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09-17 投稿


jingoes 发音


英:  美:

jingoes 中文意思翻译



jingoes 词性/词形变化,jingoes变形

名词复数: jingoes |形容词: jingoish |

jingoes 相似词语短语

1、jinglets ─── 叮当声

2、eringoes ─── 艾琳戈

3、bingoes ─── n.宾戈游戏;int.好极了,棒极了;n.(Bingo)(美、俄、印)备后(人名)

4、lingoes ─── n.语言;术语(lingo的复数)

5、dingoes ─── n.澳洲野狗;懦夫;恶棍;装甲侦察军车(dingo的复数);v.退却;叛变(dingo的三单形式)

6、jingles ─── n.歌谣式;叮当声(jingle的复数形式);v.作叮当声;押韵(jingle的三单形式)

7、ginkgoes ─── n.[植]银杏;银杏树

8、gingkoes ─── n.银杏,白果

9、jingoish ─── adj.侵略主义的;好战主义的;沙文主义的

jingoes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、2. I know you can do it, by jingo ! ─── 我知道你能做到,准不会错!

3、In the jingo of current computerese, What you see is what you get! ─── 用计算机领域的行话来说,这就是所谓的所见即所得!

4、 双语使用场景

5、By jingo, I'm leaving here in spite of the blizzard. ─── 老天作证!哪怕狂风暴雪我都要离开这儿

6、"I'll follow him; I will, by jingoes!" "Now you're talking! Don't you ever weaken, Jack, and I won't." ─── “我去盯他;我准去,绝没错!”“这才像话!你可别拿不定主意呀,杰克,我是决不泄气的。”

7、" I'll follow him;I will, by jingoes!" " Now you're talking!Don't you ever weaken, Jack, and I won't." ─── “我去盯他;我准去,绝没错

8、by jingo ─── adv. 哎呀(一定)

9、1. By jingo! this is a fine rose! ─── 哎呀!这是一朵美丽的玫瑰花。

10、By jingo! ─── 哎呀!一定!没错!

11、Special Offer - JINGO INTERIOR ...(Views:402) Design >Special Offer | Posted on 2008/01/29 ─── 一站式设计,免费度尺,傢俬订造|厨柜订造,室内设计|装修工程|int...

12、"By Jingo! I think so mineself," Hans affirmed. ─── “妈的!我也这么想。”哈斯赞同说。

13、“‘By Jingo! I have enough of this,’ he groaned. ─── “‘呜呼!吾不堪也!’其呻吟道。

14、My name is Chen Jingo. ─── 我叫陈建国。

15、By jingo, I'll bet I did jump six and nine-tenths inches. ─── 看在沙文的份上,我打赌我跳的有六英尺九英寸高。

16、"Py Jingo!" was Hans's contribution. "Not mineself either." ─── “啊呀!”哈斯也附和道,“我也不敢。”

17、I am sure you can do it, by jingo! ─── 没错!我相信你做得来。

18、By Jingo! I think so mineself,Hans affirmed. ─── 我也这么想。”哈斯赞同说。

19、FATHER: "You're right, son. That was a good joke on me. By jingo, I'll bet I did jump six and nine-tenths inches. Oh these kids, these kids." ─── 父亲:“你是对的,孩子,你的玩笑很可乐,我打赌会跳69/10英寸高,唉,这些孩子们,这些孩子们。“

20、"By jingo! for two cents I will do it." ─── “得了,你要是肯给我两个分币,我就动手。”

21、I tell you what, Brough, I'm of age;and if you don't pay me my salary, I'll arrest you, -- by Jingo , I will!I'll have you in quod, or my name's not Bob Swinney!” ─── 告诉你,布拉夫,我可不是小孩子,如果你不付我工资,我就叫人拘捕你,你等着瞧,我说到做到的,我会让你坐牢,否则我就不姓斯温尼!

22、Stewed JinGo Shark fin in brown sauce ─── 红烧金勾翅

23、By jingo, there is not a well within five miles of the place. ─── 哎呀!这地方方圆5英里之内竟然没有一口井。

24、By jingo,I'm leaving here in spite of the blizzard. ─── 老天作证,哪怕狂风暴雪我都要离开这儿。

25、You' re right, by jingo ! ─── 啊!你完全正确!

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