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09-16 投稿



inoperative 发音

英:[ɪnˈɑːpərətɪv]  美:[ɪnˈɒpərətɪv]

英:  美:

inoperative 中文意思翻译



inoperative 网络释义

adj. 不起作用的;无效力的

inoperative 词性/词形变化,inoperative变形

名词: inoperativeness |

inoperative 同义词

out | broken | out of order | abortive |defective | out of action | null | shelf | out of use

inoperative 短语词组

1、inoperative agreement ─── 不起作用的协议

2、Inoperative Equipment ─── 不起作用的设备

3、inoperative treaty ─── 不起作用的条约

4、inoperative certificate ─── 不起作用的证书

5、inoperative contract ─── 不起作用的合同

6、inoperative component ─── 不起作用的成分

7、inoperative evidence ─── 不起作用的证据

8、inoperative battery ─── 蓄电池不工作

inoperative 反义词


inoperative 相似词语短语

1、incorporative ─── adj.有结合倾向的;合并的

2、imperative ─── adj.必要的,不可避免的;紧急的;命令的,专横的;势在必行的;[语]祈使的;n.必要的事;命令;需要;规则;[语]祈使语气

3、cooperative ─── adj.合作的;合作社的;n.合作社

4、operative ─── adj.有效的;运转着的;从事生产劳动的;n.侦探;技工

5、nonoperative ─── 非手术的

6、interoperative ─── 互操作的

7、unoperative ─── 非操作性

8、uncooperative ─── adj.不合作的;不配合的

9、inspirative ─── 鼓舞人心的

inoperative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、N/A","OC","N/A","STANDBY FORCED BY INOP ALARM"," ─── 不可操作报警强制系统待机"

2、Third Mate: The dock side crane is not working. The stevedores used our cranes one hour ago. No. 1 crane motor is inoperative as well. ─── 三副:岸吊不好用,1小时前装卸工用我们吊。1舱吊的电机也不好用。

3、IFF always inoperative in OFF mode. ─── 甚高频在关闭模式下当然不能用。

4、While he could mount the lens, if it was not focused at it's closest regular focusing distance, the close up range was inoperative due to some sort of internal body restrictions. ─── 他能装上镜头,如果不能在常规对焦区间的最近端对焦,那么近距对焦就不能工作,原因是机身内部的某种限制。

5、Certain naturally occurring mineral deposits may adhere to the valve, blocking waterways, rendering it inoperative. ─── 某些自然产生的矿物质沉淀可能附着在阀门上,堵塞水路,造成阀门不起作用。

6、The contractor shall ensure that whenever the door locks are shunted when the lift is in automatic mode the lift shall be rendered inoperative and a message sent to the Telemonitoring System. ─── 承包者应确保每当门锁被延迟打开时,电梯在自动模式下,它应提供的失效功能并发送一则消息到远程控制系统。

7、We have got control problem, yaw damper inoperative. ─── 我们操作系统故障,偏航阻尼器不工作了。

8、Any change of position of a lighthouse, light boat, guidepost, buoy and aid to navigation, or any abnormal or inoperative light, signal and sound supposed to be made. ─── 灯塔、灯船、标杆、浮标及一切有关航行标志之位置变更,或应发之灯号、信号、声号、失去常态或作用者。

9、Replace inoperative injectors. ─── 更换工作不正常的喷射器。

10、Kiriyacitta is also abyakata. Kiriyacitta means inoperative consciousness, and is the state of the arahant. ─── 唯作心也是无记的,唯作心意即无作识,是阿罗汉的心态。

11、declared the previous instructions inoperative. ─── 宣布以前的指示不再生效

12、inoperative clause ─── 不起作用的条款,无效条款

13、Our anti-icing system is inoperative (failure) request descent. ─── 我们的防冰系统故障请求下降。

14、inoperative certificate ─── 不生效的证书

15、This can result in other dependent database objects or packages becoming invalid (or inoperative). ─── 这将导致其他有依赖关系的数据库对象或包失效(或者不起作用)。

16、As the effective bandwidth is narrow, it is important to predict the resonant frequency accurately.But the lumped parameter model is inoperative in some cases. ─── 由于其消声有效带宽很窄,共振频率的精确确定直接关系到消声器能否有效消声,但是通常所采用的集中参数模型有时候会失效。

17、In a remote communication system, the action taken by a control station whereby messages addressed to an inoperative station are accepted and stored at the control station until they can be sent to the destination station. ─── 在远程通信系统中,当报文发往的工作站处于不工作状态时控制站所采取的行动,即接收并存储该报文直到该工作站恢复工作时,再由控制站将报文送给它。

18、51、Your transponder is inoperative. ─── 你的应答机不工作。

19、From there it climbed by cable car, now inoperative, to a plateau in the shadow of the Taebek Mountains. ─── 从那里开始它用缆车进行牵引至太白山脉下的高原,现已废弃。

20、The collision involved a commercial satellite, which was launched in 1997, and an inoperative Russian satellite launched in 1993. ─── 两颗卫星中,一颗是美国1997年发射的商用卫星,另一颗是俄罗斯1993年发射的卫星,后一颗卫星已经报废。

21、Brakes and steering inoperative due to hydraulic trouble. ─── 由于液压系统问题,刹车和转向系统失效。

22、"It makes number one because it was declared inoperative," said Global Language monitor President Paul JJ Payack. ─── 全球语言监控机构总裁鲍尔·JJ·佩雅克说:“这一说法之所以排在第一位,主要是因为它实际上是句废话。

23、-Patrols public areas to detect fires, unsafe conditions, and missing or inoperative safety equipment. ─── 对公共区域的防火区,不安全的区域,丢失和无效的安全设备进行巡查。

24、To damage, kill, or make inoperative by cold or by the formation of ice. ─── 冻坏,冻死,冻僵通过寒冷或冰的形成而引起破坏、冻死或使不起作用。

25、Not functioning; inoperative. ─── 不起作用的;不能生效的

26、, as a whole, is comprehensive by taking in all kinds of factors in consideration, but too abstract and inoperative without further elaborations. ─── 总体来说,此类标准涉及因素全面,但过于抽象概括,具有多解性,可操作性不强。

27、inoperative contract ─── 不生效的合同

28、Keywords elicitor;cell suspension culture;Stagonospora curtisii (Berk.) Sacc.;inop hyllums;Calophyllum inophyllum Linn; ─── 关键词诱导子;细胞悬浮培养;壳多孢菌;红厚壳素;胡桐;

29、The thermostat should be equipped with an emergency heat that permits all resistance heaters to be energized when the refrigerant system is inoperative and activates an indoor indicator light. ─── 恒温器应配备一个应急加热器开关以便当制冷剂系统出现故障时使电阻式加热器得电并且激活室内指示灯。

30、APU is fully inoperative, please call a ground power unit and tow air start units immediately. ─── 失效,请马上来一辆电源车和两辆气源车。

31、Balance Joystick Inoperative ─── 平衡杆无效

32、Provision is made for stand-by methods of control if the primary method is inoperative. ─── 提供待命控管方式以便主控方式一旦失效立即顶上。

33、The aircraft is (more or less) under control at the moment. My left wing slightly damaged, left outboard engine smashed and inoperative. ─── 此刻飞机可以(多少可以)操纵,我的左大翼受了轻微损伤,左外侧发动机被打坏并失效了。

34、Takeoff at reduced thrust is allowed with any inoperative item affecting the performance only if the associated performance shortfall has been applied to meet the above requirements. ─── 减推力起飞被允许,即使存在某些影响性能的无效的项目,但是这些关联性能的缺陷必须满足以上的要求。

35、Pause/Play Switch Inoperative ─── Pause/Play开关无效

36、Radio and Communications Facilities Inoperative ─── 无线电通信设备不能运行

37、two-engine inoperative climb ─── 双发停车上升


39、2 When one main motor is inoperative, the other one will not be influenced, which allows maintenance and production at the same time. ─── 满足二 当一台主机出现问题的时候,另外一台还可以继续运行,赢得维修时间,提高生产的安全系数。

40、47. The aircraft is( more or less) under control at the moment. My left wing slightly damaged, left outboard engine smashed and inoperative. ─── 此刻飞机可以(少可以)纵,我的左大翼受了轻微损伤,左外侧发动机被打坏并失效了。

41、Your computer is down, your PDA discharged, and all of your common organization tools are inoperative. ─── 你的电脑不能工作,掌上电脑也没电了,所有的常用组织工具也都不能用了。你会怎么办?

42、resulting INOP alarm ─── 不工作警极结果

43、L engine igniter INOP. ─── 左发右点火器不工作。

44、The FAX machine is inoperative forreceiving. ─── 传真机接收不工作.

45、AM/FM Switch Inoperative ─── AM/FM开关失效

46、IN","ED","XMT","TRANSMITTER INOPERATIVE"," ─── 发射机不可操作"

47、Crypto Equipment Functional Inoperative for Parts ─── 因缺零件密码设备不能使用

48、If you use a shared schedule and it is subsequently paused, the cache does not expire while the schedule is inoperative. ─── 如果使用共享计划,但随后又暂停了该计划,那么在计划暂停期间缓存不会过期。

49、One Engine Inoperative ─── 一台发动机停车

50、If no water flows, valve is inoperative. ─── 如果没有水流出,说明阀门不起作用。

51、Inoperative Equipment ─── 不能使用的设备

52、Further, some high-ranking individuals started grooming specialists more often, even during periods when the machine was inoperative. ─── 不仅如此,一些地位高的猴子开始更经常地为地位低的专家梳理毛发。

53、Courtesy Lamp Inoperative with Left Front Door ─── 用左前门灯则上车照明灯无效

54、Any objection to the contents of the protection order by the parties concerned or other interested party may be lodged with the court issuing the protection order before it becomes inoperative. ─── 当事人或利害关系人对于警察机关执行保护令之内容有异议时,得于保护令失效前,向原核发保护令之法院声明异议。


56、To damage,kill,or make inoperative by cold or by the formation of ice. ─── 冻坏,冻死,冻僵通过寒冷或冰的形成而引起破坏、冻死或使不起作用

57、Osirak was a lone, poorly guarded, and inoperative nuclear plant that had a year earlier been damaged by an Iranian airstrike. ─── 奥西拉克只是一座孤立的、守卫不严的、不起作用的核工厂,早年还被伊朗空袭破坏。

58、Exchanging Online Inoperative Frequency Converter ─── 在线更换故障变频器

59、22、SSR inoperative (unserviceable).( SSR is out of service. ─── 二次监视雷达不工作。

60、This rule is inoperative until further notice. ─── 此规则何时生效待通知.

61、The down to date the Earth all has no inoperative time. ─── 直到今天地球都没有不活动的时候。

62、The RTTS Safety Joint is held inoperative by a tension sleeve located on the bottom of the mandrel to help prevent premature release. ─── RTTS的安全接头通过位于芯轴底部的张力套保持原有状态来防止过早解封

63、inoperative evidence ─── 不生效的证据

64、Of course, Harrison's analysis was inoperative. ─── 哈里森的分析显然是站不住脚的。

65、1992: The service brake stop-lamp switch becomes inoperative. ─── 1992年:服务煞车停止灯开关变成无法运作。

66、inoperative as a result of heat or friction. ─── 因为热和摩擦而不能用的。

67、If any term or provision of this Agreement shall to any extent be held by a court or other tribunal to be invalid, void or unenforceable, then that term or provision shall be inoperative and void insofar as it is in conflict with law. ─── 如果本合同的任何一项条款或条件在任何程度上被法院或其它法庭判为无效、作废或不可实施,那么该条款或条件与法律相冲突之处将不予实施并且作废。

68、except that if the System computers are inoperative because of malfunction or during the performance of preventive maintenance, engineering changes or changes in features or model ─── 例外的是,如果系统计算机因为发生故障不能操作,或在进行保养性维修、工程设计变更、特制件或模型变换期间不能操作

69、inoperative agreement ─── 不生效的协议

70、"A cancellation made unintentionally, or under a mistake, or without the authority of the holder is inoperative; " ─── 凡非故意,或因错误,或未经执票人授权而作之注销,均不生效

71、{0>3.Any change of position of a lighthouse, light boat, guidepost, buoy and aid to navigation, or any abnormal or inoperative light, signal and sound supposed to be made. ─── 三 灯塔、灯船、标杆、浮标及一切有关航行标志之位置变更,或应发之灯号、信号、声号、失去常态或作用者。

72、To impair the progress or functioning of; make inoperative or powerless ─── 制止,破坏阻碍进展或发挥功能;使无效或无力

73、inoperative component ─── 失效部件

74、Tune Switch Inoperative ─── Tune开关失效

75、"Certain naturally occurring conditions may corrode the valve or its components over time, rendering the valve inoperative." ─── 某些自然环境长时间的作用可能会侵蚀阀门及其部件,造成安全阀失去作用。

76、inoperative treaty ─── 不生效的条约

77、{0> Any objection to the contents of the protection order by the parties concerned or other interested party may be lodged with the court issuing the protection order before it becomes inoperative. ─── 当事人或利害关系人对于警察机关执行保护令之内容有异议时,得于保护令失效前,向原核发保护令之法院声明异议。

78、Fuel boost pump in right main tank inoperative. ─── 右主油箱燃油增压泵失效。

79、The aircraft is (more or less) under control at the moment. My left wing slightly damaged, left outboard engine smashed and inoperative. ─── 此刻飞机可以(多少可以)操纵,我的左大翼受了轻微损伤,左外侧发动机被打坏并失效了。

80、We have got control problem, yaw damper inoperative. ─── 我们操作系统故障,偏航阻尼器不工作了。

81、If the on-board diagnostic system stores a diagnostic trouble code and the ABS lamp is inoperative, the CAB will enable the red brake warning lamp. ─── 如果板上诊断系统把对应的错误代码存储起来并且安全气囊灯不亮,防锁煞车控制器就会点亮红色的煞车警报灯。

82、It also manages air traffic control within centers where there are problems (bad weather, traffic overloads, inoperative runways). ─── 同时对于紧急情况,指挥中心将进行直接处理,如出现恶劣天气状况,交通超载或者紧急更换飞机跑道等。

83、To wear out or make or become inoperative as a result of heat or friction ─── 烧坏因为热或摩擦而耗尽或变得不能工作

84、During the change management process, database packages might become inoperative and statistics might become inaccurate. ─── 在变更管理过程中,数据库包可能不可用,并且统计信息也有可能不准确。

85、a bus, train, air service that is inoperative ─── 停止运作的公共汽车﹑ 铁路﹑ 航空服务

86、"Instruments to record wind velocity and direction are inoperative, and with the radio broken there is no way for the control tower to communicate with aircraft," he said. ─── 他说:“记录风速和风向的仪器不起作用,因为无线电坏了,指挥塔也无法与飞机联系。”

87、Apart from the tenure of offices by the nobility, this division remained inoperative, as it did not create any other legal distinctions between the classes. ─── 不过这一划分,除了由贵族担任公职以外,并没有起什么作用,因为除此以外,它并没有规定各个阶级之间的任何法权上的差别。


89、Set brake immediately ,and tractor inoperative. ─── 拖车故障,紧急刹车。

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