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09-18 投稿


joss 发音

英:[dʒɑːs]  美:[dʒɒs]

英:  美:

joss 中文意思翻译




joss 网络释义

n. 佛像;偶像n. (Joss)人名;(英)乔斯;(法)若斯;(西)霍斯

joss 短语词组

1、joss paper n.( ─── 中国)祭祀所用之纸, 纸钱

2、joss stone ─── 乔斯石

3、joss-sticks (joss-stick ─── 的复数) [医] 线香, 去秽香

4、joss-stick ─── [医] 线香, 去秽香

5、joss stick ─── 香

6、joss house ─── 庙, 寺

7、joss sticks ( ─── 中国祭祀用的)香n.( ─── 中国人拜佛时焚的)香( joss stick的名词复数 )

joss 常用词组

joss stick ─── (中国祭祀用的)香

joss 相似词语短语

1、coss ─── n.通用对象服务功能规范;输出电容;烷基吡啶化合物;n.(Coss)人名;(英、西、意)科斯

2、Ross ─── n.罗丝(女性名)

3、doss ─── v.(凑合着)睡觉,过夜;消磨时间;n.(将就的)睡眠;(简陋的)床铺;廉价客栈;轻松的事;不费力的工作;n.(Doss)(美)多斯(人名)

4、Moss ─── n.苔藓;泥沼;vt.使长满苔藓;n.(Moss)人名;(英、德、意、西、葡、波、挪、瑞典)莫斯

5、jass ─── n.爵士乐(的最初英文叫法);魔兽3的程序语言

6、goss ─── v.吐痰;n.闲话,闲谈(等于gossip);n.(Goss)(美)戈斯(人名)

7、foss ─── n.城河;壕坑;n.(Foss)人名;(德、英、法、西、瑞典)福斯

8、boss ─── n.老板;首领;工头;vt.指挥,调遣;当…的领导;vi.当首领,发号施令;n.(Boss)人名;(英、法、德、西、瑞典)博斯

9、hoss ─── n.霍斯(男子名)

joss 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、im Chinese fable, the joss donot leave the sky anytime. ─── 在我国神话中,神仙是不能随便下凡的。

2、A programming language ( for example, BASIC, JOSS ) that is intended for use in multi-access systems. ─── 一种在多路存取系统中使用的程序设计语言(例如BASIC,joss)。

3、joss candle ─── 神烛

4、He says with smile, Xu Nuo Di's low ground smiles, and the leaf rather and far held close her and stole joss-stick on her face. ─── 他笑着说,许诺低低地笑,叶宁远抱紧了她,在她脸上偷了一个香。

5、joss stick ─── n. (中国人拜佛时焚的)香

6、My grandfather always prepares the joss sticks and candles in advance every time we go to make a sacrifice to our ancestors. ─── 每次祭祀祖先时, 祖父都会提前将香纸准备好。

7、This year is the fourth consecutive year that First Ferry provides ferry service from North Point West Pier to Joss House Bay during Tin Hau Festival. ─── 新渡轮今年已是连续第四年于天后宝诞期间,提供往来北角码头及大庙湾的特别渡轮服务。

8、This year is the fifth consecutive year that First Ferry provides ferry service from North Point West Pier to Joss House Bay during Tin Hau Festival. ─── 新渡轮今年已是连续第五年于天后宝诞期间,提供往来北角码头及大庙湾的特别渡轮服务。

9、Sleep of it up, stay the joss-stick to go into the brain, such as tea garden of, it make your nature enter the deep sleep appearance. ─── 枕眠其上,留香入脑、如沐茶园,令您自然进入深层睡眠状态。

10、There is an expensive bead chain of Buddha in Jie's hand, a necklace with joss, all the juju got from the famous temples in her pockets. ─── 洁的手上多了一串昂贵的佛珠,颈上挂着菩萨式样的项链,衣服口袋里,都是行天宫、妈祖庙、地藏王庙、天后宫、观音亭求来的平安符。

11、Browse more free Joss Stone pictures from our gallery Discover, purchase, enjoy music from your favorite artists! ─── 从我们的图库浏览更多免费乔丝斯通图片!

12、These two famous banyan trees are a favourite with local villagers who come to burn joss sticks and incense papers hoping their wishes will come true. ─── 林村许愿树是本地著名的祈福胜地,按照习俗,村民会向这两棵大榕树诚心许愿,燃点香烛冥镪,祈求愿望成真。

13、, Whedon, Joss. ─── 供稿: Gomez, Hector.

14、To sacrifice a joss was very popular at that time, people can be influenced by Taoism all their live. ─── 在宋代,供奉道教神像的现象并不罕见,人们生老病死的过程似乎都有道教的踪影。

15、Joss sticks produced in Tibet are good for your health. ─── 藏香具有保健作用。

16、Using the Ding-Ling Cooperatives' joss paper mill in Nan-ton County as an example, this paper details some aspect of wastewater processing of joss paper mills. ─── 本文以南投县竹山镇顶林合作社所设之信仰纸厂为例探讨此类纸浆厂污水处理之一些问题。

17、a slender stick of incense burned before a joss by the Chinese. ─── 中国人在神像前点的一种细长的熏香棍。

18、joss paper ─── n. (中国)祭祀所用之纸, 纸钱

19、it is dry in winter, you must take charge of the burning joss sticks and watch out for fire. ─── 冬天风干物燥, 必须小心管理香火, 否则易引发火灾。

20、Researchers believe that they were domestic incense burners used to burn the joss sticks for the Buddha. ─── 研究认为,它们是一种当时家庭用以烧香供佛的小香炉。

21、Remember that there is an idiom: Do not burn joss sticks at ordinary times, seek help at the last moment.Very appropriate. ─── 记得有句成语:平时不烧香,急来抱佛脚.非常恰当.

22、Not far from Po Lin Monastery, there is a splendid and royalty joss, Big Buddha. ─── 宝莲禅寺前广场附近有一座庄严雄伟的佛像,为“天坛大佛”。

23、There at the entrance, you can see the big make-shift garbage station of joss-sticks and joss papers discarded by visitors who have been duped into buying from the innocent-looking old ladies. ─── 天晓得‘可怜的老人家们’是不是定时到这儿拾起‘新货’,在到地铁出口再求你‘可怜可怜老人家’?

24、Joss Statues ─── 佛教造像碑

25、Even bidders' detail and even the towkay &joss burner owner donation record had also been typed and printed out likewise. ─── 布告,标福物名单以及头家炉主乐捐都是利用电脑打印出来的。

26、System Evolution from Joss Houses to Guilds--Also on Relationship between Government and Modernization of Trade Associations ─── 从会馆、公所到同业公会的制度变迁--兼论政府与同业组织现代化的关系

27、Each episode would last the duration of a burning joss stick. ─── 每集故事的时间长度为一炷香的时间。

28、Sai Wan Ho - Tung Lung Island via Joss House Bay ─── 西湾河东岛经大庙湾

29、Rock Inscription at Joss House Bay ─── 大庙湾刻石

30、Joss House Bay Public Pier ─── 大庙湾公众码头

31、a burning joss stick ─── 一炷香

32、Fushan was found in 1992.With the commitment and efforts, the managing team successfully transformed the traditional joss sticks shop into a chain department store for religious related goods. ─── 本公司成立于1992年,在经营团队的努力下,富山檀香由传统的金香铺成功转型为宗教用品连锁百货,成为全国最大的宗教用品连锁百货。

33、JOHNNIAC Open-Shop System (JOSS) ─── 琼尼阿克开放系统

34、transmission Joss ─── 传播损耗

35、Single-trip ticket is only available for sale at Joss House Bay Pier. ─── 单程船票只限于西贡大庙湾发售。

36、Light a firecracker with a burning joss stick. ─── 用香火点燃爆竹。

37、Joss raindrop spectrum ─── Joss雨滴谱分布

38、They burn incense and joss paper with traditional national etiquette to offer sacrifices to the soul of ancestors. ─── 照片说明:用传统的民族礼议供上香火烧上纸钱为敬尉祖先的灵魂。

39、half-wave Joss ─── 半波损失

40、Language joss-stick and Miao son are very polite, can they know a front of is all cushion this is to believe in cardinal of main intention. ─── 语香和淼儿很是恭敬,可她们知道前面的都是铺垫这才是宗主的主要目的。

41、Would you kindly shake out a joss stick. ─── 您能不能再求一神签?

42、"I shall consult with Mr. Gordon about this, " said Mr. Greenough, becoming joss-like again. ─── “我会和戈登先生商讨,”格里诺先生说,一副菩萨心肠。

43、Around 3,000 Passengers Ride On First Ferry to Joss House Bay Pray for Good Health ─── 约3,000人乘坐新渡轮前往西贡大庙湾祈求身体健康

44、Clinical Observation on Verruca Vulgaris Treated by Moxibustion with Joss Sticks ─── “香”灸治疗寻常疣临床观察

45、Then Hung Niang prayed for Ying-ying, "With the third joss stick I wish my young mistress to be married to a good husband, as she wishes. ─── 红娘俏皮地代为祝祷:“三柱香愿小姐早寻得一位如意郎君。”

46、On the first and the middle day of each month, she’d burn the joss sticks to Buddha. ─── 考试结束的铃声响了,母亲迎上去递过一杯用罐头瓶泡好的浓茶叮嘱孩子喝了,茶亦浓,情更浓。

47、Sold in Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam and Malaysia, Extra Joss is a powder supplied in sachets to which water is added to form the drink. ─── 在印度尼西亚,菲律宾,越南和马来西亚销售,额外的佛像是哪些加水成袋的饮料供应的粉末。

48、Daxiong 3,4 on the birth of the Gregorian calendar, Jina the festival. Jainism followers assembly to be held, Jainism offer joss sticks to the temple, worship Daxiong. ─── 大雄诞辰公历3、4月间,是耆那教节日。耆那教徒要举行集会,到耆那教庙敬香,祭拜大雄。

49、a slender stick of incense burned before a joss by the Chinese ─── 中国人在神像前点的一种细长的熏香棍

50、joss house ─── n. (中国的) 庙, 寺

51、Joss paper productions usually involve cold-soea process, followed by beater defibration and paper forming on cylinder machines. ─── 信仰纸一般采冷碱法浸渍竹片,再经打浆抄纸而成。

52、Browse Joss Stone Photos gallery ─── 浏览乔丝斯通照片库

53、Every morning, my father burns burn joss sticks. ─── 每天早上,我爸爸都会烧香。

54、incremental power Joss ─── 网损微增

55、Weaverville Joss House's stepped gables provide an unusual architectural feature. ─── 云林庙锯齿形山墙,造型独特。

56、paper joss ─── 纸神

57、Keywords evaporating surface area;evaporation Joss;surface covering;coverage rate; ─── 蒸发表面积;蒸发损耗;表面覆盖层;覆盖率;

58、Joss House Bay, also known as Tai Miu Wan indigenously, is near the south end of Clear Water Bay Peninsula in Hong Kong. ─── The Cantonese name Tai Miu Wan (大庙湾) means the bay of large temple after the oldest Tin Hau Temple in Hong Kong.

59、At last, I have got to know that I am loyal to Joss and that I fear them are true, but this kind of being loyal and fearing is based on that they can bless me and I need their blessedness. ─── 我终于明白,我对佛是虔诚和敬畏的,但这种虔诚和敬畏是建立在他或者她能够保佑我和乞求他或者她保佑我的基础之上的。

60、Sang has burnt three joss sticks with his blood to express his soulful recall and bitter mourning to his parents. ─── 四节用圆周率、无限循环期盼生命的轮回,以“飞来峰”来象征一夜之间的团聚,是构筑,是想象;

61、At left, a worker, arranged flames of burning joss sticks as people prayed at a temple in Shanghai, China. ─── 在中国上海一个寺庙内工作者多烧香被安排的火种。

62、Research on burning joss sticks: burned off several hundreds thousands money ─── 中国烧香腐败调查:官太太每年进香烧掉数十万

63、The storyteller would start by talking about the day's news, then continue with riveting classic tales from Ancient China. Each episode would last the duration of a burning joss stick. ─── 说书人通常是先评论当日的新闻,接着便讲述中国古代经典的传奇故事。每一章节都会持续一炷香的时间。

64、North Point - Joss House Bay Special Ferry Service Time Table ─── 北角-大庙湾特别渡轮服务航班时间表

65、joss powder ─── 柏木粉

66、Among the24 performances were songs by Rod Stewart, Kanye West, Joss Stone, Lily Allen and Sean" Diddy" Combs, who performed an emotive rendition of" Missing You". ─── 整场音乐会共有24个节目,登台演唱的艺人包括罗德·图尔特、恩·斯特、丝·通、莉·伦和“吹牛老爹”西恩·布斯等,他动情的演唱了一曲《想念你》。

67、Ancient Chinese Joss House and Grecian Fane--On Their Spirit of Culture and Art ─── 古明堂与希腊神庙--论中西方文化艺术精神之表征

68、In order to show my loyal mind, I immediately went to buy some gifts for Guanyin while I was making an excuse for my mistake and saying my regret to Guanyin, “Joss bless me! ─── 于是,我赶紧去买,并且给自己找了一个理由,在心里反复地折罪给佛听:不知者不为罪,菩萨见谅!

69、burn a joss stick ─── 炷香

70、During an amiable conversation the three found that they shared a common ambition and the next day in a peach garden they swore Brotherhood to heaven and earth before lit candles and joss sticks, ─── 他们各自抒发自己的志向,谈得十分投机。隔日,三人来到一个桃园,点燃香烛,拜告天地,结为兄弟。

71、Zhenwu joss house ─── 真武庙

72、Paper Joss Deity Worship Through Folk Prints ─── 中国古代民俗版画

73、So large a joss it is! ─── 尊佛像简直是太大了!

74、power Joss ─── 功率损耗

75、78 hill fires broke out in Hong Kong Saturday as grave sweepers, burning joss sticks and paper offerings, paid homage to loved ones in the traditional Qingming Festival, local media reported. ─── 据当地媒体报道,清明节当天,香港众多市民赴墓园扫墓,焚烧香烛祭品,结果引发了78宗山火,大多数山火发生在新界。

76、”As soon as the Chinese before dining, lights before the ancestor spirit tablet burns a joss stick, burns several paper moneys, for the steaming hot food, then dines. ─── 中国人在用餐前,在祖先灵位前点上一炷香,烧几张纸钱,供上热腾腾的饭食,然后自己用餐。

77、Today I followed my master's family to burn joss sticks.There were lots of people on the way, and I met quite a few dogs.It was such an exciting day. ─── 今天跟主人一家去烧香,烧香的人很多,我也碰到了不少狗狗,真是兴奋的一天!

78、The glow of the joss sticks beckons from across the cavernous room,grains of dust whirling upward in the reflected light. ─── 线香的红光在宽敞的房子里吸引着无数的目光,缭绕的烟雾在灯光的照射下缓缓上升。

79、During Tin Hau Festival, which falls on the 23rd day of the third moon, many worshippers visit the most famous Tin Hau temple at Joss House Bay on the Clear Water Bay Peninsula. ─── 全港的天后庙中,以位于清水湾半岛大庙湾的一间最负盛名,每逢农历三月二十三日天后宝诞,都有很多善信前往进香。

80、Browse Joss Stone Pictures gallery ─── 浏览乔丝斯通图片库

81、Ferry tickets are available for sale at North Point West Pier (Round-trip ticket only) and Joss House Bay Pier (Single-trip ticket from Joss House Bay to North Point only). ─── 售票地点设于北角西码头(只售来回双程套票)及西贡大庙湾(只售前往北角之单程票)。

82、Prof Joss rethought the bank's strategy, directed its return to financial health, and restructured the organisation's culture to emphasise teamwork, customer focus, and community support. ─── 乔斯反思了该行的战略,指引其重新走上财务健康之路,并改造了该组织的文化,强调团队合作、关注客户以及社区支持。

83、Who will ignore such a large joss? ─── 那么大尊佛像谁能看不见啊?

84、1.to burn incense; to incense; 2.a joss stick ─── 焚香

85、This joss is cast with bronze. ─── 这尊佛像啊是全铜制作的。

86、At left, a worker, arranged flames of burning joss sticks as people prayed at a temple in Shanghai, China. Photo: Eugene Hoshiko/Associated Press ─── 中国,上海:一名工作人员(左)正在拨弄着香烛,旁边的人们则在虔诚的烧香拜佛.

87、He goes to the temple to burn joss sticks every 15th day of the month. ─── 每逢既望之日他都会去寺庙烧香。

88、Culture of Shiwan Ceramic Joss House ─── 浅析石湾陶师庙的文化内涵

89、Joss Sticks, Joss Paper, Mosquito Coil, Vinegar, Candle, Preserved Vegetable, Preserved Beans, Wheat Vermicelli, Calendar Block, Lotus Lamp, E.T.C. ─── 神香,神纸,油灼,蚊香,莲花灯,品珍牌红醋,日历,通胜,枚菜心,打码,豆示王,面线。

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