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09-14 投稿



translates 发音

英:[trænzˈleɪts]  美:[trænzˈleɪts]

英:  美:

translates 中文意思翻译



translates 短语词组

1、translates into hard currency ─── 转换为硬通货

2、translates into ─── 翻译成

translates 同义词

transmutable |transformable | convertible

translates 词性/词形变化,translates变形

形容词: translatable |动词过去式: translated |动词现在分词: translating |动词第三人称单数: translates |名词: translatability |动词过去分词: translated |

translates 反义词


translates 相似词语短语

1、translated ─── n.译本;v.翻译(translate的过去分词)

2、translators ─── 翻译

3、translocates ─── v.移动;(溶解物质)产生转移作用;使(染色体片段)易位

4、translator ─── n.译者;翻译器

5、mistranslates ─── vt.译错;vi.错译

6、retranslates ─── vt.重译;译回原文

7、transudates ─── n.[组织]渗出液;漏出物(等于transudation)

8、transmutes ─── vt.使变形;使变质;vi.变形;变质

9、translate ─── vt.翻译;转化;解释;转变为;调动;vi.翻译

translates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Oracle9iAS Wireless translates the WML into XML as a common language for wireless devices that hides device-dependent complexity. ─── Oracle9iAS Wireless 将WML 转换为作为无线设备通用语言的XML,这样就屏蔽了依赖于设备的复杂性。

2、In emergency situations, for example, this translates into earlier, faster and more accurate screening and triage decisions. ─── 在急救情况中,它可以在最早时间内进行更快速更精确的屏幕转换和试验决策。

3、A cathode-ray tube in a television receiver,translates the received signal into a picture on a luminescent screen. ─── 在电视接收机中的阴极射线管,在荧光屏上把接收信号转化为图像。

4、It was restored and saved from destruction by Viollet-le-Duc, one of France's most famous architects.Notre Dame translates as "Our Lady" from French. ─── 她是巴黎最古老、最大、建筑最出色的天主教堂,在欧洲建筑史上具有划时代的意义。

5、Ribosome - translates mRNA into polypeptides in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. ─── ]-针对分子的修改和具体目的的运输网,被比喻为在细胞质中游离的分子。

6、Its inefficiency translates into high cost of electricity for the Indian industry and dents its competitiveness. ─── 其低效率使提供给印度工业的电价高,削弱了印度工业的竞争力。

7、The word Geisha literally translates to "arts person" or "one trained in arts" (gei = art, sha = person). ─── 从艺者这个词,可以翻译过来“艺术者”,或“受艺术训练的人”。(艺就是艺术,者就是人的意思)。

8、A program that translates microprograms in symbolic form (similar to assembly language)into bit patterns that are then loaded into the control store. ─── 一种将符号形式(类似于汇编语言)的微程序翻译成位模式的程序,然后位模式被装入控制存储器。

9、His last gasp translates into one excellent game every two weeks, one good game every week and a host of near-invisible non-appearances. ─── 他最后时刻的疲软已经转化为每两周会打出一场出色的比赛,每周一场很好的比赛,以及每场主场比赛近乎无形的亮相。

10、One who translates orally from one language into another. ─── 口译者口头将一种语言译为另一种语言的人

11、"Untapped market opportunities, reduced cost of packaging and reduced waste translates into a huge return on investment for industry manufacturers. ─── “未开发的市场机会,降低成本和减少包装废弃物转化成一个巨大的投资回报率的产业制造商。

12、A difference of just a few percentage points on natural-gas prices, he added, translates into billions of dollars. ─── 他还说,天然气单位价格上几个百分点的差异就相当于数十亿美元。

13、Perhaps this translates into selling the homestead over time or many comings and goings amongst those co-creating community. ─── 也许在这些共同创造的社区中,这就转译成随时间售卖家园,或者出现许多人员流动。

14、Mangetout - Michel's nickname - literally translates as "eats everything". ─── Mangetout -米歇尔的绰号-直译为“吃掉一切”。

15、Above four levels, reads, said, writes, translates the fluency. ─── 在四级水平以上, 读, 说, 写, 翻译流畅。

16、Countless people text information in about, say, disaster and the website translates all that information into a big coherent picture. ─── 无数人用短信发去信息,比如说有关灾难的信息,然后这个网站就把所有的信息汇总起来。

17、Look. The English translates is very difficult. ─── 原句:英词翻译起来真的很难。

18、No single English word adequately translates sila. ─── / 没有任何一个英文字足以翻译sila这个字。

19、The wchar data size translates directly to the nvarchar data type. ─── wchar数据大小直接翻译为nvarchar数据类型。

20、Keyword, which translates to the moment in time when the JSP is run. ─── 关键字,当JSP运行时其解释为瞬间时间。

21、A program that translates instructions written in a high level programming language into machine language. ─── 一种把用高级编程语言编写的指令翻译成机器语言的程序。

22、The traditional MCS-51 is based on CISC architecture, which executes instructions sequentially and translates instructions to microprogram. ─── 传统的MCS-51是基于CISC(Complex Instruction Set Computer,复杂指令集)架构的微控制器,其特点是指令只能依次顺序地执行,且需要微程序对指令进行译码。

23、That translates into roughly $12-50 a day per person, using household-survey data at 2000 purchasing-power parities (PPP). ─── 利用住户调查数据,按2000年购买力平价(PPP)计算,上述范围可以转化为大约每人每天12-50美元的收入水平。

24、A piece that holds up better translates into happier customers over the long term. ─── 一件保存得好的首饰意味着顾客的长久幸福。

25、The Chinese captions often provide more detail than the English, but neither actually transcribes or translates writing in the picture (if any). ─── 中文所提供的资讯较英文为细,但是都不能确切翻译或表达出真正的意思。

26、Not every idiom translates with such ease. ─── 不是每个习语都能这样容易地译出来。

27、Chuck Norris does not have to answer the phone. His beard picks up the incoming electrical impulses and translates them into audible sound. ─── 不用接电话。他的胡子捕捉到传来的电脉冲,再转换成声音。

28、On a nice day we did a day trip to Tso Pema (which literally translates to Lake Lotus (see note)), a 3-hour drive away from Bir. ─── 可是,当我卸下了行囊,看过了唯一带著一点苗族精神的长裙苗歌舞表演,心里剩下的又是甚麽呢?

29、A software deelopment tool that translates human-readable assembly language programs into machine-language instructions that the processor can understandand execute. ─── 一个能把人可读的汇编语言程序转换到处理器可理解和运行的机器指令的软件开发工具。

30、A program that translates a source program into an executable program ( an object program ). ─── 一种把源程序翻译成可执行程序(即目标程序)的程序。

31、MMU Memory Management Unit, translates virtual to physical addresses and provides access permission control. ─── 内存管理单位,把虚地址转化为物理地址并且提供访问许可控制。

32、The SCCP translates this number into a Destination Point Code (DPC) and a sub-system number (SSN). ─── SCCP 将这个号码转换为一个目的地点码 (DPC) 和一个子系统号 (SSN)。

33、This skepticism can handicap the Six Sigma effort if it translates to diminished resource commitments and a lowered priority for the project. ─── 如果此疑虑转变为人员承诺的减少和项目优先级的下降,那么此疑虑会阻碍六西格马的工作。

34、In your lecture, I ask you to introduce the congruent number problem, and show exactly how it translates into a problem about elliptic curves. ─── 在你的演讲中,你要介绍同余数问题,以及它如何转化成椭圆曲线问题。

35、Higher DQE translates directly into better imager quality for a given dose. ─── 在一定的剂量下,更高的DQE可以直接转化成更好的图像质量。

36、The ancient French term "trousseau" literally translates to a clothing bundle. ─── 在“黑暗时代”里,人们很在意咒语和邪恶。

37、Carries on the image in line the connection a procedure, is very easy to understand Translates the execution in VC then, C-C. ─── 一个将图象中的线进行连接的一个程序,很容易理解。在VC中编译执行即可。

38、A technology that translates Internet address names into numerical addresses (IP addresses) so that the address can be found over the Internet. ─── 一种将Internet地址名称转换为数字地址(IP地址)以便可以在Internet上查找该地址的技术。

39、And further from the chattering elites in Washington, concern about the environment usually translates as concern about the price of fuel. ─── 从美国的一些评论员的评论当中,我们不难发现,目前人们的担心已经从环保转向了油价问题。

40、the dissonance translates into a state of joylessness when applied to the human emotional body. ─── 当不和谐接触到人类情感体时转译成成一种无欢乐的状态。

41、This same risk aversion translates into protectionism and insularity. ─── 同样对风险的规避演变成了贸易保护主义和岛国劣根性。

42、The Welsh name translates as 'Land's End'. ─── 这个威尔士语的地名可译成“兰兹角”。

43、In its way, Roos translates the modernity through ancestral recollections. ─── 在其道路上,罗斯(Roos)通过祖先往事来演绎现代性。

44、The strtr() function translates certain characters in a string. ─── 函数的作用是:转换一个字符串中指定的字符。

45、Casualness translates into a more secular sort of leadership, which is why people who don't like him here talk about the Americanization of France. ─── 不拘礼节、打扮轻便转化为比较世俗的领导,那也是这里不欣赏他的人会批说法国已经美国化。

46、IDC expects the value of the APEJ tape automation market to reach US$367.5 million by 2012.This translates to a CAGR of 0.5%. ─── IDC预计,到2012年,亚太区(不含日本)的磁带自动化市场规模将达到3.675亿美元,即年复合增长率为0.5%。

47、Hey, check out this new widget that translates any word from English into Chinese! ─── 喂,试试这款最新的小软件,它可以做英翻中。

48、The most upstream is the databases built by governments and this sector dilutes, monitors and translates these databases, or enhances the convenience. ─── 产业的最上游为各国智慧财产权主管机关的资料库,本产业部分厂商将其加值提升其方便性、对于重要资料加以翻译或分析、或是协助厂商监视新增专利。

49、Carries on the image in line the connection a procedure, is very easy to understand Translates the execution in VC then, C-C. ─── 一个将图象中的线进行连接的一个程序,很容易理解。在VC中编译执行即可。

50、Each sensor on IRV plugs into a dedicated computer, which boils the raw data down to a set of obstacle coordinates and sizes, and then translates that into the network protocol. ─── IRV车上的每一个感测器都插到某一台专用电脑,将原始资料归纳成一组障碍座标及大小,然后转译到这个网路协定。

51、The extra ice presumably translates into higher sea level. But how much this is raising the level of the oceans isn't known. ─── 可以推测,(冰架崩塌产生的)多余的冰块会使海平面高度进一步上升,但上升的程度目前尚不可知。

52、In effect, it translates the program line-by-line, alternately reading lines and carrying out commands. ─── 在效果上,将程序一行一行的转换,在读取程序行和执行命令之间交替切换。

53、DN2E - translates the MDN to an extended system ID for stand-alone home location register (SHLR) mapping. ─── DN2E -- 将 MDN 转换为独立归属位置寄存器 (SHLR) 映射的一个扩展的系统 ID。

54、His family's Cantonese nickname for him translates as Never Sits Still. ─── 他家人为他起的广东话绰号翻译过来意思是“永远坐不住”。

55、At the time they first come to the nomadic Tibetan family, Zhuoma translates and explain everything for Wen. ─── 她们刚刚来到游牧的藏族家庭时,卓玛为雯翻译,解释所有的东西。

56、The cross-platform nature of Java technology translates into a huge pool of enterprise developers and applications that are immediately Linux-ready. ─── Java技术的跨平台性质所带来的是包括企业开发人员和Linux立即就绪的应用程序的巨大资源集合。

57、It is puzzled and uncertain in transforming, deeper directionality that translates. ─── 在转化中的困惑和不确定,更加深了转译的方向性。

58、Translates in iccavr3.1a, after downloading it decompresses d: Next translates, otherwise possibly must revise iccavr the environment variable. ─── 在iccavr3.1a中编译的,下载后将其解压到d:下编译,否则可能要修改iccavr 的环境变量。

59、But what the French call urine sauvage, which translates to 'wild urine,' is the hardest to crack. ─── 但是,法国人所称的urinesauvage,翻译过来就是“随地小便”,则是所有不良行为当中最难打击的一个。

60、The names are fitting: Neuer's name translates "the new one". Adler's name means "eagle", and he tackles the balls like the well-known bird of prey. ─── 他们的名字都是名副其实的:诺伊尔的名字理解是“新星”。阿德勒的名字意味着“雄鹰”,他扑救的时候就象大家都知道的猛禽那样。

61、Each EJB 3 business interface with the unqualified name intf of a session bean bean translates into a service by the name bean_intf. ─── 带有一个会话beanbean的非限定名称intf的每个EJB3业务接口都转换为一个名为bean_intf的服务。

62、The only locking mechanism used in MyISAM is the table level locking, which translates that it is not suitable for high-usage environments. ─── MyISAM中只有一种锁定机制,即表级锁定,因此不适用于访问比较频繁的环境。

63、The word “love” in Sirian or earth based language translates into “hate” in Pleiadian or Orion language. ─── 天狼星或地球基本语言中的“爱”这个词翻译到昂宿星和猎户座语言是“恨”。

64、This Verilog file is a desription of an UART, which is a piece of computer hardware that translates data between parallel and serial forms. ─── (译):这Verilog的文件是一个desription一个个UART ,这是一块计算机硬件之间的数据转换并行和串行的形式。

65、At law firms, which have been jolted almost daily by layoffs, busywork rarely translates into that all-important billable hour. ─── 在律师事务所,几乎每天都会有人失业,做无用功对他们的薪水没有帮助。

66、I do hope Super Ma ( Brown Bear )or someone who can translat in Chinese for me.Thanks ! ─── 个人认为基本功能足够即可,不必太多花样,速度快及稳定性佳是最重要的。

67、A reverse lookup zone is an address-to-name database that translates IP addresses into DNS names. ─── 反向搜索区域是指将DNS名称转换为IP地址的地址转成名称数据库。

68、Not being able to find highly relevant information when needed translates into bad decisions, missed opportunities, wasted time, and wasted money. ─── 如果在需要的时候无法找到密切相关的信息,那么将导致企业做出错误的决策、错失良机、浪费时间和金钱。

69、In order to avoid flying to the batting of outside, both hands translat pole one lightly and will cause hook to state of closing. ─── 为了避免飞向外侧的击球,双手轻翻杆面至闭合状态会导致左曲球。

70、Expensive and scarce capital translates into lower profit margins and market values, says Steven Romick, manager of the FPA Crescent Fund. ─── FPA Crescent基金的经理罗米克(StevenRomick)说,资本昂贵又稀缺,意味着利润率和市场价值的下降。

71、I do. I can speak to people from around the world and the computer translates their text straight into english. ─── 但我会的,我会和来自世界各地不同国家的朋友聊天,电脑会自动帮你把文字翻译成英语。

72、Eating less but more nutritious food source translates into less energy expended in the act of digestion. ─── 吃得更少但营养更多的食物来源转译为在消化行为中,能量消耗得更少。

73、A program that translates another program into a form acceptable by the computer being used. ─── 处理程序使另一计算机程序变为计算机可接受形式的计算机程序

74、Peace within translates into peace without, and will one day lead to the dismantling of your warfare machines global wide. ─── 内在和平转译为外在和平,某天将引起你们全球战争机器的拆除。

75、The ornate Latin signature translates as 'Jan van Eyck was here 1434'. ─── 墙上华丽的拉丁文翻译过来是“扬.凡.艾克在场(1434)”。

76、Multi-disc reader Machine which reads a variety of discs in different formats and translates their content to output discs. Also calledMedia converter. ─── 多碟阅读器可阅读多种类型不同、格式不同的磁碟,并把内容翻译,贮于输出磁碟上的机器。亦称媒体转换机。

77、But the program, called “Shanzhai,” which roughly translates as “knockoff” or “underground” gala, was not to be. ─── 但节目被叫做“山寨”,也被胡乱的翻译为“仿制品”或地下节日,不一而足。

78、The storage manager translates the various DML statements into low-level file-system commands. ─── 储藏器将各种不同的 DML 陈述翻译成低水平系统指令文件。

79、Then the code generator, is designed and implemented,which translates the textual language to NT?s system calls and C++ program skeleton. ─── 以此为基础给出了代码自动生成器的设计及实现方案 ,将图形设计生成的文本描述语言翻译为NT下的系统调用及C + +语言程序框架

80、In telecommunications, embedded computing consolidates, translates, routes and monitors voice, video and data information. ─── 在电信领域,嵌入式计算巩固、翻译、发送和监控话音、视频与数据信息。

81、Sometimes this anger translates into physical aggression or violence. ─── 有时这种愤怒转化为身体攻击或暴力。

82、Translates security policy into a prioritized logic program,and then computes its semantics. ─── 先将安全策略用一个优先逻辑程序表示,然后计算其语义。

83、"The problem for engineers is that change translates into chaos, especially when a single error can potentially bring down an entire system. ─── "工程师所面临的问题是修改软件会引起系统混乱,特别是一个微小的错误就能导致系统崩溃。

84、Only when environmental deterioration or resource depletion translates into economic decline do we seem to notice the problem. ─── 只有当环境恶化或资源的枯竭导致经济衰退时,我们似乎才注意到这个问题。

85、DNS is a basic network service,which translates IP to domain name . ─── DNS服务是一项基础网络的服务,它的主要作用是完成IP地址和域名的转换。

86、During implementation, the programmer translates the problem solution into a series of source statements written in some programming language. ─── 在实施阶段,程序员把问题的解法转换成用某种编程语言写成的一系列源语句,而每一种编程语言都有它自己的语法、标点和拼写规则。

87、COC++ compiler translates the C++ source program into C target program. ─── COC++编译器的功能是将C++源程序转换为等价的C程序。

88、Include a statement of how much market share you think your business can capture and how that translates into dollars. ─── 还要包括你对自己的生意能获取多少市场份额的预测,以及这些市场份额换算成美元是多少。

89、Perhaps the crowning example of brilliant naming is Coca-Cola, which sounds quite similar to the product's English name but translates as "really tasty really fun". ─── 也许取名最好的例子是可口可乐,听起来与英文名字很相似,但是翻译过来是“真的好吃,真的快乐”。



例句:1.I often take part in my school's activities.


2.What‘s your favorite activity?


3.My favorite activity is swimming.


4.The oceans froze over when geologic activity died out.


5。Whether this translates into real activity remains a question-mark.



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