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09-17 投稿


immobility 发音

英:[ˌɪməˈbɪləti]  美:[ˌɪməˈbɪləti]

英:  美:

immobility 中文意思翻译



immobility 短语词组

1、immobility of capital ─── 资本的不流动

2、immobility of labour ─── 劳动的不动性

3、tonic immobility ─── 强直静止

immobility 同义词

fixedness | stasis |stability | stationariness | fixity | immovability | inertia | rigidity | stillness

immobility 反义词


immobility 相似词语短语

1、ignobility ─── n.卑贱;下流;不体面

2、immotility ─── n.无法移动;固定

3、immoveability ─── 不动

4、immorality ─── n.不道德;无道义;伤风败俗的行为

5、immovability ─── n.不变;不动

6、immobilism ─── 保守主义

7、mobility ─── n.移动性;机动性;[电子]迁移率

8、immobilize ─── vt.使固定;使不动;使停止流通

9、immobilise ─── vt.使…不动,使…固定;使…不能调动;使…无机动性

immobility 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The gray corresponds to immobility without hope; it tends to despair when it becomes dark and regains little hope when it lightens. ─── 灰色相当于不动没有希望,它往往绝望时,变得黑暗,恢复希望渺茫时减轻。

2、social immobility ─── 社会停滞

3、tonic immobility ─── 紧张性不动

4、Cross - linked Enzyme Aggregates - An Immobility of Enzyme without Carrier ─── 交联酶聚集体--一种无载体酶固定化方法

5、As soon, therefore, as she was released from her immobility, she reached for her sword and once more attempted to take her own life. ─── 侧身拾起地下柳叶刀,猛力往自己额头砍落。澄观袍袖拂出,卷住刀锋,左手衣袖向她脸上拂去。那女郎但觉劲风刮面,只得松手撤刀,向后跃开。

6、7.Old age: A diminished sense of taste and smell, loneliness, physical and mental handicaps, immobility, and chronic illness can militate against adequate dietary intake in the elderly. ─── 老年人味觉和嗅觉减退、孤独、身体与精神障碍、不活动以及慢性疾病都会影响上老年人摄入足够的食物。

7、Musculoskeletal immobility ─── 肌肉骨骼不移动性

8、The progress of the technology, immobility methods, problems to be resolved and application foreground... ─── 本文系统介绍了固定化生物技术在水处理中的最新应用情况。

9、NEW point of immobility in the stars. ─── 天极点则在星空中不动。

10、subdivision of tangent direction of immobility ─── 固定切向分割

11、Imagine, a dangerous shark can be made vulnerable simply by turning it upside down. The state of tonic immobility makes the shark incapable of movement. ─── 想像一下,只要把一条具有攻击性的鲨鱼翻过来,它就毫无招架之力。这种僵直状态,使得鲨鱼动弹不得。

12、tonic immobility technique ─── 紧张制动术

13、Immobility of HBV antibody on gold electrode ─── 电化学乙肝免疫传感器中抗体的固定条件探讨

14、6.Results Extract at the dosages of 40, 80, 160 and 240 mg/kg dosage except the dosage of 20 mg/kg, could significantly shorten mice immobility time in FST and TST. ─── 结果在强迫游泳和悬尾实验中,40,80,160,240mg/kg剂量组贯叶连翘提取物均能显著缩短小鼠不动时间,20mg/kg剂量组无显著性差异;

15、Anesthesia's main components are sedation, unconsciousness (also sometimes called hypnosis), immobility, absence of pain (analgesia) and absence of memory for the anesthetized period (amnesia). ─── 至于麻醉状态的主要组成,则包括镇定、无意识(有时称为催眠状态)、无法动弹、无痛觉(止痛),以及麻醉期间无记忆(失忆)等。

16、immobility by virtue of being inert. ─── 因为迟钝而具有的稳定性。

17、For, at our epoch, we no longer believe either in inertia or in immobility. ─── 因为,在我们这时代,人们已不承认有什么无为状态或不动状态。

18、Its form suggests immobility with its locked jaws upon itself, yet at the same time it pushes the insistent message of perpetual movement through its twined coils. ─── 它的形状暗示了它上面锁定的狭口的坚固不移,同时又通过成双的卷带马口铁推动着坚持不懈的信息。

19、Four cases of vocal cord immobility which were verified by EMG to be of vocal cord paralysis following endotracheal intubation were reported. ─── 报告4例气管插管所致的声带运动障碍,喉肌电图检查证实为声带麻痹。

20、This form was lying face downward , flat on the pavement, with the arms extended in the form of a cross, in the immobility of death. ─── 那东西直挺挺伏在地上,脸朝石板,两臂向左右平伸,和身体构成一个十字形,丝毫不动,死了似的。

21、She saw this herself, and tried to smile away that statue-like immobility; ─── 她自己看到了这一点,竭力要用微笑来抹掉这种雕塑般的固定状态;

22、Positioning immobility technique by thermoplastic sheet for the three-dimension comformal radiation therapy of the abdominal and pelvic tumor ─── 网膜固定技术在腹盆部肿瘤三维适形放疗中的应用

23、ResultsThe petroleum ether fraction and ethyl acetate fraction from the aqueous and ethanol extracts of Hehuanhua can significantly shortened immobility time of mice in the forced swimming test. ─── 结果合欢花醇提物与水提物的石油醚和醋酸乙酯萃取部位与对照品安拿芬尼类似,均能显著缩短小鼠游泳的不动时间。

24、Keywords Rhizopus oryzae;lactic acid;SSF;immobility;Chitosan;ACA particulate; ─── 米根霉;乳酸;SSF法;固定化;壳聚糖;ACA微粒;

25、chromatogram immobility ─── 色谱固定相

26、Paraplegic immobility syndrome ─── 截瘫性无活动综合征

27、Abdominal distention and gas pains are also common after a laparotomy; they are due to swallowed air and impaired peristalsis resulting from immobility, manipulation of abdominal contents during surgery, and side effects of anesthesia. ─── 剖腹术后出现腹用及腹痛也是常见的症状,这是由吞咽空气及运动不能引起肠蠕动受损、手术期间腹内容物处理、麻醉副作用等造成的。

28、Keywords Immobility;Embedding;Biological Reactor; ─── 固定化;包埋法;生物反应器;

29、The expression of c fos and c jun protein could be induced by forced swimming and venlafaxine could suppress significantly the accumulated immobility time of forced swimming. ─── 强迫游泳可使大鼠下丘脑和海马内多个核团的c?fos 和c?jun 蛋白表达水平增加,而万拉法新明显缩短了强迫游泳大鼠的不动时间。

30、The adjustment of the dog-bone type makes full use of vertical position immobility of strut. ─── 实际结构的狗骨式调节器发挥了保证撑杆竖向位置不动的作用;

31、After a fight, immobility allows for quicker life and power recuperation. ─── 战斗之后,快速回复生命及力量。

32、YJ-E could decrease the duration of immobility in the TST and FST and showed potent antidepressant effect, but YJ-W has no obvious effects. ─── 越鞠丸醇提物能不同程度地缩短小鼠悬尾不动时间和小鼠强迫游泳不动时间,具有较强的抗抑郁作用;而水提物活性不明显。

33、immobility of a joint ─── 僵硬关节

34、Because of the immobility of land, each real estate parcel possesses a unique location. ─── 因为土地的固定性,每个不动产都具有独一无二的位置。

35、Laryngeal electromyographic characteristics of vocal fold immobility ─── 声带运动不良的喉肌电图特征

36、Weird, humanoid-looking figures stand around, looking on while the terrified fellow is caught in an eerie state of immobility. ─── 一个奇异的人类模样的东西站在你身边,看着这个处于十分怪异的静止状态的受惊的人。

37、When the pharyngeal surface is first involved, there are no signs other than some stiffness and immobility of the soft palate. ─── 当咽表面是第一次参与,没有迹象显示,除了一些僵硬和不动的软腭。

38、Material of heat better immobility, not easy to establish evaporation content. ─── 资料的热固定性要好,不易建立蒸发物。

39、The stiffening and immobility of a joint as the result of disease, trauma, surgery, or abnormal bone fusion. ─── 关节僵硬关节由于疾

40、The number of both crossing squares and grooming bouts decreased in the open field activity, but the immobility time of the forced swimming test increased.Conclusion The microinjection ... ─── 结果戊巴比妥钠引起觉醒减少,慢波睡眠和总睡眠时间增多,开野实验中踩格数和修饰行为减少,而强迫游泳实验的不动时间延长。

41、The stiffening and immobility of a joint as the result of disease,trauma,surgery,or abnormal bone fusion. ─── 关节僵硬关节由于疾病、肿瘤、外科手术或反常的骨聚合而变得僵硬、不灵活

42、The gray corresponds to immobility without hope; it tends to despair when it becomes dark and regains little hope when it lightens. ─── 灰色相当于不动没有希望,它往往绝望时,变得黑暗,恢复希望渺茫时减轻。

43、immobility reflex ─── 不动反射

44、The immobility furnace ─── 固定式烧毁炉

45、The immobility of both types of resources transforms them into potentially powerful engines in the development process ─── 这两种类型资源的不可移动性,使它们成为发展过程中的潜在的强大动力。

46、pain locked me into immobility. ─── 我再次痛得动弹不得。

47、Electroacupuncture Combined with Antidepressive Drugs Can Reduce the Immobility Time during the Forced Swimming Test in Mice ─── 电针合用抗抑郁药能明显减少小鼠强迫游泳实验中的静止时间

48、As this mobility is manifested in homes being moved to the near Mainland, market forces will work towards price equalisation for land, notwithstanding the geographical boundaries dictating its immobility. ─── 这个趋势发展下去,即使在地理界限上限制了土地的流通性,市场力量亦会迫使两地的土地价格迈向均衡。

49、Due to a long-term immobility, the stroke patients have neuromuscular system impairment.The most common situation is spasticity and joint contracture. ─── 中风病患缺乏活动,容易造成神经肌肉的改变,常见的有肌痉挛、关节挛缩。

50、The thought and locution clarify the relation between Tao and society, Tao and material, Tao and the beings by rebelling in activity and rebelling in immobility. ─── 从道与社会、道与物、道与个人的关系以及达道对个人修养的要求可明了“动中之反”和“静中之反”。

51、Immobility time in tail suspension test referred to the sum of horizontal part of the activity curve in 6 minutes on computer. ─── 悬尾实验“不动时间”以计算机上小鼠活动曲线在6min内呈直线部分的累计之和。

52、Extract at the dosages of 40, 80, 160 and 240 mg/kg dosage except the dosage of 20 mg/kg, could significantly shorten mice immobility time in FST and TST. ─── 在强迫游泳和悬尾实验中,40,80,160,240mg/kg剂量组贯叶连翘提取物均能显著缩短小鼠不动时间,20mg/kg剂量组无显著性差异;

53、The persons who see a flank all jump so good, but oneself still stay around at first immobility. ─── 看到旁边的人都跳得那么好,自己却依然停留在原地不动。

54、technology of immobility ─── 固定技术

55、A spectacular tightrope walk on a gossamer thread between vast regions of crystalline immobility and chaotic flux. ─── 走索者叹为观止地行走在水晶般透明的固定不动的广阔区域和一片混乱的不稳定状态之间细若游丝的线索上。

56、Interior design mediates between architecture and human beings, between the walled-in immobility of a building and it inhabitants or visitors. ─── 室内设计是连接建筑与人、建筑物与居住者和参观者的媒介。

57、maintained the rigid immobility of his shoulders. ─── 保持双膀纹丝不动。

58、Standing in immobility, the child seemed to make a silent protest. ─── 小孩一动不动地站在那里,似乎在作无声的抗议。

59、Keywords Antidepressant;Hypericum wightianum;Tail suspension test;Immobility time; ─── 关键词抗抑郁作用;遍地金;小鼠悬尾实验;不动时间;

60、Before the Tsar had reached it, each regiment in its speechless immobility seemed like a lifeless body. ─── 在国王还没有驰近的时候,每个兵团沉默不言,毫不动弹,俨像没有生命的物体一般;

61、In some species, particularly rabbits and chickens, tonic immobility may be induced by fear, and care must be taken to not confuse this behavioral response with loss of consciousness. ─── 在某些种类,特别是兔子和鸡,刺激性保定可能导致害怕,所以操作必须保证不导致这样的与失去知觉相关的行为反映。

62、Any movement or immobility attainable in the hand is permitted. (The film must not take place where the camera is standing; ─── 手持摄影能做到的任何移动或静止的镜头运动都是可容许的。(摄影机被搁置时底片不得继续捲动;

63、Relative Immobility of the Tax Base and Stable Revenue Source ─── 税收基础相对不变和稳定的收入来源

64、All this has left, I confess, a dim impression, swallowed up in the serene self-unconsciousness, the sweet, dignified urbanity, the feline immobility. ─── 坦率地说,这些只给我留下隐约的印象,完全被他那平和坦然、温文儒雅、庄严宁静的风范所淹没。

65、immobility of capital ─── 资本不流动性

66、immobility of labour ─── 劳工不流动性

67、An effectual immobility may maintain the rehabilitation line and prevent some movement which will induce the shearing,rotatin... ─── 提出具体的功能锻炼步骤及注意事项,为高山滑雪运动员骨折后的功能锻炼提供参考。

68、Immobility - It is hard to reuse in another application because it cannot be disentangled from the current application. ─── 死板 - 代码难以重用在另一个应用中,因为它不能被从当前的应用中解离出来。

69、Keywords Endocellular inulinase;adsorb crosslinking;immobil ization;properties.; ─── 胞内菊粉酶;吸附交联;固定化;

70、Time of immobility ─── 制动时间

71、occupational immobility ─── 职业稳定性

72、Thermoplastic sheet in the improvement of positioning immobility technique for radiotherapy ─── 体位固定膜技术方法的改进及其结果分析

73、That path would be one of constant conflict between narrow interests ending in chaos and immobility. ─── 另一条路将是一场在狭隘利益的混乱和静止中的持续斗争。

74、The whole community turned their heads in amazement, the preacher raised his eyes, but Madame Albertine had relapsed into her immobility. ─── 所有在场的人都大吃一惊,把头掉过去看,宣道神甫也抬头望了一眼,但阿尔贝尔丁夫人又已回到她那种绝无动静的状态中去了。

75、As late as the beginning of the 1970s, the American banking system was still frozen into immobility. ─── 到了二十世纪七十年代早期,美国的银行系统依然僵化。

76、Keywords competitive advantages of the firm;sustainable competitive advantages (SCAs);resources-based view (RBV);heterogeneity of resource;immobility of resources;limited competition;innovation; ─── 企业竞争忧势;竞争优势可持续;资源基础论(RBV);资源异质性;资源不完备流动性;限制竞争;创新;

77、Negative equity exacerbates immobility because people are reluctant to move if it means selling at a loss. ─── “负资产”恶化了这种不动性,因为如果搬家意味着赔本出售的话,人们是不愿意搬的。

78、Results YJ-E could decrease the duration of immobility in the TST and FST and showed potent antidepressant effect,but YJ-W has no obvious effects. ─── 结果越鞠丸醇提物能不同程度地缩短小鼠悬尾不动时间和小鼠强迫游泳不动时间,具有较强的抗抑郁作用;而水提物活性不明显。

79、It was suggested that the injury of laryngeal nerve should be considered to be the cause of vocal cord immobility following endotracheal intubation besides cricoarytenoid joint dislocation. ─── 提示该类原因引发的声带固定,除考虑环杓关节脱位外,应想到喉神经损伤的可能。

80、Only immobility and wind blowing through the metal. ─── 只有凝固在那里任由风吹过那些金属。

81、nevertheless, there was something in that sky, in that hill, in that plain, in that tree, which was so profoundly desolate, that after a moment of immobility and revery he turned back abruptly. ─── 可是当时,在那样的天空中,那样的矮丘上,那样的原野里,那样的树杪头,却有一种惊心动魄的凄凉意味,因此他在凝神伫立一阵以后,也就猛然折回头走了。

82、Timidity leads to diffidentness which then goes to immobility. ─── 应该是因为某些东西太在意,会一直想起。

83、Keywords depression;forced swimming test;imipramine;immobility time; ─── 抑郁;小鼠;强迫游泳;丙咪嗪;不动时间;

84、Risk for impaired skin integrity related to immobility and presence of cast ─── 有皮肤完整性受损危险与固定和打石膏有关

85、I asked whether the total immobility of the mind he now spoke about was possible without the earlier observation, questioning, examining? ─── 我问他如果没有早期的观察、质疑和检验,他现在所说的如如不动有可能达到吗?

86、The Chemistry Cleanout of the Immobility Pipe-board Type Heating Exchanger ─── 固定管板式换热器的化学清洗

87、Results YJ-E could decrease the duration of immobility in the TST and FST and showed potent antidepressant effect, but YJ-W has no obvious effects. ─── 结果越鞠丸醇提物能不同程度地缩短小鼠悬尾不动时间和小鼠强迫游泳不动时间,具有较强的抗抑郁作用;

88、The mixing of blue with yellow gives the total immobility and the calm, the green . ─── 混合蓝色与黄色使总动和平静,绿色的。

89、Perhaps the inequality of British society is less to blame than its immobility. ─── 或许该责备的并不是英国社会阶级性而是它的一成不变。

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