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09-17 投稿


inspective 发音

英:[[ɪn'spektɪv]]  美:[[ɪn'spektɪv]]

英:  美:

inspective 中文意思翻译



inspective 相似词语短语

1、inspecting ─── adj.检查的;v.检查(inspect的ing形式)

2、injective ─── adj.[数]内射的;[数]单射的

3、respective ─── adj.分别的,各自的

4、infective ─── adj.有传染性的,感染别人的

5、irrespective ─── adj.不考虑的,不顾的;adv.不考虑地,不顾地

6、invective ─── n.恶言漫骂,咒骂;猛烈抨击;adj.谩骂的;恶言的

7、introspective ─── adj.内省的;反省的

8、inflective ─── adj.屈折的;抑扬的

9、inspection ─── n.视察,检查

inspective 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Fit and inspect shaft line of M/E. ─── 4主机轴系安装报验合格。


3、Inspective study of myelin basic protein in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage disrupting into intraventricular system ─── 血清碱性髓鞘蛋白在幕上脑出血破入脑室患者中的监测研究

4、Care to inspect the damge? You're welcome to, but it's a dreary sight. ─── 你想去视察视察被炸的情况吗?欢迎你去,可是景象很惨。

5、We should inspect ourselves using this resolution as a mirror. ─── 我们要把这个决议当做一面镜子来照我们自己。

6、Introduces a new kind inspect instrument of hoist brake clearance. ─── 介绍了一种新型提升机智能闸瓦间隙监测仪。

7、He gave us permission to enter his premises to inspect the meters. ─── 他允许我们进入他的房屋检查仪表。

8、To inspect in order to determine lumber yield. ─── 勘探木材产量勘查以探明木材产量

9、The police may inspect the land with a view to public safety. ─── 为了公共安全,警察会仔细检查这块土地。

10、We should inspect the goods to see if there is any breakage. ─── 我们要检查一下这批货物是否有破损。

11、Care to inspect the damage? You're welcome to, but it's a dreary sight. ─── 你想去视察视察被炸的情况吗?欢迎你去,可是景象很惨。

12、Last summer, Mr.Loewi led his stu-dents to inspect a mountain at the equator. ─── 去年夏天,洛伊先生带他的学生去考察位于赤道的一座山峰。

13、To the port to inspect the equipment we ordered. ─── 到港口去检验一下我们订购的设备。

14、Inspect all parts for damage prior to installation and start-up. ─── 在安装和启动之前,请检查所有的部件是否有损坏。

15、He wishes to inspect at close quarters all the actors in this drama. ─── 他希望近距离接触这部剧的所有演员。

16、Inspect and rectify already existing pyramid retail enterprises. ─── 二、对现有传销企业进行审查清理。

17、An important step is how to extract and segment the information of defects from inspective image. ─── 将缺陷信息正确提取和分割出来是射线检测中的重要环节。

18、The buyer must inspect the goods supplied for defects. ─── 买方必须检查--所供应的商品有无瑕疵。

19、The top brass are coming to inspect our company today. ─── 今天那位大人物要来视察我们公司。

20、To inspect vehicles carrying poultry at Man Kam To. ─── 在文锦渡检查运送家禽的车辆。

21、We inspect etch channel density of the seed piece by piece. ─── 低腐蚀隧道:为确保低腐蚀隧道密度,我们对晶种的腐蚀隧道密度进行逐块检测。

22、One moring, some public health inspctors came to inspect a factory. ─── 一天早晨,一些公共卫生检查员来检查一工厂。

23、When system is started inspect for leaks. ─── 当系统开始运行时,检查是否有泄漏。

24、from a natural inspective to a social inspective, Xing Gang's work has significant meaning. ─── 由自然深入社会,邢罡的这件作品具有更深入的阐发意义。

25、Bink squatted to inspect the cut. ─── 宾克蹲下来检查伤口。

26、They are the rancher of American Kansan, come here inspect Niu Yuan. ─── 他们是美国堪萨斯州的牧场主,来这边考察牛源。

27、He was helping Scotty inspect the people moving through the gate. ─── 他在帮着司各迪检查通过门口的人们。

28、Inspect and solve the potential problems in operation with production engineer. ─── 与生产工程师一起调查和解决设备运行中出现问题。

29、Visually inspect that the vent is fully open to pass test. ─── 为了通过检测,目测检查排气口全开。

30、When carrying out supervision and inspection, electric power supervisory and inspective personnel shall present proper identification. ─── 电力监督检查人员进行监督检查时,应当出示证件。

31、You're perfectly welcome to inspect the winning bid. ─── 我们很欢迎你来查阅得标者。

32、Remove catheter for30 minutes every24 hours to cleanse and inspect skin. ─── 、每24小时除去导管30分钟,以冲洗和检查皮肤。

33、We should inspect the sample which be gotten from catalogue. ─── 我们应该索取目录上的样品来检验一下。

34、Where the devil have you been? I told you to inspect the lines. ─── 你到底上哪去了?我叫你去查营房的。

35、She went outside to inspect. ─── 她出去到操场上检查去了。

36、The health department plans to inspect our restaurant next week. ─── 卫生局准备下周来检查我们餐厅。

37、To inspect a wooded area to determine its lumber yield. ─── 勘查林区勘查林木地带以探明木材产量

38、Care to inspect the damge? You're welcome to, but it's a dreary sight . ─── 你想去视察视察被炸的情况吗?欢迎你去,可是景象很惨。

39、Condition on arrival unsatisfactory inspect damage further but buyer claim inevitable. ─── 到货情况不能令人满意,正在进一步检查受损情况,恐买方索赔不可避免。

40、We had better inspect the premises first, and examine the servants afterwards. ─── 我们还是先到现场踏勘,回头再向佣人进行调查。

41、An important step is how to extract and segment the information of defects from inspective image. ─── 将缺陷信息正确提取和分割出来是射线检测中的重要环节。

42、Objective To trace and evaluate clinical effect of the inspective mode, built in 2004, for blood lead of children aged 0~6 years. ─── 目的对2004年建立的0~6岁儿童血铅监测模式进行临床效果追踪评价。

43、Comparison reflection wave method with supersonic wave in the inspective application of long bored cast-in-place piles ─── 反射波法和声波透射法检测深长钻孔桩的比较

44、We work on science experiments,and inspect and repair any equipment that needs work. ─── 我们进行科学实验,检查并维修任何需要运行的设备。

45、Residents inspect damage in Biloxi, Miss. ─── 居民在对遭受的损失进行检查。

46、Unlike reflection, it does not inspect for methods. ─── 与反射不同的是,它并不检查方法。

47、After three weeks, I removed the bags to inspect for progress. ─── 三个星期之后,我将袋子拿掉检查进度.

48、A worker employed to maintain or inspect railroad tracks. ─── 巡道工,护路员受雇保养或巡查铁道的工人

49、When you install a new PCV valve, inspect and clean the system thoroughly. ─── 在安装新PCV阀时,应仔细地检查和清洗PCV系统。

50、A worker employed to inspect a section of railroad track. ─── 巡道工受雇巡查一路段铁轨的工人

51、He was instructed to inspect the cargo on the ship and detain such cargo if necessary. ─── 他奉命去检查船上所载货物并于必要时扣留该项货物。

52、Review and inspect the work, it will lower costs. ─── 对工作进行复查和评审,这样会节省成本。

53、Does contagious second liver need to inspect these items? ─── 传染性乙肝需要检查这些项目吗?

54、We have a series of strict inspective and supervision procedures for the import of military products. ─── 中国军贸产品进口有一套严格的审查和监管程序。

55、Inspect the dam primary school of sand for old leaders in picture. ─── 图为老领导们视察沙坝小学。

56、He showed the bank his authorization to inspect the contents of the safe. ─── 他给银行看他检查保险柜内容的授权书。

57、A projector is applied to inspect the drill geometry and dimensional accuracy. ─── 例如钻头的几何形状及尺寸精度是以精密投影机检验。

58、Q.How many images does a reviewer have to inspect per night? ─── 作为一名会员,每一晚必须查看多少张图片?

59、Several years later,word came that Napoleon himself was coming to inspect them. ─── 几年后,他们听说拿破仑要亲自来视察他们。

60、We will also inspect electrical installations in 4 000 buildings in 1999 so as to identify necessary improvements. ─── 届时,我们会检验四千幢楼宇的电力装置,找出需要改善的地方。

61、In case of freezing;thaw, disassemble, and inspect internal components. ─── 万一出现冰冻,则进行解冻、拆卸和检查内部构件。

62、Article57 If needed, the administrative department of electric power may staff electric power supervisory and inspective personnel. ─── 第五十七条电力管理部门根据工作需要,可以配备电力监督检查人员。

63、Start engine and inspect for leaks. ─── 启动引擎并检查是否有泄漏。

64、You should inspect your jewelry on a regular basis to reassess its value. ─── 您应该检查您的珠宝就定期的基础上重新评估其价值。

65、Chinese cities inspect bus facilities after fatal bus blaze. ─── 在(成都)致命的公交车燃烧事故发生后,中国各城市开始检查公交车设施状况。(xinhuanet.com; June 8th, 2009)

66、The inspective methods shall follow the national standards or other proper methods. ─── 其检验方法,依国家标准执行或采行其他适当方法为之。

67、Inspect Freestyle Terrain before using and throughout the day. ─── 在使用自由式滑雪区域前和使用时,观察区域.

68、How to inspect the satellite earth stations? ─── 如何核查卫星地球站?

69、Health Department officials came to inspect the factory. ─── 卫生部的官员来视察这个工厂。

70、Raising the problem from a natural inspective to a social inspective, Xing Gang's work has significant meaning. ─── 由自然深入社会,邢罡的这件作品具有更深入的阐发意义。

71、To inspect and determine the structural condition of (a building). ─── 勘验考察并决定(建筑物)的结构状况。

72、Carefully inspect the column for damage or breakage. ─── 仔细检查柱是否破损。

73、It is our usual practice to inspect all goods before shipment. ─── 对交货前的所有商品进行检验是我们常规的做法。

74、Inspect the belt loose or tighten on time, it avoid skid. ─── 定时检查皮带松紧,以防止皮带太松打滑。

75、The butt weld is easier to inspect nondestructively than the fillet welds. ─── 对接焊缝比角接焊缝更容易进行无破坏检查。

76、He will come here soon to inspect the industry of this town. ─── 他不久要来这里检查这个镇的工业。

77、Public health officials were called in to inspect the premises. ─── 公共卫生官员奉召来视察了建筑物。

78、Watson, and inspect my collection of Lepidoptera? ─── 关于我说过的话,一个字也不要提。

79、We should inspect this batch of porcelain ware to see if there is any breakage. ─── 我们要检查一下这批瓷器是否有破损的。


81、Why MOH, NEA did not inspect all hawkers health conditions???? ─── 为何卫生部、环境部没有有效的监督小贩卫生条件????

82、Mr Robinson was bowing and scraping to everyone when the visitors came to inspect the factory. ─── 当来访者巡视工厂时,罗宾逊先生对所有的人都点头哈腰。

83、To inspect properties of the control or to take some other action. ─── 以检查控件属性,或执行其他某些操作。

84、Plastic shoes will is inspect during production. ─── 塑料鞋将在生产过程中爱到检验。

85、When will you come to our company to inspect goods? ─── 你什么时候来公司验货啊?

86、Appear afore-mentioned problems, can complain to qualitative inspect branch. ─── 出现上述问题,可向质监部门投诉。

87、His first thought was, of course, to inspect the drawers and shut the door. ─── 他的第一个念头当然是检查一下抽屉并把门关上。

88、The mayor will come and inspect our school tomorrow. ─── 市长明天要来视察我们学校。

89、I'm here in Taipei to inspect,obtain samples and,if possible,place some orders. ─── 我到台北是为了考察、搜集样本,如果可能的话,顺便订购一些货。

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