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09-17 投稿


irp 中文意思翻译



irp 词性/词形变化,irp变形


irp 相似词语短语

1、rip ─── vt.撕;锯;vi.裂开,被撕裂;n.裂口,裂缝;n.(Rip)人名;(塞)里普

2、Arp ─── abbr.地址解析协议(AddressResolutionProtocol);分析性复核(AnalyticalReviewProcedure);n.(Arp)人名;(法、德、瑞典)阿尔普

3、imp ─── n.顽童,小淘气;小孩;vt.给...装上翅膀;加强

4、chirp ─── v.(虫、鸟)吱喳而鸣;尖声地说;轻松愉快地讲(话);抱怨;奚落;n.唧喳声;(虫、鸟)鸣叫声;(通信)啁啾声

5、irk ─── vt.使烦恼;使厌倦

6、urp ─── abbr.特种射解物(uniqueradiolyticproduct)

7、ihp ─── abbr.指示马力(IndicatedHorsepower);国际水文计划(InternationalHydrologicalProgramme)

8、ire ─── n.愤怒;n.(Ire)(美、英、印度)谓例(人名)

9、ir- ─── abbr.红外辐射(InfraredRadiation);信息检索(informationretrieval);伊利诺斯研究(美国期刊)(IllinoisResearch);n.(Ir)人名;(柬)伊;(朝)一

irp 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In some situations, the bus driver will pass the same IRP to the stack (the parent driver stack) in which it plays the FDO role. ─── 在某些情况中,总线驱动将把同样的IRP传递给堆栈(双亲驱动堆栈),在这个堆栈中它遵循FDO规则。

2、But even the most secure networks need an IRP. ─── 但大多数安全网络需要事件响应策略(IRP)。

3、IRP( Inventory Routing Problem) ─── 存贮路径问题

4、MarkPending - Mark the IRP as pending. ─── 把IRP标记为挂起。

5、Demand Side Management(DSM) constitutes an important aspect of Integrated Resources Plan(IRP). ─── 电力需求侧管理(DSM)是综合资源规划(IRP)的一项重要内容。

6、In the discussion of the information model, according to the interface functional requirement, the IRP information model was presented. ─── 根据接口的功能需求,提出IRP信息模型。

7、I'll also discuss the knotty subject of IRP queuing and cancellation, wherein accurate reasoning about synchronization problems becomes crucial. ─── 我还将讨论IRP队列和取消的棘手问题,其中有关同步问题的正确原因变得重要了。

8、interferon-regulated protein(IRP) ─── 干扰素调节蛋白

9、This paper takes review of the efficient boundary of patent pool from multi -dimensions: transaction, production and IRP. ─── 从交易、生产与知识产权等多重维度考察了专利联盟的效率边界。

10、The application tries to read some data, whereupon the system sends you an IRP. Your dispatch routine puts the IRP in a queue and returns. ─── 这个应用事这读取一些数据,因此系统发给你一个IRP。你的分配程序把这个IRP反进一个队列并返回。

11、T 3 decreased the binding activity between IRP and IRE, particularly at concentration of 50 nmol/L. ─── T3 能减少IRP IRE的结合活性 ,且以T3 为 5 0nmol L时减少最为明显。

12、Power plant information system based on IRP ─── 基于IRP的电厂信息化系统

13、Next, though, you want to solve a particular problem with this general set of technologies that you've developed. ─── 之后,你就可以用IRP开发出的整套技术,来解决特定的问题。

14、one stack location for each of the drivers that will process the IRP and sometimes one more stack location for the use of the originator of the IRP. (See Figure 5-3. ─── 数组中的每个堆栈单元都对应一个将处理该IRP的驱动程序,另外还有一个堆栈单元供IRP的创建者使用(见图5-3)。

15、A description of the IRP data structure can be found here. ─── 你可以在这里找到IRP数据包一种描述。

16、The electric power deregulation has led electric power enterprises very difficult to do integrated resources planning(IRP) because generation, transmission and distribution were to be unbundled. ─── 电力市场化改革打破了电力企业发输配售垄断的生产经营模式,也失去了电力企业制订综合资源规划的条件。

17、IRP tracking ─── IRP拦截

18、Obsjective: To evaluate the efficiency of the laparoscopic uterine suspension and PPH for female outlet obstructed constipation(OOC)on retroposition of uterus and IRP. ─── 目的:探讨经腹腹腔镜子宫悬吊术联合经肛门PPH手术治疗子宫后位合并直肠内脱垂所致出口梗阻型便秘的治疗效果。

19、An application opens a handle to your device, whereupon the system sends you another IRP. ─── 一个应用为你的设备开启一个处理,因此这个系统给你发送另一个IRP

20、The application tries to read some data, whereupon the system sends you an IRP. Your dispatch routine puts the IRP in a queue and returns. ─── 这个应用事这读取一些数据,因此系统发给你一个IRP。你的分配程序把这个IRP反进一个队列并返回。

21、The Customer List Price CLP is derived from the IRP using discount or mark-up. ─── 客户用品价目单(CLP)是由于内部参考价格衍生出来的折扣或者是涨价。

22、You'll learn in later chapters that a read request turns into an IRP with the major function code IRP_MJ_READ. ─── 在后面的章节你将学到:一个读请求变成一个具有主要函数代码IRP_MJ_READ的IRP

23、An IRP policy cannot solve your problems, but it can offer a cool-headed method for dealing with a hot issue. ─── 一个IRP不能解决你的问题,但它能提供一个冷静的头脑来处理一个棘手问题的方法。

24、The third example is similar to the first except that the IRP in question is a notification concerning whether a disk drive on a PCI bus will be used as the repository for a system paging file. ─── 第三个例子和第一个例子类似,除了在问题中的IRP是一个通告,关于是否在一个PCI总线上的磁盘驱动将被用作系统页文件的仓库。

25、Results It showed that the Peak A was decreased,the Peak E was increased,IRP was decreased and Peak A/Peak E was decreased after administration Xinxuetong. ─── 结果:用药后左室舒张早期充盈速度增快;舒张晚期A峰流速减慢;舒张晚期最大充盈速度及其与舒张早期最大充盈速度比值明显降低等舒张期缩短。

26、Introduction drive the development of IRP cancellation requests thought to operate. ─── 介绍了驱动开发中取消IRP请求的想过操作。

27、In the forth part, with inducting the Genetic Algorithms (GA), this thesis analyzes the solvent of IRP model, and regulates the genetic operators, fitness function limits and every steps of solvent. ─── 在第四部分中,本文引入了具有较强鲁棒性的遗传算法,对模型的求解方法做出了详细的分析,对算法中的各类算子和约束条件做出相应规定,并且给出了求解的详细步骤。

28、The I/O manager or another driver may create an IRP and pass it down to your driver. ─── I/O管理器或者其它程序都有可能创建IRP请求然后传递到你的驱动。

29、The Study of Combination of IRP and ERP ─── 信息资源规划(IRP)与企业资源计划(ERP)的衔接问题研究

30、A device driver may eventually need to actually access its hardware to perform an IRP. ─── 一个设备驱动可能最后需要真正的访问他的硬件来执行一个IRP

31、Cloning of Irp Gene Related to Nodule Competitiveness in Bradyrhizoblum Japonicum ─── 慢生大豆根瘤菌与竞争结瘤相关的Irp基因的克隆

32、Figure 2-2 illustrates the general idea: whenever the system wants to carry out an operation on a device, it sends an IRP to the topmost filter driver in the stack. ─── 图2-2阐明了这个大意:无论什么时候系统想要在一个设备上执行一个操作,它给在堆栈中最上层的过滤器发送一个IRP

33、Rather, the bus driver usually completes the IRP. ─── 当然,总线驱动通常完成这个IRP

34、integrated resource planning (IRP) ─── 综合资源规划

35、Windows 2000 Server stops responding if the TCPDispatch function returns an incorrect status for the IRP ─── 如果TCPDispatch函数返回错误的IRP状态,则Windows 2000 Server停止响应

36、Inductive Resistance Probe (IRP) is a new corrosion-monitoring technique for corrosion rate quantitative evaluation of iron-based metals and alloys in various environments . ─── 摘要 磁阻探头技术是一种新的腐蚀检测技术,该技术使用范围广,可获得腐蚀速率的定量表征。

37、The user mode buffers are locked in memory until the IRP is completed which is the downside of using direct I/O. ─── 用户态的缓冲区在IRP请求完成之前是被锁定的,这是使用直接输入输出的不利方面。

38、Foundation of Data Environment Based on IRP in Integrating and Utilizing Traffic Information ─── 交通信息整合利用中基于IRP的数据环境建设

39、The other parameter is as was mentioned before which is an IRP! ─── 其他的参数在IRP之前就被指明了。

40、Keynes first proposed static theory of interest rate parity in 1923.Subsequently, Einzig really finished the classical theory of IRP with the dynamic theory of IRP. ─── 自凯恩斯提出利率平价静态理论后,艾因齐格(Einzig)以利率平价动态理论真正完成了古典利率平价理论体系。

41、Completion is the last act in processing an IRP, and it allows the waiting application to resume execution. ─── 在一个IRP过程中“完成”是最后的动作,并且它允许等待的进程继续执行。

42、WDM drivers should implement their own IRP queues (see Chapter 5) and may have no use for this field. ─── WDM驱动应该执行它们本身的IRP队列(查看第五章),可能不使用这个域。

43、international reference preparation (IRP) ─── 国际参考品(IRP

44、Each IRP has a major and a minor function code. ─── 每个IRP具有一个主要和一个次要函数代码。

45、Some routines, such as the DriverEntry and AddDevice routines, as well as dispatch functions for a few types of I/O Request Packet (IRP), will be present in every such container. ─── 一些程序,比如DriverEntry(驱动入口)和AddDevice(添加设备)程序,也为一些种类的I/O请求包(IRP)分配功能,也出现在这种容器中。

46、At each step of this process, the system decided that your driver needed to do something, be it initializing, processing an IRP, handling an interrupt, or whatever. ─── 在这个处理的每一步,系统决定你的驱动需要做的事情,让它初始化,处理一个IRP,处理一个中断,或者其他什么。

47、Memory as well as inference play important role in the process of IRP formed. ─── IRP的形成过程中,推理因素与记忆因素都起到了一定的作用。

48、Research on Irp under the Mode of VMI ─── VMI模式下的库存运输集成优化研究

49、Application of IRP in establishing marine informationization ─── IRP在船舶企业信息化建设中的应用

50、inventory routing problem(IRP) ─── 库存路径问题

51、In other situations, the bus driver will create a secondary IRP and pass it to the parent driver stack. ─── 在其他的情况中,总线驱动将创建一个个次要的IRP,并且把它传递给双亲驱动堆栈。

52、Influence on Power Load Applying IRP Method and DSM Technique in Shengli Oilfield ─── 胜利油田应用IRP方法和DSM技术对电力负荷的影响

53、The bus driver does not usually pass the IRP any further, despite what Figure 2-6 might seem to imply. ─── 总线驱动经常不把这个IRP传递的更远,即使图2-6好像看起来暗示了什么。

54、I/0 request packet(IRP) ─── I/O请求包

55、Generally, IRP is assumed to a price stored in memory on the basis of perceptions of actual, fair, or other price conceptions. ─── 一般而言研究者都认为IRP是一种储存在记忆中的价格,其是以过去的购买经验中所观察到的实际价格为基础的。

56、Another situation in which the thread context is not arbitrary occurs when an application issues an API call that causes the I/O Manager to send an IRP directly to a driver. ─── 当一个应用发布一个API调用,引起I/O管理器直接给一个驱动发送一个IRP的时候,线程关联的另一种情况并非武断的发生。

57、The second reason applies when a driver creates an IRP to send to some other driver. ─── 第二个原因适用于:当一个驱动创建一个IRP并发送给其他驱动的时候。

58、Your driver handles this IRP by configuring and connecting various kernel resources, following which your hardware is ready to use. ─── 你的驱动根据配置和连结多个内和资源来处理这个IRP,接下来你的硬件即将使用。

59、Without IRP, DSM has lost its theory fundament. ─── 没有综合资源规划,需求侧管理的理论依据不再存在。

60、Expression and implication of lung resistance protein gene Irp in primary hepatocellular carcinoma ─── 原发性肝细胞癌肺耐药蛋白基因Irp表达及其意义

61、Results: It was shown that Peak A, IRP andPeak A/Peak E decreased after administration of Xinxuetong. ─── 结果:用药后左室舒张早期充盈速度增快,舒张晚期A峰流速减慢,等容舒张期缩短;

62、Objective Detection of the pathogenicity island gene irp 2 of Yersinia enterocolitica species from enteric Shiga like toxin producing and invasive Escherichia coli (ESIEC) strains isolated in various provinces of China. ─── 目的 了解肠产志贺样毒素且具侵袭力的大肠杆菌 (ESIEC)菌株中的小肠结肠炎耶尔森菌HPI毒力岛基因irp 2的存在情况。

63、Eventually, the IRP might reach the bus driver in its PDO role. ─── 最后,IRP可能按照它的PDO规则来到达总线驱动。

64、Research on Information Construction of Equipment Support Based on IRP ─── 基于IRP的装备保障信息化建设研究

65、It will cancel the IRP automatically if that thread terminates. ─── 如果那个线程中止,它将自动的取消这个IRP

66、IRP completion routine ─── IRP完成例程

67、Your driver handles this IRP by configuring and connecting various kernel resources, following which your hardware is ready to use. ─── 你的驱动根据配置和连结多个内和资源来处理这个IRP,接下来你的硬件即将使用。

68、IRP (Inventory Routing Problem) ─── 库存路在问题

69、Status - Accessor to IRP status. ─── 获得IRP状态。

70、information resource planning(IRP) ─── 信息资源规划

71、The I/O Manager doesn't tie an asynchronous IRP to any particular thread, though. ─── 但是,I/O管理器不把异步IRP捆绑于任何特定的线程。

72、In fact, if some driver outside your own stack sends you an IRP, you have to assume that the thread context is arbitrary. ─── 事实上,如果在你自己的堆栈之外的某些驱动发送给你一个IRP,你必须假定这个线程关联是武断的。

73、The major function code indicates what sort of request the IRP contains. ─── 主要函数代码指示:IRP包含的请求种类。

74、The Plug and Play Manager component of the operating system sends you this IRP to give you details about your device's configuration and to notify you of important events in the life of your device. ─── PnP管理器通过发送这种IRP来报告设备的配置,并在设备存在期间向驱动程序通知重要事件。

75、Subject Database's Divide Technique Based on Generalized Integration in IRP ─── IRP中基于广义聚合度的主题数据库划分技术

76、In IRP algorithm, routing is based on component from Server, which is simple and practical, but cannot adapt dynamic change in distributed system environment. ─── IRP算法仅根据服务器提供的路径构件进行寻径,简单实用,但难以适应分布系统环境的动态变化。

77、IRP binding to IRE is regulated by cellular iron. When cells are derived of iron, IRP binds IRE. ─── IRP与IRE的结合受细胞内铁含量的调控 ,与铁代谢有着密切的关系。

78、Analysis of Equipment Support Information System Based on IRP ─── 基于IRP的装备保障信息系统分析

79、Driver dispatch routines for most types of I/O request packet (IRP) execute at PASSIVE_LEVEL. ─── 对于大部分种类的I/O请求包(IRP)驱动分派程序执行于PASSIVE_LEVEL。

80、Every organization should include an IRP as part of its overall business continuity plan (BCP). ─── 每个组织需要包括一个IRP作为它的全面商业持续计划(BCP)的一部分。

81、I'll explain where I/O request packets come from, and I'll give an overview of what drivers do with them when they follow what I call the "standard model" for IRP processing. ─── 我将阐述I/O请求包的出处,我将纵览:当它们按照我所说的IRP处理“标准模式”(运行)的时候,驱动和它们一起做什么。

82、The article discusses the IRP theory expansion to national level IRSP and makes it as DSM fundament under the conditions of electricity market reform. ─── 文章探讨了在电力市场化改革的条件下将综合资源规划的理念拓展为国家层面的综合资源战略规划,使其成为需求侧管理的理论基础。

83、Information Resource Plan(IRP) ─── 信息资源规划(IRP

84、These parameters are sent to the device in the IRP as we explained previously. ─── 这些参数就如我们之前解释的那样,在IRP中被传入驱动。

85、Discuss oil company electric power to develop traditional program method and IRP integrated resource (electric power) program method. ─── 论述石油企业电力发展传统规划方法和IRP综合资源(电力)规划方法。

86、All of these common tools and overall design of building a house would be the IRP. ─── 所有这些共用的工具以及全部公有的建房设计计划就是IRP了。

87、Each driver that sees the IRP makes the same decision. ─── 查看IRP的每个驱动完成相同的结果。

88、After a driver has finished with an I/O operation, it completes the IRP by calling a particular kernel-mode service routine. ─── 在一个驱动完成一个I/O操作之后,它通过调用一个特殊的内核服务程序来完成IRP

89、TDI client who wishes to establish connection to remote system allocates connect TDI IRP, specifying connection object. ─── 希望确定对远程系统的连接分配的TDI客户连结TDIIRP,指定连接物体。

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