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09-17 投稿


immenseness 中文意思翻译



immenseness 同义词

jumbo | Brobdingnagian |enormous | giant | huge | incalculable | immeasurable | towering | prodigious | gigantic | tremendous | great | mammoth | stupendous | monumental | vast | big | massive | large | bulky | colossal

immenseness 反义词

finite |limited

immenseness 词性/词形变化,immenseness变形

副词: immensely |名词: immenseness |

immenseness 相似词语短语

1、tenseness ─── n.紧张;绷紧

2、intensiveness ─── 集中;密集

3、impreciseness ─── 不精确性

4、immediateness ─── n.即刻;直接

5、menseless ─── 无尺寸

6、insensateness ─── 无感

7、intenseness ─── n.剧烈;紧张;热情

8、immunogenesis ─── n.免疫发生

9、denseness ─── n.密集;稠密;浓厚

immenseness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Desert (2nd volume): remote and vast melody describing sand and dust floated by a stiff wind implying the sense of loneliness and immenseness. ─── 沙漠(第二段):悠远壮阔的曲风,描述著沙漠中,一阵狂风吹起了黄沙纷飞,增添寂寥与壮阔的感觉。

3、When I immerse myself in the world of ceramics, I was fascinated by its immenseness, mystery and dazzling beauty. ─── 当我置身其中,著迷著它的浩瀚、炫丽、多变、神秘时,只能融入精魂与之共舞,任由它迭宕起伏,锻烧著你一颗挑战的心。

4、 双语使用场景

5、Desert (1st volume): the vast drums from slow beats indicating the sense of grand immenseness and desolate loneliness. ─── 沙漠(第一段):壮?的鼓声,缓缓的击打著,描述出雄伟辽阔且孤寂的感觉。

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