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09-14 投稿



vocally 发音


英:  美:

vocally 中文意思翻译



vocally 网络释义

adv. 用声音;口头地

vocally 短语词组

1、vocally deny ─── 口头否认

vocally 词性/词形变化,vocally变形

动词第三人称单数: vocalizes |名词: vocalization |动词过去分词: vocalized |动词现在分词: vocalizing |动词过去式: vocalized |

vocally 相似词语短语

1、-ically ─── 依恋地

2、vocably ─── 词汇

3、vocality ─── n.声乐,声音;发音的性质

4、focally ─── 焦点地,有焦点地

5、scally ─── 斯卡利(人名)

6、cecally ─── 盲肠

7、vocable ─── n.词外壳;词;adj.可发音的

8、locally ─── adv.局部地;在本地

9、ducally ─── 公爵

vocally 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A composition for one or more instruments, usually without vocal accompaniment. ─── 器乐曲为一种或多种乐器所写的曲子,通常是没有伴声的

2、The organisation is as vocal as it ever was. ─── 人权组织可以像以前一样发出声音。

3、A playground vocal with the shouts and laughter of children. ─── 充满了孩子们叫喊和欢笑的操

4、A vocal wobble. ─── 不确定的语调

5、A vocal mother, with her veil lowered, stood beside her. ─── 一个参议嬷嬷,放下了面罩,立在她的旁边。

6、Vocal cords polyp, not can be the operation cured thoroughly? ─── 声带息肉,不手术可以彻底治愈吗?

7、Meanwhile," Do Something" was nominated in the category of Best Female R& B Vocal Performance. ─── 与此同时,《做些什么》还获"最佳说唱女歌手奖"提名。

8、Lead vocal: McCartney When I get older losing my hair, many years from now. ─── 在很多年以后,当我老的头发都掉光了的时候。

9、Who was on/sang lead vocal(s) on the group's last record? ─── 在这个乐队新出的唱片中, 领唱的是谁?

10、Voiceprint is a product of Vocal Innovations LLC for Windows computers. ─── 允许频谱对比并分成小段的展示在屏幕上,它还可以存储音频文件和频谱图片用以以后从新比较展示和学习。

11、Can vocal cords jump after polypous operation reduce weight hold? ─── 声带息肉手术后可以跳减肥操吗?

12、The most vocal critic of ETFs is John Bogle, Vanguard's former boss. ─── ETF最严厉的批评者是JohnBogle,先锋集团的前老总。

13、Vocal music shows the connotation of musical art through body as instrument. ─── 声乐是以人的身体为乐器来表达音乐艺术的内涵的。

14、Parrots express their emotions vocally and with attitudes and postures, as well. ─── 鹦鹉用声音同时也会藉态度和姿势表达他们的情绪。

15、The lowest part in vocal or instrumental part music. ─── 低音部分音调或乐器的部分音阶中最低的部分

16、To pronounce with vibration of the vocal cords. ─── 发音通过声带振动来发出声音

17、Is operation of vocal cords polyp very painful? ─── 声带息肉手术很痛苦吗?

18、One extremely interested observer in the war between Russia and Georgia hasn't vocally taken sides in the conflict. ─── 俄罗斯与乔治亚战争,最引起观察家注目不是各方的偏袒不公。

19、He was extremely vocal in his criticism. ─── 他在批评时非常不客气。

20、A vocal or instrumental part written for a voice or an instrument within this range. ─── 中音乐曲为这个音域的歌手或乐器创作的声乐或器乐曲部分

21、Vocal styles range from black to female to male operatic. ─── 人声部分从黑暗到女声再到男声歌剧咏唱等风格都有。

22、The vocal cords; the voice, especially as used in singing. ─── 嗓子,发声器官声带;声音,尤指歌唱时发出的声音

23、His singing style is closer to a seductive sigh than a vocal line. ─── 他的演唱风格比较接近一种诱惑或叹息,而不是从声带中发出的唱词。

24、Everyone has their own opinion and can be pretty vocal about it. ─── 人人都有他们自己的看法,而且都能完美的表达出来。

25、Music A vocal or instrumental part that supports another, often solo, part. ─── 伴唱,伴奏:伴随其他部分(如独唱)的声部或器乐部

26、He has been very vocal in his criticism of the government's policy. ─── 他对政府政策的批评一直是直言不讳。

27、In the case of China, ask: Who would buy an offering of bank shares when the government, very vocally, is cracking down on lending? ─── 再说说中国的情况,有人会问:当政府只是口头上说要压低贷款数量时谁会愿意买银行的债券呢?

28、Sing the deep vocal register of the melody with a deep voice. ─── 低声部旋律请用浑厚的声音演唱。

29、"Posttraumatic vocal disarticulation," the experts would eventually declare. ─── “创伤后失语症”,专家们最终宣布。

30、During his first eight appearances Mickey would whistle, laugh, cry and otherwise vocally express himself. ─── 在米老鼠的头八次出场中有吹口哨、哭与笑,但是从未有过任何言语。

31、The act of uttering; vocal expression. ─── 发声:口头表达

32、Dub in strings behindthe vocal. ─── 在人声后配入弦乐。

33、Your best customers are the ones who will spread the word about your brand the most vocally. ─── 你最好的客户群是那些对你的品牌做的口头宣传最多的客户。

34、Vocal or instrumental sounds possessing a degree of melody,harmony,or rhythm. ─── 乐音有节奏、旋律或和声的人声或乐器音响。

35、Someone with TB disease of the lungs or vocal cords may spread TB to others when they cough or sneeze. ─── 在肺部和声带中带有结核菌的人咳嗽打喷嚏可能传播结核给他人。

36、But many of Adams's most vocal and unrelenting critics turned out to be Republicans. ─── 但是对亚当斯进行口诛笔伐的,多数竟是共和党人。

37、Speech or vocal sounds produced in a state of religious ecstasy. ─── 口才在宗教狂热的状态下说的话或发出的声音

38、They each had some success as professional singers and then they formed a vocal quintet which they named as 'N SYNC. ─── 作为职业歌手他们各自都小有所成,然后结成一个他们称之为“'N SYNC”的五人演唱团。

39、From his Broadway background, his vocal ability ranges from the bass-baritone to the tenor range. ─── 他的百老汇背景,他的声音跨度从男低音到男高音。

40、European vocal music in the 16th century developed from its essence. ─── 16世纪的欧洲声乐艺术从内质上得到了空前的发展。

41、You know, vocally wise, I think, you know, we've performed a lot better on this album. ─── 你知道,在演唱方面,我们在这张唱片里的表演更精彩了。

42、Below the vocal cords in this larynx are large ulcerations. ─── 喉声带下方可见大溃疡。

43、Lead ? A lead vocal , lead instrument or solo. ─── 主人声、主乐器或者乐器独奏。

44、You've done a lot of compositions, have you ever sung vocally yourself in the past or on any of your songs? ─── 你做了许多曲,你自己曾演唱过吗?或在你做的歌曲中参与演唱?

45、Because of liking it, vocal music I have been over 8 steps very relaxedly. ─── 因为喜欢,声乐我很轻松地过了8级。

46、Some of deal's most vocal detractors are from the president's own party. ─── 在对于港口交易谴责最烈的人士中,有些还是布希的党内同志。

47、Vocal or instrumental sounds possessing a degree of melody, harmony, or rhythm. ─── 乐音有节奏、旋律或和声的人声或乐器音响

48、She won Grammys in l990 for Best New Artist and Best Pop Vocal Female. ─── 1990年她获得格莱梅最佳新艺人奖与最佳流行女歌手奖。

49、The vocal cords can be opened or shut at will. ─── 声带可以随意开闭。

50、It is no longer possible to do anything vocally or physically which will disturb the peace and happiness of others. ─── 不可能再在言语或行为上骚扰别人的安祥与快乐。

51、They view the protests as hypocritical and discriminatory, since worse actions by other nations are not protested as vocally. ─── 他们认为,这些抗议活动是伪善并带有歧视性的,因为他们没有直言不讳地对其他国家所做的更糟的行为提出过抗议。

52、A vocal or instrumental part that supports another, often solo, part. ─── 伴唱,伴奏伴随其他部分(如独唱)的声部或器乐部

53、House cats employ a vocal repertoire that extends from a purr to a screech. ─── 另外家猫还可以发出从呜呜声到尖叫声等不同的声音。

54、Callas's vocal range was astonishing. ─── 卡拉斯的音域宽得惊人.

55、In the present instance he took no notice of my abrupt vocal response. ─── 在目前这个情况下,他不去注意我那突兀的口头回答。

56、This match in Portugal against Benfica is going to be a tough task in front of a vocal crowd. ─── 在对抗Benfica的葡萄牙的这个比赛要在声音的群众之前是一件恶棍工作。

57、Vocal music was not interdicted. ─── 声乐不在禁止之列。

58、But the sound is deeply unattractive and damaging for the vocal chords. ─── 但这种声音非常缺乏吸引力,而且有损于声带。”

59、An instrumental or vocal composition in triple time. ─── 一种三拍的器乐或声乐作品

60、Vocal performers have to imitate voices of all ages and genders. ─── 主演必须模仿各种年纪及性别的嗓音。

61、He composed both vocal and instrumental music. ─── 他既谱写声乐曲也谱写器乐曲。

62、She is the most vocal and pertinacious of all the critics of the policy. ─── 在所有的政策批评家中,她是陈词最多而且最为固执的。

63、In the teaching of vocal music,how to make the students grasp it more quickly? ─── 在声乐教学中,如何使学生尽快地理解和掌握胸腹式联合呼吸法?

64、A: Rene is going to open a vocal concert in Shanghai. Do you know it? ─── Rene马上要来上海开演唱会了。你知道吗?

65、Musical sound produced by vibration of the human vocal cords and resonated within the throat and head cavities. ─── 人声通过声带振动并在喉腔和头腔共鸣产生的声音

66、Meanwhile, " Do Something" was nominated in the category of Best Female R& B Vocal Performance. ─── 与 此 同 时 , 《 做 些 什 么 》 还 获 “ 最 佳 说 唱 女 歌 手 奖 ” 提 名 。

67、The vocal apparatus of the larynx. ─── 喉部的发声结构

68、BSB is one of the toppest vocal groups. ─── 后街男孩是最受欢迎的团体之一。

69、To pronounce(a normally voiced sound)without vibration of the vocal chords so as to make it wholly or partly voiceless. ─── 使浊音变成清音发音时(标准的浊音)不振动声带,完全或部分不发出声音

70、They protested vocally. ─── 他们大声抗议。

71、But if it did not-if the third bystander vocally took sides, say-then violence was much more likely. ─── 但第三次干预不是这样,比如一个旁观者在此时声援其中一方,那么这场斗殴就有好戏看了。

72、Not all white appearance of vocal cords are leukoplakaia of larynx. ─── 声带白色样病变并非全部为喉白斑病。

73、A man who switches on his emotions is more likely to go into a reptilian mode and lash out vocally or become aggressive. ─── 情绪变化的男人更可能进入爬虫类动物模式,进行口头攻击或变得咄咄逼人。

74、They were vocal about the petty individual wrongs they suffered. ─── 他们对于自己个人所受的冤枉是有一说一。

75、So vocally things may come full circle. ─── 因此,在声音上可能算回到原点。

76、An instrumental passage in a vocal or choral composition. ─── 交响曲:与歌唱或合唱相配合的一段乐器演奏的音乐。

77、Many of them have been betting vocally, and successfully, that bank shares will fall. ─── 他们中的许多人放言打赌银行股将跌,并且成功地,银行股真的跌了。

78、But producer lobbies tend to be more vocal than consumers. ─── 但是,生产厂商(要求贬值)的游说声音一直比消费者大很多。

79、To understand just how cats vocally manipulate owners, including herself, McComb and her team set up a series of experiments. ─── 为了了解猫怎样用声音控制他们的主人,她自己也一样,McComb和她的团队设置了一系列试验。

80、He was very vocal in his objections. ─── 在反对时他嗓门很大。

81、Formants (15) Vocal tract resonances that determine speech sounds. ─── 主頻、共振峰(15)決定語音的聲道共振。

82、But the most vocally excluded of all are the old and poor, trapped in their homes. ─── 但是这些不能发声的人群中大部分是那些被困在家里的老年人和残障人士。

83、Avoid slang, and jargon, and vocal hesitations that can hinder effective communication. ─── 不要用俚语、行话,讲话不要犹犹豫豫,那样会影响交际效果。

84、AX: You've done a lot of compositions, have you ever sung vocally yourself in the past or on any of your songs? ─── 你做了许多曲,你自己曾演唱过吗?或在你做的歌曲中参与演唱?

85、Your best customers are the ones who will spread the word about your brand the most vocally . ─── 你最好的客户群是那些对你的品牌做的口头宣传最多的客户。

86、He was feeling well vocally, he said. ─── 他说,他当时觉得嗓子很好。

87、He became vocal with indignation. ─── 他因愤慨而发言。

88、Moreover, these young singers will sing the "The Variation Little Star" in jazz version and vocally perform the "Symphony 40". ─── 不仅如此,这群年轻歌手,更将重新翻唱爵士版《小星星变奏曲》以及人声演出《第四十号交响曲》。

89、Having or denoting a low vocal or instrumental range. ─── 具有或者代表低音或者乐器的低音域。

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