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09-14 投稿



hypothecate 发音

英:[haɪ'pɒθɪkeɪt]  美:[haɪ'pɑθə,ket]

英:  美:

hypothecate 中文意思翻译



hypothecate 词性/词形变化,hypothecate变形

动词过去式: hypothecated |动词过去分词: hypothecated |名词: hypothecation |动词第三人称单数: hypothecates |动词现在分词: hypothecating |

hypothecate 相似词语短语

1、hypothecated ─── v.(为特定目的依照法律)抵押(钱财)(hypothecate的过去式和过去分词)

2、hypothecary ─── adj.抵押的;抵押权的;以抵押取得的

3、hypothecator ─── 抵押人

4、hypotheca ─── n.[无脊椎]下壳;抵押权

5、hypothecation ─── n.抵押;担保契约

6、to hypothecate ─── 抵押

7、hypothecates ─── vt.抵押;担保

8、hypothecae ─── 抵押权

9、hypothecating ─── vt.抵押;担保

hypothecate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On the Order of Executing Hypothec ─── 论抵押权行使之次序

2、In Rome law era, right on the ground, tenant right, etc. are established the hypothec by the guarantee which is regarded as creditor"s rights forever. ─── 早在罗马法时代,地上权、永佃权等即被作为债权的担保而设定抵押权。

3、Legal Obstacles of Breakthrough Enactment of Hypothec and the Realization Process ─── 突破抵押权设定与实现过程中的法律障碍

4、hypothec on the area usage right ─── 海域使用权抵押权

5、Legal Hypothec of the Construction Contractor ─── 论建设工程承包人的法定抵押权

6、hypothec on the right ─── 权利抵押权

7、The implementation of the hypothec of the real estate should be limited by priority and leasehold that formerly exist. ─── 房地产抵押权的实行要受在先存在的优先权与租赁权的制约。

8、Assurance, including guarantee, mortgage and hypothecate; ─── 担保,包括保证、抵押、质押等;

9、The first chapter is a summary of confession, mainly make out the conception and character of the public declaration of hypothec. ─── 第一章抵押权公示制度概述,主要界定了抵押权公示制度的概念和性质。

10、Japanese Hypothec Law ─── 日本担保法

11、On the Securitization of Hypothec Right ─── 试论抵押权的证券化

12、Regard right as the settlement hypothec marked, has already had very remote history so far. ─── 以权利为标的设定抵押权,迄今已有十分久远的历史。

13、1. A landowner who already holds land subject to a mortgage may wish to hypothecate his equity. ─── 已经拥有被按揭抵押土地的所有人可能会希望抵押他的平衡法权益。

14、Discussing Legal Issues Of Secondary-hand Commodity Apartment Hypothecate in Chian ─── 再转让商品房抵押贷款法律问题研究

15、As an important security interest system, hypothec plays a crucial role in the guarantee of the implementation of the debt, as well as preventing and reducing the unnecessary transaction exposure. ─── 抵押权作为重要的担保物权制度, 对保障债权实现和债务的履行, 预防和减少不必要的交易风险, 有着极其重要的作用。

16、Disadvantages of Enforecement of Hypothec and It's perfection ─── 现行法中抵押权实现制度的一些缺陷及完善

17、in a situation that can"t justify oneself in right system of the right quality , set up a system of guaranteeing central right with hypothec system of the right; ─── 在权利质权制度无法自圆其说的情况下,建立一个以权利抵押权制度为核心的权利担保制度;

18、1,A landowner who already holds land subject to a mortgage may wish to hypothecate his equity. ─── 已经拥有被按揭抵押土地的所有人可能会希望抵押他的衡平法权益.

19、We hypothecate that the decreasing of expression amount is related to the formation and metastasis of hepatic cancer. ─── 认为这种降低可能跟肝癌的形成和转移有密切的关系。

20、Problems and countermeasures on hypothecate in non-performing financial assets valuation ─── 金融不良债权评估中有关担保的问题及其对策

21、Hypothecate Form and Feature in Ancient Selling and Buying Contracts ─── 论中国古代买卖契约中担保的形式与特色

22、Analysis on Constract Contractor's Hypothec at Law ─── 建设工程承包人的法定抵押权

23、On Competition and Shut of Hypothec and Hypothecate ─── 论抵押权与质押权的竞合

24、who already holds land subject to a mortgage may wish to hypothecate his equity . ─── 已经拥有被按揭抵押土地的所有人可能会希望抵押他的平衡法权益。

25、Ex. The creditor will execute his (mortgage? lien? hypothec ?) against the debtor's fixed property. ─── 请教法律上,不动产的抵押权&物,要如何以英文表达?

26、For financial claim guaranteed by chattel mortgage, the paper, based on essence of hypothec specific nature, points out the damages should be excluded. ─── 关于动产抵押担保的债权范围,论文指出,基于抵押权特定性的本质,应将损害赔偿金排除在外;

27、Of the purpose that enterprise movables guaranty registers prevent to repeat pledge, ensure the implementation of hypothec. ─── 企业动产抵押登记的目的的防止重复抵押,保障抵押权的实现。

28、1.The housing of rural villager and curtilage base cannot set hypothec; ─── 农村村民的住房及宅基地不能设定抵押权;

29、More, the realization of hypothec system for advanced sale commercial housing and the range determination of guaranty liability for seller are researched with meaningful suggestion. ─── 通过以上两个方面的分析,可以看出我国制定反垄断法的紧迫性和必要性。

30、Shipping still is under the direct control of shipping everybody, a bit of normal battalion carry is insusceptible, also made sure hypothec person reclaims capital, this also is shipping hypothec.. ─── 船舶仍在船舶所有人的直接控制之下,正常营运丝毫不受影响,也保证了抵押权人回收资金,这也是船舶抵押权...

31、To borrow money on behalf of the Company, and to pledge, mortgage or hypothecate any of the property of the Company. ─── 代表公司借入款项,以及质押、按揭、抵押公司的任何财产。

32、hypothec bank ─── 不动产抵押银行

33、Problems and countermeasures on hypothecate in non-performing financial assets valuation ─── 金融不良债权评估中有关担保的问题及其对策

34、1.To pledge, hypothecate, sell of assign and otherwise encumber items as described above. ─── 抵押、担保、出售或转让及上面所列之其他项目。

35、Technology innovation; Policy; Credit hypothecate; Venture capital; Securities business; ─── 技术创新;制度;信用担保;风险投资;证券市场;

36、The Realization of the Aim of Hypothec System ─── 抵押权制度的价值目标及其实现

37、is an important way to hypothecate the debts with the right of trademark. ─── 用商标的专有使用权作为债的担保是商标利用的一种重要方式。

38、There are three methods of construction guarantee: guarantee, hypothecate, earnest money, the bank guarantee will become the leading mode. ─── 我国投标担保包括保证、质押和保证金三种模式,其中,保证担保应该是我国工程担保的主导模式。

39、It is an important way to hypothecate the debts with the right of trademark. ─── 用商标的专有使用权作为债的担保是商标利用的一种重要方式。

40、A Summary of the Study of Hypothec Governor and Hypothec Staff in the Qing Dynasty ─── 清季劝业道、劝业员研究综述

41、A landowner who already holds land subject to a mortgage may wish to hypothecate his equity. ─── 已经拥有被按揭抵押土地的所有人可能会希望抵押他的衡平法权益。

42、This thesis starts with two cases issued on whether hypothec is prior to leasehold. ─── 在处理具有租赁权和抵押权的同一不动产时,抵押权的实现往往和租赁权发生冲突。

43、Abstract: China took Eclectic Doctrine as the principle of public summons of hypothec in legislation. ─── 摘 要: 我国抵押权公示原则采折衷主义,由此导致部分未经登记之动产抵押权在性质上趋向模糊化,在重复抵押中的实行顺序不甚清晰。

44、Can see, shipping hypothec has 3 character: 1.Assure quality. ─── 可以看出,船舶抵押权有三个特性:1.担保性。


46、The part analyzes competition between the tax priority and hypothec, mortgage and lien. ─── 分析了税收优先权与抵押权、质权、留置权的竞合。

47、6.Assurance,including guarantee, mortgage and hypothecate; ─── 担保,包括保证、抵押、质押等;

48、debenture of hypothec bank ─── 劝业债券

49、iii.mortgage, hypothecate, pledge orotherwise create a security interest in allor any property of the Corporation, owned orsubsequently acquired to secure any debt obligation of the Corporation. ─── 3 并且抵押, 担保, 承诺或 否则创造物权担保总计 或公司的任何物产, 拥有或 随后获取获取公司的任何债务。

50、In our country , we can adopt independent prescroption of hypothec or scheduled period enforcement time in hypothec carry on essential to restrain from during upbraiding. ─── 在我国,可以采用抵押权的独立时效或除斥期间制度对抵押权的行使时间进行必要限制。

51、The production of chattel mortgage meets the demand of the competition and shut of hypothec and hypothecate in theory and practice at the same time. ─── 动产抵押制度的产生适应了经济发展的需求,但同时也带来了法学理论和实践中抵押权与质押权竞合的问题。

52、A landowner who already holds land subject to a mortgage may wish to hypothecate his equity . ─── 已经拥有被按揭抵押土地的所有人可能会希望抵押他的衡平法权益。

53、Suggestions on disposition of the land left unused that its right to use and hypothec are decided by count ─── 关于法院裁定的土地使用权和设定抵押权的闲置土地处置建议

54、Show obligee is right the droit of the building on the access of land and land, attachment, and he what arise by afore-mentioned rights an authority, wait like hypothec. ─── 指权利人对土地的使用权和土地上建筑物、附着物的所有权,以及由上述权利产生的他项权,如抵押权等。

55、legal hypothec ─── 法定抵押权

56、CONTRACTOR shall not mortgage, hypothecate, encumber or convey title to any of the equipment or materials in the performance of this CONTRACT. ─── 乙方不能抵押、担保、阻碍和转让履行合同的任何设备或材料的所有权。

57、landowner who already holds land subject to a mortgage may wish to hypothecate his equity. ─── 已经拥有被按揭抵押土地的所有人可能会希望抵押他的衡平法权益。

58、may wish to hypothecate his equity. ─── 可能会希望抵押他的衡平法权益.

59、the confirmation of the maximum amount hypothec ─── 最高额抵押权的确定

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