inscrutability 发音
英:[ɪnˌskruːtəˈbɪləti] 美:[ɪnˌskruːtəˈbɪləti]
英: 美:
inscrutability 中文意思翻译
inscrutability 相似词语短语
1、indescribability ─── n.不可名状
2、insurmountability ─── n.不逾越;难以克服
3、instability ─── n.不稳定(性);基础薄弱;不安定
4、insurability ─── n.[保险]可保险性
5、incurability ─── n.不能医治;不能矫正
6、scrutability ─── 可擦洗性
7、inscrutably ─── adv.费解地;高深莫测地
8、inheritability ─── n.继承性
9、incommutability ─── 不可交换性
inscrutability 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、8.Along with the development of the jury system, the complexity and inscrutability of jury trial have led to the emergence and prosperity of many other ways of case settlement. ─── 随着陪审制度的发展,其自身的复杂性和不可预测性成为导致其他结案方式产生并蓬勃发展的重要因素。
2、Don't need the responsibility declare:Because of carry out the following what project bring be any force majeure the affairs of the inscrutability all and this text the author have nothing related! ─── 免责声明:因实施以下方案所带来的任何不可抗力不可预测的事件都与本文作者无涉!
3、The industry's inscrutability does not bother them: they can get the information they want when they need it. ─── 这个行业的不可预测不会给他们带来困扰,只要他们想要,他们就能得到他们需要的信息。
4、This confidence is unconditional. inscrutability comes form giving rather than taking.As you give, you find services available automatically-thus the warrior conquers the world. ─── 当你给予了, 你就会发现意识独到,具有潜在性的这个战士征服了这个世界。
5、And because Ozawa rarely gives interviews and often works behind the scenes, he has preserved an air of inscrutability. ─── 由于小泽很少接受采访,又常常在幕后活动,他仍然具有某种神秘性。
6、I could visualize the scene at the time and Mitchell's inscrutability ─── 我可以想象得出当时的情景和米切尔的那种神秘莫测的表情。
7、Westerners may no longer subscribe so openly to the nonsense of Japanese inscrutability . ─── 西方人再也不会公开地赞许日本人的奇怪和莫名。
8、37. Of course, this means that they exhibit the same problem as imperative butcons: the inscrutability of the icon. ─── 当然这也意味着它们存在和命令型图标按钮一样的问题,即图标的费解性。
9、So far, so clear. It is when you ask about China's ambitions for its place in the world that inscrutability sets in. ─── 到此为止,情况已非常清楚。当你问及中国对于其国际地位的雄心时,很难得到一个明朗的答案。
10、It was not easy to preserve inscrutability when you did not know what your face looked like. ─── 你不知道自已的容貌是什么样子,是很难保持外表高深莫测的。
11、Secure, however, in the inscrutability of my place of concealment, I felt no embarrassment whatsoever. ─── 我藏匿尸体的地方很安全,所以我一点也不慌张。
12、The Manifestation of Inscrutability: "is methodical and elegant. ─── 这种状态显示: "有条不紊和典雅。
13、The impassive negotiator is purposely unreadable. Inscrutability isn't the exclusive domain of the Chinese; it's been successfully used by skilled negotiators around the world for centuries. ─── 冷漠谈判者故意使自己难以理解,深藏不漏。莫测高深并不是中国人独有的专长。几个世纪以来,世界各地谈判专家们一直在成功的使用这种方法。
14、You won't believe what an inscrutability it is. ─── 你不会相信这是个多么不可思议的事物。
15、She raised tormented eyes to his face and somehow found comfort in the blank inscrutability she saw there. ─── 原来他求过她,让她不要一个人到处乱跑,可是她总不听,现在他死了,就是因为她太固执。
16、And I look forward to the shinings occurred during fluctuation too, because I am curious about its inscrutability; ─── 却又向往变幻时的闪耀,因为好奇它的不可预测性;
17、Secure, however, in the inscrutability of my place of concealment, I felt no embarrassment whatever. ─── 在这几年工夫中,说来不好意思,由于我喝酒上了瘾,脾气习性都彻底变坏了。
18、Secure, however, in the 36 inscrutability of my place of concealment, I felt no embarrassment whatsoever. ─── 我藏匿尸体的地方很安全,所以我一点也不慌张。
19、44. In fact, inscrutability is about the most comfortable expression that a person can wear . ─── 事实上,不可思议大概是一个人可以表露的最轻松的表情。
20、Part of the culture shock for members of Congress is the inscrutability of the Pentagon's accounts. ─── 对于国会议员而言,“文化冲击”的一部分是五角大楼账目晦涩,让人难以理解。
21、In fact,inscrutability is about the most comfortable expression that a person can wear. ─── 事实上,不可思议大概是一个人可以表露的最轻松的表情。
22、Anyone who's followed Mourinho's history with the media even before he stepped on our turf would know that his TV acts of bellicose inscrutability are only for media effect. ─── 每一个通过媒体了解穆帅(包括他踏入我们草地之前)的人都应该知道,他在电视节目上表现出的好斗以及不可思议都是媒体渲染出来的。
23、China has always been grateful to India for this generous gesture, though it might have displayed its gratitude with an inscrutability that is truly oriental. ─── 中国总是“感激”印度的这个慷慨之举,不过它可能是以非常东方的难以理解的方式表达它的谢意。
24、This one indicates some cleverness. It has a hint of inscrutability. Thus we attract other people with similar intellectual deceptiveness. ─── 这个借口表明一些聪明,暗示高深,因此我们会吸引其他有类似心智幻像的人。
25、It has high demand of real time and inscrutability of environment. ─── 具有实时性要求高、环境不可预测等特点。
26、11. The company can not work as force majeure and inscrutability, Party A would try his best to remedy, but without any responsibility. ─── 如因不可抗拒力、不可预测因素造成公司不能正常运作时,甲方当尽力补救,但不承担任何责任。
27、There are two main problems in bearing-only tracking: system"s nonlinearity and inscrutability of the range of target. ─── 被动式目标跟踪主要存在两个问题:系统非线性和距离不可观测性。
28、Westerners may no longer subscribe so openly to the nonsense of Japanese inscrutability. ─── 西方人再也不会公开地赞许日本人的奇怪和莫名。
29、In addition, I also exhibit how Quine, based on his views about naturalized epistemology, the generic approach of language learning, and inscrutability of reference, rejects a priori knowledge. ─── 此外,我还将从蒯因的自然化知识论、语言发生学、指涉的不可测度性来看他如何反驳先验知识。
30、inscrutability when you did not know what your face looked like. ─── 你不知道自已的容貌是什么样子,是很难保持外表高深莫测的。
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