌量较少。

36、Effect of dews on cucumber leaves and juice of cucumber leaves of different varieties on the ratio of germination,quantity of sprout and length of hypha was different. ─── 不同黄瓜品种叶表露珠及叶片研磨液对分生孢子萌发率、芽管数量、菌丝长短有显著影响。

37、It means cortical cells were able to release hydrolytic enzyme to digest the invaded hyphae. ─── 说明皮层细胞可主动释放水解酶参与对菌丝的消化。

38、The best fugicides was Thiabendazole, which had upper activity to M. perniciosa but it was safe to the growth of hypha of A. bisporus. ─── 其中,表现最好的杀菌剂为特克多,对菌盖疣孢霉菌具有较高的活性,而对双孢蘑菇菌丝的毒性相对较低。

39、Preliminary Research on the Mushroom Hypha Growth with Waste Chopsticks ─── 废筷子制作食用菌枝条菌种初探

40、Histologically, the lesions were characterized by granulomatous infiltration with a few hyphae;no typical angioinvasion phenomenon was noted. ─── 其皮损组织病理呈肉芽肿性炎症,菌丝较少,未见明显的侵血管现象。

41、Lomasome-like structures were associated with young hyphae. ─── 年轻之菌丝并有许多类似边须体之构造。

42、Autopsy specimens obtained from the stomach revealed fungal hyphae, which had invaded diffusely into submucosal vessels and caused the massive gastric bleeding. ─── 从尸检获取的胃组织标本中发现真菌菌丝广泛侵入粘膜下血管引起胃大出血。

43、At higher magnification, Aspergillus hyphae are seen to branch. ─── 高倍放大可见曲霉菌菌丝分叉。

44、A mathematic model is established by adopting orthogonal polynomial regression method to study the effects of temperature on hypha growth rate, development, and stroma differentiation, growth, and yield of Cordyceps militaris. ─── 为了实现蛹虫草的工厂化生产,采用正交多项式回归分析法构建数学模型,揭示了温度对蛹虫草菌丝生长速率、菌丝长势、菌丝转色、子座分化、子座生长及产量的影响规律。

45、In fungi it may be a simple hypha or erect branch of a hyphae; ─── 在真菌中孢囊柄可能为一条菌丝或为直立的菌丝体结构。

46、With a PAS stain, the budding cells and pseudohyphae (short filaments that are not true hyphae) of Candida stain bright red. ─── 采用PAS染色,念珠菌的出芽细胞和假菌丝(短细丝不是真正的菌丝)被染为鲜红色。

47、In general, the thiophanate-methyl had been identified as the best fungicide against the pathogeny according to hypha growing inhibitory rate and spore germination inhibitory rate. ─── 在化学杀菌剂筛选的基础上通过对病原菌及病害发病规律的研究制定出了综合防治措施。

48、From its undersurface a narrow infection hypha or penetration tube pushes through the cell wall or intercellular spaces and develops into a series of hyphae or a HAUSTORIUM. ─── 从下表面的较细的感染性的菌丝可以穿过细胞壁而发育为一系列菌丝。

49、Histo pathology showed granulomatous response with numerous light brown septate branch ing hyphae. ─── 损害中分离出的真菌25℃和37℃生长良好。

50、Effect of Different Media on Growth of Hyphae in Early Blight of Tomato ─── 不同培养基对番茄早疫病菌菌丝生长的影响

51、Specimens were taken from skin of the patient and then a series of examinations on mycology were done to identify the pathogen.Fungi hyphae were found on direct microscopy. ─── 从皮损处取材做真菌检查,直接镜检发现真菌菌丝,3次培养均为同一菌株生长,依据小培养镜下特征鉴定为茄病镰刀菌。

52、Lots of mulberry-like gathered vesicles were found around and at the top of the hyphae cultured on agar medium under light microscope;expanded vesicles were occasionally found on hyphae. ─── 于光显微镜下观察,发现洋菜培养基中之纯培养菌丝顶端及周围有许多团块聚集之桑椹状菌丝囊,菌丝上亦偶能发现膨大之囊状体存在。

53、Slide 1-11 This organism is called Gliocladium.Arising from the clear hyphae are the spore-bearing structures. ─── 幻灯1-11这是粘帚霉,产孢结构从透明的菌丝上产生;

54、Spores may be home on aerial hyphae, which discharge spores into the air, and depending on the species they may haploid or diploid. ─── 孢子可能是在气生菌丝的中心,将孢子释放到空气中,依赖物种不同,可能是单倍体也可能是二倍体。

55、KOMIX was beneficial to Pleurotus hypha for assimilating and utilizing zinc element. ─── 发现高美施对平菇母种菌丝吸收利用锌元素有增效作用;

56、Most fungi have the same basic body structure consisting of a main body or thallus composed of filaments called hyphae. ─── 大多数真菌有同样的基本结构,即由菌丝组成的菌体。

57、The degree of vacuolization was much higher while the accumulated lipoid was taken as alternative substrate to maintain the life of the hyphae at the later state. ─── 发酵后期菌丝高度液泡化,积累并利用脂质体,主要通过脂类分解代谢维持生命活动。

58、Septate hyphae of Aspergillus fumigatus were identified in the lung specimen. ─── 在患者的肺标本中发现了烟曲霉菌隔菌丝。

59、In the ascomycete sexual cycle hyphae of different mating strains fuse giving rise to ascospores that form in a small saclike ascus. ─── 在子囊菌性循环过程中,不同的菌丝通过株融合进行匹配,产生的子囊菌存在于小类子囊中。

60、The state in certain fungi in which each compartment of a hypha contains two nuclei, each derived from a different parent. ─── 双核某种真菌中的状态,在这种真菌中,每个菌丝体都含有两个核,而每个核都是从不同的母体上衍生的

61、The effective method is that ectomycorrhizal fungi are introduced just beside the callus of host plant , which can evidently upgrade the growth of the hyphae. ─── 初步研究了一个较好的外生菌根菌菌丝体培养方法,即将宿主的愈伤组织与外生菌根共同培养,可以明显地促进真菌菌丝的萌发和生长。


63、Carbohydrates were taken as the main substrate and the hyphae were rich in mitochondria while the degree of vacuolization was low at the early stage. ─── 发酵早期的菌丝主要利用碳水化合物,结构上表现为线粒体丰富,液泡化程度低。

64、The author reported the growth properties, incluing developing process and characteristics of hyphae, conidia, chlamydospore, and nematode trapping organs on 0.4 g/L CMA media or on 0.4 g/L LCMA media. ─── 对捕食线虫性真菌菌丝、分生孢子、厚垣孢子、捕食性结构的发育过程和特点及其在 0 .4g/L玉米粉琼脂固体培养基和液体培养基中的生长情况进行了研究。

65、family of imperfect mushrooms having dark-colored hyphae or conidia. ─── 半知菌纲的一科其菌丝或分生孢子成暗黑色。

66、The Nematode-destroying Fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora CIMH1appeared in septate hypha and conidia during the different growing period . ─── 捕食线虫性真菌少孢节丛孢菌CIMH1株在不同发育时期有菌丝和孢子两种形态。

67、family of imperfect fungi having white or brightly colored hyphae and spores that are produced directly on the mycelium and not aggregated in fruiting bodies. ─── 半知菌科具有白色或鲜明的有色菌丝和孢子直接生长在菌丝体上并不集合在子实体。

68、All lack septate hyphae and are commonly coenocytic; ─── 所有缺乏隔膜的菌丝是通用的多核细胞的;

69、In the invading metaphase, the hyphae of the pathogen can invade the cortical area of cells of susceptible varieties, but only can invade the outer cortex cells of resistant descendants. ─── 侵入中期,病菌可通过表皮层侵入感病品种的薄壁组织,但只能到达抗病材料的皮层组织中;

70、Keywords Fungal keratitis;Fungal hypha;Antifungal drugs;1% 5-fluorocytosine; ─── 关键词真菌性角膜溃疡;真菌菌丝;抗真菌药物;1%5-氟胞嘧啶;

71、the lower fungi comprise the groups chytridiomycetes,oomycetes,and zygomycetes. all lack septate hyphae and are commonly coenocytic; ─── 低级真菌包含壶菌,卵菌纲和接合菌。所有缺乏隔膜的菌丝是通用的多核细胞的;

72、Culture Characteristics of Bailing Mushroom Hypha under Various conditions ─── 不同条件下中白灵菇菌丝培养特性

73、The colony of the strain C114 is flat and with black-green color in the surface and black in the rear on the solid medium, it has short aerial hypha and abundant spores. ─── 在固体培养基上,该菌株菌落平坦,气生菌丝短,培养基表面早墨绿色,背面呈黑色,孢子丰富而且颜色深。

74、Soil pH value had a significant negative correlation with total colonization rate and hypha colonization rate. ─── 土壤pH值与总定殖率呈极显著负相关,与菌丝定殖率呈显著负相关。

75、Reproduction in lichens may be asexual by soredia (algal cells enclosed by fungal hyphae) or by sexual fungal spores, which can survive only if some algal cells are also present. ─── 地衣可以利用粉芽(真菌菌丝包裹藻类细胞)进行无性生殖或利用真菌孢子进行有性生殖。

76、A prime characteristic distinguishing basidiomycetes from ascomycetes is the dense mass of dikaryotic hyphae called the basidiocarp-the "mushroom" seen on damp lawns and the forest floor. ─── 大多数子囊菌要么是腐生菌,要么是寄生菌。非性繁殖产生的孢子称分生孢子子实体,其依赖特化的气生菌丝尖。

77、In the more advanced fungi, especially the Basidiomycota, nuclei may fuse some considerable time after fusion of hyphae of different mating strains, forming a dikaryon. ─── 在较高等的真菌中,尤其在担子菌门中,不同类型的菌丝融合后细胞核需要较长的时间进行融合,从而形成双核体。

78、Effect of Different Culture Medium on the Hypha Growth for Tricholoma matsutake and Tricholoma bakamatsutake Strains ─── 不同培养基对松口蘑及栎松口蘑不同菌株菌丝生长的影响

79、A comparative study on the hypha change pattern of six Flammulina velutipes strains at different growth periods was reported in tins paper. ─── 对6株金针菇菌丝在发育过程中的生长变化规律作了比较研究。

80、Study on Growth of Hyphae of Tissue Separated from Different Parts of Three Species of Fruit Bodies ─── 三种菇子实体不同部位组织分离培养菌丝生长研究

81、Conclusion: One of the key factor to high yield was to control hyphae form keep its proper bran. . . ─── 结论:以搅拌转速控制菌丝形态,使其保持适当的分支和长度,是获得高产的关键要素之一。

82、In the middle is the hypha which grows in the normal condition , two sides for are infected hypha. ─── 中间为正常情况下生长的菌丝,两侧为被感染的菌丝。

83、In the ascomycete sexual cycle hyphae of different mating strains fuse giving rise to ascospores that form in a small saclike ascus. ─── 在子囊菌性循环过程中,不同的菌丝通过株融合进行匹配,产生的子囊菌存在于小类子囊中。

84、Slide 1-16 This fungus is called Geotrichum, an organism whose hyphae break up into individual cells. ─── 幻灯1-16这是地霉,是以菌丝断裂方式生成新的单个细胞。

85、The colonies of HGE fungs are dark or dark to brown, compactness and with few hypha. ─── HGE菌菌落生长紧密,黑色至黑褐色,气生菌丝少;

86、The direct microscopic examination of the lesion showed the brownish septate hyphae. ─── 右手大鱼际出现黑色斑疹4年,无自觉症状,夏季发作,冬季可自愈。

87、family of imperfect mushrooms having dark-colored hyphae or conidia ─── 半知菌纲的一科,有暗黑色的菌丝或分生孢子

88、Severe moldy peanuts, the epidermis has a layer of black or brown bacterial spores hyphae, with rotten smell, one of the most recognizable. ─── 重度霉烂的花生,表皮有一层黑色或黄褐色的细菌孢子菌丝,有霉烂的异味,最易识别。

89、Conidia are cut off externally in chains at the apex of a specialized hypha, the conidiophore. ─── 分生孢子是由分生孢子囊梗的顶端或侧面产生的一种不动孢子,借气流或动物传播的。

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