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Parthenon 发音

英:['pɑ:θinən]  美:[ˈpɑːrθəˌnɑːn]

英:  美:

Parthenon 中文意思翻译



Parthenon 网络释义

n. 帕台农神殿(希腊用以祭祀雅典娜女神的神庙)

Parthenon 短语词组

1、ictinus parthenon ─── 帕特农神庙

2、stylobate parthenon ─── 柱状帕特农神庙

3、triglyph parthenon ─── 巴台农神庙

4、amphiprostyle parthenon ─── 两栖帕台农神庙

5、Acropolis/Parthenon ─── 卫城/帕提农

6、parthenon temple ─── 帕台农神庙

Parthenon 相似词语短语

1、parthenospore ─── n.单性孢子

2、partition ─── n.划分,分开;[数]分割;隔墙;隔离物;vt.[数]分割;分隔;区分

3、Parthenope ─── n.帕耳忒诺珀(希腊神话中的一个神)

4、Parthenos ─── n.处女(附于几位希腊女神尤其是雅典娜名后的表述词语)

5、parthenogenesis ─── n.[植]单性生殖,[胚]孤雌生殖

6、Parthenon ─── n.帕台农神殿(希腊用以祭祀雅典娜女神的神庙)

7、partheno- ─── 单性生殖

8、parthenocarpy ─── n.[植]单性结实;未经授粉而结果

9、parton ─── n.部分子

Parthenon 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Parthenon Temple ─── 帕德嫩神庙

2、It is just and good that most of the people who dream of seeing the Parthenon should have a chances to do so. ─── 在梦想见到帕台农神殿的人当中,大多数都有机会一饱眼福。

3、Her birth and contest with Poseidon for suzerainty of Athens were depicted on the Parthenon. ─── 在巴特农神庙的墙上有描绘她的出生,以及她和波塞顿争夺雅典宗主权的故事。

4、While we were in Athens we visited some of the sights: the world famous Parthenon, and the National Museum, and we went to a concert. ─── 当我们在雅典时,我们浏览了一些景点:世界著名的帕台农神庙和国家博物馆,我们还去看了音乐会。

5、Between 1801 and 1812, the English Earl of Elgin bribed local Ottoman officials to allow him to ship to England as much of the Parthenon as his workers could carry. ─── 至1801年和1812年,英国埃尔金伯爵奥斯曼贿赂地方官员允许他到英国船舶多的神庙作为他的工人可以携带。

6、An immense, columned temple built almost entirely of marble, Athens's ancient Parthenon is the consummate example of classical Greek architecture. ─── 座落于雅典的古帕台农神庙,是座几乎全是大理石结构的雄伟精妙的圆柱型巨殿。它是古典希腊式建筑完美之典范。

7、the imposing peristyle of the Parthenon ─── 帕台农神庙雄伟的柱廊.

8、In this manner, the heaping up of the Parthenon, obliterated, a century ago, a portion of the vaults of Saint-Genevieve hill. ─── 一世纪以前先贤祠的下陷,就这样堵塞了圣热纳维埃夫山上一部分的沟管。

9、Many people at different times compared the Winter Palace to the Parthenon, the Pyramids, the Arena, the Notre Dame. ─── 人们一向把希腊的巴特农神庙、埃及的金字塔、罗马的竞技

10、The shooting has lasted a whole day.We were standing at the Parthenon, exposing under the burning sunshine, no where to hide. ─── 在帕特农神殿下,阳光直照,无处藏躲,拍摄了一天。

11、Among all the buildings, the most famous one is Parthenon Temple. ─── 在所有的建筑物当中,最著名的是帕提侬神庙。

12、Well, let's take a look at the chain of title for those spectacular marble sculptures which once circled the top of the Parthenon in Athens. ─── 现在我们来了解一下这些雄伟大理石雕塑的所有权。这些雕塑曾经是围绕着雅典帕太农神庙顶部建造的。

13、Shaquille O'Neal on whether he had visited the Parthenon during his visit to Greece: "I can't really remember the names of the clubs that we went to. ─── 当被问到在希腊时是否去过帕特农神庙,奥尼尔的回答是:“我实在记不住去过的那些酒吧的名字。”

14、the Parthenon in all its majesty. ─── 气势宏伟的帕台农神庙

15、His leadership in building stands on the Acropolis of the Parthenon (Ictinus and Callicrates for designers), is still regarded as the art of ancient Greece, the highest achievement. ─── 他领导建筑的耸立于雅典卫城上的帕台农神庙(设计师为伊克蒂诺和卡利克拉特),至今仍被视为古希腊建筑艺术的最高成就。

16、1.The Parthenon and other main buildings on the Acropolis were built by Pericles in the fifth century BC as a monument to the cultural and political achievements of the inhabitants of Athens. ─── 在公元前十五世纪雅典卫城的帕台农神庙和其他主建筑由伯里克利建造,是雅典民众文化和政治成就的表现。

17、Parthenon Temple forms the harmony in vision. When the sun sets, it will send out golden rays. When it is illuminated by lights, the scene will be very magnificent. ─── 帕提侬神庙形成视觉上的和谐。当太阳西落时,它会发出金色的光芒;当它被灯照射时,景色也很壮观。

18、Over the recent years, it has faced growing pressure to hand back the Elgin Marbles, sculptures taken from the Parthenon in Athens, Greece, in the 19th century. ─── 在最近这些年,被强迫归还在19世纪从希腊雅典的巴特农神殿搬走的石雕的压力持续成长。

19、We are not able to make a copy of the Parthenon, because we don't know what kind of mathematics this fantastic architect with the name, Ictinos, he used to give this perfection. ─── 我们无法重建神庙因为没有人知道天才建筑师伊克蒂诺是如何运用精密的数学建造出这么完美的杰作。

20、The Parthenon is a magnificent structure . ─── 帕台农神庙是一座宏伟的建筑物.

21、2. I have felt copies of Parthenon Friezes, and I have sensed the rhythmic beauty of charging Athenian warriors. ─── 我摸过巴台农神殿中楣石柱的复制品,我意识到向前冲锋的的雅典武士的匀称和谐美。

22、Many people at different times compared the Winter Palace to the parthenon, the Pyramids, the Arena, the Notre Dame ─── 人们一向把希腊的巴特农神庙、埃及的金字塔、罗马的竞技场、巴黎的圣母院和东方的圆明园相提并论。

23、" That "the majority of the day, the world famous" means.guang sheng si two hours up and down the Parthenon temple and water 3. ─── 就是“广大于天,名胜于世”的意思。广胜寺分上下两寺和水神庙3处。

24、So in October the same year by the emperor instructed the winter, at Yungang Yanchi lying on the north bank of the pond to build the Parthenon. ─── 于是同年冬十月按皇帝指示,在盐池北畔卧云岗上建起了池神庙。

25、Dimitros Pantermalis, director of the new museum, told Xinhua that all of the Parthenon Temple sculptures owned by Greece will be displayed on the third floor of the new museum. ─── 这个新博物馆的馆长潘特马利斯对新华社记者说:目前在希腊的所有的帕特农神庙的雕塑都将在博物馆的三层展出。

26、I have felt copies of Parthenon Friezes,and I have sensed the rhythmic beauty of charging Athenian warriors. ─── 我摸过巴台农神殿中楣石柱的复制品,我意识到向前冲锋的的雅典武士的匀称和谐美。

27、Greece's new culture minister Michalis Liapis says Britain should return the disputed Parthenon Marbles to Athens. ─── 希腊新任文化部长米哈利斯.利亚比斯说,英国应该把有争议的巴台农神庙大理石雕塑归还雅典。

28、Set only 800 feet from the legendary Parthenon, the museum will be the most significant building ever erected so close to the ancient temple. ─── 距离帕特农神庙只有800英尺远,这座博物馆将会是离古神庙如此之近的最有意义的建筑。

29、We like to think of Athens as a place where robed citizens wandered thoughtfully through the Parthenon and agora. ─── 我们喜欢把雅典想象成穿着长袍的公民在神庙和集市前若有所思地徘徊着,思考着深奥的哲学问题。

30、"Three Columns" or Parthenon?--Preface to The Draft of the Green Civil Codes ─── "三根棒棒"还是雄伟石厦?这是一个问题--绿色民法典草案序言

31、The Parthenon is all internal, silver, copper and ivory ornaments, enshrines Poseidon Poseidon. ─── 神庙内部全部用金、银、铜以及象牙装饰,供奉着海神波赛东。

32、The Parthenon has suffered much from the ravages of time. ─── 帕特农神庙在历史上屡遭劫难。

33、These comprise about half the frieze that once ran around the Parthenon on the Acropolis in ancient Athens, as well as many sculptures from the site. ─── 这些浮雕来自古雅典卫城的帕特农神庙。环绕在神庙内的中楣里,近一半就是这些浮雕。

34、Johnson is currently at work on a book and film documentary called The Parthenon Code, which will include computer-generated reconstructions of the sculptures of Athena's famous temple. ─── 约翰逊目前致力于完成一本书与相应的电影纪录片:帕特农密码,它包含了由计算机生成重建的雅典娜著名庙宇中的雕像。

35、Athenian leader noted for advancing democracy in Athens and for ordering the construction of the Parthenon. ─── 伯里克利古雅典首领,因其推进了雅典民主制并下令建造巴台农神庙而著名

36、Lord Elgin claimed his imprimatur from an Ottoman sultan, who said he could remove anything from the Parthenon that did not interfere with the ancient citadel's walls. ─── 埃尔金勋爵宣称他有奥斯曼帝国苏丹王的特许证明,只要他不破坏古庙的墙体,他可以搬走庙中的任何东西。

37、the Parthenon, then, represents the tangible and visible efflorescence of Athenian imperial power, unencumbered by the depradations of the Peloponnesian War. ─── 于是,巴特农神殿具体地表现出了有形、可见的雅典政权开花般的荣景,并毫不受柏罗奔尼萨战争所带来的破坏而遮掩妨碍。

38、Lines that appear straight in the Parthenon are found on measurement to be curved. ─── 帕台农神庙上看似笔直的线条,经测定证实为曲线。

39、It is just and good that most of the people who dream of seeing the Parthenon should have a chance to do so. ─── 在梦想见到巴台农神庙的人中,多数都有机会一饱眼福,这是公平合理的,也是一件好事。

40、In fact, they provided the raw material for the Parthenon and the Venus de Milo. ─── 实际上,这些石头都是用来建造帕提农神庙和维纳斯的原材料。

41、10.Buildings such as the Parthenon on the Acropolis Hill were built during this period. ─── 象巴特农神庙及雅典卫城这样的建筑都建于这个时期。

42、In Genesis, Yahweh had condemned the serpent to crawl on its belly as a deceiver of humanity, yet all who entered the Parthenon to worship or admire the great statue were forced to look up to both Athena and the serpent. ─── 在创世记中,耶和华已经将蛇作为人类的欺骗者定罪,惩罚它只能用腹部爬行,然而所有来到帕特农神庙并对这尊雕像礼拜赞叹的人,均被迫仰视雅典娜和那条蛇。

43、Construction of the Parthenon was championed by Pericles, Athens's most popular elected politician. ─── 帕台农神庙正是由古雅典公推最孚众望的政治家培里克利斯一手促成的。

44、Some studies of the Acropolis, including the Parthenon, conclude that many of its proportions approximate the golden ratio. ─── 一些对于雅典卫城和帕提农神庙的研究表明,它们的很多比例接近黄金分割比。

45、Barbara and Michelle and I went with our guide, Takis, not only to the Acropolis, but all the way up this mountain to the Parthenon and the monuments there. ─── 我们的导游塔奇除了为我们介绍卫城,还带我们上山参观帕德嫩神庙遗址。

46、I know well through my hands the sculptured gods and goddesses of the ancient Nile-land. I have felt copies of Parthenon friezes, and I have sensed the rhythmic beauty of charging Athenian warriors. ─── 我通过我的手很好地了解了雕刻的古代尼罗河土地上的众神,我摸过巴台农神殿、中楣石柱的复制品,我意识到向前冲锋的雅典武士的匀称和谐美。

47、A preliminary editorial note quoted Sir John Value as saying that there were no poets in America, and the publication of "Ephemera" was THE PARTHENON'S. ─── 他从不运动,饿了,有东西可煮就煮一点,照章办事地吃下去;

48、Athens' Parthenon at night. One native says the city "by day is unlivable, but it's magical at night." ─── 夜晚的雅典帕台农神庙。一当地人说白天的雅典不适住人,但到了晚上就变得神奇迷人。

49、This temple resembled the Parthenon in Athens, with columns supporting a gently peaked roof and sculptures adorning the pediments. ─── 这庙相似神庙在雅典,同列支持轻轻见顶屋顶和雕塑装饰。

50、The ancient Greeks recognized marble's durability, using it to build the Parthenon in Athens. ─── 古希腊人因为大理石的耐用而使用它在雅典建造帕台农神庙。

51、The Games will open with cycling events which start in front of the Parthenon and Acropolis monuments. ─── 在帕特农神庙和雅典卫城前开始的自行车赛事将拉开奥运会的大幕。

52、All these effects make the Parthenon look perfectly straight from a distance. ─── 这些建筑效果使帕提侬神庙从远处看起来十分高耸笔直。

53、He is the author of Athena and Eden: The Hidden Meaning of the Parthenon's East Facade, and Athena and Kain: The True meaning of Greek Myth. ─── 他是雅典娜和亚当:帕特农神宙东面的隐义和雅典娜和该隐:希腊神话的真实意义的作者。

54、People spoke of the Parthenon in Greece, the pyramids in Egypt, the Coliseum in Rome, Notre-Dame in Paris, the Summer Palace in the Orient. ─── 人们常说:希腊有巴特农神庙,埃及有金字塔,罗马有斗兽场,巴黎有圣母院,而东方有圆明园。

55、When one couple came to him requesting the help of the Parthenon, the Valentine in the sacred altar of the former for their wedding ceremony was held quietly. ─── 当一对情侣来到神庙请求他的帮助时,瓦伦丁在神圣的祭坛前为它们悄悄地举行了婚礼。

56、At Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, architectural students move around in an animated image of the Parthenon, examining that noble structure's roof and columns. ─── 在伦塞勒工业学院,建筑专业的学生们围着一个栩栩如生的巴台农神庙图像转圈子,仔细研究那宏伟建筑的屋顶和圆柱。

57、Greek goddess Athena's temple, The Parthenon was built in the 5th century BC on the Athenian Acropolis. ─── 希腊女神雅典娜的庙宇,帕特农神庙建于公元前5世纪雅典卫城上。

58、I know well through my hands the sculptured gods and goddesses of the ancient Nile-land.I have felt copies of Parthenon friezes, and I have sensed the rhythmic beauty of charging Athenian warriors. ─── 我心中充满了人和事物的形象,我的目光不轻易地忽略任何一件小事,它力求触及并紧紧抓住所见的每件事。

59、She was also the patron goddess of Athens who built the Parthenon in her honor. ─── 她也是雅典人的守护神,为了纪念她,雅典人建造了帕特农神庙。

60、An immense, columned temple, built almost entirely of marble, Athens’s ancient Parthenon is a perfect model of classical Greek architecture. ─── 一座由石柱建构而成的庞大寺庙,几乎完全以大理石建造,雅典的古巴特农神庙是古希腊建筑的完美典范。

61、The Parthenon is a magnificent structure. ─── 帕台农神庙是一座宏伟的建筑物。

62、During the Golden Age the ceiling of the Parthenon was painted red, gold, and blue. ─── 在黄金时代,巴台农庙的房顶是漆成红蓝和金色的。

63、Work on the temple continued until 432; the Parthenon, then, represents the tangible and visible efflorescence of Athenian imperial power, unencumbered by the depradations of the Peloponnesian War. ─── 神殿的建筑工程一直持续到西元前432年为止;于是,巴特农神殿具体地表现出了有形、可见的雅典政权开花般的荣景,并毫不受柏罗奔尼萨战争所带来的破坏而遮掩妨碍。

64、Its austere white is on every postcard, but the Athens Parthenon was originally daubed with red, blue and green, the Greek archaeologist supervising conservation work on the 2,400-year-old temple said. ─── 希腊雅典的帕台农神庙历来以其肃穆的白色外表呈现在世界各地的明信片上,但该国考古学家日前发现,这座历经2400多年风雨洗礼的建筑最早其实是被涂成红、蓝和绿色的。

65、The Parthenon is a classical building. ─── 巴台农神庙是古典式建筑。

66、The Summer Palace was to chimerical art what the Parthenon is to ideal art. ─── 它荟集了一个人民的几乎是超人类的想象力所创作的全部成果。

67、The Parthenon Gallery will remain empty until the section of the original frieze still in the possession of the British Museum has been returned to Greece. ─── 当由大英博物馆占有的那些埃尔金大理石装饰的真品归还给希腊时,帕特农神庙的玻璃长廊就不会空了。

68、In the 17th century the Parthenon was partially destroyed during a war between the Ottomans and Venetians. ─── 17世纪土耳其和威尼斯之间的战争使神庙部分被毁。

69、Parthenon, Greece ─── 希腊巴台农神庙

70、"The most famous decorative frieze is on the outer wall of the Parthenon in Athens, a 525-ft (160-m) representation of the ritual procession of the Panathenaic festival. " ─── 最有名的装饰檐壁在雅典巴特农神庙的外墙上,长160公尺,浮雕所表现的是雅典娜节的游行队伍。

71、This was neither a Parthenon, nor a temple of the Olympian Jupiter. ─── 这并非是一座巴特农神宙,也不是奥林匹斯山朱庇特殿堂。

72、They claim the Sultan was bribed and that, as an occupier, he really had no authority over the Parthenon to begin with. ─── 他们宣称苏丹王是被贿赂的,而且,即使是占领者,他也没有任何权利去对帕特农神庙下手。

73、“What was done to the Parthenon was done to the Summer Palace,” Victor Hugo wrote only a year later.“We Europeans are the civilised ones and for us the Chinese are barbarians. ─── 维克多雨果一年后写到:“对帕特农做的有发生在圆明园,我们欧洲人是文明人,对于我们来讲,中国人是野蛮人。

74、They claim the Sultan was bribed and that, as an occupier, he really had no authority over the Parthenon to begin with. ─── 他们宣称苏丹王是被贿赂的,而且,即使是占领者,他也没有任何权利去对帕特农神庙下手。

75、Parthenon temple friezes wait to be hung in the new Acropolis museum in Athens. The state-of-the-art museum is due to open in the autumn. ─── 帕提庙带状雕刻在等着悬挂在雅典新卫城博物馆。国家艺术博物馆,预定在今年秋季开放。

76、And the famous Greek Parthenon contains1 many golden rectangles. ─── 而著名的希腊帕特侬神庙,其外观亦由许多黄金矩形所组成。

77、Some archaeological sites have always been easily observable—for example, the Parthenon in Athens, Greece; the pyramids of Giza in Egypt; and the megaliths of Stonehenge in southern England. ─── 一些考古遗址一直很容易被观察到——例如,希腊雅典的帕特农神庙、埃及吉萨的金字塔以及英格兰南部的巨石阵。

78、During our stay in Greece, we climbed the many steps up to the Parthenon in Athens. ─── 在希腊度留期间,我们爬了许多台阶才到达雅典的帕台农神庙。

79、Now consider this: The Minoan palace at Knossos, just outside the city of Iraklion, was built in 1900 BC, 1,453 years before the Parthenon. ─── 现在想想这个:位于伊拉克里翁市郊的米农文明克诺萨斯宫殿,建造于西元前1900年,比帕德嫩神庙还早1453年。

80、What? ! For that price, I'd better get a view of the Eiffel Tower, the Parthenon, and the Great Wall of China! ─── 什么?我还不如花这么多钱去埃菲尔铁塔,帕台农神庙或者中国万里长城上去观看风景得了!

81、Sunlight escaped dark clouds gathering above Athens to illuminate the Parthenon. ─── 希腊,雅典:阳光穿透乌云投射在神庙之上.

82、Some historians believe that Athens concluded a peace treaty with Persia in449, two years before work began on the Parthenon. ─── 一些史学家认为雅典于西元前449年与波斯订下了一个和平协定,此时恰于巴特农神庙开始建造的前两年。

83、also can go to watch the capital of Athens Parthenon Temple of Athena and the gold statue of the patron saint, and to the best understanding of Byzantine culture to Macedonia and Thessaloniki. ─── 也可以去首都雅典观看巴特农神庙和守护神雅典娜的纯金塑像,而要了解拜占庭文化则最好去马其顿地区和塞萨洛尼基。

84、Cairo and Luxor and the Parthenon had always appealed to his imagination. ─── 开罗、路克索和巴第秾,是一向诉于他的想象的。

85、Another building in Nashville fills residents with pride-the Parthenon. ─── 另一座建筑物在田纳是帕台农神庙,也足以令居民充满骄傲与自豪。

86、Despite the centuries of neglect, mutilation and pillaging, the Parthenon still stands -a remarkably powerful and beautiful symbol of the glories of ancient Greece. ─── 尽管经历了数世纪的疏于管理,毁损和掠夺,帕特农神庙依然矗立至今,成为古希腊光辉历史的美丽象征.

87、Buildings such as the Parthenon on the Acropolis Hill were built during this period. ─── 一些建筑物如卫城内的巴台农神庙都是这个时期建造的。

88、On the top of the Acropolis is the Parthenon. This was once a huge temple to Athena, the city's patron. ─── 坐落在山上最高点的帕提侬神庙,曾经是供奉城市的保护神--雅典娜的巨大神庙。

89、The west frieze of the Parthenon has been cleaned, and now the restorers are working on the Porch of the Caryatids. ─── 帕太农神庙的西边雕带已经清理干净了,现在修补者正在清洗女像柱的门廊。

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