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09-13 投稿



inclemency 发音

英:[ɪnˈklemənsi]  美:[ɪnˈklemənsi]

英:  美:

inclemency 中文意思翻译



inclemency 网络释义

n. 严酷,气候严酷;天气险恶

inclemency 相似词语短语

1、incipiency ─── n.起初;发端(等于incipience)

2、inclemently ─── 险恶地

3、incoherency ─── n.不连贯;语无伦次;无内聚力;无胶粘性(等于incoherence)

4、incumbency ─── n.义务;任职;责任

5、inclemencies ─── n.严酷,气候严酷;天气险恶

6、indecency ─── n.猥亵;下流;无礼

7、inclement ─── adj.天气恶劣的;气候严酷的;狂风暴雨的;潮湿的;寒冷的

8、increment ─── n.[数]增量;增加;增额;盈余

9、clemency ─── n.仁慈;温和;宽厚

inclemency 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、an inclement climate ─── 恶劣 [严寒] 的气候

2、You have to inclement weather in advance, it is necessary to carefully fly over the heads of the things you care掉血! ─── 你要在恶劣的天气里前进,要小心头上飞过来的东西,小心会让你掉血!

3、However, the advantage is that there are never any inclement weather conditions to deal with, plus the footholds and handholds can be unbolted in order to reconfigure the climbing surface. ─── 不过,这也有好处。好处在于攀岩不用再顾虑坏天气的影响,还可以拆下手点和脚点重新设置岩板。

4、Around 7, somebody called: the girl who works in the shift before me said the school is closed due to inclement weather!?!I thought it's probably like "The Day after Tomorrow" out there! ─── 结果七点左右有人打电话把我吵起来:我之前上班的人跟我说学校晚上因为天气关闭,不用上班了!?!

5、Unfortunately due to the inclement weather the picnic was cancelled and is now rescheduled to be on October 12th. ─── 很遗憾,因为天气原因,我们的联谊会需要延期到10月12日(星期日)。

6、Abstraction of seawater for keeping live seafood should be avoided during and after inclement weather. ─── 小时。同时应避免在恶劣天气期间或其后抽取海水作饲养活海鲜之用。

7、Buy a mackintosh by Jack Spade and you'll look sharp in even the most inclement weather. ─── 而且不同于“宽“领带的是,它和牛仔夹克或者正装搭配搭配的效果都非常好。

8、It also served as a venue for entertaining friends during inclement weather, much as a house conservatory does today. ─── 不过,这种敲边处理对地板面层要求严格,如果太薄,经过敲边,容易造成地板开裂。

9、"jianhu" is very inclement .It don't suit me. I can but "see see",xixixi***. ─── 你是来自彼岸的风景,我注定只能站在对岸望着你!

10、Show contents and times are subject to change or cancellation without notice due to inclement weather, etc. ─── 表演秀以及开园时间有可能因故不经预告而取消或中止,敬请留意。

11、It will be open-air except for an elegant timber lattice roof, providing shelter in inclement weather and offering views of the dock and beyond. ─── 除了优美的用格子分割的绿化屋顶外都是户外空间。户外空间提供了对严寒天气的遮蔽,和船坞的视线。

12、When it was not too wet or inclement for her child to be with her, they went together; ─── 若是天气不太潮湿或不太恶劣,能带孩子,她便带了孩子去。

13、Arrangements will be made for activities cancelled owing to inclement weather. ─── 因天气关系取消的节目或活动,将另作安排。

14、Rescuers were once again thwarted by inclement weather on Mount Hood. Heavy snow and fierce winds force expedition teams to cut short their search for three missing climbers. ─── 救援人员再次受到胡德山险恶天气的阻碍。狂风暴雪迫使探险队中断了对三名失踪登山者的搜索。

15、Let me do not pray to get the asylum in the inclemency. ─── 让我不要祈祷在险恶中得到庇护。

16、We were still sitting in our places when the faery troop meandered back to the camp, chased home by the sud-den inclemency. ─── 被突如其来的严酷天气赶回了家,他们缓步回营时,我们还坐在老地方。

17、They leave to the sun and the moon their journey, to the stars their courses, to the seasons their blessing and their inclemency ; ─── 他们离开到太阳和月亮他们的旅程,到星他们的课程,到季节他们的祝福和他们的险恶;

18、In case of inclement weather, hirers are advised to check with the venue staff beforehand whether the facilities venue will be temporarily closed. ─── 如遇恶劣天气,租用人往场地前请先向职员查询有关场地或其设施会否暂时关闭。

19、But a second round of balloting might not feasible if inclement weather sets in. ─── 不过,如果天气情况恶劣,将可能无法进行第二轮投票。

20、Eg: Inclement climate cannot thwart his step to save the little girl. ─── 恶劣的天气阻扰不了他前去解救小女孩的脚步。

21、They leave to the sun and the moon their journey, to the stars their courses, to the seasons their blessing and their inclemency; ─── 他们离开到太阳和月亮他们的旅程,到星他们的课程,到季节他们的祝福和他们的险恶;

22、Please be prepared for inclement weather during your approximately 5.7 km trek along the Olympic Eventing Cross-Country course for viewing the jumps. ─── 奥运三项赛之越野赛赛道全程达约5.7公里,观众可沿途观看越野障碍。请留意当日天气情况。

23、What is the CFA Institute contingency plan in the event of inclement weather? ─── 在遇到恶劣天气的时候,CFA有什么应变计划?

24、I wouldn't hesitate to bring it along as a second pair of pants if inclement weather is expected. ─── 在可见的严酷天气情况下我会很乐意多带一条这种裤子。

25、They made detailed plans for an outing,but they reckoned without the possibility of inclement weather. ─── 他们为郊游拟订了周详的计划,但他们还是忽略了天气变坏的可能性。

26、In the event of inclement weather conditions, not in accordance with contingency plans and operation procedures for disposal; ─── 遇有恶劣气象条件时,未按照应急预案和操作规程进行处置;

27、an inclement ruler ─── 一个残暴的统治者

28、Granted Power: Inclement weather has less of an effect on you. ─── 神授力量:恶劣天气对你影响减小。

29、Where the National Flag shall be displayed under this Law, when the weather is inclement, it is permissible that the Flag not be displayed. ─── 依照本法规定应当升挂国旗的,遇有恶劣天气,可以不升挂。

30、inclement winter ─── 严冬

31、Route 10 will also relieve the traffic burden of the Lantau Link, and maintain road access to Lantau in the event that the Lantau Link has to be closed under inclement weather or emergencies. ─── 十号干线并可纾缓青屿干线的交通及在青屿干线因恶劣天气或紧急事故而需要关闭时,维持往大屿山的陆路通道。

32、Except for boots with a specific purpose, like work boots , your boots are best reserved for days when there is inclement weather or when you're riding a motorcycle. ─── 除了靴子与特定目的,如鞋 ,靴子是您最好的保留几天当有恶劣天气,或当你骑摩托车。

33、May need to work outdoors in inclement weather (heat, cold, rain). ─── 可能在特殊天气条件下(炎热,寒冷,下雨)室外工作。'

34、At irregular intervals of two to seven years, the waters of the central Pacific warm up, heralding inclement weather throughout the southern hemisphere. ─── 无规律地间隔二至七年,中央太平洋的海水温度就会升高,预示着南半球严酷的天气的到来。

35、If the above Inclement Weather / Condition Warnings be raised again on 31 May 2009, the race will be cancelled without further rescheduling. Race entry fees will not be refunded. ─── 如5月31日当天再度天气恶劣或悬挂上述任何警告,是项赛事将取消而不再补赛.报名费用将不会退回。

36、Rescuers were once again thwarted by inclement weather on Mount Hood. Heavy snow and fierce winds forcedexpedition teams to cut short their search for three missing climbers. ─── 救援行动再次被胡德山上的严酷天气所阻碍。大风暴雪迫使救援队伍停止对三名失踪爬山者的搜寻工作。

37、The Shenzhen Bay Bridge may be closed during inclement weather and public transport services may cease operation. Visitors should pay attention to the latest traffic information. ─── 深圳湾公路大桥可能会在恶劣天气下封闭,公共运输服务亦会因此而停止服务,届时旅客需留意有关交通情况。

38、In case of inclement weather during the tournament period, please call the Tournament Hotline ( 2504 3336 ) for the status of the event. ─── 如于比赛当日,遇上天气恶劣的情况,请致电赛事热线25043336收听赛事之最新消息。

39、Despite the inclement weather, this critical phase of the relocation exercise was completed successfully. ─── 天气虽然恶劣,搬迁行动的最重要阶段成功完成。

40、The inclemency of weather in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with anoxic atmosphere and low temperature makes wastewater treatment difficult. ─── 在高寒缺氧的青藏高原如何对生活污水进行有效的处理,目前仍无好的解决方案。

41、If the coach decided to continue training under inclement weather, parents or guardians should stay with their children during training. ─── 如天气不穏定,而教练决定继续训练,家长应留在场地陪同子女训练。

42、The inclement weather includes rain, snow, fog and so on which has a lot impact on the roads and the traffic.So the research is quite significant. ─── 恶劣天气包括雨、雪、雾、沙尘暴等对道路和交通产生很大的影响,因此恶劣天气下的交通控制具有十分重要意义。

43、Daily drivers are exposed to day-in, day-out wear and tear as well as exposure to inclement weather, road grime, air-borne pollutants, and other contaminants that land and settle on the paint surface etc. ─── 白天开车的司机天天都有磨损,更何况是恶劣的天气、公路的沥青、空气的污染物和其它污物都能导致漆面的损伤等等。

44、Exposure to inclement weather and frequent washing, especially with high alkaline, strong detergents( like dish washing soap) further breaks down and dries-out and dulls all types of resins, thus accelerating the deterioration process. ─── 暴露在恶劣的条件下和频繁的洗车,特别是碱性大的、激性强的去污剂(香皂)也会分解和使树脂丧失,最终加速老化的进程。

45、These feelings grew so powerful that, in spite of the inclement weather, he resolved to visit Peter Goldthwaite immediately. ─── 这些念头越来越强烈,于是顾不得天气险恶,他决心立刻动身去看彼得。

46、If the above Inclement Weather / Condition Warnings be raised again on 13 July 2008, the race will be cancelled without any more rescheduled race. ─── 如比赛进行中天气恶劣或悬挂上述任何警告,赛事总监有权将比赛取消正在进行中的比赛。

47、Pavement marking provide important information to the driver. Pavement markings are particularly important at night and during inclement weather. ─── 10路面标线为驾驶员提供重要的信息。在晚上及恶劣的气候条件下,他们特别重要。

48、The inclemency of the weather kept us from school. ─── 天气恶劣使我们不能上学。

49、Where the National Flag shall be displayed under this Law, when the weather is inclement, it is permissible that the Flag not be displayed. ─── 依照本法规定应当升挂国旗的,遇有恶劣天气,可以不升挂。

50、Increased concern has been reported in Tajikistan due to inclement weather on the cotton crop. ─── 塔吉克斯坦的棉花作物由于恶劣的天气被广泛关注。

51、” Inclement weather is one thing, but the downturn is posing a greater challenge. ─── 恶劣天气不论,经济下行对邮政业产生的影响则更为深远。

52、The vagaries of inclement weather conditions are avoided to a certain extent. ─── 可以在一定程度上避免变化莫测的恶劣气候影响。

53、Traffic Management Measures under Inclement Weather Conditions ─── 恶劣天气下的交通管理措施

54、Is it possible for the Observatory to enhance the communication with the Education and Manpower Bureau in inclement weather situations? ─── 在恶劣天气情况时,天文台可否加强和教统局的联系?

55、the local weather too inclement) ─── 当地天气恶劣),

56、Additionally, it is how to evade present and outer obstruct and inclemency. ─── 另外就是如何避开外在即有的障碍,以及险恶的环境。

57、Let me do not pray to get the asylum in the inclemency, ─── 让我不要祈祷在险恶中得到庇护,

58、He can count himself unlucky, however, to be in the lower half of the draw which has been affected worst by the inclement weather. ─── 好在,布德-克林斯和皮特-波多这两大“桑蜜”找到了纳达尔这个救命稻草。

59、inclement weather ─── 恶劣天气

60、We were still sitting in our places when the faery troop meandered back to the camp, chased home by the sudden inclemency . ─── 仙灵队被突如其来的严酷天气赶回了家,他们缓步回营时,我们还坐在老地方。

61、In inclement weather, I like to curl up on the sofa with a good book and listen to the storm blowing outside. ─── 每逢恶劣的天气,我喜欢蜷曲在沙发里读有趣的书,同时听风暴在屋外呼啸着。

62、In case of inclement weather, announcement on the latest arrangement for the event will be made on the official website on 6th June 2008. The event may be postponed if necessary. ─── 如天气状况预测欠佳,主办单位将于2008年6月6日于大会网页公布最新安排,如有必要,活动将可能延期举行。

63、Let me do not pray to get the asylum in the inclemency, but pray the ability to face them fearlessly. ─── 让我不要祈祷在险恶中得到庇护,但祈祷能无畏的面对它们。

64、Due to the works suspension and some other causes, including sub-soil obstructions and inclement weather, the completion date is expected to be deferred to end 2008. ─── 由于曾经停工及其他因素,包括下层土阻塞及恶劣天气,完工日期预计会延至2008年年底。

65、Let me do not pray to get the asylum in the inclemency, But pray the ability fearlessness of face them, Let I not imprecation I of pain and sufferings will stop, But beg my heart and can conquer it. ─── 让我不要祈祷在险恶中得到庇护, 但祈祷能无畏的面对它们, 让我不祈求我的痛苦会停止, 但求我的心能征服它。

66、The young Reds controlled the opening period of a match dictated by inclement weather, as high winds heavily affected play. ─── 红小鬼们开局阶段控制了比赛。比赛的天气十分糟糕,很冷,而且大风也影响了比赛。

67、roughness, severity, harshness, coarseness, abruptness, inclemency, rawness ─── 粗糙。粗野。粗鲁。险恶。严酷。


69、6. But the means of escape from holiday hel (if the beach proves too crowded, the local weather too inclement) are there, outside -- or, as likely, part of -- the tent. ─── 而且也是逃离假日地狱(如海滩太挤,当地天气恶劣)方便工具,因为汽车就停在帐篷外面,或者汽车本身可能就是露营帐篷的一个组成部分。

70、Spores in the air increases. These spores infect crops through areas of damage caused by insects, and inclement weather. Once infected, plant stress occurs, the production of aflatoxin is favoured. ─── 昆虫及恶劣的天气会对农作物造成破坏,而这些孢子会透过农作物的受损处,侵染农作物,从而影响农作物的抵抗力,助长黄曲霉毒素的产生。

71、China faces inclement weather this year ─── 中国今年将面临恶劣天气

72、Local educational offices and schools are able to adjust their timetables properly in response to inclement weather, the Ministry of Education said Tuesday. ─── 教育部23日发出通知,如遇重大气象灾害,各地可适当调整上课时间和假期;

73、In fact, when inclement weather arrived, there is a hidden danger for us to ignore that as a result of supporting the "over" and in precarious circumstances AC extrapolated machines. ─── 其实,当恶劣天气来临时,还有一个隐患为我们所忽视,那就是由于支架“超龄”而处于风雨飘摇境况的空调外挂机。

74、It is inclement weather. ─── 今天天气很险饿恶。

75、Japan is planning ultra(1) long-range 30-year weather forecasts that will predict typhoons, storms, blizzards(2), droughts and other inclement(3) weather, an official said Tuesday. ─── 周二,日本官方称计划进行一次超长天气预测,将预测未来30年内会发生的台风、暴风雨、暴风雪、干旱和其他恶劣天气。

76、the harse sentence of an inclement judge. ─── 无情的法官的严厉判决。

77、We were still sitting in our places when the faery troop meandered back to the camp, chased home by the sud-den inclemency. ─── 仙灵队被突如其来的严酷天气赶回了家,他们缓步回营时,我们还坐在老地方。

78、The inclement weather brought forth a host of diseases. ─── 恶劣的天气引起了种种疾病。

79、The Pin Brazing can be done in inclement weather unlike other versions of bonding systems. ─── 铜焊钉不象其它连接系统在恶劣的气候条件下它也能正常使用。

80、Inclement weather is the main factor to result in flight delay, air traffic capacity uncertainty and serious flight unsafety. ─── 恶劣天气是造成航班延误和交通容量不确定的主要因素,也是危害飞行安全的一个重要方面。

81、I asked myself where my mother could be, whether she'd also been able to withstand the poison, her lungs adapt to this solitary inclemency and the dearth of oxygen. ─── 我问我自己母亲可能在哪里,她是否也经受住了毒害,她的肺是否也适应了这孤寂的险恶和氧气的匮乏。

82、The paper presents an overview of the installation of piles for the bridge in the inclement natural conditions in the open seas. ─── 文章全面介绍在自然条件恶劣的外海进行沉桩施工的情况。

83、It is a good safety tip never to take a small craft out in inclement weather, but if you must, do so with caution. ─── 保持航海安全,就是不在恶劣气候下驾驶小船出海。假如非出海不可,则务必谨慎小心。

84、Due to expected inclement weather, Somers school will be closed tomorrow. The schedule for the following weeks (final tests, graduation ceremony, Chinese Opera, etc.) will be shifted accordingly! ─── 因为天气的关系,学校本周停课!原定下周举行的期末考和毕业典礼,国剧表演顺延一周。

85、In the event of school closings due to inclement weather, parents will be notified via the parent communication network and the teachers via the teacher communication network. ─── 如果学校因为下雪而决定停课,学校将会透过家长联络网及教师联络网通知大家。

86、The view of the top of the Eiffel Tower was obscured by the inclement weather. ─── 法国,巴黎:艾菲尔铁塔的塔尖已经湮灭在了恶劣的下雪天中.

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