unfairness 发音
英: 美:
unfairness 中文意思翻译
unfairness 词性/词形变化,unfairness变形
形容词最高级: unfairest |副词: unfairly |形容词比较级: unfairer |名词: unfairness |
unfairness 反义词
unfairness 同义词
fraudulence | wrong | shabbiness | favouritism | bias | discrimination |injustice | inequity | dishonesty | favoritism | partiality | iniquitousness | deceitfulness | iniquity | excess | prejudice | falseness
unfairness 短语词组
1、unfairness of women ─── 妇女的不公平
2、unfairness and discrimination ─── 不公平和歧视
unfairness 相似词语短语
1、unfairer ─── 不公平的;不正当的(unfair的比较级)
2、unfairest ─── 不公平
3、unfadingness ─── 不褪色
4、fainness ─── 费恩尼斯
5、unfitness ─── n.不胜任;不适当
6、unharness ─── v.给(马等)卸下挽具;解下盔甲;释放,解放
7、nearness ─── n.接近;密切;近似
8、farness ─── n.远
9、fairness ─── n.公平;美好;清晰;顺利性
unfairness 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Obvious that land ownership in some countries is unfair. ─── 在一些国家,土地所有制的不公平是显而易见的。
2、Much of the bile heaped on Mr Bush over Katrina was unfair. ─── 因为卡特里娜而对布什发泄的不满,多数并不公平。
3、The imputation that it was all his fault was unfair. ─── 全是他的错的归咎是不公平的。
4、The unfair wage system must be reformed as soon as possible. ─── 不合理的工资制度必须尽快改革。
5、But that last goal is unfair. ─── 不过那最后一个球是不公平的。
6、It seems unfair because it is unfair. ─── 事 情 本 身 就 是 不 公 平 的 ,所 以 听 来 不 公 平 。
7、He still hopes to win his claim against unfair dismissal. ─── 他仍然希望赢得遭无理解雇申诉的胜利。
8、God bless Iran, Bush and Isreal are unfair to Iran. ─── 上帝保佑伊朗,布什和以色列对待伊朗是不公平的。
9、They recognized the unfairness of the decision. ─── 他们承认那决定之不公平。
10、It is "unfair" for you to give out false information about "Bigu". ─── 你对“闭谷”给出这样的错误的信息是“不公平的”呀,
11、To ask this of teachers today is both idealistic and unfair. ─── 在今天强求教师如此照办,是既脱离实际的,而又不公道的。
12、How can you suffer such unfair treatment? ─── 你怎么能忍受这样不公平的待遇?
13、It was unfair to judge her on such a brief acquaintanceship. ─── 你刚认识她就对她作出评价,这是不公平的。
14、It is unfair that he got very little in reward for his hard work. ─── 他工作很辛苦,报酬却很少,这不公平。
15、Unfair treatment of a person or group on the basis of prejudice. ─── 因为成见不公平地对待某人或某个组织。
16、He criticized her in a very unfair way. ─── 他极不公平地指摘她。
17、It's unfair. ─── 太不公平了。
18、In 1958 he was criticized for dogmatism -- that was unfair. ─── 一九五八年批判他搞教条主义,那是不公正的。
19、Jealousy is often discussed generally together with the sense of unfairness in Western social psychology. ─── 西方社会心理学常将嫉妒和不公平感笼统地放在一起讨论。
20、Experts believe a sense of unfairness engenders negative emotions which may prompt biochemical changes in the body. ─── 专家认为,不公平的感觉,会引起负面情绪,负面情绪可能引发身体生化改变。
21、We tried to meet both children's needs without the appearance of favouritism or unfairness. ─── 我们试图在没有偏爱或不公平的表象下满足两个孩子的需要。
22、Monica: Oh, why is it unfair? ─── 哦,为什么不公平?
23、He had gained himself a reputation for unfairness. ─── 他使自己得到了一个不公正的名声。
24、He accused his teacher of unfair marking. ─── 他指责教师打分不公平。
25、No one ever gets over the first unfairness; no one except Peter. ─── 没有人能克服最初的不公平;除了彼得以外。
26、She tried in vain to point out to him the unfairness of his actions. ─── 她试图向他指出他的做法不公正,但无济于事。
27、They said the allocation of seats was unfair. ─── 他们说席位的分配不公平。
28、Getting unfair blame do you understand? ─── 你明白了么?
29、Representation of town and country, and North and South was unfair. ─── 城镇和农村,北方和南方的代表权极不平等。
30、He said that to blame the Asian Games for his relapse is unfair. ─── 他说把他再度受伤和亚运会扯在一起是不公平的。
31、Enraged by the unfairness of it all, a young law student from Beijing University snapped a photo of the scene with her cell phone. ─── 一个来自北京大学法律系的学生为这样的不公平感到不满,它拿出手机拍下了现场的照片。
32、If the poor pen had a mind it would as certainly have bemoaned the unfairness of its getting all the stain and the writer all the glory! ─── 倘若可怜的笔也有思想的话,它一定会哀叹不平,因为它弄得一身墨污,作者却得到了一切荣耀!
33、Not merited;unjustifiable or unfair. ─── 不应得的;无理的或不公平的
34、He requited his employer's unfairness with his resignation. ─── 他以辞职来报复雇主对他的不公平的待遇。
35、They had been given an unfair advantage. ─── 他们得到了不公正的好处。
36、There was anger in his eyes and reproach at the unfairness of it all. ─── 对于这种不公正,他的眼里显示出愤怒和谴责
37、It's unfair if you compare me to him. ─── "如果你拿他跟我比,那是不公平的。"
38、An unfair act or policy stemming from prejudice. ─── 偏袒因偏见而产生的不公正行为或政策
39、But it's unfair to the occupants! ─── 但那对现在的住客很不公平呀!
40、Life seems so unfair sometimes. ─── 人生有时似乎非常不公平。
41、He accept every unfair rebuke and as a everyday class. ─── 他把每一个不公平的指责和冷落当作日课的一部分来接受。
42、Eg.He had gained himself a reputation for unfairness. ─── 他是自己得到了一个不公平的名声。
43、You help me and I'll help you,esp in an unfair way. ─── 你给我搔背,我也给你搔背(你帮我,我也帮你,尤指不正当的事)。
44、Fan said.'Blaming it on meis inappropriate and unfair. ─── 因为这个指责我是不合适的,也是不公平的。
45、In any case, that is very unfair. ─── 不管怎么说,那是很不公平的。
46、He hit back with an unfair demand for compensation. ─── 他倒打一耙,要求赔偿。
47、He could not subscribe to their unfair plan. ─── 他不能赞同他们的不公平办法。
48、But these petty unfair tricks would avail them nothing. ─── 可是这些小小的鬼蜮伎俩救不了他们的命。
49、He made a very unfair crack about her looks. ─── 他开玩笑地损了一下她的长相,言语很是刻薄。
50、He had criticized you in a very unfair way. ─── 他以一种极不公平的方式批评了你。
51、He sued the company for unfair dismissal. ─── 他控告公司不公平地解雇他。
52、It' s unfair to devalue anyone' s work unjustly. ─── 不公正地贬低任何人的工作都是不公平的。
53、They recounted umpteen tales of unfair treatment. ─── 他们讲述了许许多多不公平待遇的故事。
54、Seems to be a toilet for men. What about ladies? So unfair! ─── 似乎是男士用的简易厕所。那女士怎么办?真不公平!
55、It was unfair that Ivan answered for my mischief. ─── 伊凡为我的胡闹去受惩罚是不公平的。
56、By whatever means possible, fair or unfair. ─── 不择手段采用任何正当或不正当的手段
57、It's unfair," he said on June 20. ─── "这太不公平了!"他在6月20号说。
58、The punishment was harsh and unfair. ─── 处罚很重而且不公平。
59、Some people objected that the new tax law was unfair. ─── 一些人反对说,新税法不公平。
60、It's important to understand the root of your anger, and use the sense of unfairness to become stronger, Goldman said. ─── 认识到愤怒的根源并且利用这种不公感变得更坚强是十分重要的,古德曼说。
61、Bad luck deprives of your winning, it is so unfair. ─── 坏运气剥夺了你赢球的权利,这太不公平了。希望有所帮助。
62、How dare you say it's unfair? ─── 你怎么胆敢说这不公平呢?
63、By hook or by crook By whatever means possible, fair or unfair. ─── 不择手段:采用任何正当或不正当的手段。
64、Perhaps, though, I am being unfair in singling out Mr Sarkozy. ─── 不过,我单单把萨科齐挑出来或许有些不公平。
65、B, resenting unfairness is also monkeys nature. ─── B,愤恨不公平也是猴子自然。
66、It's unfair to take advantage of your father's good nature. ─── 利用你父亲的善良天性占他的便宜是不公平的。
67、To influence in a particular,typically unfair direction; prejudice. ─── 使有偏见使向不公正方向施影响;使有偏见
68、They started to reform the unfair salary structure in colleges. ─── 他们着手改革大学里的不合理的工资制度。
69、Unfair partiality; favoritism. ─── 偏爱不公正地喜欢;偏袒
70、Foisted unfair provisions into the contract. ─── 以欺骗方式在合同中加入不公平的条款
71、Everybody lashed out at his unfairness, calling him a cowardly bully. ─── 大家骂他不公平,欺软怕硬。
72、How dare you say I'm unfair? ─── 你怎么敢说我不公平?
73、You must keep to the rules even if you think they're unfair. ─── 即使他们不公平,你也得必须遵守规则。
74、He clamoured against the unfair treatment. ─── 他吵嚷着反对所受的不公平对待。
75、The crowd clamoured against the unfair decision. ─── 周围的人群纷纷反对这项不合理的决定。
76、Itis unfair to me what people have said. ─── 人们这样说我是不公平的。
77、You must keep to the rules even if you think they are unfair. ─── 你必须遵守这些规则,即使你认为这些规则不公平。
78、Think it over, this game is fair or unfair? Why? ─── 你认为这个游戏公平吗?为什么?
79、Do you really think everyone can bear all the unfairness when deeply in love? ─── 你以为人人都能“爱到深处无怨尤”吗?
80、Don't worry. We won't be unfair to you. ─── 你放心吧,亏不了你。
81、It is unfair to discriminate between black people and white people. ─── 区别对待黑人与白人是不公平的。
82、It seems unfair that they should have turmed the proposal down. ─── 他们(竟然)这样对待我,看来是不公平的。
83、It would be unfair not to let you have a choice. ─── 不让你有所选择是不公平的。
84、China's unbalanced and, they say, unfair trade with America. ─── 国会的好战派谴责中国对美国贸易的不公。
85、That's unfair! Why don't you just ask guys first? ─── 不公平!为什么你不先问问男生?
86、It's unfair you felt the need to unburden your soul about it. ─── 你觉得需要倾诉心声,但这对我不公平。
87、Not merited; unjustifiable or unfair. ─── 不应得的; 无理的或不公平的
88、It is unfair that he gets very little in reward for his hard work. ─── 他工作很辛苦,报酬却很少,这不公平。
89、His unfairness gave her something else to brood over. ─── 他的不公平又让她生气了。
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