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09-17 投稿


incapability 发音

英:[ˌɪnˈkeɪpəbɪlɪtɪ]  美:[ˌɪnˈkeɪpəbɪlɪti]

英:  美:

incapability 中文意思翻译



incapability 同义词

incapableness |inability | failure | paralysis | incompetence | helplessness | incapacity | weakness | powerlessness

incapability 反义词


incapability 相似词语短语

1、incapacity ─── n.无能力,无能

2、inability ─── n.无能力;无才能

3、impalpability ─── n.不能触觉或感知的状态或性质

4、incapably ─── 无能(力)地;不能胜任地;无资格地

5、capability ─── n.才能,能力;性能,容量

6、ineffability ─── 无法形容;说不出;避讳

7、incurability ─── n.不能医治;不能矫正

8、inculpability ─── 可判有罪

9、drapability ─── n.悬垂性;布质性能

incapability 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、incapability of cadres’ work performance evaluation with the present appraisal system; ─── 考核机制不能准确反映干部的工作绩效;

2、' It also says: 'When you are capable, feign incapability. ─── 又说:“能而假装不能。”

3、Strauss considered that the puzzledom of Formalism rest with its incapability to reconstruct the e xperience from which it depart. ─── 他认为形式主义的困境在于它不能重构其本身由以出发的经验。

4、6.The incapability of adaptation of the culture and the staff of the OEM. ─── 6、外包商的文化与人员的适应性差;

5、I hereby apologize for my regretful incapability exposed last year. ─── 非常遗憾地,我的能力缺陷在过去一年中暴露无遗,我在此道歉。

6、Were it not for his incapability of using a computer, he would have filled that job opening. ─── 要不是因为他不会电脑,他已经得到那个工作了。

7、The top-down accountability storm has set off awkwardness which and the incapability from bottom to top accountability. ─── 自上而下的问责风暴反衬了自下而上问责的尴尬与无力。

8、Keywords poly methylmethacrylate;montmorillonite;nanocrystallization;thermo properties;water absorbing incapability;kinetics; ─── 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯;蒙脱土;纳米化;热性能;抗吸水能力;动力学;

9、Deficiency of Qi (vital energy) and Blood, insufficiency of genuine Qi and inborn Qi, incapability of close intimacies, soreness of waist/loin/back, weakness of limbs, dizziness and poor appetite. ─── 气血亏损、元气不足、力不从心、腰酸背痛、头晕目眩、四肢无力、食欲不振。

10、The invention solves problem of inconvenience for replacing device and incapability of narrow bandwidth using 2B+D interface press key control cab for the present. ─── 本发明解决了目前以2B+D作为接口的按键调度台,由于器件更换不便以及带宽太窄不能充分满足业务需求而带来的问题。

11、The behavior risk is its substantive characteristics and the substantive punishment basis.We may say the recognize of the incapability process is dangerous breaks a code process. ─── 可以说不能犯的认定过程就是危险的破译过程,而何为危险、应在何种立场上对危险性进行判断,则存在非常激烈的对立。

12、Haiz... having to give up all my dreamz for one thing... My Incapability... ─── 输给任何人都好。输给了自己,我又是什么?

13、Incapability of Spleen to Dispersing Essence and its Relation with IGT ─── 脾不散精与糖耐量低减

14、He only self-condemned his incapability of keeping sister staying with him, taking care of her, sharing all the happiness and bitterness. ─── 他无法让姐姐继续留在自己身边,照顾她,关心她,和他同甘共苦。

15、incapability of work ─── 无劳动能力

16、The phenomenon of being tiried of study among some higher vocational college students is exsiting.One of its reasons is student's acquisition sense of incapability. ─── 摘要部分高职院校学生中存在厌学现象,其原因之一是学生学习自我效能水平低下,进一步缘于习得性无助感。

17、unfulfillment of love, imprisonment of marriage and incapability of communion constituting paralysis in emotion; ─── 情感瘫痪表现在爱情的落空、婚姻的禁锢、交流的障碍;

18、It is the ultimate tragi-comic metaphor ofthe incapability of human beings to live with each other or without each other in a hostile, inexplicable and declining world. ─── 说到该剧,它讲的是一个屋子里仅有四个人,相互依存,他们的命运被绑在了一起。

19、People may feign incapability to fraudulently claim the benefits, thus depriving the really needy. ─── 人可能假装无能欺诈索赔的好处,从而剥夺了真正有需要的。

20、manage the incapability ─── 管理无能

21、Without education of Journalism does not mean incapability of being a journalist. ─── 三四年级开的文学史及作品选,就更有读头。

22、The Difficulties of Sustainable Development in and Incapability of Planning Cities in China ─── 中国城市可持续发展的艰难及城市规划的难为

23、The Legal Consideration On Implementing Position, Incapability and Norms ─── 对执行定位、执行不能和执行规范的法律思考

24、incapability of self-support ─── [法] 无力自养

25、Destiny: An excuse be used to cover one's incapability while he is frustrated or lack of material. ─── 命运,人在失意潦倒时借以掩饰自己无能的一种借口!

26、university brings out all abilities including incapability. ─── 大学激发出了你的所有能力,也包括无能。

27、Westerners believe that begging for food is the right for the jobless people, and that is due to the incapability of the government on no to supply enough jobs for citizens. ─── 西方人认为讨饭是无叶者的权利,因为政府的无能,政府没有提供足够多的工作岗位以供人民就业。

28、Traditional load forecast method had many deficiencies, such as poor precision and crudeness and incapability for non-linear relations. ─── 传统的负荷预测方法往往具有预测精度不高、鲁莽性差、不能表述复杂的非线性关系等缺点。

29、Early this year, the middle and small shareholders ascribed the loss to the incapability of the board and claimed for an overall reorganization. ─── 2004年上半年,丰华风起云涌,中小股东向原董事会发难,指称其不作为,导致企业面临困境和资产流失,最后董事会全面改组。

30、acquisition sense of incapability ─── 习得性无助

31、[The university brings out all abilities including incapability. ─── [大学帮助学生发挥才能,包括无能.

32、A person who believes his incapability will not make a real effort , because he feels that it would be useless . ─── 相信自己无能的人不会去做真正的努力,因为他觉得那样徒劳无益。

33、With the expansion of production scale, dense phase pulse fluid pneumatic conveying shows the incapability for long-distance and high lifting height conveying. ─── 这一改善工况的措施已获成功,使密相栓流气力输送能适应于长距离输送的工艺要求,扩大了使用范围。

34、university brings out all abilities, including incapability. ─── 大学能培养人的各种能力,包括无能。


36、For the time being, lack of domestically made programs and incapability of marketing are the main problems in the development of sports cable TV in China. ─── 目前,我国有线电视体育频道发展中存在缺乏国内体育电视节目、市场经济能力较弱等问题。

37、Probing into the Sounds Made by Infants and their Meanings -- A Criticism of the View of Infants Incapability ─── 在幼儿的声音中探索意义--无能儿童观批判

38、incapability of being altered in disposition or habits. ─── 不能改变性格或习惯。

39、Is it because their incapability or lacking of the basic resources? ─── 因为他们没有致富的能力或他们缺乏基本的生活资源。

40、Quality Function Development;Taguchi Method;Orthogonal Array;Analysis of Variance;Process incapability index ─── 关键词:品质机能展开;田口方法;直交表;变异数分析;制程能力弱度指标

41、Even they leading a hard life because of their incapability, we still don't have right to discriminate against them. ─── 即使他们过着穷困的生活是因为他们没有能力致富,但我们仍旧不能因此而歧视他们。

42、Procedures of Trial lmplementation of the Settlement Concerning the Vessel's Incapability of Delivery of Goods ─── 船舶无法交付货物处理试行办法

43、His wife kept dinning in his ears about his incapability, his stupidity, and the misfortune he had brought on his family. ─── 他老婆不断在他耳边唠叨,他无能,他愚蠢,他给全家人带来了灾难。

44、However, the lack of negotiation skills is actually resulted from the management incapability of government. ─── 实际上,民众的谈判能不足是由制度造成的,是政府治理能力不足的产物。

45、The sense of incapability for have in day started from the time of birth. ─── 于天具来的无助感,从诞生的时刻就开始了。

46、Westerners believe that self-surrender is incapability. ─── 西方人认为忍让是无能。

47、In finals this especially obvious, front Celts's defense, Lakers looks like appears the suitable incapability, in the attack and defense also the gradual start comes apart. ─── 在总决赛中这点尤其明显,在凯尔特人的防守面前,湖人看起来显得相当的无力,攻防上也逐渐的开始脱节。

48、Because of my incapability to wipe all my notes on history text book, ─── 由于我无能擦掉我历史课本的笔记,

49、Until now, I haven't changed my job.It seems to prove me incapability as well as undergraduates helplessness mostly. ─── 这似乎已经证明了我的无能,也似乎证明了大部分大学生的无奈。

50、His wife kept dinning in his ears about his incapability , his stupidity, and the misfortune he had brought on his family. ─── 他老婆不断在他耳边唠叨,他无能,他愚蠢,他给全家人带来了灾难。

51、Even they leading a hard life because of their incapability, we still don’t have right to discriminate against them.Everyone is a miracle of life with 1016 cells in body. ─── 甚至他们的领导,努力生活,因为他们的无能,我们仍然没有权利,歧视他们大家是一个奇迹的生活与1016细胞在体内。

52、Putting forward this question is not criticizing the game's incapability of keeping its players, but discussing what was the problem lies with. ─── 提出这个问题,不是在批评游戏策划者的无能,而是探讨一下,问题到底出在哪儿?

53、Is not willing to acknowledge did not hope facing me is really falls in love with you, until that moment, only then felt that kind of pain 彻 heart door leaf, all changed such incapability. ─── 一直不愿承认不愿面对我是真的爱上你了,直到那一刻,才感受到那种痛彻心扉,一切都变得那么的无力。

54、incapability of consent ─── [法] 无承诺能力

55、The sense of incapability for have in day started from the time of birth. ─── 于天具来的无助感,从诞生的时刻就开始了。

56、Sometimes, due to incapability, inappropriate study methods or anxiety, children may disappoint their parents unwillingly. ─── 然而对孩子来说,父母若是过度“照顾”学业,反而形成高期待的压力。

57、Be or not to be method applies to subject incapability, finding whether the actor is qualified as person of mens rea as criminal law provides, unrealized crime for the qualified and incapability for the unqualified. ─── 对于主体不能的情况 ,采取“是否判断法” ,即看行为人是否具备刑法所规定的意图之罪的主体资格 ,不具备的是不能犯 ,具备的则是未遂犯 ;

58、Because of his incapability of supporting his family, his wife took their three children together with her father and went far away. ─── 他因家贫无力养家活口,妻子带著三个孩子随岳父远走他乡。

59、His wifekept dinning in his ears about his incapability, his stupidity, and the misfortune he had brought on his family. ─── 他老婆不断在他耳边唠叨,他无能,他愚蠢,他给全家人带来了灾难。

60、Without education of Journalism does not mean incapability of being a journalist.Lack of cultivation of theory of editing does not hinder my more than ten-year-long career of being an editor. ─── 至少比读什么新闻采访学、报纸编辑学要好玩,没学过采访学未必不会采访,没学过编辑学也没妨碍我当了十几年的编辑。

61、The commonenglish training center is only to provide teaching place, we feel sorry for the incapability of providing place to relative enterprises and salespeople for business talk. ─── 本培训中心是提供教学的场所,如企业与相关人员有业务事项请到其它场所洽谈,本中心对此为相关人员带来不便表示深深歉意。

62、Between 1969 and 1977, the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP) conducted a study of growth and development of children living in 4 villages in Guatemala. ─── 自1969到1977年,中美洲和巴拿马营养学院(INCAP)对危地马拉的4个村子开展了一项关于儿童生长发育的研究。

63、As an Infected, incap a Survivor who has entered and left a safe room. ─── 扮演感染者,让进入安全室然后离开的幸存者丧失行动能力。

64、“Sensory Integrative Dysfunction” refers to the incapability of cerebrum to control and coordinate body parts to respond appropriately to various stimuli. ─── 感觉统合失调指大脑失去控制和调整身体对外界各种刺激所作出适当反应的能力。

65、Strauss considered that the puzzledom of Formalism rest with its incapability to reconstruct thee experience from which it depart. ─── 他认为形式主义的困境在于它不能重构其本身由以出发的经验。

66、Is also, regarding that person, the language is so pale, the writing appears such incapability. ─── 也是,对于那个人,语言是如此苍白,文字显得这样的无力。

67、The eye is looking up at the hI own incapability, beliefweakness. ─── 虽然这些本身就是骑士和圣武士毕生所承受的圣痕,它督促我们完成自己的人格和救赎。

68、Incapability of implementing quantificational evaluation and analysis of ultrasound images degrade the veracity of clinic diagnose and validity of treatment. ─── 无法实现对超声图像的定量评估和分析,这在很大程度上影响了临床诊断的准确性与治疗的有效性。

69、Admission of incapability and incompetence in prosperity undoubtedly makes an opportunity of failure. ─── 顺境默误解自己无能,无疑是给失败制造机会!

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