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09-13 投稿



reticence 发音

英:['retɪs(ə)ns]  美:['rɛtəsns]

英:  美:

reticence 中文意思翻译



reticence 词性/词形变化,reticence变形


reticence 相似词语短语

1、fatiscence ─── 疲劳

2、renascence ─── n.新生;再生;复活

3、licence ─── n.许可证,执照;特许;借口;自由;vt.特许,许可;发给执照

4、-escence ─── 场景

5、reticency ─── n.沉默寡言

6、dehiscence ─── n.裂开

7、reticent ─── adj.沉默的;有保留的;谨慎的

8、reticently ─── adv.沉默地,沉默寡言地

9、retinene ─── n.视网醛,视黄素;维生素A醛

reticence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Despite some women's reticence to do away completely with their monthly period, gynecologic experts agreed that there was no physiological" downside" to a period-free life. ─── 尽管有些妇女对彻底告别经期的做法不愿表态,妇科专家还是认为没有月经的生活不见得会有生理上的负面效应。

2、Less information and reticence are characteristic of prizewinners this year. ─── 信息少和严谨是今天获奖作品的特征。

3、Take Precautions for Reticence Right ─── 未雨绸缪沉默权

4、Their reticence on this point is not surprising, as the root of the problem is China's authoritarian regime itself. ─── 他们在这一点上的沉默不语并不让人惊奇,因为问题的根在中国政府自身。

5、Australian Prime Minister John Howard, a close U.S. ally, showed no such reticence. ─── 澳洲总理霍华德虽是美国亲密的盟友,但可就没有这麽节制了。

6、fine retic(u)le ─── 精密调制盘精密十字标线

7、This was the answer to Ashley's reticence, to his strange conduct. ─── 是了,希礼之所以始终不响,所以有那么出乎意外的行为,如今都得到解释了。

8、Sir Alex has been round the block a few times, so his reticence is understandable, but his main concern is the number of injuries that are now dogging his squad. ─── 弗爵爷确实遇到了几次挫折,所以他的沉默情有可原,但他最担心的还是现阶让球队头疼的伤病问题。

9、He says North Korea's reticence can be understood, to the extent that the country is "not automatically inclined toward transparency. ─── 希尔说,鉴于北韩做事情时不会自动倾向于透明化,美国能够理解北韩在一定程度上的保留态度。

10、Two sentiments underlie Mr Genro's reticence. ─── 有两点可以解释任罗先生对流亡犯的默许态度。

11、His reticence are more revealing than his speech. ─── 他的沉默所表露的要胜过他的言词。

12、inclined to secrecy or reticence about divulging information. ─── 倾向于保密或者不泄露信息,缄默。

13、reticence right ─── 沉默权

14、when CVr increases, Retic%, Retic# and the detailed parameters of them changes (mainly HFR increases), while CHr remains the same, or SF remains the same and sTfR increases, It clues on that Erythrocyte hemolysis happens; ─── 当CVr升高,网织红细胞数(Ret%、Ret#)增加及分类参数变动(表现为高荧光网织红百分比升高)而CHr不变; 或者SF不变而sTfR增加时, 提示溶血发生;

15、Others factors that could affect both the strength and length of global growth are unemployment and consumers' reticence to spend. ─── 因此,企业补充库存或将给今年余下时间美国和欧洲经济增长带来提振,但已经不太可能给中国经济数据带来多少推动了。

16、In any event, members of such a highly authoritative body should always conduct themselves with prudence and reticence. ─── 但无论如何,身为极具权威机构的会员,要时刻注意自己的言行。

17、That day, contrary to my usual reticence, I said: 'Happiness is the half that people don't have. ─── 那天,一反平时的呐呐,我说:“幸福,乃是人们未曾得到的那一半。”

18、A sound marriage is not based on complete frankness; it is based on a sensible reticence. ─── 一个坚固婚姻的基础不是完全的坦白,而是懂得在什么时候保持缄默。

19、Reticence does not equal to nodding ─── 沉默不等于点头

20、One of the most difficult aspects of my job was the cultural reticence to speaking openly. ─── 工作最难的方面之一就是日本文化不情愿直率说话。

21、Some might think her reticence a cloak for stupidity;but circumspect as she was she prided herself on hers implicity. ─── "罕言寡语,人谓藏愚,安分随时,自云守拙."

22、Some foreign teachers mistake Chinese students' reticence for indifference ─── 某些外籍教师把中国学生的沉默误认为是冷漠。

23、The new tradition of consumerism, which appears to be the driving force in daily life, or the ancient traditions of hospitality, respect for family, and polite reticence? ─── 是消费主义的新传统吗?这似乎是日常生活的推动力。还是指好客、家庭互敬以及儒雅含蓄的古老传统?

24、Their reticence on this point is not surprising, as the root of the problem is China's authoritarian regime itself. ─── 他们在这一点上的沉默不语并不让人惊奇,因为问题的根在中国政府自身。

25、He break out of his normal reticence and tell me the whole story ─── 他打破了平时一贯沈默寡言的习惯,把事情原原本本都告诉了我

26、Missing you becomes everlasting, despite the reserve of the British, the romance of the French, the bluntness of the Americans, the reticence of the Chinese. ─── 不论英国人的保守,法国人的浪漫,美国人的率直,中国人的含蓄,我对你的思念将成为永恒。

27、Some hold that shows are transforming the course of the Chinese TV culture;some insist that shows contribute to transforming the self-restraint and reticence characteristic of Chinese. ─── 有人认为它改变了中国电视文化的未来:有人说它改变了中国人传统内敛的性格。

28、Keywords ER damper;dynamic test;equivalent damping;hyste retic characteristics.; ─── 电流变液;电流变阻尼器;动态特性;等效阻尼;迟滞特性;

29、Placed in a puzzling light, and moving, Our days put on such reticence These accents seem their own defense. ─── 微笑的和声,一个冬日的早晨。放置在迷离的天光下,不断地移动,我们的日子带着如此的沉默,就连这乡音也成了各自的防护。

30、On the Establishment of the Right of Reticence ─── 浅论沉默权的确立

31、Perhaps we have the fortune,to meet one day.There's no need for any reticence. ─── 也许我们有缘,相逢某一天,一见如故无庸讳言.

32、Pearl didn't mind his reticence; in fact she liked it. ─── 珀尔不介意他的沉默,事实上她喜欢这一点。

33、Tseng Tsang-hai had no idea what was going on in Ah Erh's mind and Ah Erh's unusual reticence made him see red ─── 可是这一切,曾沧海想也不会想到的。他看见阿二不说下去,就又怒冲冲地喝道

34、Inherently introverted, he realised early on that as an academic, his reticence would prove disastrous in the lecture hall. ─── 他生性内向,很早就意识到,作为一名学者,他的沉默寡言在演讲厅里将带来灾难性的后果。

35、But before telling their parents and making their union official, the couple will find themselves confronted with reticence that will turn the best day of their lives into a painful memory. ─── 两人是一对幸福的情侣。当克萝菈发现自己怀孕时,一切事物看起来是那麽的美好!

36、Researchers have recently discovered that altering a single gene can overcome the plants' reticence. ─── 研究人员近来发现,改变某种基因可以克服植物防御的迟缓性。

37、Translate the following sentence into Chinese, ‘However, whatever reticence Mexicans and other Hispanics may have about becoming U.S. citizens is likely to change,’ ─── 然而,不论墨西哥人和其他拉丁美洲裔人士对于成为美国公民的态度多么保守,那很有可能会改变的。

38、So Xiangzi's silence and aloofness suddenly became the seemly reticence of a great personage and it was only right for others to make up to him. ─── 因此,祥子的沉默与不合群,一变变成了贵人语迟; 他应当这样,而他们理该赶着他去拉拢。

39、Receive praise with reticence... ─── 用无言接受赞美。。。

40、picket-fence retic(u)le ─── 栅状调制盘

41、5.There is a reticence, almost a shame, about having a hearing loss that often discourages a hard of hearing person from seeking help and taking productive steps. ─── 失聪令人三缄其口,羞愧难当,阻碍着重听人寻求帮助和采取积极的措施。

42、Even Hillary Clinton, not usually known for her reticence, was said to have been quiet on human rights, Taiwan and Tibet. ─── 据说,就连一向不以沉默寡言著称的希拉里•克林顿(HillaryClinton),也在人权、台湾和西藏问题上保持了沉默。

43、1.with reticence; in a reticent manner. ─── 沉默寡言地;以沉默寡言的方式。

44、Some reckon its failure to unearth masses of new information is down to a mix of mendacious reticence on the part of key witnesses and the pusillanimity of their inquisitors. ─── 一些人承认,没能发现大量的新信息是由于关键证人的虚假的沉默和审判者的胆怯。

45、So why the official reticence? ─── 那为什么官方又对此缄默不言呢?

46、no need for reticence ─── 无庸讳言

47、He always displays a certain reticence in discussing personal matters. ─── 他在谈论个人问题时总显得有些保留.

48、When it is remembered that the gospels are the product of the believing community after the Resurrection, this reticence seems more striking. ─── 当人们想到福音是耶稣复活后信仰社会的产物时,这种沉默似乎更引人注目。

49、After a week of reticence, the US president went far beyond his previous expressions of sympathy with the demonstrators. ─── 一个星期之前,美国总统仅仅是表达了对示威者的同情,而在一周的沉默之后,他的表态则远远不止于此。

50、Saw this reticence to discuss results in terms of effect sizes as an implicit indictment of the measures being used. ─── 不愿意对结果效果大小做出太多讨论是对使用方法不满的含蓄体现。

51、He break out of his normal reticence and tell me the whole story. ─── 他打破了平时一贯沈默寡言的习惯,把事情原原本本都告诉了我。

52、Don't worry.Retreat, first to reflect the reasons behind your reticence. ─── 不用担心,隐退,首先在你的沉默之后反映出原因。

53、Even if China's reticence holds this time, Beijing is not likely to cede the U. S. Navy carte blanche to range throughout the Yellow Sea. ─── 即使这次中国保持沉默,北京也不太可能会放弃同美国争夺整个黄海。

54、"Although there is reticence to perform surgical procedures in gravid women, our findings did not demonstrate a change in the risk of preterm delivery in those receiving surgical intervention," the investigators write. ─── “虽然妊娠妇女不愿意接受手术治疗,但我们的研究结果表明,那些接受外科治疗的孕妇其早产风险并无变化。”

55、Among the various types of art, due to its fixed nature, single focus and reticence, the portrait is an ambiguous sort of work. ─── 在对肖像的解释中,有两个尤其不能忽视。

56、The Establishment of Reticence Right is an Inevitable Choice for the Criminal Procedure Law in our Country ─── 确立沉默权制度是我国刑事诉讼法的必然选择

57、The result showed that after training for two weeks,the level of Retic % improved(P

58、There is a quite natural reticence for them to reveal it to outsiders. ─── 他们也不大愿意向外人讲,那很自然。

59、Yet it was right here, in his reticence, that the strength of his wooing lay. ─── 其实他的追求之所以有力正在他的沉默。

60、There is a quite natural reticence to reveal it to outsiders. ─── 他们也不大愿意向外人讲。

61、He asserted that the most common shortcoming of most classical guitars were weak trebles, especially the G string, and the characteristic reticence of the notes played on the tenth, eleventh and twelfth frets of the first string. ─── 他坚称在古典吉他上最常见的缺点是高音较弱,特别是在G弦,和弹第一弦十、十一和十二琴格上的音时,常出现典型的沉默寡言(译者按共鸣较弱)。

62、On Establishment of reticence Right in China ─── 我国确立沉默权制度的若干问题

63、CIC's newfound reticence comes as it appears to be performing better than many of its global counterparts, not to mention Safe. ─── 在中投最近陷入缄默之时,适逢它的业绩似乎好于许多全球同行,更不用说外管局了。

64、His decent reticence is branded as hypocrisy, his circumlocutions are roundly called lies ─── 凡是他为了维护体面不便畅言的地方都被攻击为虚伪,凡是他铺陈赘述的章节则率直地被叫做谎言。

65、With Reverend Whitworth's blessing, I had been admitted to a world of long views and icy swims and New England reticence. ─── 在威特华斯牧师的祝福下,我已为长长风景、冰泳和新英格兰的缄默这样一个世界所接纳。

66、Despite the Roth opinion's reticence, one can perceive various factors that may have made the Court reiuctant to extend due process guarantees to all dismissed government employees. ─── 尽管"罗斯"案意见的缄默,我们仍可看出有可能使得最高法院不愿将正当程序保护扩大到一切被解雇的政府雇员的各种因素。

67、student reticence ─── 学生沉默

68、Tseng Tsang-hai had no idea what was going on in Ah Erh's mind and Ah Erh's unusual reticence made him see red. ─── 可是这一切,曾沧海想也不会想到的。他看见阿二不说下去,就又怒冲冲地喝道:

69、Then this time let me indulge my emotions instead of keeping them in reticence and being overcautious. ─── 于是放纵自己的思绪多于了沉默、拘谨。

70、Aslo, it is by any means a holy topic that caution and reticence are highly valued! ─── 无论如何,这是一个极为神圣的论题,谨慎和缄默总是基本的!

71、He always displays a certain reticence in discussing personal matter ─── 他在谈论个人问题时总显得有些保留

72、A Preliminary Study of the Right to Reticence ─── 沉默权刍议

73、Our days put on such reticence ─── 我们的日子处于这样的静默之中

74、He always display a certain reticence in discuss personal matter. ─── 他在谈论个人问题时总显得有些保留。

75、Their reticence and tenseness seemed to melt away as they petted the stray, and our sessions were relaxed and open. ─── 他们摸拍这只无主的猫时,素日的缄默和紧张似乎融化了,疗程进行得既轻松,又坦率。

76、He breaks out of his normal reticence and tells me the whole story . ─── 他打破了平时一贯沈默寡言的习惯,把事情原原本本都告诉了我。

77、We fear the euro area's reticence to take on a global currency role could lead to similar instability in the future. ─── 我们担心,欧元区在承担国际货币角色上的缄口不言,可能导致今后出现类似的动荡局面。

78、Family pathology of the children who suffer from reticence ─── 缄默症儿童的家庭病理

79、Something about Improving Our Country's Implied Reticence Right System ─── 应当完善我国的默示沉默权制度

80、marked by self-restraint and reticence. ─── 有自制和沉默的特征。

81、Shyness meekness bashfulness timidity reservation uncommunicativeness timorousness reticence constraint reserve diffidence ─── 沉默,不言语,因惊奇而一言不发

82、Wang Ho-fu spoke with his usual bantering smile, which contrasted strongly with Sun Chi-jen's reticence and taciturnity ─── 王和甫仍是笑嘻嘻地说。他的老是带几分开玩笑似的笑嘻嘻,和孙吉人的沉默寡言是很相反的。

83、This is obviously not an element of most tax crimes, but is necessary to overcome the reticence of juries to convict individuals tax crimes. ─── 很明显,这不是大多数税务犯罪所具有的因素,但是它却是促使陪审团不再保持沉默,认定被告犯有税务犯罪所必要的。

84、Student Reticence and Teacher's Teaching Style in EFL Classroom ─── 外语课堂学生沉默与教师的教学风格

85、Raquel Welch A sound marriage is not based on complete frankness; it is based on a sensible reticence. ─── 一个坚固婚姻的基础不是完全的坦白,而是懂得在什么时候保持缄默。

86、His long reticence temporarily distracted attention from a bigger lacuna. ─── 他始终保持沉默,分散了人们对一个更大缺漏的注意力。

87、when CHr, CVr reduce while Retic%, Retic# and the detailed parameters of them remains the same ,or SF reduces and sTfR increases, It is the hint of iron deficient erythrocyte deformation. ─── 当CHr 和CVr降低,网织红细胞数(Ret%、Ret#)和及分类参数不变; 或者SF降低sTfR增加时,提示缺铁性红细胞生成;

88、Despite their reticence about layoffs, many companies are already looking for ways to reduce headcount. ─── 尽管对裁员保持缄默,但许多公司已经在考虑减少用工人数的办法。

89、A report this week by Reform, a think-tank, suggests that this reticence is costing them dearly. Changes in government policy, it argues, have turned being young into a terrible bore. ─── 本周改革报提供的一份报告提出,年轻人保持沉默已使他们付出沉重代价。它辩论说,政府改变政策会使年轻一代陷入更可怕的境地。

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