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09-19 投稿


snowbird 发音

英:['snəʊbɜːd]  美:['snobɝd]

英:  美:

snowbird 中文意思翻译



snowbird 网络释义

n. 雪鸟;雀科小鸟

snowbird 短语词组

1、Snowbird Lake ─── 雪鸟湖

2、snowbird resort ─── 雪鸟度假村

snowbird 相似词语短语

1、snow-blind ─── 雪盲的

2、snow tire ─── 雪地轮胎

3、shorebird ─── 滨鸟

4、cowbird ─── n.(北美产的)燕八哥

5、snow board ─── 测雪板

6、snakebird ─── n.蛇鹈鸟

7、snowboard ─── n.滑雪板

8、snowboards ─── n.滑雪板

9、snowbirds ─── n.雪鸟;雀科小鸟

snowbird 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In 2007,Snowbird become the only agent of Sweden PRIMUS which is very famous about outdoor stoves. ─── 2007年,雪鸟成为瑞典专业户外炉具PRIMUS在中国大陆地区的唯一代理商。

2、Jung-Chung Hsu 2007 "Like a Snowbird?-- The Movement and Adaptation of Taiwanese Migrants between Taiwan and Canada",ISSCO, Beijing, 21-23 Sep., 2007. ─── 徐荣崇2007跨国的移置与镶嵌-谈加拿大台湾侨民的移民动机与居住地选择,全球化下华侨华人问题的转变国际学术研讨会,2007年5月18-19日。

3、The term agile was coined at the February 2001 meeting of software developers at Snowbird Utah, USA. ─── 2001年2月在美国SnowbirdUtah举行的软件开发者大会上,人们第一次提出“敏捷”一词。

4、In 1989, even with his victories in Bulgaria, Snowbird and the Arco Rock Master, Didier finished second in the World Cup behind Simon Nadin. ─── 在1989年,甚至在Bulgaria、Snowbird及Arco Rock Master都获胜,最后世界盃排名第二,谨次于Simon Nadin。

5、In fact, using the term “Agile” to refer to these methods of software development was coined at the famous Snowbird meeting that created the Agile Manifesto. ─── 事实上,“敏捷”一词是泛指在著名的雪鸟会议上同时出现的一些软件开发方法,敏捷宣言正是在这个大会创建的。

6、"The Snowbird inhabits our world of dreams where freedom reigns and the pristine beauty of nature is undefiled. ─── (那些雪鸟居住在我们梦中的世界,在那里充满自由,纯净的自然流淌着质朴之美。

7、Look for him to be back at it for the Snowbird Nationals in late January. ─── 看他能回到它的雪鸟国民在1月下旬。

8、In 1998, the French professional climbing rope BEAL settled into Snowbird. ─── 1998年,法国专业攀登绳索BEAL在雪鸟安家落户。

9、=The snowbird sings his everyday song, and tells me that the flowers will bloom again when Spring is coming. ─── 雪鸟唱着她每天爱唱的歌,告诉我春天要来,花儿会再度绽放。

10、The silence is dense and deep.Even the squirrels have stopped their ribald chattering.And faint snowbird whisperings seems to emphasize the stillness. ─── 静谧弥深,连松鼠儿都停止了它们不合时宜的喧闹,唯有雪鸟发出几声微弱的鸣叫,却愈发衬托出这世界的幽静。

11、snowbird mine ─── 季节性煤矿

12、Also a big Thank-You to Snowbird who was with me and ... ─── 如此晴朗的星期五的夜晚,孤独的人,或多或少,依偎在一起,取暖。

13、Zhejiang Snowbird Apparel Culture Consulting Co. ─── 浙江雪鸟服饰文化咨询公司。

14、Snowbird is enjoying the pleasure of success quietly through critical eyes. ─── 雪鸟在挑剔的眼光中默默享受着成功的乐趣。

15、The snowbird sings his everyday song, and tells me that the flowers will bloom again when Spring is coming. ─── 雪鸟唱着她每天爱唱的歌,告诉我春天要来,花儿会再度绽放。

16、Park City and Snowbird in Utah let some children ski free. ─── 犹他州的公园城市和雪鸟让一些儿童免费滑雪。

17、Bunny: An open, uncontested shot, usually a layup or dunk. Also: snowbird. ─── 突破上篮(bunny,snowbird):空位,没有防守的投篮,通常是灌篮或扣篮。

18、He said Snowbird "is not a practical method of transport". ─── 他说雪鸟“不是一种实用的交通工具”。

19、COM]Galleria-e: Snowbird System's Electronic Commerce Software Product. ─── 访问数/每百万人:Reach for [GALLERIA-E.

20、Mr Reichert, a PhD student at the University of Toronto, said the Snowbird "represents the completion of an age-old aeronautical dream" . ─── 理查特先生是多伦多大学的博士生,他说雪鸟“象征着一个古老的航空梦想的实现”。


22、Snowbird Group, Inc. (USA) Warmly Congratulates the Grand Opening of 2001 Shanghai international Apparel Culture Festival! ─── 热烈祝贺2001上海国际服饰文化节隆重开幕!

23、Project Snowbird was created for this purpose. It to, was headquartered in Nevada. ─── 这雪鸟计划总部设在内华达州。

24、The Nordic nation's serious attitude and professionalism has become the excellence model for Snowbird’s staff to follow. ─── 北欧民族的严谨态度和敬业精神为雪鸟员工树立起优秀的工作典范。

25、"Snowbird" sign down clothing. Business areas feather &down products , apparel &footwear , ─── 供应商-纺织,时尚,服装,鞋袜/时尚

26、snowbird group , inc . ( usa ) warmly congratulates the grand opening of 2001 shanghai international apparel culture festival. ─── 热烈祝贺2001上海国际服饰文化节隆重开幕!

27、Three significant things came out of the now-famous Snowbird gathering: the decision to use the term “Agile,” the Agile Manifesto, and the Agile Alliance. ─── 在这次著名的雪鸟会议上,有3件事是意义重大的:决定采用“敏捷”一词来代表他们所倡导的开发思想 ,发表敏捷宣言和成立敏捷联盟。

28、The organisers of the Largest RC race in the World, the Snowbird Nationals have been in touch to announce that the 2009 Speed Week schedule is posted on the event website. ─── 组织者的比赛最大的钢筋混凝土的世界,雪鸟国民一直在触摸宣布, 2009年高速周的时间表张贴在活动网站上。

29、Why Snowbird agent the best brands of the world only? ─── 为什么雪鸟只代理世界上最优秀的品牌?

30、Titchener, M.R. A measure of Information, IEEE Data Compression Conference, Snowbird, Utah, March 2000. ─── 李蕾,钟义信,郭祥昊.全信息理论在自动文摘系统中的应用,计算机工程与应用,2000.1.

31、term agile was coined at the February 2001 meeting of software developers at Snowbird Utah, USA. ─── 2月在美国Snowbird Utah举行的软件开发者大会上,人们第一次提出“敏捷”一词。

32、H.-W. Yuan and J.-S. Tsai. 2000. Fate of fruits and seeds of Formosan sassafras. The Ecological Society of America 85th Annual Meeting. Snowbird, Utah, US. ─── 周怡芳、袁孝维。1999。宜兰县无尾港水鸟保护区度冬雁鸭栖地利用及活动模式。第二届鸟类研讨会。台北,台湾。

33、The Egg of the snowbird is a symbol of the artist's wish that your dreams may come true. ─── 雪鸟蛋是一种象征,预示着你将美梦成真。)"

34、Didier took first place in Paris-Bercy, Bardonnechia, Marseille, and Snowbird (Utah). ─── Didier在Paris-Bercy、Bardonnechia、Marseille及Snowbird(犹他州)拿到第一名。

35、The organisers of the 2009 Snowbird Nationals have been in touch to remind everyone that entries are now open. ─── 主办单位2009年雪鸟国民一直在触摸提醒大家,条目现已开放。

36、The snowbird sings his everyday song, and tells me that the flowers will bloom again when Spring is coming. ─── 雪鸟唱着她每天爱唱的歌,告诉我春天要来,花儿会再度绽放。

37、snowbird Ba in snow. ─── 雪鸟,我的巴,在雪中。

38、Titchener M .R.A measure of Information, In:IEEE Data Compression Conference,Snowbird,Utah,March 2000 ─── 宛天巍,王浣尘,张旭,信息测度方法的综述,系统工程理论方法应用,第14卷第6期,2005年12月

39、In order to respond the situation after China’s entry the WTO, the Snowbird Educational Center planed to offer the training courses about “the ideas of fashion management” in May. ─── 美国雪鸟集团是一家集时装品牌设计、针织梭织服装开发生产和国际时装文化交流活动策划为一体的综合性跨国企业。

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