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09-18 投稿


Isis 发音

英:[ˈaɪsɪs]  美:[ˈaɪsɪs]

英:  美:

Isis 中文意思翻译



Isis 短语词组

1、isis professional isis ─── 专业人员

Isis 相似词语短语

1、iris ─── n.[解剖]虹膜;鸢尾属植物;adj.鸢尾属植物的

2、isms ─── abbr.资讯安全管理制度(InformationSecurityManagementSystem);国际形态学专题讨论会(InternationalSymposiumontheMorphologicalSciences);图像存储管理系统(ImageStoreManagementSystem)

3、-sis ─── n.姐妹(等于sister);n.(Sis)人名;(法)西斯;(英)西丝(教名Cecil、Cecilia、Cecily、Cicely、Sisley的昵称)

4、Isis ─── n.伊希斯(古埃及的丰饶女神)

5、isos ─── 等轴

6、isit ─── abbr.泰国钢铁协会(IronandSteelInstituteofThailand);理想静电感应晶体管(IdealStaticInductionTransistor)

7、iwis ─── adv.的确地

8、psis ─── abbr.心理技能量表(psychologicalskillinventoryscale);公共服务投资协会(PublicServiceInvestmentSociety)

9、ibis ─── n.朱鹭;n.(Ibis)人名;(德)伊比斯

Isis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Paolo Palladino and Michael Worboys,Science and Imperialism[J],Isis,1993,(vol.84):91-102. ─── 刘兵:若干西方学者关于李约瑟工作的评述--兼论中国科学技术研究的编史学问题[J].自然科学史研究,2003(1):76.

2、The ISI helped found Lashkar-e-Taiba two decades ago, though its current links to the group, which has been officially banned, were not clear. ─── 三军情报局帮助发现虔诚军二十年前,但其目前的联系,该组织已正式禁止使用,并不清楚。

3、Resemblant hippocampal EEG interpeak intervals(IPI) and neuronal firing ISI spot distribution coupled with arterial blood pressure depression. ─── 具有相似点分布特征的对侧HPC网络波峰间隔(interpeak intervals,IPI)和单个神经元ISI共同参与了HPC-体循环动脉血压调节网络的构成。

4、Oh, glorious were the promises which led me to the shrine of Isis. ─── 嗯,把我引上伊西斯神殿的那些诺言曾经是多么冠冕堂皇呀!

5、The goddess Isis, consort of Osiris, and her sister Nephthys found the pieces and gave new life to Osiris, who became the ruler of the underworld. ─── 俄赛里斯的配偶伊希斯和她的妹妹奈弗台斯,一一拾回,赐予俄赛里斯新的生命,其后来成为冥府的统治者。

6、He followed blindly after the servant. . . he never noticed things, or had contact with Isis surroundings. ─── 他盲目地跟着仆人……他是从不注意外界事物或与他的四周的事物有所接触的。

7、The IAI in IGT group was obviously lower than that in normal group. The IRI in IGT group was enhanced,and HBCI and ISI in IGT group were the highest in three groups. ─── IGT组 IAI亦明显低于正常 ,IRI增高 ,ISI和 HBCI在三组中最高。

8、AIC method was more sensitive than the ISI method. ─── AIC方法敏感于 ISI方法 .

9、The levels of serum IRI,TI and PI in patients with CHD were significantly higher than those in controls(P

10、However, BMI, ALB, Leptin, ISI were significantly decreased and CRP, FISN were significantly increased in hypoglycemia group compared with the control group (P

11、Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is the modulation technique for wireless communications,for OFDM can effectively combat Inter-Symbol Interference(ISI) caused by multipath channel,it has gained much of people's interest. ─── OFDM(正交频分复用)是一种无线环境下的高速传输技术,它对由于无线信道的多径传播引起的ISI(符号间干扰)有很强的抵抗能力,已经引起了人们的广泛关注。

12、For the more salient remarks on the matter, cf. Isis Unveiled, Vol. I. ─── 关于这个问题的更重要的评论,参看《揭开面纱的伊希斯》第一卷。

13、It was the embodiment of Isis, wife and consort of the god Osiris, who appeared in the sky as Orion. ─── 它是妻子伊希斯和她的配偶奥斯里斯的化身,奥斯里斯在天空中以猎户星座出现。

14、The limited channel bandwidth and ISI introduced by channel multipath propagation are the obstacles for underwater acoustic (UWA) communications. ─── 受限的信道带宽和由于信号多途传输造成的码间干扰一直是水声通信的主要障碍。

15、In order to reduce the intersymbol interference (ISI), digital pulse-shaping filters are designed and applied. 7. ─── 6.为降低系统的码间串扰,设计和使用了数字脉冲成形滤波器。


17、Based on the information Platform of ISI Web of Knowledge and Derwent Analytics Software,this article compared and analyzed the theses of remote sensing science in Science Citation Index(Expanded) from 1995 to 2005 in different aspects. ─── 利用ISI Web of Knowledge信息平台和德温特分析软件对19952005年期间SCI收录的遥感论文进行了多角度、多侧面的分析与比较。

18、In Tibet and Egypt, the scorpion amulet is used for evil, the Egyptian goddess Isis to the natural with a giant scorpion bodyguard. ─── 在西藏和埃及,蝎子的护身符是用于避邪的,埃及的自然女神伊希斯就用一个巨型蝎子做保镖。

19、The levels of SHBG,HOMA-IR,ISI,FT,FBG and HbA1c were significantly different between the two groups (P

20、In this sacred place, filled with the fragrance of sandalwood and incense, the faces of all who enter are lit by the glow from the burning alters of Isis. ─── 在这个神圣的地方,充满芬芳檀香和香烛,脸上的所有输入是谁点燃的辉光从燃烧改变的伊西斯。

21、The AMI group had higher levels of BIM, WHR, FINS, TC, TG, LDL-C, longer time of smoking cigarette and lower levels of ISI and HDL-C. ─── AMI组BMI、WHR、FINS、TC、TG、LDL-C升高,吸烟年限长,ISI、HDL-C降低。

22、Because the pulse's energy is seen to spread into the adjacent bits with ISI, this energy will combine with the previous and next bits respectively. ─── 因为脉冲能量通过ISI传播给了它临近的位,这种能量与先前位和下一位逐个结合。

23、Equalization technology is a effective method which can remove intersymbol interference (ISI) in digital communication. ─── 均衡技术是数字通信系统中克服码间干扰的有效方法,目前得到了广泛应用。

24、In the field of mobile communications, the intersymbol interference(ISI) is always one of the primary factor which effects transmission. ─── 在移动通信领域中,码间干扰始终是影响通信质量的主要因素之一。

25、The levels of TC、TG、LDL-C、UA、FINS and ISI were higher in GDM (P

26、In the Pyramid Texts, paralleling the story of Osiris and Isis, the pharaoh was believed to have had a child with Sopdet: "Your sister Isis comes to you rejoicing for love of you. ─── 在金字塔铭文里,与之类似的是奥斯里斯和伊希斯的故事,法老被认为拥有一位子女Sopdet:“你的姊妹伊希斯为你爱的欣喜走近你。

27、Int hisp aper first thes hortages oft he conventional firewall are simply analysed and the concept of the distributedf irewall isi ntroduced,a ndt hent he baisc principle of the distributed firewall is simply set forth. ─── 在本文中,首先分析了传统防火墙的不足,进而引出分布式防火墙的概念,并简要阐述了分布式防火墙的基本原理。

28、Early on Saturdayin , an official statement said that the representatives a representative from the service , the ISR, ISI would go instead. ─── 周六早些时候,一份官方声明表示,ISI(是什么我没找到=-=!!)机构一位代表讲代替前往印度。

29、Briefly introduced the edit and the publishment of ISI database. ─── 对ISI数据库的编辑、出版情况作了简要介绍。

30、But then they are released: the ISI wants Zia dead too. ─── 但接着,他们便被释放了,因为三军情报局也想要吉阿去死。

31、Isis is the Queen of all regeneration. ─── 伊希丝是所有再生的王后。

32、The serum leptin, body mass index serum lipid levels, FTI and PTI were significantly higher in DFL group than DNF group. ISI was significantly lower in DFL group than DNF group. ─── DFL组的瘦素、体重指数和血脂水平高于DNF组,胰岛素敏感性指数DFL组低于DNF组。

33、Today ISI -- a company with many employees and supercomputers -- cross-links millions of scholarly papers with their bibliographic references. ─── 今天ISI已是一家拥有众多雇员和超级计算机的大公司,数百万份学术论文按文献参考目录网状交联[2]在一起。

34、Annette: Of course. If we license their Aphrodite line of skin care, we would have to be able to offer it wherever we sell Isis Cosmetics. ─── 安妮特:当然。如果我们代理他们的爱芙罗黛蒂护肤系列,我们在所有贩卖爱西斯化妆品的地方,也必须能提供贩售此系列护肤品。

35、On her temple at Sais, Horus's mother, Isis, is depicted as saying, "The fruit that I have brought forth is the Sun. " ─── 荷露斯的母亲,伊希丝在赛伊斯的庙宇里,被描写成:“我带来的果实是太阳。”

36、But Isis is also the tender mother we find in the Christian Mary, with the mother-power less diluted. ─── 但伊希斯也是温柔的母亲,我们又找到了圣母玛丽亚的形象,较少冲淡母性力量。

37、His bad English isi bar to his using new computer software. ─── 他的英语很差,这是他运用新电脑软件的一个障碍。

38、This offer isi firm subject to your immediate replywhich should reach us not laterf thangthe Firm nd of tvis month. ─── 上述报盘,以你方答复在不迟于本月底前到达我方为有效。

39、The legions brought home cults originating from Egypt, Britain, Iberia, Germany, India and Persia. The cults of Cybele, Isis, and Mithras were particularly important. ─── 古罗马军团带来了源自埃及、不列颠、伊比利亚(古西班牙)、德国、印度和波斯的家庭祭礼。西布莉(古代小亚细亚人崇拜的自然女神)、伊希斯和密特拉的祭礼变得尤为重要。

40、Secondly, there is serious intersymbol interference(ISI) in FMT system. ─── 再者,FMT系统中的滤波组不满足理想重构条件,所以导致严重的ISI,故需要检测和纠正因信道衰落和码间干扰导致的信息传输错误,提高系统的误比特性能。

41、By Cleopatra's time a cult around the goddess Isis had been spreading across the Mediterranean for hundreds of years. ─── 至克里欧佩特拉时期,对伊西斯神的崇拜已经在地中海周围地区传播了数百年。

42、Isis is a metaphor for the feminine aspect in all of us. ─── 伊希斯是我们所有人里面的女性外貌的隐喻。

43、The rough material is a sort of Isis reticulate, which is a kind of reef coral.It is composed of calcite-type high-Mg calcium carbonate. ─── 其原料是一种网枝竹节柳珊瑚的造礁珊瑚,矿物成分为方解石型的高镁碳酸钙。

44、The Great Depression caused many more countries to turn toward ISI. ─── 大萧条促使更多的国家转向进口替代工业化。

45、Sothis, and her husband, the god Sah, came to be viewed as manifestations of Isis and Osiris. ─── 天狼星和他的丈夫塞斯神,被认为是以伊希斯和奥斯里斯显现。

46、I think that the optimist isi always thinking some ideal things. ─── 乐观者就是对每件事情都往好的方面想的人。

47、Isis gathers up 12 of the pieces, creating a new phallus from clay, and brings Osiris back to life in the child Horus. ─── 伊希斯收集了12块碎片,从粘土中创造了新的阴茎,把欧西里斯的生命带回到孩子荷露斯里面。

48、AA contents of erythrocyte membrane were negatively correlated with membrane membrane microviscosities and positively with ISI in NIDDM patients. ─── NIDDM病人红细胞膜AA含量与膜微粘度呈明显负相关,而与ISI呈显著正相关。

49、It speaks of early alchemists Zosimus and Isis and of course go back to Sumerian gods and myths. ─── 它提到了早期的炼金术士佐西玛和伊希斯,当然也回到苏美尔的众神和神话中去。

50、She was linked closely with Isis, just as Sah and Soped were linked with Osiris and Horus. ─── 她与伊希斯紧密地联系一起,正如塞斯和莎披被与奥斯里斯和何露斯联系那样。

51、Unlike the constellation rotation scheme for the full diversity, the precoding scheme improves the performance of QOSTBC with reducing ISI to the most extent. ─── 和获得满分集增益的星座图旋转方案不同,预编码方案最大程度上减少了码间串扰,提高准正交码的性能。

52、Therefore even though the ISI is long, subjects find it difficult to pay attention to irrelevant stimuli, so that attention is focused on the relevant stimulus. ─── 以相减技术得到的偏差相关成分(偏差刺激-标准刺激)和注意成分(注意-非注意)为主要分析对象。

53、MC-DS-CDMA is a multi-carrier CDMA system based on the time-domain spreading. Usually,it solves the problems of ISI(inter-symbol-interference)and ICI(inter-chip-interference)by using less sub-carriers. ─── MC-DS-CDMA系统是基于时域扩展的多载波CDMA系统,它通常使用少量的子载波来解决ISI和ICI问题。

54、It was the embodiment of Isis , wife and consort of the god Osiris , who appeared in the sky as Orion . ─── 它是妻子伊希斯和她的配偶奥斯里斯的化身,奥斯里斯在天空中以猎户星座出现。


56、The symbol of Isis was the Egyptian cobra. ─── 埃及眼镜蛇象征着伊希斯。

57、In the field of wireless communications, the most problem is intersymbol interference(ISI) because of multipath transmission. ─── 在无线通信领域中,面临的主要问题是由于多径传输而产生的码间干扰。

58、The Temple of Isis is one of the first a Light Traveler will find in the search for inner truth. ─── 伊希斯的庙宇是第一个光之旅行者,会搜寻内在的真理。

59、Avid Unity ISIS offers users an incredibly reliable storage infrastructure while providing the real-time isochronous performance required in multi-client media applications. ─── 一旦出现磁盘故障,智能存储刀片将在后台自动重建数据,同时维护实时性能,配置中的存储刀片越多,处理速度就会越快。

60、W isis o h opraio policy of "bas o hosy a is o goo qualiy”, hus sablish a qualiy corol sysm a carry ou a all-si qualiy maagig a forig srvic policy. ─── 做到在同行业的同类产品中“质量最好,价格最便宜”。

61、This will result in the Inter Carrier Interference (ICI), and the synchronization error of the OFDM symbols will bring the Inter Symbol Interference (ISI). The channel state estimation will also be affected seriously. ─── OFDM载波频率偏差会带来OFDM的子信道间干扰(ICI),而OFDM数据符号同步的误差将会引入数据符号间干扰(ISI),同时还会对信道估计带来严重的影响。

62、Sirius was astronomically the foundation of their entire religious system. It was the embodiment of Isis, wife and consort of the god Osiris, who appeared in the sky as Orion. ─── 天狼星是他们全部宗教系统天文学上的基础。它是妻子伊希斯和她的配偶奥斯里斯的化身,奥斯里斯在天空中以猎户星座出现。

63、Libya, civil war and ISIS as well. ─── 利比亚正在进行内战,同时对抗ISIS

64、Co rrelation analysis demonstrated a significantly positive correlation between ISI and SFA content(r=0.5541,P

65、Isis is the primary feminine archetype, or energy representative of nature's divine fertility. ─── 伊希斯是主要的女性原形,或者是代表丰产之神的能量。

66、Isis works with Discover's Financial Services network. ─── 可用于Discover的金融服务网络。

67、The soul who oversees this pyramid goes by the frequency, Isis, for She is the feminine aspect in all that moves through the matrix. ─── 俯瞰这金字塔灵魂经由频率伊希斯经过,因为她为女性形象,在全部里移动通过矩阵的女性形象。

68、The margin of safety isi the excess of expected sales over breakeven sales. ─── 安全边际是预计销售量(或销售额)与保本销售量(或销售额)之差。

69、In the last six months, the NJP has been constantly identified by the ISI as the physics journal with the highest proportional rise in citations. ─── 在过去的六个月里,科学资讯研究所已经确认新物理学刊是引用比例最高的物理学刊之一。

70、The proposed FSE based on the least mean square (LMS) algorithm can mitigate the detrimental effects of the inter-symbol interference (ISI) caused by the multipath fading channel. ─── 利用基于LMS算法的分数间隔均衡抑制由多径衰落信道引起的码间干扰并且利用最大似然算法对解调后的码元进行检测。

71、The performance of channel estimator determines the performance of the MIMO systems because of the interference between various antennas and the inter-symbol interference (ISI). ─── MIMO系统中,由于各天线间干扰以及码间干扰等问题的存在,信道估计性能成为影响系统性能的决定性因素。

72、Without proper compensation for MAI and ISI, Bit Error Rate (BER) is generated highly. ─── 如果不对多址干扰及码间干扰加以适当补偿的话,接收信号就会有很高的误码率。

73、Some of those who were interviewed made clear that they welcomed the decision by the CIA to take a harder line toward the ISI's dealings with militant groups. ─── 一些接受采访的官员明确表示,他们欢迎中央情报局的决定,对ISI与激进组织的交往采取强硬路线。

74、In popular Egyptian mythology, Isis is both sister and wife to Osiris the king. ─── 在通俗的埃及神话里面,伊希斯既是国王欧西里斯的妹妹,又是他的妻子。

75、One was a priest of the goddess Isis; the other a sphinx whose face is said to represent Cleopatra's father, King Ptolemy XII. ─── 一个是神父的女神伊希斯;另一个是狮身人面像的脸,据说代表克利欧佩特拉的父亲,国王托勒密十二。

76、After treatment,BMI,WHR,FPI and diastolic blood pressure in the treatment group remarkably declined(P

77、ISI was negative correlative wi th CRP, butu AER was positive correlative with CRP (P

78、In Egyptian mythology, the goddess Isis was the universal mother goddess. ─── 在埃及神话中,女神伊希斯是世界之母。

79、The exiles returned, the proselytes multiplied, the temples were restored with increasing splendor, and Isis and Serapis at length assumed their place among the Roman Deities. ─── 但是狂热的信仰胜过政策上冰冷且脆弱的努力。

80、Just below Oxford, the Cherwell runs into the Isis, part of the Thames, the massive river that shapes so much of London. ─── 在牛津大学往南不远,查韦尔河流人伊西斯河,然后汇人泰晤士这条塑造了伦敦大部分地区的宽阔大河。

81、The result showed the levels of fasting insulin(FINS),first phase insulin release(1Ph),glucose disposal rates(GDR),and insulin sensitivity index(ISI) were significantly lower in NAFLD than those of C group(P

82、In the Chinese class,the ISI model can reflect the spirit of the new curriculum standard better than the transmissive teaching style. ─── 在语文课堂教学中,活动式教学法相比传统的“灌输”式教学更能体现新课标的精神。

83、Showing Isis in the middle and she is providing Egypt with water and the plantations. ─── 它展现的是站在中间的伊希斯为埃及带来水和耕地。

84、One of the important tasks to improve the throughput in HF channel is to find the method to conquer the severe time-varying intersymbol interference(ISI) as well as additive noise. ─── 克服短波信道的时变特性,以及符号间干扰(ISI)和噪声的影响成为提高短波通信数据通过率的一个重要内容。

85、MC/CDMA is one of the effective techniques to mitigate the ISI. ─── 多载波扩展频谱码分多址系统(MC/CDMA)是一种消除符号间干扰的有效技术。

86、Today I attended ISI's activity.I went to the corn maze and a pumpkin farm.I did not get lost in the corn maze. ─── 今天我参加ISI的活动,我去玉米迷宫和南瓜园,我没有玉米迷宫中迷路,南瓜有不同的形状和大小。

87、ISIs of ATI and LI group were significantly lower than those of normal control group ( P0 05 ). ─── ATI组及LAC组的ISI显著低于对照组 (P0 0 5 )。

88、And Mr Zardari, as a conciliatory gesture, offered to send the head of the ISI, Lieut-General Ahmed Shuja Pasha, to Delhi. ─── 作为一个调和性姿态,扎尔达里主动提出派三军情报部门首脑帕夏中将到德里。

89、The ancient Egyptians credited the goddess Isis with teaching mankind its cultivation and uses. ─── 古埃及人将教授人类种植和使用橄榄归功于伊希斯女神。

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