intolerably 发音
英:[[ɪn'tɒləblɪ]] 美:[[ɪn'tɒləblɪ]]
英: 美:
intolerably 中文意思翻译
intolerably 同义词
insufferably | unacceptably | impossibly |unbearably | agonizingly | painfully
intolerably 词性/词形变化,intolerably变形
名词: intolerability |副词: intolerably |
intolerably 反义词
intolerably 相似词语短语
1、intolerable ─── adj.无法忍受的;难耐的
2、inalterably ─── 不可变更地
3、inferably ─── 推断
4、interoperably ─── 可互操作
5、invulnerably ─── adv.不受伤害地;不受损的
6、tolerably ─── adv.相当地;可容忍地;差不多地
7、inoperably ─── 无法使用
8、intolerantly ─── 不能容忍地
9、intolerability ─── n.无法忍受;难耐
intolerably 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、but it was intolerably dull, pompous, and tedious; ─── 却是因为她说的全是一派门面话,又长又闷,听得人难受。
2、To make this fact plain to her and to witness her resigned acceptance of it had been intolerably painful to him ─── 要使她明了这一事实并看到她顺从地接受这一事实对他来说是极其痛苦的。
3、intolerably tedious ─── 冗长乏味得令人难以忍受
4、The atmosphere was intolerably close ─── 空气闷得叫人受不了。
5、Life would be intolerably bearable. ─── 生命将得是难忍的支撑。
6、An unfavourable relationship between numbers and resources tends to make the earning of a living almost intolerably difficult. ─── 人口数字与资源之间的不利关系的发展使得谋生的困难几乎难以忍受。
7、As an exceptionally intelligent girl, loving literature, she found her society intolerably narrow ─── 她是一个极其聪慧的女郎,喜欢文学,觉得她那个社会狭隘得让人难以忍受。
8、It presented an intolerably prettified view of the countryside. ─── 它体现了一种对农村过度美化了的观点。
9、23.The leaflets told the plain truth about the ulcers of capitalism, the poverty of the workers, their intolerably hard working day of 12 to 14 hours, and their utter lack of rights. ─── 这些传单把资本主义机体上的痈疽,工人的穷困生活,工人每日由十二小时至十四小时的过度沉重的劳动,工人之毫无权利等等真情实况,都揭露无余。
10、The Irish state is going to be weighed down by an intolerably large debt burden. ─── 爱尔兰就快被巨大的债务负担压垮。
11、An unfavorable relationship between numbers and resources tends to make the earning of a living almost intolerably difficult. ─── 人口与资源间的不利关系往往使得赚钱谋生成为极端艰难。
12、intolerably cute mannerisms ─── 非常可爱[美丽]的
13、An unfavorable relationship between numbers and resources tends to make the earning of a living almost intolerably difficult. ─── 人口与资源间的不利关系往往使得赚钱谋生成为极端艰难。
14、intolerably hot ─── 热得无法忍受
15、Ambition still rages, and prospects are intolerably uncertain. ─── 雄心仍在澎湃,前景也非常不确定。
16、It was just an intolerably bad game of football; not even worthy of a meaningless Championship clash, let alone the business end of the Premiership. ─── 这完全是一场令人难以容忍的恶劣球赛,甚至配不上被称为对冠军球队的一场无意义的对碰,更不用要成为英超的皇者。
17、APPEAL TO A HIGHER AUTHORITY If your boss becomes intolerably abusive you may have to go above his head to your personnel department or senior manager. ─── 诉诸更高的上级如果你的老板滥用权力到了令人难以容忍的地步,你就得越过他直接找人事部门或高级经理了。
18、An unfavorable relationship between numbers and recourses tends to make the earning of a living almost intolerably difficult. ─── 人口数和资源间的不利关系,往往使得谋生达到几乎无法忍受的困难程度。
19、South Americans, Greeks, and others find comfort in standing, sitting, or talking to people at a distance which Americans find intolerably close. ─── 站立、坐着或与人谈话时,美国人觉得近得令人难以忍受的距离,南美洲人、希腊人以及其它一些地方的人却觉得很自在。
20、an insufferably precious performance; a child with intolerably cute mannerisms. ─── 不能忍受的矫揉造作的表演;有着无法忍受的矫揉造作的习气的小孩。
21、Condemned by the unbroken memories and practices of four thousand years, these ancient people brought with them into modern times an intolerably heavy burden from the past. ─── 这个古老的民族为其连续不断的记忆和四千年习俗所拖累,背着沉重不堪的历史包袱进入了现代。
22、Any near-term complacency increases the risk that the soybean complex will face an intolerably tight situation in the next year or two. ─── 近期内市场一旦得到满足,大豆类产品在今后一两年就更有可能面临供货极度紧张的局面。
23、It hurt.It hurt intolerably. ─── 他已经忍受不了这种刺痛。
24、These toxins can directly destroy the ozone layer causing holes resulting to an intolerably hot weather especially in tropical and other hot areas in the world. ─── 第二种:脂肪吸收阻断剂:目前经过研究证实这类制剂可以减少我们小肠的脂肪来进行吸收。
25、"Baoyu started at that and wished he could slip away, feeling intolerably gross and filthy" ─── "宝玉听如此说,便吓得欲退不能退,果觉自形污秽不堪."
26、If your boss becomes intolerably abusive, you may have to go above his head to your personnel department or senior manager. ─── 你的老板滥用权力到了令人难以容忍的地步,你就得越过他直接找人事部门或高级经理了。
27、that if any of them proved intolerably vicious, they were employed for carriages; ─── 如果有的马顽劣不驯,就用它去拉车。
28、English translation is brain boggling, and the weather in Beijing is said to be intolerably hot. ─── 英语翻译很费脑,并且北京的天气据说热的难以忍受。
29、If your boss becomes intolerably abusive, you may have to go above his head to your personnel department or senior manager. ─── 你的老板滥用权力到了令人难以容忍的地步,你就得越过他直接找人事部门或高级经理了。
30、He felt almost intolerably lonely. ─── 他感到几乎难以忍受的寂寞。
31、To make this fact plain to her and to witness her resigned acceptance of it had been intolerably painful to him. ─── 要使她明了这一事实并看到她顺从地接受这一事实对他来说是极其痛苦的。
32、APPEAL TO A HIGHER AUTHORITY If your boss becomings intolerably abusive, you may HAs to go above his head to your personnel department or senior manager. ─── 诉诸更高的上级假如你的老总滥用权力到了令人难以容忍的地步,你就得越过他直接找人事部门或高级经理了。
33、The girl seemed to June, suddenly, intolerably spiritless ─── 琼忽然觉得这个女孩子太没有种了,简直使人无法忍受。
34、An unfavorable relationship between numbers and recourses tends to make the earning of a living almost intolerably difficult. ─── 人口数和资源间的不利关系,往往使得谋生达到几乎无法忍受的困难程度。
35、But NASA's approach to inventing a living in a closed system struck many as being overly cautious, strangulatingly slow, and intolerably reductionistic. ─── 然而,很多人感觉,NASA在创造封闭的生存系统的进程中过于小心谨慎、速度缓慢得令人窒息,而且简化的方法达到令人无法容忍的程度。
36、I have tried lately to read Shakespeare, and found it so intolerably dull that it nauseated me. ─── 我也几乎快要丧失了自己对音乐和绘画的品味了。
37、All Utopias that have hitherto been constructed are intolerably dull ─── 到现在为止,一切虚构出来的乌托邦都是愚蠢不堪的。
38、A "sad" person may genuinely like people, but find contact with them intolerably irritating. ─── 一个“悲伤”的人可能是真诚喜欢别人,但与人交往接触时,却烦躁得难以忍受。
39、Intolerably crowded ─── 拥护不堪
40、An unfavourable relationship between numbers and resources tends to make the earning of a living almost intolerably difficult ─── 人口数字与资源之间的不利关系的发展使得谋生的困难几乎难以忍受。
41、The last line is intolerably lame, all the more so after the two deeply felt lines that precede it ─── 最后的一行真是不可忍受的蹩脚,放在感慨深沉的前两行之后尤觉如是。
42、He's always making unwarranted accusations against others. His manner is intolerably aggressive. ─── 他动不动就对别人横加指责,气势逼人。
43、Pao-yu started at that and wished he could slip away, feeling intolerably gross and filthy. ─── 宝玉听如此说,便吓得欲退不能退,果觉自形污秽不堪。
44、The ten young men disobeyed;all ten of them came out every day, and the heat from ten suns shining all at once made the earth intolerably hot. ─── 十个年轻人不听话,他们每天一起出去,结果十个太阳同时照耀使大地酷热难耐。
45、And above all, I was intolerably uneasy at making any fire, least the smoke which is visible at a great distance in the day should betray me ─── 尤其叫我担心的是生火这件事,唯恐烟火在白天老远就被人看见而把自己暴露。
46、The sun, a red ball through the dust, baked and scorched his back intolerably in his black coat. ─── 太阳,灰尘弥漫中的赤红的圆球,透过他的黑外衣烘烤着他的背脊,令人难以忍受。
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