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09-14 投稿



insubstantial 发音

英:[ɪnsəb'stænʃ(ə)l]  美:[,ɪnsəb'stænʃl]

英:  美:

insubstantial 中文意思翻译



insubstantial 网络释义

adj. 脆弱的;无实体的;幻想的,非真实的

insubstantial 同义词

slight |flimsy | unsubstantial | unreal | jejune | thin | weak | light | frail

insubstantial 词性/词形变化,insubstantial变形

名词: insubstantiality |

insubstantial 反义词


insubstantial 相似词语短语

1、substantials ─── adj.大量的;实质的;内容充实的;n.本质;重要材料

2、unsubstantial ─── adj.薄弱的;不坚固的;无实质的

3、insubstantially ─── 虚的

4、insubstantiality ─── n.虚体

5、instantial ─── adj.实例的,提供实例的

6、unsubstantially ─── 毫无根据地

7、consubstantial ─── adj.同质的;同体的;三位一体的

8、substantial ─── adj.大量的;实质的;内容充实的;n.本质;重要材料

9、transubstantial ─── 超实体

insubstantial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Superficial and insubstantial ─── 浮而不实

2、A mirage; insubstantial objects ─── 镜花水月

3、Finite personalities are insubstantial fragments of this engulfing spiritual unity. ─── 有限的人格是这种兼容并包的精神统一的非实体的碎片。

4、an insubstantial mirage on the horizon ─── 地平线上虚幻的海市蜃楼

5、insubstantial scene ─── 虚景

6、psychological suggestion or insubstantial comfort ─── 暗示假慰

7、Something shadowy and insubstantial. ─── 幻影像影子的和虚幻的东西

8、This wisdom that sees the dissolution of rupa and nama has a frightening impact on the yogi, because he realizes that everything in the world is insubstantial and disappears the moment it appears. ─── 见到身心这种崩坏现象所生起的智慧对修行者产生很大多影响,因为他体会到天地万物都是不实的、生灭的。

9、The supplement has been developed from puerile to ripe,from insubstantial to rich and varied during more than one century. ─── 改革开放以来,在一个多世纪的历程中,副刊经历了由幼稚到成熟、由形式单一的文艺性副刊发展为外延和内涵都极为丰富的综合性大副刊。

10、He who appears weak and insubstantial, yet when dispatched outside the state there is nothing he does not accomplish, no mission that he does not execute successfully. ─── 三是用间谍考察,看他是否忠诚;四是明知故问,看他有无隐瞒,借以考查他的品德;五是让他管理财物,看他是否廉洁;

11、Early aircraft were insubstantial constructions of wood and glue . ─── 早期的飞行器是木头和胶粘合的脆弱机器.

12、Keywords motivation;psychological suggestion;insubstantial comfort;doula;nursing intervention;vaginal delivery;cesarean section; ─── 激励;暗示假慰;导乐;护理干预;自然分娩;剖宫产;

13、an insubstantial argument, accusation, claim, etc ─── 无真凭实据的争论、 指控、 索赔要求等.

14、Since many of our conversations with good friends are also wasting time pleasantly talking about insubstantial topics, we may compare those conversations to "shooting the breeze. ─── 我们与好朋友有意思的聊天很多时候也言之无物的,也是一种时间的浪费,我们就把这种聊天比作射击微风。

15、Something insubstantial, worthless, or fleeting. ─── 无实质之物没有实质、没有价值或飞逝的东西

16、In another sense, any person with the kind of mind tending to have what might be called visionary leanings, who regards the things around us as fleeting and insubstantial and aspires to a higher world, may be spoken of as a Platonist. ─── 从另一种意义上说,凡是认为世界是不确定的、非实质性的,并且幻想存在一个更高世界的人,都可以被看作是一个柏拉图主义者。

17、If we relied solely on current knowledge, then many phenomena could only be labeled as insubstantial but not understood. ─── 若只依赖现有的知识,许多现象只能被斥以虚妄而无从了解。

18、The rest were an insubstantial pageant . ─── 其余的都不过是华而不实的过眼烟云罢了。

19、Even though I say men, I'm also referring to a character who is a program possessing an insubstantial self-consciousness, and so how far I could convey that image as a metaphor is also present. ─── 本来的漫画中也是,虽然是我自己喜欢的部份但一般人却不太 容易里解。必须能使对电脑操作与网路部份这方面没有兴趣或完全不 懂的人均能理解才行。

20、So people of inspecting marks must study the cause of the insubstantial changes and draw scientific and practical inspecting and identification conclusions. ─── 痕检技术人员必须对这种非本质变化的形成因素进行研究,作出科学的、符合客观实际的检验鉴定结论。

21、In the event of an insubstantial defect, the Buyer is only entitled to a reduction in the purchase price. ─── 瑕疵为非实质性的,买方仅有权要求降低购买价格。

22、Remember. Wealth is as insubstantial as a cloud and passes as quickly. Ignore Gheed. All that twitters is not bold. ─── 记住,财富的虚幻和易逝与云彩一样快速。别管基得,不是每一个嘲讽者都是秃头。

23、unfairness of combining multiple powers in a single agency are not wholly insubstantial. ─── 在同一机关里多种权力的结合带有潜在的不公正性--这种担忧并非完全属于虚幻。

24、an insubstantial construction of wood and glue ─── 用木头和胶粘合的简单构造

25、imaginary and insubstantial victories; ─── 臆想和空想的胜利;

26、Mars has an insubstantial atmosphere, consisting almost entirely of carbon dioxide. ─── 火星周围有一个薄薄的大气层,几乎全由二氧化碳构成。

27、"Lodge: Originally an insubstantial dwelling, or one erected for a temporary occupational purpose (e.g., woodcutting or masonry) or for use during the hunting season." ─── 小屋: 原为供短期使用(例如伐木或采石)或狩猎季节居住的简易住房。

28、” As a response to global issues, art thus becomes an insubstantial shadow of the economic crisis. ─── 像是对世界经济问题的答复或是呼应,艺术成了经济危机下发生的无实体的影子。

29、Sometimes, like an enraged tethered bear, Mr Brown fights back, howling that Mr Cameron is merely a “shallow salesman”, an insubstantial con man. ─── 有时,布朗像被捆绑着的愤怒的熊一样于以反击,呵斥卡梅隆只不过是一个“肤浅的推销员”和徒有其表的骗子。

30、"Lodge : Originally an insubstantial dwelling, or one erected for a temporary occupational purpose (e.g., woodcutting or masonry) or for use during the hunting season." ─── 小屋:原为供短期使用(例如伐木或采石)或狩猎季节居住的简易住房。

31、{0>The rest were an insubstantial pageant . ─── 其余的都不过是华而不实的过眼烟云罢了。

32、It was also clear that the FDA could not accomplish its statutory mission of getting ineffective drugs off the market if it were obliged to grant a trial-type hearing on every claim, however insubstantial. ─── 同样明白无误的是,如果食品和药物管理局有责任对每一例申诉(无论多么微不足道)都批准审判式听证的话,该机关就不可能完成其法定任务--将无效药物撤出市

33、Marlene then had been alive and vital to his confused thoughts and anxious hands, a woman of human lusts and needs, nothing like the insubstantial being he cradled in his arms now. ─── 对他而言,玛琳实实在在的存在在他的怀抱中,对爱充满了渴望和需要,而不再是一个脆弱的生命了。

34、an insubstantial or vague semblance. ─── 不实在的模糊的表象。

35、Out of the shifting, insubstantial mists that had so long baffled his eye, there leaped up the sudden, definite presentment of a fiend ─── 从那些长期遮住他视线的虚无缥渺的迷雾中,现在突然跳出了一个有血有肉的恶魔!

36、From the window, they looked as insubstantial as shadows.There they were in full sigh, but not a sound did they make. ─── 从窗子看去,人也好像和影子一样轻浮,只能看到他们,而听不到关于他们的一点声音。

37、an insubstantial argument ─── 不充实的论据

38、as insubstantial as a dream; an insubstantial mirage on the horizon ─── 像梦一样虚幻;地平线上虚幻的海市蜃楼

39、The rest were an insubstantial pageant. ─── 其余的人都不过是华而不实的过眼烟云罢了。

40、When you are insubstantial, you take half damage from any attack that deals damage to you. [[Ongoing damage]] is also halved. ─── 当你处于虚体状态时,任何对你的攻击都只能造成一半的伤害。[[持续伤害]]同样减半。

41、Gilded and charming, delightful yet insubstantial, they dip their toes into the waters of love and vanish abruptly if the water gets too warm. ─── 镀金、迷人、细腻而单薄,他们动用自己的脚落水的爱心和突然消失的水若过于热情。

42、Since many of our conversations with good friends are also wasting time pleasantly talking about insubstantial topics, we may compare those conversations to “shooting the breeze. ─── 自从我们浪费时间与好朋友闲聊一些不着边际的话题,我们可以把这些闲聊比作“射击微不足道的东西”。

43、Out of the shifting, insubstantial mists that had so long baffled his eye, there leaped up the sudden, definite presentment of a fiend. ─── 从那些长期遮住他视线的虚无缥渺的迷雾中,现在突然跳出了一个有血有肉的恶魔!

44、The research for Lu embroidery"s inheritance and development will have an inspiring value for the preservation of insubstantial cultural heritage. ─── “鲁绣”传承与发展的探索,对保护非物质文化遗产具有启示意义。

45、Moving from figure to figure, our sense of our physical selves lurches from felling clumsy to insubstantial. ─── 从一个人物到另一个人物,我们对物理上的自己的感觉在笨拙和不坚定之间蹒跚。

46、an insubstantial semblance ─── 不实在的表象

47、A fragrant ink, paint and became a beautiful light, even the handle him about all is but a mirage, insubstantial objects like a smoke. ─── 散一墨砚香,挥毫而就成一段清丽光年,纵然是举案齐眉的执手之约也终不过是镜花水月般的飘渺如烟。

48、Something that is airy, insubstantial, or passing. ─── 过眼烟云虚幻的、不现实的或短暂存在的东西

49、UiOne permits deep access to phone features in a native, real-time manner, rather than simply laying an insubstantial, shallow "skin" on a UI. ─── uiOne可以在本地深层次地实时使用电话功能,而不仅仅是为UI增加一个肤浅的空“壳”。

50、They failed on both counts, though there was lots of worthy if insubstantial talk about open and transparent energy markets. ─── 但两方面的谈判均以失败告终,取而代之的是大量关于开放和透明的能源市场的空谈。

51、2) Don't seek peace or happiness in any position. Don't feel that one position is better than another; because every position is insubstantial: anicca, dukkha, anatta. ─── 不要想从任何姿势得到舒适或快乐。也不要觉得那一种姿势比另一种姿好,因为每一种姿势都是不实的:无常、苦、无我的。

52、Obama brushes aside the notion that his rhetoric is insubstantial. ─── 奥巴马漠视了说他修辞没有实质的观念。

53、Now he is preparing an experiment that, if it works (a not insubstantial if), would be the biggest invention since radio. ─── 现在他正要进行一项实验,这项实验如果成功(其不确定性还很大),将是继无线电波之后最伟大的发现。

54、the insubstantial product of one's imagination ─── 想像中的虚幻之物

55、the state of being insubstantial or imaginary; ─── 没有实体的状态;

56、I think that the work of most Chinese artists today is very insubstantial and imitative. ─── 比如材料方面:黑色很特别,湿的时候很黑,干了会变灰,搞不好就模糊一团。

57、After this, a man is as insubstantial as a cloud. ─── 之后,男人就是浮云了。

58、"So far we have delivered most oil to Europe . . . The Asia-Pacific region has received insubstantial volumes. " ─── “迄今我国的大部分石油出口到欧洲……而亚太地区得到的数量不大。”

59、the state of being insubstantial or imaginary; not existing objectively or in fact. ─── 没有实体的状态;不客观存在的状态。

60、Willy the Wizard is a very insubstantial booklet running to 36 pages which had very limited distribution. ─── 《魔法师威利》是一本仅有36页的小册子,内容空洞,发行量也很小。

61、Early aircraft were insubstantial constructions of wood and glue. ─── 早期的飞行器是木头和胶粘合的脆弱机器。

62、Something unreal, insubstantial, or imaginary. ─── 幻想不真实,不实在,或被想象出来的某个事物

63、Something illusory or insubstantial. ─── 幻想或妄想幻想中的不真实的事物

64、It’s really insubstantial information though, because anyone that understands the Blizzard development process and core values we’re all about iterating.It’s not done until it’s done. ─── 但是这条信息是完全失实的,因为任何了解暴雪的开发进程以及我们所一直重复的核心价值观的人都知道,在它完成之前绝不说完成。

65、The right squiggles coming out of an instrument are usually enough to confirm that they have caught their quarry, however infinitesimal, insubstantial, or bizarre. ─── 仪器测到的适当的不起眼波形,不管多么微小、脆弱、奇特,通常就足以证实他们已经找到了目标。

66、as insubstantial as a dream; an insubstantial mirage on the horizon. ─── 像梦一样虚幻;地平线上虚幻的海市蜃楼。

67、the normally insubstantial cord is treated as a tangible object with the owner's AC, hardness 10, and 20 hit points (see Attack an Object in Chapter 8 of the Player's Handbook). ─── 这种平时是无实体的线绳视作一个拥有与其主人相同AC的切实物体,硬度10,和20点生命(参阅玩家手册第8章中“攻击物体”)。

68、an insubstantial meal ─── 内容贫乏 [吃不饱] 的餐食

69、Hunters shoot their guns at animals or at practice targets, but would never think of shooting their guns at something as insubstantial as the air, the sky, the wind or a breeze. ─── 猎人们可以举枪瞄准一个动物或者进行射击练习,但从不会想到用枪来打诸如空气、天空、风或者其它微不足道的无实体的东西。

70、Obama brushes aside the notion that his rhetoric is insubstantial. ─── 奥巴马不理会那些认为他言辞空洞的见解。

71、It repels all that is chaotic, insubstantial, or comes from lesser desires, attachments, tendencies, and the pull of the material world and mass consciousness. ─── 它驱退混乱、薄弱或次要欲望的一切;驱退执著、潮流以及物质世界或集体意识的拉扯。

72、ABstruse vague, insubstantial ─── 虚无缥缈

73、All,insubstantial,doomed to pass, As moonlight mirrored in the water Or flowers reflected in a glass How many tears from those poor eyes could flow,Which every season rained upon her woe? ─── 一个枉自嗟呀,一个空劳牵挂,一个是水中月,一个是井中花,想眼中能有多少泪珠儿,怎经得秋流到冬,经春流到夏?

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