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Osiris 网络释义

n. 司阴府之神,地狱判官(埃及神话人物名)

Osiris 短语词组

1、born of osiris ─── 奥西里斯出生

2、osiris d ─── 欧西里斯D

3、saint dragon osiris ─── 圣龙奥西里斯

Osiris 相似词语短语

1、-miris ─── n.米里(马来西亚城市名);美里(马来西亚城市名)

2、osieries ─── 柳条

3、pohiris ─── 波希里斯

4、orris ─── n.金花边;鸢尾草;n.(Orris)人名;(英)奥里斯

5、sires ─── n.(Sires)人名;(西)西雷斯

6、osiers ─── n.柳条;柳树;柳枝;adj.柳条做的

7、siris ─── n.蒌叶;蒌树;槟榔(等于betel);n.iPhone手机的语音控制功能;n.(Siri)(瑞、挪)西丽(人名)

8、saris ─── n.(印度妇女穿的)莎丽(sari的复数);n.(Saris)(美)萨里斯(人名)

9、Osiris ─── n.司阴府之神,地狱判官(埃及神话人物名)

Osiris 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、an ancient city of southern Egypt on the Nile River northwest of Thebes. One of the oldest Egyptian cities,it was a religious center for the worship of Osiris and a burial site for the kings of the earliest dynasties ─── 阿比杜斯,尼罗河上埃及南部一古老城市,位于底比斯西北部。为埃及最古老的城市之一,是供奉俄赛里斯神的宗教中心又是最早期各代帝王的埋葬地

2、Hear my plea, oh servant of holy Osiris. ─── 请听听我的恳求吧,神圣的欧西里斯的仆人。

3、And Osiris and the gods of the Nile ─── 地狱之神和尼罗河众神

4、Peer Report on OSIRIS is associated to a Subject Company and is a combination of a Peer Group, a Set of variables, Report Format. ─── 同业报告与目标公司相关联,它由一个同业公司组,一组财务变量和报告格式共同组成.构建同业报告有两种方法:使用标准同业报告;

5、His worship was so prevalent and popular, because he was regarded as an avatar, or incarnation, of the favourite deity Osiris, whose soul had transmigrated into the body of a bull. ─── 对阿庇斯的崇拜非常盛行,因为他被视为神灵下凡,或受人欢迎的奥西里斯的化身。据说奥西里斯的灵魂附转到牛的躯体内。

6、Death: mummification, dismemberment, and the cult of Osiris ─── 死亡:制作木乃伊、肢解和奥赛里斯崇拜

7、The worship of Osiris was universal throughout Egypt, where he was gratefully regarded as the great example of selfsacrifice, as the manifestor of good, as the opener of truth, and as being full of goodness and truth. ─── 在整个埃及,奥西里斯都受到人们的崇拜。 他被推崇为自我牺牲的伟大典范,被视为真理和美德的开创者和体现者。

8、It is not surprising that the early Egyptians attributed this drink with the god Osiris and used it during funerary rituals. ─── 早期的埃及人将这种酒与地狱判官(古埃及的主神之一)联系起来,并将其用于葬礼也不足为奇了。

9、2001 - A hydrogen atmosphere was discovered on the extrasolar planet Osiris by the Hubble Space Telescope, the first atmosphere detected on an extrasolar planet. ─── 2001年,哈博空间望远镜在外太阳系行星欧西里斯(古埃及司阴府之神)上发现了一种氢气体,这是第一种在外太阳系行星上发现的气体。

10、Sirius was astronomically the foundation of their entire religious system. It was the embodiment of Isis, wife and consort of the god Osiris, who appeared in the sky as Orion. ─── 天狼星是他们全部宗教系统天文学上的基础。它是妻子伊希斯和她的配偶奥斯里斯的化身,奥斯里斯在天空中以猎户星座出现。

11、Osiris slowly motioned with his right hand, sweeping it upward. ─── 奥斯里斯慢慢地挥动他的右手,往上挥动它。

12、In the Pyramid Texts, paralleling the story of Osiris and Isis, the pharaoh was believed to have had a child with Sopdet: "Your sister Isis comes to you rejoicing for love of you. ─── 在金字塔铭文里,与之类似的是奥斯里斯和伊希斯的故事,法老被认为拥有一位子女Sopdet:“你的姊妹伊希斯为你爱的欣喜走近你。

13、When Osiris was grown up he married his sister Isis, a custom which the Pharaohs of Egypt followed ever after. ─── 当欧塞里斯是长大了,他结婚的妹妹伊西斯,一个自定义的法老王,埃及遵循以往后。

14、The ancient Egyptian god of the sun,son of Osiris and Isis, was represented as having the head of a hawk. ─── 霍鲁斯古代埃及的太阳神,欧塞利斯和艾西斯(司丰饶的女神)之子,被描绘成长着鹰的头。

15、As a deity of creation and life it was also associated with Osiris. ─── 如同创造和生命的神那样它也与(阴府之神)斯里斯有关.

16、It was the embodiment of Isis , wife and consort of the god Osiris , who appeared in the sky as Orion . ─── 它是妻子伊希斯和她的配偶奥斯里斯的化身,奥斯里斯在天空中以猎户星座出现。

17、As soon as Egypt was filled with peace and plenty, Osiris set out over the world to bring his blessings upon other nations. ─── 当埃及是充满和平与很多,欧塞里斯列出了世界各地的使他的祝福其他国家。

18、8970 Horus avenges his father Osiris by launching the First Pyramid War. Seth escapes to Asia, seizes the Sinai peninsula and Canaan. ─── 8970年,荷露斯第一次发动金字塔战争,为他的父亲欧西里斯报仇。塞斯逃到了亚洲,夺取西奈半岛和迦南。

19、After Isis by her craft had learned the Secret Name of Re, Osiris became sole ruler of Egypt and reigned on earth as Re had done. ─── 经过她的工艺伊希斯获悉的秘密名称稀土,奥西里斯成为唯一的统治者统治埃及和地球上重新做了。

20、An ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility, the sister and wife of Osiris. ─── 伊希斯古埃及神话中的生育女神,为奥西里斯的妹妹和妻子

21、The king is shown as Osiris holding the crook and flail, traditional symbols of kingship. ─── 国王像司阴府之神一样手执象征王权的传统曲柄杖和连枷。

22、Hear my plea,oh servant of holy Osiris. ─── 请听听我的恳求吧,神圣的欧西里斯的仆人。

23、8970 Horus avenges his father Osiris by launching the First Pyramid War. ─── 8970年,荷露斯第一次发动金字塔战争,为他的父亲欧西里斯报仇。

24、The power is Osiris, who has better things to do than listen to petitioners all day. ─── 这个神是欧西里斯,它有着比整天倾听恳求要重要的事要做。

25、Osiris is killed by his dark brother Set, who rips him into 13 pieces and scatters them across Egypt. ─── 欧西里斯被他黑暗的兄弟塞特所杀,把他撕成13块碎片,分散在整个埃及。

26、Sebek: A Pandoran Mockery of the Osiris Lineage. ─── 源于奥西里斯的尸祸伪系。

27、9330 Seth seizes and dismembers Osiris, assumes sole rule over the Nile Valley. ─── 9330年,塞斯抓住和肢解了欧西里斯(把欧西里斯撕成碎片),设想着尼罗河流域的唯一支配权。

28、These teachings were taught by Osiris, Moses, and Jesus.Moses condensed the forty-two questions of the Osirian religion into the Ten Commandments. ─── 这些教导经由欧西里斯,摩西和耶稣教导,摩西把天狼星宗教的四十二个问题浓缩到十诫里。

29、Another explanation of the Osirian myth has thus been given: Osiris was the Nile god. ─── 有关奥西里斯的神话中还有一说:奥西里斯是尼罗河神。

30、Like that of Jesus, Osiris' resurrection served to provide hope to all that they may do likewise and become eternal. ─── 和耶稣一样,奥西里斯的复活向所有人表达了他们也能这样并成为永恒。

31、'The oldest and simplest form of the name' of Osiris, we are told, is a hieroglyph of a throne and an eye. ─── 我们所被告知的,奥西里斯“最古老和最简单”的名字,在古埃及文中是一个王冠和一只眼睛。

32、But the beautiful priestess Isis has an idea: to save the 'Tree of Life', a new pyramid must be built in honour of Osiris. ─── 本书作者从一度的肥胖给自己的生活带来种种苦恼开始,详细讲述了自己瘦身减肥的成功经历,内容涉及节食、运动、饮水、睡眠、穿塑身衣。

33、She can undo any mess that her brothers, Set and Osiris, create. ─── 她可以解除她的兄弟塞特和欧西里斯制造的任何混乱。

34、At roughly 220 times Earth's mass, Osiris boasts a gravitational pull strong enough to hold its atmosphere until its star dies. ─── 欧西里斯的质量高达地球的220倍,其重力足以紧紧抓住它自身的大气,直到其恒星死亡。

35、Financial data on OSIRIS is presented in three categories and seven templates reflecting the differences in accounting for industrial companies, banks, and insurance firms. ─── 在OSIRIS库中,财务数据的呈现基于三大行业分类(即:银行,保险公司,行业公司),并进一步细分成七个财务模板,以反映不同行业之间在会计标准上的差异.

36、Osiris was the god of the Dead. ─── 欧斯里斯是死神。

37、Great osiris!You have cleansed your spirit for years,and now you cannot climb the Mount because of a weight restriction? ─── 伟大的欧西里斯!你已经花了数年洁净你的灵魂,现在你仅仅因为体重限制不能爬上这座山。

38、Because of these qualities, dragons assumed the roles taken by Osiris and Set in Egyptian mythology. ─── 因为这些品质,龙被赋予扮演司阴府之神欧斯里斯和嵌入到埃及人神话里面的角色。

39、The same view was seen by the OSIRIS Wide Angle Camera (WAC). ─── OSIRIS广角相机曾看到过同样的景象。

40、The Scorpion King - Sword of Osiris ─── 蝎子王-大地之剑

41、Another explanation of the Osirian myth has thus been given: osiris was the Nile god ─── 有关奥西里斯的神话中还有一说:奥西里斯是尼罗河神。

42、Associated with the Cybele cult was that of her lover, Attis (the older Tammuz, Osiris, Dionysus, or Orpheus under a new name).He was a god of ever-reviving vegetation. ─── 它庆祝的是基督的复活,世界各地的基督徒每年都要举行庆祝。

43、The next day I tried the "Osiris Plan," and it worked! ─── 第二天,我实行了“奥西里斯计划”,居然成功了!

44、Sothis, and her husband, the god Sah, came to be viewed as manifestations of Isis and Osiris. ─── 天狼星和他的丈夫塞斯神,被认为是以伊希斯和奥斯里斯显现。

45、I knew then that even Osiris and Ra, put together, couldn't help me. I had studied relationships. ─── 那时我才明白,即使奥西里斯和太阳神都来帮我也无济于事。我学过关系学。

46、Osiris also represented the power that brought life out of the earth.Festivals reenacting his fate were celebrated annually in towns throughout Egypt. ─── 俄赛里斯也赐予万物生命的力量,对俄赛里斯的崇拜传遍埃及。

47、This suggests that Osiris might have been a prophet of God, and his original message was not preserved and corrupted by time. ─── 这表明,奥西里斯也许是个先知,他所传达的信息或许因为时间的流逝而遭到修改。

48、Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Echinodorus osiris ─── 红蛋的组织培养和快速繁殖

49、I knew then that even Osiris and Ra,3 put together, couldn't help me. ─── 那时我才明白,即使奥西里斯和太阳神都来帮我也无济于事。

50、It is the eye of Taurus The Bull - the Apis - who is Osiris. ─── 它是金牛宫?神牛-它是奥斯里斯。

51、The statues here portray Ramses II as Osiris, god of the afterlife, who helps the dead live for eternity. ─── 这里的雕像描绘拉美西斯二世像奥西里斯,来世的神,谁帮助死者生活的永远。

52、The ancient Egyptian god of the sun, son of Osiris and Isis, represented as having the head of a hawk. ─── 霍鲁斯古代埃及的太阳神,欧塞利斯和艾西斯(司丰饶的女神)之子,被描绘成长着鹰的头

53、In the land of Egypt Osiris breaches. ─── 明天的这个时候,我应该已经在飞机上了吧。

54、On the first of these days Osiris, the eldest son of Nut, was born, and the second day was set aside to be the birthday of Horus the Elder. ─── 在第一天奥西里斯的长子螺母,诞生了,第二天被搁置的生日,荷鲁斯老。

55、TheEgyptians believed that Osiris judged people after they were dead .If theywere good, they could have a happy life in the next world .If they were bad,they would be punished. ─── 尼罗河流域相当肥沃,因此,早期埃及人在此种植的庄稼可以一年两熟甚至三熟。

56、It is an appropriation by early Christians of a day on which the birth of several pagan gods, Osiris, Jupiter, and Plutus, or the ancient deified leader Nimrod, was celebrated. ─── 早期基督徒是挪用了好几位异教神的出生日子作为圣诞庆祝:欧西里斯、朱庇特和普路托斯,或者是远古时候被神化了的狩猎带领者。

57、After its closest approach to Earth, Rosetta looked back and took a number of images using the Optical, Spectroscopic, and Infrared Remote Imaging System (OSIRIS) Narrow Angle Camera (NAC). ─── 在其经过近地点后,“罗塞塔”用光学、光谱和近红外遥控成像系统(OSIRIS)窄角相机(NAC)回望地球拍摄了一批照片。

58、37. Osiris, the great deity of the Egyptians, has been by some identified with the sun, or sunlight , or the vivifying powers in nature. ─── 奥西里斯是古代埃及神话中一位伟大的神,象征着太阳或太阳光,具有使大地复苏的能力。

59、The following quotation, as given in Wilkinson, narrates the ceremonies consequent on the re-discovery of Osiris ─── 下面这段话引自威尔金森的著作,描述了奥西里斯的转形再现

60、The curious shapes of the two tall, illuminated hoodoos suggest their popular monikers;Thor's Hammer (right) and The Temple of Osiris. ─── 两座高大且被照亮了的石林形状怪异,被分别称为:托尔的铁锤(右)和奥西里斯神殿。

61、Please see OSIRIS Product User Guide under the Support option in the software for more details on each format and their inter-connexions. ─── 用户可打开OSIRIS主页上"Support-支持"里的"产品使用指南",详细了解各报表格式所包含的具体内容及彼此间的关联方法.

62、Great osiris! You have cleansed your spirit for years, and now you cannot climb the Mount because of a weight restriction? ─── 伟大的欧西里斯!你已经花了数年洁净你的灵魂,现在你仅仅因为体重限制不能爬上这座山。

63、The final flight of the Osiris ─── 冥神最后的飞行

64、an ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility,the sister and wife of Osiris ─── 古埃及神话中的生育女神,为奥西里斯的妹妹和妻子

65、The goddess Isis, consort of Osiris, and her sister Nephthys found the pieces and gave new life to Osiris, who became the ruler of the underworld. ─── 俄赛里斯的配偶伊希斯和她的妹妹奈弗台斯,一一拾回,赐予俄赛里斯新的生命,其后来成为冥府的统治者。

66、The ancient Egyptian god of the sun,son of Osiris and Isis,represented as having the head of a hawk. ─── 霍鲁斯古代埃及的太阳神,欧塞利斯和艾西斯(司丰饶的女神)之子,被描绘成长著鹰的头

67、It was the embodiment of Isis, wife and consort of the god Osiris, who appeared in the sky as Orion. ─── 它是妻子伊希斯和她的配偶奥斯里斯的化身,奥斯里斯在天空中以猎户星座出现。

68、In deference to the ancients, I called this the "Osiris Plan."? ─── 为了表达对古人的敬意,我把这种方法命名为“奥西里斯计划”。

69、The following quotation, as given in Wilkinson, narrates the ceremonies consequent on the re-discovery of Osiris: ─── 下面这段话引自威尔金森的著作,描述了奥西里斯的转形再现;

70、The Caramel fuel in OSIRIS: The complete conversion of a high flux research to a low enriched fuel OSIRIS ─── 燃料:高通量研究到低浓铀燃料的完全转换

71、St. Paul familiarized his disciples with the idea that Jesus, like Osiris, was a god who died to rise again and give men immortality. ─── 圣保罗使他的信徒们熟悉这样一种思想:耶稣,像奥西里斯一样,是一个死而复活、使人永生的神。

72、An ancient city of southern Egypt on the Nile River northwest of Thebes. One of the oldest Egyptian cities, it was a religious center for the worship of Osiris and a burial site for the kings of the earliest dynasties. ─── 阿比杜斯尼罗河上埃及南部一古老城市,位于底比斯西北部。为埃及最古老的城市之一,是供奉俄赛里斯神的宗教中心又是最早期各代帝王的埋葬地

73、In deference to the ancients, I called this the "Osiris Plan. ─── 这样下课以后,我就可以回想老师讲的内容,把落掉的部分补齐。

74、Osiris' brother Seth envied his power and popularity and killed him by luring him into a coffin, which he sealed with lead. ─── 奥西里斯的弟弟塞特嫉妒他的能力和知名度,塞特欺骗并引诱到一个棺材里后杀死了他,并把棺材封死。

75、Osiris Red without Judai&Daitokuji teacher don't look like real Osiris Red at all. ─── 不知所云,谢谢各位有耐心看完我的感想。

76、In popular Egyptian mythology, Isis is both sister and wife to Osiris the king. ─── 在通俗的埃及神话里面,伊希斯既是国王欧西里斯的妹妹,又是他的妻子。

77、At any rate, osiris, being restored to life, became the judge of the under-world ─── 据说,奥西里斯遭谋害后,生命得以复活,成了冥世的判官。

78、She was linked closely with Isis, just as Sah and Soped were linked with Osiris and Horus. ─── 她与伊希斯紧密地联系一起,正如塞斯和莎披被与奥斯里斯和何露斯联系那样。

79、O gods of the necropolis, gods of the caverns, gods of the south, north, west, and east grant salvation to the Osiris Hor, the justified, born by Taikhibit" ─── ::噢,墓场的众神、洞穴的众神、东西南北四方的众神,请施予由'''提克赫拜'''所生正义的欧西里斯'''霍尔'''救助

80、When Osiris was born many signs and wonders were seen and heard throughout the world. ─── 出生时欧塞里斯许多神迹奇事,看到和听到在世界各地。

81、But the researchers speculate the hellish rate of evaporation might completely scour all gas off smaller hot Jupiters or those closer to their stars than Osiris. ─── 不过,研究者忖度著,对于那些更小型、或比欧西里斯更靠近其恒星的热木星型行星,那如地狱般猛烈的蒸发率很可能就会把它们身上的气体剥除得一乾二净。

82、Osiris was' Truth, 'and those who ate him became' Truth 'also. ─── 里斯是真理,谁吃他的“肉”就也成了真理。

83、Enemy of Osiris,rival of Horus,and the strongest of the gods. ─── 塞特:奥西里斯的敌人,何鲁斯的对手,最强大的神。

84、Egyptian priests practiced "transubstantiation" , claiming to be able to transfer the sun god Osiris into a circular wafer. ─── 古埃及祭司也有“圣餐仪式”,他们声称能够把太阳神奥西里斯转化到一个圆形的薄饼里。

85、According to this view the sleep or death of Osiris means the sleep of the spring-maiden Brynhild, or the imprisonment of Persephone in the dark realm of Hades. ─── 照这种说法,奥西里斯的睡眠或死亡相当于古斯堪的纳维亚神话中司春女神布伦希尔德的睡眠,或古希腊神话中波塞冬被囚禁的黑暗冥界。

86、There he listens to Thoth's tale of the character of the disembodied souls, who are introduced to the judge by Horus(the son of Osiris), after their good and bad deeds have been weighed by Anubis in the scale of truth. ─── 人死后,灵魂脱离肉体,由阿努比斯用真理的天秤称量其功过是非,然后由霍鲁斯(奥西里斯的儿子)带到奥西里斯面前,再由梭思向奥西里斯逐一叙述讲评。

87、The power is Osiris ,who has better things to do than listen to petitioners all day. ─── 这个神是欧西里斯,它有着比整天倾听恳求要重要的事要做。

88、As Osiris was the personification of physical and moral good, so his brother Seb was the personification of all evil ─── 奥西里斯是物质上和精神上美德的化身,而他的兄弟塞布则是各种邪恶的化身。

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