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09-17 投稿


intermittently 发音


英:  美:

intermittently 中文意思翻译



intermittently 网络释义

adv. 间歇地

intermittently 反义词

continued | continuous

intermittently 同义词

alternating | discontinuous | irregular | broken | unsteady | spasmodic | episodic | erratic | sporadic | alternate | periodic | occasional |recurrent

intermittently 词性/词形变化,intermittently变形

名词: intermittence |副词: intermittently |

intermittently 相似词语短语

1、intermittingly ─── 断断续续地

2、intermitted ─── vt.使中断;vi.中断

3、unintermittedly ─── 不间断地

4、unremittently ─── 未承诺者

5、intermittent ─── adj.间歇的;断断续续的;间歇性

6、intermittence ─── n.时断时续,间歇性;周期性

7、intermittency ─── n.间歇性;间歇现象;间歇度

8、intelligently ─── adv.聪明地,明智地

9、intercurrently ─── 时断时续

intermittently 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Intermittently itinerant swimming behavior of larvae at 3 age in days was principal and then slowly truned to a totally itinerant swimming behavior at 7 age in days. ─── 3日龄仔鱼以间歇式巡游为主,至7日龄才建立起完全的巡游模式。

2、She herself was weak, sensual enough, to crave intermittently for the luxury and refreshment of physical beauty ─── 她自己意志薄弱,贪慕姿色,常常渴望能在肉体上得到美的享受和舒畅。

3、Seams in the anorthosite series are only intermittently exposed ─── 斜长岩组中的矿层仅断续出露。

4、In short, either because it was her nature or else an effect of her state of health, her eyes flickered intermittently with flashes of desires which, if spoken, would have been a heaven- sent relevation to any man she loved. ─── 不知是由于她的气质,还是由于她疾病的症状,在这个女人的眼里不时闪烁着一种希冀的光芒,这种现象对她曾经爱过的人来说,也许等于是一种天启。

5、-Catholicism was introduced into China intermittently in the seventh century, but it had not spread widely until after the Opium War in 1840 ─── --天主教自公元七世纪起几度传入中国,1840年鸦片战争后大规模传入。

6、One Oxygen Corrosion Accident of Intermittently Operating Low-pressure Steam Boiler ─── 一起间歇式运行低压蒸汽锅炉的氧腐蚀事故

7、And it still controls Gaza, despite its recent pummelling by the Israelis and despite a blockade and economic sanctions that have lasted intermittently for more than three years. ─── 并且,虽然最近遭受以色列持续打击和三年多间歇性的封锁和经济制裁,它仍然控制着加沙地带。

8、Performance of Integrative Intermittently Aerated Multistage Biofilm Reactor for Low-concentration and Low-temperature Wastewater Treatment ─── 一体化间歇曝气多级生物膜反应器处理低温、低浓污水

9、Most turtles are colonized with Salmonella and shed the bacteria intermittently in their feces," the CDC said in its weekly report on death and disease. ─── 大部分海龟体内含有沙门氏菌,并间断的随粪便排出。

10、Users will likely visit sites that are updated weekly to monthly only intermittently, so navigation must be particularly clear. ─── 对于每周或者每月才更新一次的网站,使用者通常可能仅仅会做间隔性的访问,因此网站的导航必须要清楚。

11、Our hunter-gatherer ancestors spent hours each day searching for food that was only intermittently available. ─── 我们的祖先每天都会花上几个小时的时间一起去狩猎,以获取食物,但他们不会总是成功。

12、The Anisotropy of Intermittently Jointed Rock Mass ─── 含断续节理岩体强度的各向异性

13、The man with mittens intermittently intervened the remittance. ─── 戴连指手套的人间歇地介入汇款。

14、In order to solve the problems of long-term light-load and idle pumping that many oil wells faced, a control system to operate the oil pump intermittently was developed. ─── 摘要为了解决部分抽油机“长期相对轻载”和“空抽”的问题,采用抽油机间歇采油控制方法对采油控制系统进行了设计。

15、The talks went on intermittently for three years. ─── 会谈断断续续地进行了3年。

16、With electricity erratic or even nonexistent, much of the city at night sinks intermittently into a darkness broken by cooking fires. ─── 晚上大部分城市陷入黑暗,间断被闪耀的炊火打破,这是由于电不稳定甚至没电造成的。

17、Protests continued intermittently throughout November. ─── 整个十一月份抗议活动此起彼落。

18、Intracardiac tumors or ball-valve thrombi can intermittently o truct blood flow within the heart, producing presyncope or syncope. ─── 心内肿瘤或球状样瓣膜血栓可间歇性阻断心内血流,引起晕厥先兆或晕厥。

19、The rebuilding of the nave was Begun by 1376 and continued intermittently until Tudor times. ─── 中堂于1376年开始改建,间断地持续至都铎时代。

20、shining softly and intermittently. ─── 发出柔和、断断续续的光。

21、The pull-model is ideal for applications that connect to the bus only intermittently or are incapable of maintaining a persistent connection with the bus. ─── 拖拽模型是应用程序仅间歇的连接到总线或不能与总线保持持久连接。

22、To achieve these two goals, many researches focus on how sensor nodes coordinate with each other to turn off their radio intermittently, thus reduce their energy consumption. ─── 为了达到这二个要求,已经有非常多的论文提出各种方法来协调感测器之间的睡眠时间以维护必需的网路拓朴。

23、A city of Indonesia on southeast Sumatra Island. Center of a powerful Hindu kingdom in the seventh and eighth centuries, it became a Dutch trading post in1617 and was later occupied intermittently by the British. Population,787, 187. ─── 巴邻帝,巨港印度尼西亚的城市,位于苏门答腊岛东南部。在17和18世纪它是印度王国的权力中心,在1617年它成为荷兰的贸易港并且后来紧接着被英国占领。人口787,187

24、When the sprocket or pulley shaft installed in the effort, Chain / conveyor belt transmission mode can be intermittently Transmission Pipeline - automated machinery. ─── 当链轮或皮带轮安装在出力轴上时,链/皮带传动的输送方式可间歇地传动流水线式的自动化机器。

25、We are experiencing problems with our database and as a result the project will be down intermittently. ─── 我们的数据库出了点问题,服务将间歇性的不稳。

26、The Effects to the Erythropoiesis in the Experiment of Intermittently Restricting Aspiratory Volume Influence by the UY-1 mask ─── UY-1型有氧面罩间歇性限制吸氧量实验对人体红细胞生成的影响

27、The trait of keloid was transmitted consecutively in 3 pedigrees, showing complete penetrance, but in the other 3 pedigrees, it was transmitted intermittently, suggesting incomplete penetrance. ─── 3个家系疾病性状连续传递、外显完全,而另3个家系疾病性状间断传递、外显不完全;

28、The bleed-off or waste water from the cooling towers is intermittently discharged and can be treated on-site and discharged to the nearby stormwater drainage system. ─── 从冷却塔产生的流失或废水是断断续续排放出来的,可即场进行处理后,排入附近的雨水管道。

29、I began to write intermittently and spasmodically. ─── 我开始断断续续地写了起来。

30、To sob intermittently ─── 抽抽噎噎

31、At some higher velocity individual grains will roll and slide intermittently along the bed ─── 在稍高一些的流速时,个别的颗粒沿着河床间歇地滚动和滑动。

32、discontinuous, discontinuously, disconnected, disjointed, incoherent, intermittently ─── 不连通的。不连贯的。不连续的。

33、But random ports seem to be shutting down intermittently. ─── 但某些随机端口却似乎间歇性地在关闭。

34、Objective: To probe into the curative effect of fractionally and intermittently venous bolus injection of antibiotics to treat infants with septicemia. ─── 探讨分次间歇用抗生素治疗小儿败血症的疗效。

35、A city of Indonesia on southeast Sumatra Island.Center of a powerful Hindu kingdom in the seventh and eighth centuries, it became a Dutch trading post in1617and was later occupied intermittently by the British.Population, 787, 187. ─── 巴邻帝,巨港印度尼西亚的城市,位于苏门答腊岛东南部。在17和18世纪它是印度王国的权力中心,在1617年它成为荷兰的贸易港并且后来紧接着被英国占领。人口787,

36、Result most of the cases has no symptoms, ome intermittently coughed, had a bit blood in sputum, pussy sputum, chest pain, et al. ─── 临床表现多数无症状,或者咳嗽、咳痰甚至痰中带血,胸痛等。

37、She herself was weak, sensual enough, to crave intermittently for the luxury and refreshment of physical beauty. ─── 她自己意志薄弱,贪慕姿色,常常渴望能在肉体上得到美的享受和舒畅。

38、He was, he said, "a bit of a loner" ; no party satisfied his restless, hungry and intermittently gloomy spirit. ─── 他如他所说的,“有点孤独”;没有什么政党能满足他不平静的、饥渴的、又间或阴沉的精神。

39、Sometimes it stays continuously for a few days and sometimes it comes intermittently, but it is almost always with me. ─── 它有时连续几天,有时又断断续续,却总让我常常拥有。

40、The Accucase buffer table is used as a manual sorting point where clusters comprising several crates are intermittently stored. ─── Accucase缓冲台是人工分类站,以一定的节奏将数量众多的箱子储放在一起。

41、current-changing intermittently impulse charging ─── 变电流间歇脉冲充电

42、A program that allocates a large block of contiguous memory may not start or may intermittently fail in Windows Server 2003 ─── 分配大的连续内存块程序可能无法启动或Windows Server 2003中可能间歇性失败

43、Does the impairment of your hearing occur constantly or intermittently? ─── 您的听力减退是持续性的还是间歇性的?

44、A well executed stop will have you riding that edge, with ABS intermittently engaging as you modulate and keep feeling that threshold. ─── 处理得很好的刹车将使你在极限边缘行驶,当你调整并感受极限时,ABS只是间歇性的介入。

45、The man with mitte intermittently intervened the remittance. ─── 戴连指手套的人间歇地介入汇款.

46、Prior to this incident I had traveled with my coin unfailingly for five years and then intermittently for six years. ─── 在此之前,我一定带着我的硬币连续旅行五年了,断断续续也有六年时间了。

47、Deane continued diving on the site intermittently until 1840, recovering several more guns, two bows, various timbers, part of a pump and various other small finds. ─── 迪恩继续间歇性地在这个地方潜水直到1840年,期间又找到了几支枪、两张弓、各种木材、一个水泵的一部分和其他各种小物品。

48、Furfural was produced from xylose solution by hydrolization reaction with acetic acid as catalyst in the autoclave intermittently. ─── 利用高压反应釜,以工业级纯木糖水溶液为原料,醋酸为催化剂对木糖脱水生成糠醛的间歇水解工艺条件进行了研究。

49、Survey of replenishing pregnant with iron preparation intermittently to affect the iron deficiency anemia in the period of newborn and infant ─── 孕母间断补铁对预防婴儿缺铁性贫血的作用观察

50、It is better for a dry battery to be used intermittently. ─── 干电池最好间歇使用。

51、Literacy education for noblewomen in ancient China continued intermittently from the pre-Qin era to the last years of the Qing Dynasty, complete with corresponding regulations and institutions. ─── 摘要中国古代皇宫贵族的文化教育自先秦时代至清末一直断断续续地存在并开展著,且有其相应的规章与体系。

52、West Nile Disease, which has been infected by West Nile Virus intermittently since one score of years ago, influences both mankind and animals, prevails parts of world to cause serious economical and hygienal losts. ─── 摘要在最近20年以来西尼罗病毒不断感染人畜,导致相关西尼罗河疾病暴发流行,给人类带来危害并造成畜牧业严重的经济损失。

53、Global seismic imaging and deep source seismic data have revealed that some formerly subducted fragments (slabs ) seem to have continuously or intermittently sunk to the CMB and returned into the mantle plumes originated from the boundary. ─── 全球地震成象和深源地震资料表明,某些破碎的早期俯冲板片可能连续或间断性地下沉到核-幔边界处,井返回到起源于该边界层的地幔羽中。

54、Paralysis follows, yet people infected with rabies are intermittently alert until near death and can communicate their fear and suffering to family and caregivers. ─── 可是狂犬病患者直到濒死,都间歇清醒著,能向家人或照护者表达自己的惊恐与受到的折磨。

55、I have learnt english for four years intermittently. ─── 我断断续续学了四年英语了。

56、As light snow fell intermittently, small crowds gathered around large-screen televisions showing reruns of Sunday afternoon's concert featuring a star-studded cast. ─── 小雪时有时无地飘落着,大屏幕电视上播放着周日下午举行的群星荟萃的一场音乐会的画面,周围则聚满了人群。

57、On the day of our first meeting the couple sit on a banquette at the Ritz, hands and arms intermittently intertwined. ─── 但是,路易丝总是推动着他到专家那里去看心脏和胸部疾病。

58、Anger and hatred are our real enemies. These are the forces we most need to confront and defeat, not the temporary "enemies" who appear intermittently throughout life. ─── 嗔怒和愤恨是真正得敌人;我们必须去反抗、击败这些力量,而不是去对付那些间断出现在人生中的“暂时”敌人。

59、Information from the outside came by newspaper, radio, or word from the traveler's mouth;it moved intermittently and often arrived only after long delay). ─── 外界的消息开始通过报纸,广播,或是从旅行者的口中断断续续传递进来,虽然经过很长时间但通常都能够到达。

60、Software like operating systems and Web browsers can also have vulnerabilities that are intermittently discovered and patched by software vendors. ─── 像操作系统、网络浏览器这样的软件也同样有弱点。这些弱点会不时地被销售方发现、打补丁。

61、The calculation for soil temperature field around underground heat oil pipeline is the important part for researching on stopping transportation time, restarting and so on during intermittently transportation. ─── 摘要埋地热油管道停输过程周围土壤温度场的计算是研究间歇输送过程中确定停输时间以及再启动等问题重要组成部分。

62、The download and installation of an Express SKU will intermittently fail due to the unreliability of the internet. ─── 下载并安装了OutlookExpress SKU将间歇性故障由于到unreliability是Internet。

63、Performance is improved over what are commonly known as oscillating links, or links that are intermittently available and unavailable. ─── 改善振荡链路(即,时而可用、时而不可用的链路)的性能。

64、intermittent The magazine had been published intermittently since the war. ─── 战争开始以来,这本杂志的出版时断时续。

65、Perhaps the implausibility of its own existence makes the skeleton think it hilarious to hide in a barrel, cackling intermittently for some three hundred years until a victim happens by? ─── 也许是因为它自己的存在令人难以置信这一事实,使骷髅觉得躲在桶里几百年,偶尔咯咯傻笑,直到哪个倒霉蛋恰巧路过,是一件很搞笑的事?

66、" She swished about the room, examining the paintings and the books, keeping her chin well up all the time but scratching herself intermittently. ─── 她在屋里急速转来转去,察看画和书,她始终高昂着头,偶尔也搔搔自己身上。

67、It involves wearing a portable BP cuff and purse-sized monitor to record the readings intermittently throughout the day and night. ─── 其需戴上一种轻便的护腕,及一个钱包大小的监测器,从而能够在全天间歇性的记录读数。

68、At VVI mode,A peaks appeared intermittently and irregularly; AFV, AFVTI was significantly lower than at DDD mode. ─── 当以 VVI起搏时 ,E峰高低不等 ,A峰间断、不规则出现 ,AFV、AFVTI较 DDD起搏时明显减小。

69、I also have intermittently manic sickness, I am wants to fall the thing to curse at people asks the human to fight one. ─── 我还有间歇性的狂躁症,我时不时的就想摔东西骂人找人打上一架。

70、Recent data from NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers corroborate previous suspicions that water has at least intermittently flowed on the Red Planet in the past. ─── 我们所居住的太阳系,初期可能曾经有过好几个液态水世界,行星学家对此已了然于心。

71、Catholicism was introduced into China intermittently in the seventh century, but it had not spread widely until after the Opium War in 1840. ─── 天主教自公元七世纪起几度传入中国,1840年鸦片战争后大规模传入。

72、Integrated intermittently aerated completely mixed activated sludge process ─── 一体化间歇曝气完全混合活性污泥法

73、Seen as a whole, Chinese debenture market is developing on a small scale and intermittently at present. ─── 摘要目前我国企业债券市场,从总体上看,发展不连续、规模过小;

74、If your program stops working or works intermittently when using more than one monitor, turn off Multiple Display Support and then try running your program again. ─── 使用多个显示器时,如果发现程序终止工作或工作断断续续,请关闭“多屏幕显示支持”,然后再次运行程序。

75、one pot intermittently extraction ─── 单罐间歇式浸出

76、After seven o'clock they began, in shops and homes, to make their offerings to the Kitchen God. The fine snow continued falling as incense glowed and fire-crackers intermittently flashed, the adding a somber note to the festive atmosphere. ─── 七点以后,铺户与人家开始祭灶,香光炮影之中夹着密密的小雪,热闹中带出点阴森的气象。

77、Suddenly, I am disturbed by the intermittently crying of the geese. ─── 忽听得断绝不连的雁声,便惊醒了我愁中的睡眠.

78、Sometimes it stays continuously for a few days and sometimes it comes intermittently, but it is almost always with me. ─── 它有时连续几天,有时又断断续续,却总让我常常拥有。

79、intermittently we questioned the barometer. ─── 我们有时怀疑这个气压计的准确性。

80、They can produce a "ball valve" effect by intermittently occluding the atrioventricular valve orifice. ─── 他们可以产生“球阀”效应,引起房室瓣口间歇性关闭。

81、We can distinguish two types of global climates which occurred intermittently in the past. ─── 我们可以把全球性的气候分成两种类型,过去这两种气候轮替出现。

82、The applicability to the occurrence volume of condensation water is strong, can be discharged not only intermittently, but also continuously. ─── 对凝结水的发生量适用性强,既可间歇排放,又可连续排放。

83、Intracardiac tumors or ball-valve thrombi can intermittently obstruct blood flow within the heart, producing presyncope or syncope. ─── 心内肿瘤或球状样瓣膜血栓可间歇性阻断心内血流,引起晕厥先兆或晕厥。

84、You are intermittently disconnected from network resources, and you cannot reconnect to the network resources on the file server. ─── 您的系统间歇性地断开与网络资源的连接,无法重新连接到文件服务器上的网络资源。

85、owners repair : Recently, my family, the ceiling is water down intermittently, strange place in the living room is the chandelier dripping. ─── 业主报修:近一段时间以来,我家的天花板上间歇性地有水滴下来,奇怪的是滴水位置在客厅的吊灯处。

86、It will rain intermittently all day. ─── 一整天都会断断续续地下雨。

87、Whilst there remains heavy demand, impacting commercial users for paid Services; Express Signed, Certified Signed, Developer Certificates will be available intermittently until the load is balanced. ─── 大概是大量的用户请求,已经影响到了付费的服务。只有等到系统可以承受的访问量后,才能间断开始签名等操作。

88、The machine is operated intermittently, easy to control the quality, of mixing and suitable for the different ration of the solid materials. ─── 本机为间歇式操作,易于控制混合质量,对固体物料配比经常改变的情况较适应。

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