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09-14 投稿



Hereford 发音

英:[ˈhɛrɪfəd]  美:[ˈhɛrəfərd]

英:  美:

Hereford 中文意思翻译



Hereford 短语词组

1、Hereford (pig) ─── 赫里福德(猪)

2、dakotas steakhouse+hereford tx ─── 达科塔牛排馆+德克萨斯州赫里福德

3、hereford united ─── 赫里福德联合

4、hereford college ─── 赫里福德学院

5、hereford beef ─── 赫里福德牛肉

6、hereford cathedral ─── 赫里福德大教堂

7、Hereford Herd Book Society ─── 赫里福德 ─── 赫德书社

8、hereford monmouth ─── 赫里福德·蒙茅斯

9、Hereford map ─── 赫福德地图

10、hereford collegeof arts ─── 赫里福德艺术学院

11、hereford six form college ─── 赫里福德六式学院

12、hereford cathedral school ─── 赫里福德大教堂学校

Hereford 相似词语短语

1、therefore ─── adv.因此;所以

2、therefor ─── adv.因此;所以

3、heretofore ─── adv.直到此时,迄今为止;在这以前

4、wherefore ─── n.原因;理由;conj.因此;adv.为什么(疑问副词);为此(关系副词)

5、Hertford ─── n.哈特福郡(英国一座城市)

6、Beresford ─── n.(Beresford)人名;(英、西)贝雷斯福德

7、rerecord ─── vt.再录音;重录

8、Hereford ─── n.赫里福德;赫里福德肉用牛

9、wherefor ─── 为什么

Hereford 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Seasonal Effect on Superovulation of Angus and Hereford Beef Cows under Natural Grazing Conditions ─── 季节对放牧条件下安格斯和海福特肉牛超数排卵的影响

2、"I played a few games for Hereford on loan last season and the Hungarian national team, but playing for the first-team was a whole new experience. ─── “上赛季我租借到赫雷福德联踢了一些比赛,还有匈牙利国家队的比赛,但是为一队效力完全是全新的经验。”

3、Polled Hereford ─── 无角海福特牛

4、Among six populations in this paper, Feeds conversion of Simmental is the best ,The second is Hereford and Angus,, and Luxi cattle is the worst; ─── 在本实验的六个品种中,西门塔尔在饲料转化方面是最优秀的,其次,是海福特、安格斯,最差的是鲁西黄牛;

5、More than three hundred researchers studied a female Hereford cow from the American state of Montana. ─── 三百多位学者对美国蒙大拿州的一个母赫里福德牛进行了研究。

6、The Angus and Hereford cattle came from ranches in his home state of Montana. The imported cows have given birth to their first calves. ─── 海福特牛的安格斯和来自蒙大拿州在他的家乡牧场。进口母牛生下他们的第一个牛犊。

7、Gulacsi, meanwhile, showed off his undoubted potential on loan at Hereford United last term. ─── 古拉克斯,同时,上赛季租借到赫里福德已经展现他的无限的潜力。

8、Liverpool duo Godwin Antwi and Peter Gulacsi put in impressive displays to help loan side Hereford United sink former Premier League giants Leeds on Tuesday. ─── 在星期二的英甲联赛中赫里福德面对前英超利兹联,利物浦青年队双星安特维和皮特-格拉希斯的出色的表现帮助球队赢得比赛的胜利。

9、Angus beef cattles and Hereford beef cattles imported from Canada were superovulated by using CIDR and injecting FSH-PG in May to June and Augest to September 2004, which were grouped in random. ─── 采用放置CIDR和FSH-PG注射法,于2004年5至6月和8至9月间对进口的安格斯和海福特肉牛进行超数排卵研究,并对安格斯和海福特肉牛随机分组。

10、After all, he'snot just a social grub but a raving paranoid, endlessly mouthingsomething about attempted homicide by a Hereford. ─── 毕竟,他不仅仅是一个社交讨厌鬼,还是个满口胡话的偏执狂,永远在说着自己曾被一头赫勒福德牛谋杀的事。

11、American Hereford ─── 美国海福特牛

12、They met at their church in Hereford in western England, where he sang in the choir and she was a Sunday school teacher. ─── 当年他们是在英格兰西部赫勒福德郡的一所教堂里相遇的,当时他正在唱诗班里唱歌,而她是一位主日学校教师。

13、LIVERPOOL youngster Peter Gulacsi will be making his Hereford United debut in the League 1 relegation battle at Cheltenham Town tomorrow (Saturday). ─── 利物浦小将Peter Gulasci 将在周六歇尔福德联队和切尔滕汉姆的League 1降级附加赛中首次代表联队出场。

14、and now, perhaps, they were all setting off for Hereford. ─── 也许他们现在已经动身去赫里福德了。

15、4.Different Hereford, Angus and Holstein bull semen were used for in vitro fertilization of bovine oocytes, the purpose was to observe the effects of different bull semen on in vitro fertilization. ─── 分别利用不同个体的海伏特、安格斯和荷斯坦种公牛精液进行体外受精,观察了不同品种不同个体种公牛精液的体外受精效果.

16、UK Prince Charles and wife Camilla seemed to have rummaged deep into their closets for a visit to Hereford Cathedral recently, UK media reported. ─── 英国媒体报道,查尔斯和妻子卡米拉近日拜访赫里福德大教堂时,双双身着旧衣。卡米拉的外套已有些褪色,查尔斯的外套则至少有6年"历史"。

17、It is substantiated that suitable superovulation season to Hereford beef cattles is in Summer, and to Angus beef cattle is in Autumn. ─── 研究证实海福特肉牛的适宜超排季节为5至6月份安格斯肉牛适宜超排季节为8至9月份

18、The genome of a female Hereford cow has been sequenced, which could be a starting point for major improvements in the agricultural industry. ─── 雌性赫里福种实用牛的基因族的基因族已经被重组,这将是农业生产主要改进的一个起点。

19、junior boys Hereford Round ─── 少年希尔福特轮赛

20、2 Chinese Luxi cattle show as the same level as cattle populations of abroad in feed protein conversion efficiency, which confirm that Luxi cattle can be breed to an excellence beef populations as Angus and Hereford. ─── 2 我国的鲁西黄牛在饲料蛋白转化效率方面与国外的肉牛品种处于相同的水平,这说明鲁西黄牛完全可以选育成与安格斯、海福特一样优秀的肉牛品种。

21、More than three hundred researchers studied a female Hereford cow from the American state of Montana. ─── 三百多位研究人员对一头来自美国蒙大拿州的赫里福德母牛进行了研究。

22、the combinations with Hereford Limousin and Piemontese as paternal parent are better than others in Funing regions. ─── 在抚宁代表区域,以海伏特、利木赞和皮埃蒙特为父本的组合最好。

23、the combinations with Hereford Limousin and Piemontese as paternal parent are better than others in Funing regions. ─── 在抚宁代表区域,以海伏特、利木赞和皮埃蒙特为父本的组合最好。

24、Passengers for Hereford change at Severn Tunnel junction. ─── 前往Hereford的旅客请在Severn隧道会合处换车。

25、Hereford and Worcester ─── 赫里福德伍斯特

26、Interior of Hereford Cathedral in May 2004, taken by en:User:Benwbrum while on vacation. ─── 位于英国英格兰赫里福的赫里福大教堂之内部。

27、Cadet Boys Hereford Round ─── 男子少年希尔福特轮赛

28、But in Hartford, Hereford and Hampshire, hurricanes hardly ever happen. ─── 但是,在哈特福德,赫里福德和新罕布什尔州,飓风几乎从不发生。

29、The results showed that the combinations with Hereford Limousin and Charolais as paternal parent are better than others in Zanhuang regions; ─── 在赞皇代表区域,以利木赞、安格斯和海伏特为父本的组合最好;

30、The Angus and Hereford cattle came from ranches in his home state of Montana. ─── 这些安格斯牛和海福特牛都来自他家乡蒙大拿州的农场。

31、Hereford disease ─── 牛低血镁症

32、Book online the cheapest hotels in Hereford - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 Hereford 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

33、Threlfall has enjoyed loan spells at Hereford and Stockport in the last few seasons and Liverpool are willing to farm him out again so that he can continue his development. ─── 在过去的几年里思雷福尔在赫里福德以及斯托克波特租借期间获得了很大的提高,现在他有机会通过租借继续提升自己的实力。

34、Study on Repeat Superovulation of Grazing Angus and Hereford Cows ─── 放牧条件下安格斯、海福特肉牛重复超排的研究

35、A white-faced animal, especially a Hereford. ─── 白色面部的动物面部白色的动物,尤指赫里福德牛

36、in Angus, Polled Hereford, Charolais and Holstein Friesian cattle;Merino and Wiltshire sheep;and Yorkshire pigs. ─── 除了犬类和马,也有患有该疾病的其他动物,如某些品种的猫、牛、羊和猪。

37、Bill Jackson - Estate agents with offices in Hereford, Leominster and London, dealing in residential, farm, commercial, new home, and international properties. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

38、Davies of Hereford wrote that "good Will" played "kingly" roles. ─── 赫里福德的约翰·戴维斯写到他扮演了君主类角色。

39、Snake consuming a frog in Kuala Lumpur. By Sarah Hunter-Choat of hereford. ─── 吉隆坡,蛇吞青蛙。

40、Nicholas of Hereford ─── 尼古拉

41、Hereford Herd Book Society ─── 赫勒福德牛良种登记社

42、In 1993 a man called Karl Watkins from Hereford, England, was given eighteen months imprisonment for having sex with a pavement. ─── 1993年一名来自英国赫利福德名叫KarlWatkins的男子,因为与人行道做爱被判18各月监禁。

43、Hereford Parental Attitude(Survey) ─── 赫里福德亲子态度调查表

44、the combinations with Limousin Angus and Hereford as paternal parent are better than others in Zanhuang regions; ─── 在赞皇代表区域,以利木赞、安格斯和海伏特为父本的组合最好;

45、Hereford and Worcester Eletronic Ticket ─── 赫里福德伍斯特电子客票

46、The content of this page is from the HEREFORD port or HEREFORD customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自HEREFORD港口或HEREFORD海关的进出口公司目录;

47、The calves of Aberdeen Angus breed had the least proportion of bones in the carcass, followed by the breeds Hereford and Limousin.The Salers breed calves, however, had the highest percentage of bones. ─── 安格斯犊牛的骨骼比例最少,其次是赫里福德犊牛和利木赞犊牛,塞勒斯犊牛的骨骼百分比最高。

48、Hereford cow ─── 海福特牛

49、After spending the latter part of last season on loan at Hereford United, the custodian was included in the first-team squad for the trips to Switzerland and Asia. ─── 在经过上赛季租借到赫雷福德联后,古拉克斯入随队参加季前赛瑞士以及亚洲的巡游赛。

50、First, note that the Supreme Court states that the simple fact that Agent Marsh corroborated or verified Hereford's detailed information supplied probable cause. ─── 首先,要注意最高法院陈述道,特工马什补强并验证了线人赫尔夫德情报中的详细描述,正是这一事实提供了“合理可能”。

51、Hereford College of Art and Design ─── 赫福德艺术与设计学院

52、The Hungarian Under-20 stopper will be hoping to solve Hereford’s goalkeeping woes. ─── 这位匈牙利20岁以下国门被冀望解决歇尔福德目前的门将噩运。

53、Skysports.com understands Hereford have tied up an emergency loan deal for Liverpool defender Godwin Antwi. ─── 天空体育报道赫里福德紧急租借利物浦的后卫安特维救火。

54、Gulacsi has joined Hereford on loan from Liverpool and, after international duty in midweek, looks set to make his Bulls debut at Whaddon Road. ─── Gulacsi已经从利物浦租借加盟歇尔福德,在周中国际比赛任务结束后,他将在沃顿路球场完成他的公牛首秀。

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