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09-16 投稿



verisimilitude 发音

英:[ˌverɪsɪˈmɪlɪtuːd]  美:[ˌverɪsɪˈmɪlɪtjuːd]

英:  美:

verisimilitude 中文意思翻译



verisimilitude 词性/词形变化,verisimilitude变形

形容词: verisimilitudinous |

verisimilitude 相似词语短语

1、verisimilitudes ─── n.逼真,貌似真实;逼真的事物

2、dissimilitude ─── n.相异,相异点;不同

3、verisimilous ─── 逼真的

4、consimilitude ─── 体贴

5、verisimility ─── 真实性

6、verisimilities ─── 真实性

7、similitudes ─── n.相似;外表;比拟

8、dissimilitudes ─── n.相异,相异点;不同

9、similitude ─── n.相似;外表;比拟

verisimilitude 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、or the play will fail because it lacks verisimilitude: true to life. ─── 否则,演出就会因为缺乏真实性,即生活的真实性而失败。

2、especially verisimilitude in green bosk ─── 在绿树丛中尤显逼真

3、Results The verisimilitude of the reconstructed 3D liver models were demonstrated, and the models could show the spatial relationship among main tracts and forecast hepatic volume exactly. ─── 结果重建后的肝脏模型三维效果逼真,立体感强,可任意角度旋转、观察;能够显示肝内各主要管道系统的空间位置关系,并较准确地反映肝脏体积及肝内管道系统的真实情况。

4、To add verisimilitude, the stage is covered with sand for the desert scenes. ─── 为了更加逼真,舞台上铺满了沙子作为沙漠的场景。

5、The strength of Thomas Demand's photography lies in its ability to escape reality and create a tension between fabrication and verisimilitude. ─── 托马斯代米德摄影的主要特征就是或多或少地脱离了现实性,而创造出了一种在制作与真实之间的张力。

6、Her paintings are famous for their verisimilitude. ─── 她的画作以逼真闻名。

7、Golden Changan: large and tall glass has dramatic stereol display effects. It makes the vivid advertisement pictures seems more verisimilitude and attractive. ─── 金长安-查看图片:高大的玻璃,彰显出的强大立体展示效果,使生动的广告画面更加逼真、醒目。

8、Equations and, more generally, mathematical structures such as numbers, vectors and geometric objects describe the world with remarkable verisimilitude. ─── 方程式(以及更广泛的数学结构,如数、向量和几何物体)可以非常逼真地描述这个世界。

9、The hill, shaped with the weathering and eroding along the plumb joints of the granodiorites which formed about 2.7 billion years ago, is like Buddha palm especially verisimilitude in green bosk. ─── 佛掌山为27亿年左右形成的花岗闪长岩,沿垂直节理风化剥蚀后形成奇特的佛掌型山,在绿树丛中尤显逼真。

10、So he hold his realism by developing his theory on verisimilitude. ─── 这样他就借助逼真性观念坚持了自己的实在论。

11、First was Love, which prioritised writers with a gift for psychological verisimilitude, such as Austen, Fitzgerald, Flaubert, James, Hardy and Kundera. ─── 首先是“爱情”,优先考虑的是那些具有逼真心理描写天赋的作家,如奥斯汀,菲茨杰拉德,福楼拜,詹姆斯,哈迪和昆德拉。

12、RESULTSL Three-dimensional data of facial profile was accurate and the images were reconstructed with verisimilitude. ─── 结果:面部软组织的三维数据的采集度高,生成的团像逼真。

13、Develop mechanism of things and metric of verisimilitude ─── 事物的演化机理与地图现势性的度量

14、A wide gulf of verisimilitude, however, still separates interactive graphics from feature film effects and photography. ─── 但互动式图形与电影特效和摄影之间,在逼真程度上还是存在著极深的鸿沟。

15、The property of closure to the truth, which is had by science theory, is named as "verisimilitude" by Popper. ─── 波普尔在科学探索的目标问题上引入了“逼真性”和“逼真度”等概念。

16、This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is it vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished, as the once vital voice of the verisimilitude now venerates what they once vilified. ─── 它是遗存的人民呼声,现已空洞消亡。

17、The major characteristic of the art of Acting is the Authenticity which consists in the Fictional Assumption, the Assumption is not False, and the Authentic Acting is not only Verisimilitude; ─── 戏剧表演艺术的根本特性是假定性当中的真实性,在这里,假定不是虚假,而真实性要求演员不仅能做到表演的逼真,还要能追求艺术的真实。

18、if i could smile more verisimilar, my happiness will become verisimilitude? ─── 要是我的微笑可以再像真多一点,我的快乐应当会再逼真一点吧?

19、1. These flower illustrationsshow the artist's concern for verisimilitude . ─── 这些花卉插图表明这个画家很注重写实.

20、the second category is the truthfulness to the ordinary and the verisimilitude in representation, and this category holds credibility as its criteria of judgment; ─── 第三个级次是情趣之真,即超世的展现,以性灵度为标准。


22、"merely corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative" (W.S. Gilbert). ─── “试图赋予一原本枯燥而不可信的叙述以艺术真实性的区区确定性细节” (W.S.吉尔伯特)

23、verisimilitude, then, Ken had little to complain about. ─── 根据好像真实,然后,肯恩有了一点点抱怨。

24、His theory on verisimilitude is a theory on the end of science. ─── 逼真性的理论是他关于科学的目的的理论。

25、A wide gulf of verisimilitude, however, still separates interactive graphics from feature film effects and photography. ─── 但互动式图形与电影特效和摄影之间,在逼真程度上还是存在著极深的鸿沟。

26、the required level of visual verisimilitude, computer animation is extremely costly. ─── 电脑动画的视觉效果达到要求的逼真程度,花费会十分昂贵。

27、add verisimilitude, the stage is covered with sand for the desert scenes. ─── 逼真,舞台上铺满了沙子作为沙漠的场景。

28、Bespatter straps inside this one fokelore: "If the child also is drawn like the grape verisimilitude, the bird dare not peck a grape. ─── 内勒诋毁这一传说:“要是孩子也画得与葡萄一样逼真的话,鸟就不敢来啄葡萄了。”

29、These flower illustrationsshow the artist's concern for verisimilitude. ─── 这些花卉插图表明这个画家很注重写实。

30、Through this pastiche work, Coetzee is actually questioning the verisimilitude veil of such works, and intertwining it with such thought-provoking issues as language, writing and history. ─── 通过这样的镶嵌混成,库切实际上对此类小说的现实性提出了质疑,并由此引申开去,传达了他对历史、叙述、语言等一系列问题的反思。

31、Skeptics contend the shroud is a medieval hoax or forgery - or even a devotional work of artistic verisimilitude . ─── 怀疑论者声称这块裹尸布是中世纪的愚弄或伪造物——或者是一块艺术逼真的信仰作品。

32、This scene has a strange and unnerving verisimilitude but the opening provided was irresistible. ─── 接下来这一段逼真描述也许有些夸大其辞,但他的开头却保证能吸引读者!

33、Indeed, when you represent local products, using the local language adds verisimilitude to your claims. ─── 的确,使用当地语言描述产品增强了真实感。

34、His description gave verisimilitude to the story. ─── 他的叙述增添故事的真实性。

35、RESULTS: Three-dimensional data of facial profile was accurate and the images were reconstructed with verisimilitude. ─── 结果:面部软组织的三维数据的采集精度高,生成的图像逼真。

36、He accepted Wang Shizhen's ideas of “vitality”, “spirituality of forms” and “enlightenment”.Meanwhile he expanded the connotation of “qi”, proposing both spiritual and formal verisimilitude. ─── 即他接受王士祯有关“生气”、以形写神、“妙悟”的诗学思想,同时拓宽诗中“气”的内涵,力主神似与形似兼备。

37、"merely corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative" (W. S. Gilbert). ─── “试图赋予一原本枯燥而不可信的叙述以艺术真实性的区区确定性细节”(W.S。吉尔伯特。

38、merely corroborative detail,intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative(W.S.Gilbert. ─── 试图赋予一原本枯燥而不可信的叙述以艺术真实性的区区确定性细节吉尔伯特)

39、Results The acquired 3D imaging of hepatic veins was in focus and verisimilitude, and strong three dimension, which can dummy particular ramus,journey and space position. ─── 结果所获得的肝内肝静脉系统的三维图像清晰、画面逼真,立体感强,可虚拟肝静脉的具体分支情况、行程走行及其空间位置。

40、The verisimilitude and motility are the two fundamental aesthetic characteristics, which dis-tinguish the artistic forms of the action AV media from those of other medium. ─── 逼真性和运动性是动像视听传媒及其艺术形式区别于其他传媒及其艺术形式的两个带根本性的美学特征。

41、Liu Dajie and Yu Zhenglin.Maximum Verisimilitude Estimate of Random Model[A]."The Papers for Theory &Application of Survey Adjustment Models &Models Errors"[C]. ─── 刘大杰,于正林.随机模型的极大似然估计[A].平差模型误差理论及其应用[C].北京:测绘出版社,1993.

42、Larsson's knowledge of the inner workings of the Swedish police, intelligence service and private security companies bring an extra layer of texture and verisimilitude. ─── 拉尔森作品对瑞典警察,情报部门和私人保安公司的内幕的揭露,带来别样的逼真感受。

43、verisimilitude "n. ─── 好象真实,似真,逼真"

44、“merely corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative” (W.S. Gilbert). ─── “试图赋予一原本枯燥而不可信的叙述以艺术真实性的区区确定性细节”(W.S.吉尔伯特)

45、His theory on verisimilitude is a theory on the end of science. ─── 逼真性的理论是他关于科学的目的的理论。




1.I had the sense that he was worried about something.我感觉他有心事。



1.To add verisimilitude, the stage is covered with sand for the desert scenes.为了更加逼真,舞台上铺满了沙子作为沙漠的场景。





逼真性( verisimilitude),波普用语。是指科学理论接近于真理的属性。科学理论愈接近事实.就愈具有逼真性。波普把真理视作科学的目的,因而提出将真理和内容结合起来创逼真性概念。


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