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intreat 发音

英:[[ɪn'tri:t]]  美:[[ɪn'tri:t]]

英:  美:

intreat 中文意思翻译




intreat 词性/词形变化,intreat变形

过去分词:intreated 现在分词:intreating

intreat 相似词语短语

1、entreaty ─── n.恳求;乞求

2、entreats ─── vt.恳求;请求;vi.恳求;乞求

3、intreated ─── vt.乞求;恳求;vi.乞求;恳求(等于entreat)

4、mistreat ─── vt.虐待

5、estreat ─── v.(授权)征收(保证金);n.审判记录复本

6、a treat ─── 犒劳;款待

7、intreats ─── vt.乞求;恳求;vi.乞求;恳求(等于entreat)

8、entreat ─── vt.恳求;请求;vi.恳求;乞求

9、extreat ─── 外向的

intreat 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And now, if you will, entreat the favor of God, that He may be gracious to us. ─── 9现在我劝你们恳求神的恩惠,祂好施恩与我们。

2、They gathered outside the palace to entreat favours of the king. ─── 他们聚集在宫廷外面,请求国王施以恩典。

3、33 Entreat bleach cute microscope condense ─── 33恳求漂白可爱的显微镜使之简洁

4、Because of love I rather entreat, being such a one as Paul the aged and now also a prisoner of Christ Jesus. ─── 9然而像我这有年纪的保罗,现在又是基督耶稣的囚犯,宁可因着爱恳求你,

5、"Oh, attend to it, Valentine, I entreat you." ─── “噢,要注意呀,瓦朗蒂娜,我求求你。”

6、If one man sin against another, the judge shall judge him: but if a man sin against the LORD, who shall intreat for him? ─── 人若得罪人,有士师审判他。人若得罪耶和华,谁能为他祈求呢?

7、"My friend, my dear Maximilian, do not make a hasty resolution, I entreat you." ─── “我的朋友,我亲爱的马西米兰,不要作匆忙的决定,我求求你。”

8、In vain did she entreat him to stand up with somebody else, and offer to introduce him to any young lady in the room. ─── 她要求他跟别人去跳,并且答应给他介绍一位小姐,可是他不肯。

9、I entreat you concerning my child, whom I have begotten in my bonds, Onesimus, ─── 10就是为我在捆锁中所生的孩子欧尼西母恳求你;

10、She looked at her father to entreat his interference, lest Mary should be singing all night. ─── 她最后对自己的父亲望了一眼,求他老人家来拦阻一下,免得曼丽通宵唱下去。

11、Benevolence is a natural instinct of the human mind; when A sees B in distress, his conscience always urges him to entreat C to help him. ─── 仁慈是人的天赋本能;当某甲看到某乙陷于困难之时,他的良心就会促使他去找某丙来给某乙帮忙。

12、1. He was accustomed to command, not to entreat. ─── 他习惯于发号施令,而不是恳求他人。

13、to call on or entreat solemnly,especially by an oath ─── 召唤或恳求,尤指要发誓的

14、And Pharaoh said, I will let you go, that ye may sacrifice to the LORD your God in the wilderness;only ye shall not go very far away: intreat for me. ─── 29摩西说,我要出去求耶和华,使成群的苍蝇明天离开法老和法老的臣仆并法老的百姓,法老却不可再行诡诈,不容百姓去祭祀耶和华。

15、And the daughter of Tyre shall be there with a gift; even the ***ch among the people shall intreat thy favour. ─── 12推罗的民,(民原文作女子),必来送礼。民中富足人,也必向你求恩。

16、Rebuke not an elder, but intreat [him] as a father; ─── 不可严责老年人,只要劝他如同父亲;

17、"Come thou, and entreat his blessing! ─── “你过来,恳求他的祝福吧!

18、Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron, and said, Intreat the LORD, that he may take away the frogs from me, and from my people;and I will let the people go, that they may do sacrifice unto the LORD. ─── 8法老召了摩西,亚伦来,说,请你们求耶和华使这青蛙离开我和我的民,我就容百姓去祭祀耶和华。

19、She look anxiously at her parents as if entreat forgiveness. ─── 她忧虑地看着她的双亲,好像在请求宽恕。

20、I shall intreat his pardon for not having done it earlier. ─── 我一定去求他原谅,请他不要怪我没有早些问候他。

21、Then he began to cry most piteously, for it hurt him very much, and to entreat her to release him again. ─── 伦克朗老汉一下哭了起来,样子很可怜,因为那太痛了。

22、They entreat me to acquaint her with it. ─── 他们一定要我把这件事告诉她。

23、And the daughter of Tyre shall be there with a gift; even the rich among the people shall intreat thy favour. ─── 12推罗的民,(民原文作女子),必来送礼。民中富足人,也必向你求恩。

24、Sir, I conjure you, I entreat now, sir, give me your most sacred word of honor, that you will not tell her. ─── 先生,我恳求您,我哀求您,先生,您用最神圣的诺言答应我,不要告诉她。

25、“Oh, very well, very well!”Denisov cried;“now it's no use crying off, it's your turn to sing the barcarolle, I entreat you. ─── “得啦吧,好,好,”杰尼索夫喊道,“现在用不着托词推卸,该您唱意大利威尼斯的船歌了,我央求您。”

26、To Broach and entreat another ─── 启齿求人

27、"Oh, yes. yes. this instant, I entreat you." ─── “噢,是的,是的,马上动手吧,我求求你!”

28、"Tell me, I entreat of you, who and what you are?" said he at length; ─── “请告诉我,我求求你,你是什么人?” 他终于说。

29、And I intreat thee also, true yokefellow, help those women which laboured with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and with other my fellowlabourers, whose names are in the book of life. ─── 3我也求你这真实同负一轭的,帮助这两个女人,因为他们在福音上曾与我一同劳苦。还有革利免,并其馀和我一同作工的。他们的名字都在生命册上。

30、Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and said, Entreat Jehovah to take away the frogs from me and from my people, and I will let the people go to sacrifice to Jehovah. ─── 8法老召了摩西、亚伦来,说,你们祈求耶和华使青蛙离开我和我的民,我就让百姓去献祭给耶和华。

31、"Oh, yes, yes; this instant, I entreat you." ─── “噢,是的,是的,马上动手吧,我求求你

32、-- I entreat you not to suppose that I moved this way in order to beg for a partner." ─── 你可千万别以为我是跑到这边来找舞伴的。”

33、Most earnestly did she then entreat him to lose no more time before he wrote. ─── 于是她极其诚恳地请求他马上就回家去写,不要耽搁。

34、And many peoples and powerful nations will come to Jerusalem to seek the LORD Almighty and to entreat him." ─── 22必有列邦的人、和强国的民、来到耶路撒冷、寻求万军之耶和华、恳求耶和华的恩。

35、entreat for help ─── 央请帮忙

36、to entreat the judge for mercy ─── 乞求法官宽恕

37、And he was angry, and would not go in: therefore came his father out, and intreat him. ─── 29他对父亲说:‘你看,我服事你这么多年,从来没有违背过你的命令,可是你没有给我一只山羊羔,叫我和朋友一同欢乐。

38、'Entreat me to believe it no more, Miss Manette. ─── “别再请求我相信了,曼内特小姐。

39、"Be careful of my friend, I entreat you, and leave me." ─── “求你小心照顾我的朋友,去吧。”

40、20 year ago, I go out with old mama and piteously entreat old mama:Give me two hair moneys I buy a piece of chocolate? ─── 二十年前,我和老妈出门,苦苦哀求老妈:给我两毛钱我买块巧克力吧?

41、daughter of Tyre shall be there with a gift; even the rich among the people shall intreat thy favour. ─── 推罗的民,(民原文作女子),必来送礼。民中富足人,也必向你求恩。

42、I cannot misunderstand you, but I intreat you, dear Lizzy, not to pain me by thinking that person to blame, and saying your opinion of him is sunk. ─── 亲爱的吉英,柯林斯先生是个自高自大、喜爱炫耀、心胸狭窄的蠢汉,这一点你和我懂得一样清楚,你也会同我一样地感觉到,只有头脑不健全的女人才肯嫁给他。

43、entreat sB. for [to show] mercy ─── 向某人求情

44、13 Being defamed, we intreat: we are made as the filth of the world, and are the offscouring of all things unto this day. ─── 13被人毁谤、我们就善劝.直到如今、人还把我们看作世界上的污秽、万物中的渣滓。

45、to beg piteously; to implore; to entreat; to beseech ─── 哀求

46、He replied, however,-- "I entreat you, M. de Villefort, be, as you always are, kind and equitable, and give him back to us soon. ─── “维尔福先生,我求您,您一向所做的事都是那样公正仁慈,早些把他送还给我们吧。”

47、Why could not entreat the pathetic child understandingly? ─── 你为什么不能较宽容地对待这个可怜的孩子呢?

48、Preach the word: be instant in season, out of season: reprove, entreat, rebuke in all patience and doctrine. ─── 以百般的忍耐和各样的教训去反驳,去斥责,去劝勉。

49、Many will intreat the favour of the p***nce: and every man is a f***end to him that giveth gifts. ─── 6好施散的,有多人求他的恩情。爱送礼的,人都为他的朋友。

50、Entreat,implore and beseech are stronger and more formal than beg ─── entreat,implore,beseech 三词均比beg 的词义强而文雅

51、and the inhabitants of one city will go to another and say, 'Let us go at once to entreat the LORD and seek the LORD Almighty. I myself am going.' ─── 21这城的居民、必到那城、说、我们要快去恳求耶和华的恩、寻求万军之耶和华.我也要去。

52、'Who is the Almighty, that we should serve Him, And what would we gain if we entreat Him?' ─── 伯21:15全能者是谁、我们何必事奉他呢.求告他有甚麽益处呢。

53、Now therefore, please forgive my sin just this once, and entreat Jehovah your God that He would only remove this death from me. ─── 17现在请你,只这一次,饶恕我的罪,并且祈求耶和华你们的神,使我脱离这一次的死亡。

54、KJV: And the daughter of Tyre shall be there with a gift; even the rich among the people shall intreat thy favour. ─── 译本:推罗的居民(“居民”原文作“女子”)必带着礼物而来;民间富有的人要向你求恩。

55、He looked like only the frightened rabbit to escape, again is not willing to see her,how regardless of she does entreat. ─── 他象只受惊的兔子逃掉了,再也不肯见她,无论她怎样哀求。

56、You would lie down and none would disturb you, And many would entreat your favor. ─── 伯11:19你躺卧无人惊吓、有许多人向你求恩。

57、And they began to entreat Him to depart from their borders. ─── 他们就恳求耶稣离开他们的境界。

58、"i entreat you to tell me more , sir . ─── “我求你告诉我更多一些情况,先生。”

59、To beg for urgently; entreat. ─── 乞求;恳求

60、She entreat me to pardon you your wrongs. ─── 她恳求我原谅你的过错。

61、If one man sin against another, the judge shall judge him: but if a man sin against the LORD, who shall intreat for him? ─── 人若得罪人,有士师审判他。人若得罪耶和华,谁能为他祈求呢?

62、I would entreat you not to fear, not to tremble. My life for yours! If you think I come here as a lion, it were pity of my life. ─── 咱恳求你们,不用害怕,不用发抖;咱可以用生命给你们担保。要是你们想咱真是一头狮子,那咱才真是倒霉啦!不,咱完全不是这种东西;咱是跟别人一样的人。

63、verily I will cause the enemy to entreat thee well in the time of evil and in the time of affliction. ─── 在遭遇祸患和灾难的时候,我必叫你的仇敌恳求你。

64、call upon in supplication; entreat. ─── 以恳求的方式号召;恳求。

65、Goddess, I entreat your pity. ─── 女神,我请求你发发善心。

66、"Tell me, I entreat of you, who and what you are?" said he at length ─── “请告诉我,我求求你,你是什么人?”他终于说。

67、Cor 4: 13 Being defamed, we intreat, we are made as the filth of the world, and are the offscourings of all things unto this day. ─── 林前4:13被人毁谤,我们就善劝。直到如今,人还把我们看作世界上的污秽,万物中的渣滓。

68、"Sire," said Villefort, "I will render a faithful report to your majesty, but I must entreat your forgiveness if my anxiety leads to some obscurity in my language." ─── “陛下,”维尔福说,“我向您保证献上一份可靠的情报,假如由于我很焦急而出现有些地方语无伦次,请陛下恕罪。”

69、Those pioneers of Bodhi consummation, who likened to the lamps illuminating cosmos of the ten quarters, I do so earnestly entreat that they will perpetuate the rotation of Dharma-cakra. ─── 十方所有世间灯,最初成就菩提者,我今一切皆劝请,转于无上妙法-轮。

70、Beloved, I entreat you as strangers and sojourners to abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul, ─── 亲爱的,我劝你们作客旅和寄居的,要禁戒属肉体的私欲,这私欲是与魂战斗的;

71、She was not accustomed to entreat. ─── 她不习惯于乞求于人。

72、"Ask me no questions, I entreat you" (Charles Dickens). ─── “不要问我问题,我恳求你” (查尔斯·狄更斯)。

73、Many will entreat the favor of the generous man, And every man is a friend to one who gives gifts. ─── 6慷慨的,有多人求他的恩情;爱送礼的,人都为他的朋友。

74、And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; ─── 16路得说,不要催我回去不跟随你,你往哪里去,我也往那里去。你在哪里住宿,我也在那里住宿。你的国就是我的国,你的神就是我的神。

75、And the king responded and said to the man of God, Entreat Jehovah your God, I beg you, and intercede for me that my hand may be restored to me. ─── 6王回应神人说,请你为我恳求耶和华你的神施恩惠,为我祷告,使我的手能收回。

76、'I entreat you to observe that I have come here voluntarily, in response to that written appeal of a fellow-countryman which lies before you. ─── “我请你注意,我是自觉到这儿来的,是应一个同胞的书面请求来的,那封信就在你面前。

77、He beseeched me to entreat your Majesties to hear and see the matter. ─── 他拜托我一定请陛下二位也来看戏。

78、Evilly entreat sb. ─── [古]虐待某人

79、and I am to entreat you, request you, and desire you, to con them by to-morrow night;and meet me in the palace wood, a mile without the town, by moonlight; ─── 咱请求你们,恳求你们,要求你们,在明儿夜里念熟,趁着月光,在郊外一哩路地方的禁林里咱们碰头,在那边咱们要排练排练;

80、"You would lie down and none would disturb you, And many would entreat your favor. ─── 你躺卧,无人惊吓,且有许多人向你求恩。

81、but harder grows the more I her intreat? ─── 我越苦苦恳求她,反倒越坚硬?

82、Mk.5:17 And they began to entreat Him to depart from their borders. ─── 可五17他们就恳求耶稣离开他们的境界。

83、Indeed, Sir, I have not the least intention of dancing. -- I entreat you not to suppose that I moved this way in order to beg for a partner. ─── 先生,我的确一点儿也不想跳舞。你可千万别以为我是跑到这边来找舞伴的。

84、'So many peoples and mighty nations will come to seek the Lord of hosts in Jerusalem and to entreat the favor of the Lord.' ─── 亚8:22必有列邦的人、和强国的民、来到耶路撒冷、寻求万军之耶和华、恳求耶和华的恩。

85、Now therefore forgive, I pray thee, my sin only this once, and intreat the LORD your God, that he may take away from me this death only. ─── 现在求你,只这一次,饶恕我的罪,求耶和华你们的神使我脱离这一次的死亡。

86、Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren; ─── 不可严责老年人,只要劝他们如同父亲。劝少年人如同弟兄。

87、She shouldn't entreat her elder like that. ─── 她不应那样对待长辈。

88、Benevolence is a natural instinct of the human mind,when A sees B in distress,his conscience always urges him to entreat C to help him. ─── 仁慈是人的天赋本能,当某甲看到某乙陷于困难之时,他的良心就会促使他去找某丙来给某乙帮忙。







serve作为名词,可表示乐趣、愉快的事,常与a连用;而treat作为动词,表示以某种态度对待某人或某事物,常与b连用,也可接as短语充当补足语的复合宾语,作“医治”解时可说treat sth,也可说treat sb for sth。

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