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09-15 投稿



pa 发音

英:[pɑː]  美:[pɑː]

英:  美:

pa 中文意思翻译




pa 网络释义

n. 爸爸(口语)n. (Pa)人名;(中)巴(普通话·威妥玛);(柬、缅)巴

pa 短语词组

1、PA-248 ─── [医] 苯氧丙基青霉素钾

2、PA-12 ─── [化] 尼龙-12

3、ma-and-pa ─── 夫妻经营的;小规模经营的 [mom-and-pop, mom and pop 的异体字]

4、pa system ─── [电] Public-AddressSystem的简写

5、PA 94 ─── [医] 环丝氨酸

6、Accelerometer Scale Factor Input Pa ─── 加速度计比例因子输入Pa

7、do pa n. ─── 多巴;二羟基苯丙氨酸

8、Trans Pacific Strategic Economic Pa ─── 跨太平洋战略经济

9、pa'anga n. ─── 潘加(汤加王国货币单位)

10、d-pa ─── [医] ─── [=D-penicillamine]D-青霉胺

11、t-pa abbr. tissue plasminogen activator (for stroke patients) ─── 组织血纤维蛋白溶酶原活化剂(用于中风病人)

12、charter boat fishing in pa ─── 包租船在pa捕鱼

13、c pa abbr. ─── 注册会计师(CertifiedPublicAccountant);民间财产代理人(CivilianPropertyAgent);英联邦议会协会(CommonwealthParliamentaryAssociation);每次激活的费用(CostperAction)

14、PA-9 ─── [化] 尼龙-9

15、PA-1010 fibre ─── [化] 尼龙-1010纤维

16、methyl pa rathion ─── [建] 甲基对硫磷

17、coaching actuaries pa ─── 指导精算师pa

18、class e pa e ─── 类pa

19、PA-12 fibre ─── [化] 尼龙-12纤维

pa 常用词组

pa system ─── 广播系统(等于public-address system)

pa 相似词语短语

1、pam ─── abbr.脉冲幅度调制;n.梅花J;n.(Pam)人名;(英、尼日利)帕姆

2、pah ─── int.(表示轻蔑、憎恨、不快)呸,哼;n.(Pah)(人名)帕赫(人名)

3、-pa ─── n.爸爸(口语);n.(Pa)人名;(中)巴(普通话·威妥玛);(柬、缅)巴

4、pac ─── abbr.政治行动委员会(politicalactioncommittee);无人驾驶飞机(PilotlessAircraft);代理自动配置(ProxyAutoConfigure)

5、pak ─── n.巴基斯坦人

6、Spa ─── n.斯帕(比利时东部城镇,以其矿泉著称)

7、pad ─── n.衬垫;便签簿;平板电脑;(直升机)起降场地;(火箭)发射台;(猫或狗的)爪垫;公寓;vt.(用软物)填补;n.(Pad)(英)帕德(男子教名Patrick的昵称);abbr.(PAD)外周动脉疾病(peripheralarterialdisease)

8、pal ─── n.朋友,伙伴;同志;vi.结为朋友;n.(Pal)人名;(西、意、罗、印、巴基、瑞典)帕尔;(柬)巴

9、apa ─── abbr.美国心理学协会(AmericanPsychologicalAssociation);abbr.预约定价安排(AdvancePricingArrangement);abbr.活跃付费用户数,即统计时间区间内,成功付费的用户数,一般以月计(ActivePaymentAccount)

pa 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Private Practice Limited to Periodontics and Implantology in Philadelphia, PA. ─── 在宾州开业,以治疗牙周病和植牙为主。

2、The copy machine is running out of pa per. ─── 复印机的纸张用完了。

3、I used to know your pa. ─── 我过去跟你爸爸很熟。

4、The son says: Pa, distance too far, hit taxi comparing to spend money by air. ─── 儿子说:爸呀,路程太远,打的士比坐飞机花钱呢。

5、Ko Keira, ko Akatipi, ko Mareha: e iwa nga pa, me nga kainga o aua pa. ─── mapa 基 伊 拉 、 亚 革 悉 、 玛 利 沙 , 共 九 座 城 , 还 有 属 城 的 村 庄 。

6、The KCRC has again overestimated the number of pa engers on a new train line. ─── 九广铁路再度高估新路线的乘客数字。

7、The ESB spectra of PA are found to be singlet and Lorentz. ─── 发现稀土聚乙炔的ESR谱都为单线谱,符合Lorentz线型;

8、Qo-ka fe pa ki ad urba? Why did she go to town? ─── 何-为她(过去)去往城她为什么去了城里?

9、When you hang u pa noose, that's no joke to us. ─── “当你挂起套索,这对我们来说不是一个玩笑。

10、"No, Pa, I'm no tattletale like Suellen," she assured her father. ─── “不会的,爸,我不会像苏纶那样专做耳报神。”她说这话,是要使父亲好放心。

11、"I'm not funning. It's true. Mother died when Sherman men came through Tara and Pa--he went last June. ─── "不是开玩笑,是真的,母亲是在谢尔曼的军队开到塔拉的时候死的。 爸爸----他是去年六月去世的。

12、Why you got to be so mean Uncle Willie, my Pa was yourn only brother and i'm yourn own niece. ─── 您为什么这么吝啬呀,威利舅舅,我的父亲是您唯一的兄弟呀!而我是您的外甥女啊!

13、"Pa, please ride behind us or in front of us. ─── "爸,请你要么走在我们前头,要么在后面。

14、Haben Sie es nicht klein/ kleiner/ pa end? ─── 你们有小票/ 零钱吗?

15、Are they going to frisk all the pa engers? ─── 他们要搜查每个乘客的身体吗?

16、She used that idea in June 2007 in the Black Bear triathlon in Lehighton, Pa. ─── 去年6月,她在宾州利哈顿参加黑熊盃三项全能竞赛时就使用这种理念。

17、Tu pa vide qo-pe? Whom did you see? ─── 你(过去)看见何-人你看见了(过去)谁?

18、Stone:Ma says so, Pa says so, and you say so! ─── 史东:妈妈这麽说,爸爸这麽说,你也是这麽说的!

19、I"ve given all the arrangements to my PA. ─── 12我已经将所有的安排交给我的私人助理了。

20、Kua pakaruhia e koe ona taiepa katoa;whakamotitia iho e koe ona pa kaha. ─── 你 拆 毁 了 他 一 切 的 篱 笆 , 使 他 的 保 障 变 为 荒 场 。

21、"In the name of Heaven, Pa, three thousand! ─── "爸爸,我的天,三千哪!

22、Oh, Pa, you talk like an Irishman. ─── 哦,爸爸,你说话活象个爱尔兰人。

23、ERROR: You didn't write your new pa word. ─── 你没有填写你新密码;

24、In airplanes, people who smoke are separated from pa engers who don't. ─── 在飞机上,抽烟和不抽烟的乘客是分开坐的。

25、My pa told me that it was the symbol that they don't like. He said there was something about it that upset them. ─── “爸爸告诉我那是因为他们不喜欢某些符号。他说有关于那个符号的事情让他们不舒服。”。

26、Many foreign guests like the Er Hu, Pi Pa, and the flute. ─── 外国客人都喜欢二胡、琵琶和笛子。

27、Arterial embolism is an effective emergency treatment method for the pa... ─── 动脉栓塞治疗已成为颅底骨折大出血的急诊有效治疗手段。

28、Your opinio on packing will be pa ed on to our manufacturers. ─── 你们对包装的意见将转达给厂商。

29、He koraha kau ou pa tapu, he koraha a Hiona, kua ururuatia a Hiruharama. ─── 你 的 圣 邑 变 为 旷 野 。锡 安 变 为 旷 野 ;耶 路 撒 冷 成 为 荒 场 。

30、Pa engers said the accident ha ened immediately after take-off. ─── 乘客表示客机一起飞就失事。

31、Kia pa tou ringa ki a ia;maharatia te whawhai, a kei pena a mua. ─── 你 按 手 在 他 身 上 , 想 与 他 争 战 , 就 不 再 这 样 行 罢 !

32、He gave up his American pa ort to become a British citizen. ─── 他放弃美国护照,成为英国公民。

33、Dohsten M,Lando PA,Hedlund G et al. ─── 任欢,邢淑贤,徐红薇.

34、Spun-dyeing vs. Textile dyeing of PET and PA fibers: opposed or supplemental? ─── PET和PA纤维的原液染色与纺织品染色:对立还是互补?

35、As they drove up the steep hill, a noisy motorcycle tail-gated them, trying to pa even though the road was windy and narrow. ─── 当他们驾驶了陡峭的小山,一辆喧闹的摩托车尾巴给他们装门,设法通过,即使路是有风和狭窄的。

36、PA VOICE: Mr. Martin Learner. Please come to the information desk. ─── 勒纳先生,请到咨询台。

37、State Cultural Relics Bureau (under the Ministry of Culture)Pa! ─── 国家文物局(文化部)

38、Let's go into the house, Pa. ─── 咱们回家吧,爸爸。

39、"Come on, Pa," Rudolph said. ─── “得了,爸,”鲁道夫说。

40、When the sun sank low above the treetops and no more drops fell from the tips of the icicles they began to watch eagerly for Pa. ─── 太阳下沉到树梢上,冰柱上的水也不再往下滴,她们开始急切地盼望着爸爸的归来。

41、Oh, Pa, what are we going to do with no money and nothing to eat? ─── 噢,爸,我们没钱也没东西吃该怎么办呢?

42、PA auxiliary circuit-microstrip balun and DGS microstrip filter-design. ─── PA 辅助电路-微带巴伦和DGS 微带滤波器-设计。

43、Harry does "wandless" magic here, the same sort of magic that he does to Aunt Marge in chapter two of PA. ─── 在那里,哈利没有用魔杖就施展了魔法,他在《囚徒》第二章里如法炮制地对付了玛姬姑妈。

44、He is a son of Andrea and Jon Bronson of Blue Bell, Pa. ─── 他的父母是宾夕法尼亚州蓝铃市的安德里亚和乔恩·布朗森夫妇。

45、He developed diarrhea with the daily pa age of8~10 stools containing mucous, pus, and bright red blood. ─── 他患腹泻,每天有8~0次带有粘液,脓和鲜红色血的大便。

46、Fe pa du ki ad urba. She was going to town. ─── 她(过去)是去(往)城她(过去)正去往城里.

47、"How could it make me tipsy, Pa? ─── "它怎能让我醉着呢,爸?

48、To build the promotive strategies and interventive model of community PA. ─── 二、建立社区身体活动推广策略与介入模式。

49、We ha v e ma de a v e r y good s t a r t i n our bus i ne s s wi t h J a pa n. ─── 和中国同行共事从来没有什么困难,希望今后我们之间尽可能多地建立新的关系。和中国同行共事从来没有什么困难,希望今后我们之间尽可能多地建立新的关系。

50、You po e great depth and have a pa ionate mind. ─── 你很深刻,并拥有一颗充满热情的心。

51、If disagrees with the reply, the pa enger may a eal to the MCRCAS. ─── 乘客对答复有异议的,可以向市轨道交通处申诉。

52、It was verified by ESCA spectra that the PA film which was treated by air plasma is linked to O and N atoms. ─── ESCA谱证实了在空气等离子体处理后的PA膜表面上接入了O和N原子。

53、Pa, you know I'm no tattletale like Suellen. ─── 你知道我不是个爱搬弄是非的人.

54、Thanks. Pa, how do you think of this pair of shoes? ─── 吾客气!爸,你看看这双皮鞋怎样?

55、"Taxes aren't a woman's job anyway. Pa ought to look after such things, but Pa-- I won't think of Pa now. ─── "不管怎么说,爸应当管这种事情,纳税总不是女人的事。 可是爸----现在也不去想他吧。

56、Oh, so it was to keep me from starving that she found me another Pa? ─── 呕,是因为不饿死我,妈才另给我找了个爸!

57、Reserve assets value is a major pa rt of mine resouce assetsvalue. ─── 储量资产价值是矿山资源资产价值的重要组成部分。

58、Genotype distribution of Tf and Pa followed Hardy weinberg law. ─── Tf和Pa两个基因座基因型分布均符合Hardy weinberg定律 ;

59、But Laura lay awake a little while, listening to Pa's fiddle softly playing and to the lonely sound of the wind in the Big Woods. ─── 但劳拉躺下了一会儿后还没睡着。她听着爸爸柔声弹奏着小提琴;听着大丛林的风声。

60、PA) was also in talks with Suzuki. ─── PA))也在与铃木洽谈。

61、Pa bo gom ya , po go xi po... ─── 不知道写什么。。唉。。那就写这么多吧。

62、Volume to 60000m3/h At T.p 300 Pa. ─── 可用作输入气体,亦可用作输出气体。

63、A hanga ana e ratou nga pa takotoranga taonga mo Parao, a Pitoma, a Raamahehe. ─── 他 们 为 法 老 建 造 两 座 积 货 城 , 就 是 比 东 和 兰 塞 。

64、Pa looked at the drawing again. ─── 爸爸又看了看那幅画。

65、"Oh, Pa, " she said disgustedly, "you talk like an Irishman! " ─── 啊,爸,“她厌恶地说,”你说这话真像个爱尔兰人哪!

66、Lui ha una gran pa ione per scrivere poesie. ─── 他热衷于作诗。

67、Take your pa ion and make it come true. ─── 发挥你的热情,让美梦成真。

68、A new, unseen voice was booming through the PA system. ─── 一个新的,看不见的声音从扩音机里嗡嗡地传来。

69、Giorgio ha la pa ione della filatelia. ─── 乔尔乔爱好集邮。

70、"You're a fool nigger, and the worst day's work Pa ever did was to buy you," said Scarlett slowly, too tired for anger. ─── "你是个傻黑子。 我爸干的最大一件错事就是把你给买来了,"思嘉慢吞吞地说,因为她实在太累,已经懒得生气了。

71、Gordis L. Epidemiology, the Fourth Edition. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders, 2009. ─── 吕宗学译:临床流行病学精要。台北:九洲出版社。

72、The atmospheric pressure is about 100000 Pa. ─── 大气压大约等于10万帕。

73、"Its demonic," said Donna Stitt, 37, a nursing aide from Barto, Pa. ─── 37岁的唐娜?斯蒂特是宾夕法尼亚州巴托市的一名看护助理,有四个孩子。

74、Wk with PD, PA to arrange the repackaging shipment of MML der. ─── 与生产、计划、关务协调出口订单的报关、包装以及出货安排。

75、Do you wanna come to my pa’s 55th? ─── 你想参加我老爸55岁的生日派对吗?

76、Pa, I wish you wouldn't shout. ─── 爸,我但愿你不要嚷嚷了。

77、Those who remembered the Captain his father declared Master George was his pa every inch of him. ─── 他们当中有记得他父亲乔治上尉的,说乔治少爷跟他爹一模一样。

78、Gordon and Breach Science Publishers,c1993.Langhorne, Pa. ─── 出版地/出版者/出版年 Yverdon, Switzerland ;

79、"It'll be good enough for this lady and for Pa. ─── "对于我这位太太和爸来说,那已经够好的了。

80、Don't be a fool, Pork. If ever anyone deserved a watch, you do, and I know Pa would approve. ─── 你别这么傻,波克,要是说谁配得到这只表,那就是你了。 我知道,爸爸要是在世,也会同意的。

81、PA System, music, setup and breakdown are provided. ─── PA系统,音乐,安装和故障被提供。

82、National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa. ─── 及其附属公司列星顿保险公司。

83、Hospital with grampa, uncle, ma, pa, grama... ─── im worried kinda 心情: upset 星期三。

84、One day a boy came to his teacher and said: Teacher,pa wants to know if you like roast pig. ─── 一天有个男孩去对他老师说:“老师,我爸想知道你是不是爱吃烤猪肉。”

85、Oh, if Pa would only come home! ─── 啊,只要爸爸回来就好了!

86、"But I don't need your advice. Do you think Pa is a pauper? ─── "不过我不需要你的忠告,你认为我爸是个穷光蛋吗?

87、Only if you study hard can you pa the exam. ─── 只有努力学习才能通过考试。

88、You'd better a ly for your pa ort now. The sooner, the better. ─── 你最好现在就去申请护照。越快越好。

89、"The district government wants to see you and Third Fairy, pa, " he said. " Go ahead. ─── 又向二诸葛说:“区上添传你跟于福老婆。

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