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09-18 投稿


unconformable 发音

英:[ˌʌnkənˈfɔːrməbl]  美:[ʌnkənˈfɔːməb(ə)l]

英:  美:

unconformable 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 不整合的


unconformable 词性/词形变化,unconformable变形

副词: unconformably |名词: unconformability |

unconformable 常用词组

unconformable contact ─── 不整合接触

unconformable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords east Liaoning Province;unconformable vein super-large uranium deposit;prospecting potential; ─── 辽东地区;不整合超大型铀矿床;找矿前景;

2、Repair: The product with one or more quality characteristics unconformable to the specifications is allowed to reach application requirement through repair. ─── 3返修:一种或多种质量特性,不符合规定要求,允许经过返修,使其满足使用要求。

3、He applied for transfering because of unconformable the current work. ─── 由于不适应目前的工作,他提出了调任申请。

4、unconformable oil-gas field ─── 不整合油气田

5、a description unconformable to previous accounts. ─── 与先前的报道不一致的描述。

6、unconformable surface ─── 不整合面

7、If it deems the application unconformable to requirements, it shall notify the parties concerned in writing and state the reasons. ─── 认为不符合受理条件的,应当书面通知当事人不予受理,并说明理由。

8、unconformable behavior ─── 不适行为

9、Keywords unconformable contact;characteristics of mineral deposits;mineralization mechanism; ─── 不整合面;矿床特征;成矿机制;

10、Reconstruction of Civil Servants'Unconformable Behavior in The Service Government ─── 论公务员在服务型政府中不适行为的重构

11、Legal fiction is a decisive fabrication for the unconformable application of law in practice about conviction, which is on the essential basis. ─── 摘要法律拟制作为法律上的一种决断性虚构,立法规定的目的是为了解决司法实践中某些似是而非的犯罪的法律适用问题,它的存在有其内在的根据。

12、unconformable stratification ─── 不整合层理

13、And the unconformable contaet face is lower sliding surface. ─── 而不整合面为低滑面。

14、The fault, fracture, unconformable surface and reservoir are the major channels of hydrocarbon migration in gentle slope belt. ─── 断层、裂缝、不整合面和储层是缓坡带油气运移的主要通道。

15、unconformable interface ─── 不整合界面


17、Buildings or structures put up before the general plan for the utilization of land and unconformable to the general plans are not allowed to be rebuilt or expanded. ─── 第六十四条在土地利用总体规划制定前已建的不符合土地利用总体规划确定的用途的建筑物、构筑物,不得重建、扩建。

18、Keywords Qujing Basin;Caijiachong Formation;unconformable contact;strata division plan;eroded thickness; ─── 曲靖盆地;蔡家冲组;不整合面;剥蚀厚度;

19、3) Left-lateral shear in Late Cretaceous period, leading to folding of Jurassic and Early Cretaceous sediments, which are unconformable with upper layers; ─── (3)晚白垩世,为北东向左行剪切构造应力场,区内侏罗系和早白垩世早期的沉积物发生褶皱,与上覆地层呈明显的不整合;

20、3.Late Yanshan stage was compressive crust deformation which not only formed the wedge-type thrust structure but also caused upper Cretaceous Series unconformable contact with lower Cretaceous Series. ─── 燕山晚期地壳以挤压逆冲变形为主 ,不仅形成了楔冲式推覆构造 ,也使上白垩统与下白垩统为角度不整合接触。

21、The superimposed basin has the characteristics of composite unconformable contact, superimposed geologic structure, complex fault-uncomformable contact system and various changes of structure. ─── 叠合盆地具有复合不整合面,叠置地质结构,断裂-不整合系统复杂,构造变型样式多样等4个基本地质特征;

22、unconformable contact ─── 不整合接触

23、In addition, we obtained one OSL sample in the fluvial facies, and this fluvial facies is unconformable on the Pliocene Series. ─── 另外在一个观察点的不整合于上新统之上的河流相中采取了一个OSL样品。

24、The major transporting layers for secondary migration are sand-beds of Es3, unconformable surface and fault. ─── 油气在烃源岩中的初次运移和在储集层中的二次运移是油气运移过程中连续而特点不同的两个阶段。

25、The primary factors controlling gas reservoir forming include gas source, reservoir, temperature, pressure, fault, unconformable surface , regional cap and direct cap. ─── 低地饱压差是形成气顶气藏或纯气藏的必要条件。


27、Development of Unconformable Reservoirs with Horizontal Techniques ─── 利用水平井技术开发不整合油藏

28、If it deems the application unconformable to requirements, it shall notify the parties concerned in writing and state the reasons. ─── 认为不符合受理条件的,应当书面通知当事人不予受理,并说明理由。

29、You found out it's unconformable of using western toilet. ─── 你发现上西式厕所不舒服。

30、Keywords Submarine Volcanic Eruption;Recycling of Crust Au-bearing hydrothermal fluid;Variscan Unconformable Contact;Binary Deposit Type; ─── 海底火山喷流;壳源含金热流再循环;华力西不整合面控矿;二元矿床类型;

31、Recent years, the domestic construction golf court has the increasingly fierce potential, various defects have been already found unconformable with the situation of China. ─── 摘要近年来,国内修建高尔夫球场有愈演愈烈之势,这与我国的国情不符。

32、If the sample is unconformable with the note in "Record and evidential document of medical device sampled", it shall verify with the entity under sampling; ─── 如样品与“医疗器械抽样记录及凭证”上的记录不相符的,应与抽样单位核实;

33、When communicating with others, you should pay attention to your attitude in order to avoid making others feel unconformable. ─── 和别人交流时,你应该注意你的态度,以免让他人觉得不舒服。

34、unconformable adj. ─── 不适应的;不顺从的;不整合的

35、cover of unconformable strata ─── 不整合盖层

36、Keywords diplog data;unconformable surface;sedimentary microfacies;paleocurrent direction; ─── 地层倾角测井;不整合面;沉积微相;古水流方向;

37、The buried hill tuff oil pool of Hanan Oilfield has an unconformable contact with overlying sandstone of Aershan Group. ─── 哈南油田凝灰岩潜山油藏与上覆阿尔善组的砂岩油藏呈不整合接触。

38、unconformable fault ─── 不整合断层

39、The pathways of oil and gas migration mainly include the fault and the unconformable surface, which constitute the "fault-unconformable" hydrocarbon migration pattern. ─── 油气运移的通道主要为断层和不整合面,并形成沿断层和不整合面的联合运移模式;

40、Chengdao area is abundant in multifarious migration pathways as fault,sand body and unconformable surface, which compose a solid migration pathway. ─── 埕岛地区广泛发育断裂、砂体和不整合面等多种类型输导层,构成复杂的立体网络通道。

41、Reconstruction of Civil Servants'Unconformable Behavior in The Service Government ─── 论公务员在服务型政府中不适行为的重构

42、A contact can be conformable or unconformable depending upon the types of rock, their relative ages and their attitudes. ─── 接触面可以是整合的或不整合的,这取决于岩石类型、它们的相对年龄及产状。

43、Two kinds of stratigraphic reservoirs are developed in the Neogene and Eogene of Jiyang Depression,they are stratigraphic onlap reservoir and unconformable surface screened reservoir. ─── 济阳坳陷新近系及古近系发育地层超覆及不整合面遮挡等两种类型的地层油藏。

44、The upper Cretaceous and Paleogene are of continental sediments in Henan Province, and the boundary between them considered to be unconformable or disconformable because of the very difference in sedimentation and biological assemblages. ─── 摘要河南省上白垩统与古近系均为陆相沉积,在全省范围内,两者间呈假整合或不整合接触,在沉积特征上显示出较大的差异,在古生物群的演化方面,也各自具有不同的特色。

45、Systematic research on the theory and method of disciplinary assessment is basically a virgin ground in China, which is unconformable to its important status in scientific assessment. ─── 学科评价相关理论和方法的系统研究在国内还基本空白,这与其在科学评价中的重要地位是不适应的。

46、These deposits are in unconformable contact with the underlying coal-bearing strata of the Shahezi Formation. ─── 矿床与下伏沙河子组煤系地层呈不整合接触。

47、Recent years,the domestic construction golf court has the increasingly fierce potential,various defects have been already found unconformable with the situation of China. ─── 近年来,国内修建高尔夫球场有愈演愈烈之势,这与我国的国情不符。

48、The Concept of Oil and Gas Resource Extent in China Unconformable with That in the World ─── 我国油气资源量概念未与国际接轨

49、The Concept of Oil and Gas Resource Extent in China Unconformable with That in the World ─── 我国油气资源量概念未与国际接轨

50、These deposits are in unconformable contact with the underlying coal-bearing strata of the Shahezi Formation. ─── 矿床与下伏沙河子组煤系地层呈不整合接触。

51、the basal unconformable boundary is the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary of this area. ─── 龙江组底部的不整合是该区侏罗系与白垩系的界线。

52、21st century is knowledge economy. The traditional evaluation system of enterprise that looks retained profits as core target becomes more and more unconformable with epoch development. ─── 在知识经济的二十一世纪,以净利润为核心指标的企业效绩评价体系,越来越不能满足时代发展的需要。

53、Tectonic movements of Paleozoic craton basins are relatively stable;while multiphase unconformable contacts and large palaeohighs developed during Paleozoic ; ─── 古生界克拉通盆地构造相对稳定,古生代发育多期不整合界面和大型古隆起;

54、Article 64 Buildings or structures put up before the general plan for the utilization of land and unconformable to the general plans are not allowed to be rebuilt or expanded. ─── 第六十四条在土地利用总体规划制定前已建的不符合土地利用总体规划确定的用途的建筑物、构筑物,不得重建、扩建。

55、Various hydrocarbon migration paths towards these special reservoirs involve unconformable surface, fault surface, s4 and s3 sandstones, and Proterozoic interior laminar formation. ─── 不整合面、断层面、沙四、沙三段砂岩以及元古界内幕层状地层为油气向特殊储集层中运移提供多样化的输导路径。

56、Based on the study on oil potential distribution, oil at the unconformable surface of Xinganling Group in Sudeerte area was mainly accumulated in areas around Well B28-Well B14 and around Well B16. ─── 通过油势能分布研究得到,苏德尔特地区兴安岭群不整合面油汇聚区主要分布在贝28-贝14井处以及贝16井附近。

57、unconformable strata ─── 不整合地层

58、Keywords Translocating system;Migration channel;Structural ridge;Sandy conglomerate body;Unconformable surface.; ─── 输导体系;运移通道;构造脊;砂砾岩体;不整合面;

59、Keywords horizontal well;unconformable reservoir;Gao10 block;erosion surface;geological design; ─── 水平井;不整合油藏;高10块;剥蚀面;地质设计;

60、The fault, fracture, unconformable surface and reservoir are the major channels of hydrocarbon migration in gentle slope belt. ─── 断层、裂缝、不整合面和储层是缓坡带油气运移的主要通道。

61、Combined with the example of integrated development of Gao10 block using horizontal well in GaoQing oilfield,detailed geological study of the unconformable screened re. ─── 结合高青油田高10块水平井整体开发实例,对水平井开发不整合遮挡油藏进行了精细的地质研究。

62、An angular unconformable contact was for the first time found between the Middle Jurassic Bathonian Stage and its underlying pre-Ordovician metamorphosed basement in the Chawola district, in Nyainrong County. ─── 摘要在聂荣县查吾拉区一带首次发现中侏罗统巴通阶与下伏前奥陶系基底变质岩系之间呈角度不整合接触。

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