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09-19 投稿


tinkle 发音

英:[ˈtɪŋk(ə)l]  美:[ˈtɪŋk(ə)l]

英:  美:

tinkle 中文意思翻译




tinkle 短语词组

1、Bouillaud's tinkle ─── [医] 布优氏叮当音

2、Bouillaud's metallic tinkle ─── [医] 布优氏金属玎铛音

3、metallic tinkle ─── [医] 金属玎铛音

tinkle 词性/词形变化,tinkle变形


tinkle 相似词语短语

1、tinkly ─── adj.叮当响的

2、inkle ─── n.亚麻有色织带;暗示;略知

3、tinkler ─── n.小铃;会发出清脆声响的东西;补锅匠

4、tingle ─── v.感到刺痛;使激动;n.刺痛感;激动;(用于支撑窗户玻璃或石板瓦的)S型金属固定夹片;n.(Tingle)(英、美)廷格尔(人名)

5、winkle ─── n.食用螺;v.费劲取出,套出(信息等)

6、kinkle ─── n.卷发;小扭结

7、twinkle ─── v.闪烁;(眼睛)闪亮,闪闪发光;发亮;轻快移动;n.(眼睛的)闪亮;欣喜的神情;闪烁

8、tinkles ─── v.发叮当(或清脆)声;撒尿(非正式);n.叮当声;电话通话;撒尿(非正式)

9、tinkled ─── v.发叮当(或清脆)声;撒尿(非正式);n.叮当声;电话通话;撒尿(非正式)

tinkle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、" Again, for some moments one heard nothing but the tinkle of the stream and the flute notes weaving through the hot, still air. ─── 在寂静和炎热之中,还听得见水声和笛声。

2、the tinkle of a bell, of breaking glass, of ice being stirred in a drink ─── 铃、 玻璃破碎、 冰块在饮料中搅动的丁零声.

3、give someone a tinkle ─── 给某人打电话

4、Bouillaud's tinkle ─── [医] 布优氏叮当音

5、Give me a tinkle when you get home. ─── 你一到家就给我打个电话。

6、"With each rustle of her lotus garments, her jade pendants tinkle." ─── "荷衣欲动兮,听环佩之铿锵"

7、give sb. a tinkle ─── [口]给某人打电话

8、He turned after a time, the silvery tinkle of the French clock on the mantel striking three and causing him to become aware of Jennie, pale, uncertain, still standing as she had stood all this while. ─── 他又踌躇了一会,听见壁炉台上的法国钟敲了三下,这才觉得珍妮白着脸儿,仍旧提心吊胆的站在那里。

9、Whether it be the tinkle of a lone sheep bell o'er some quiet landscape, or the glimmer of beauty in sylvan places, or the show of soul in some passing eye, the heart knows and makes answer, following. ─── 无论是静悄悄的原野上寂寞的羊铃声,还是田园乡村中美的闪耀,还是过路人眼中的灵光一现,人心都会明白,并且作出反应,追上前去。

10、I must search in the drowsy shade of the bakula grove, where pigeons coo in their corner, and fairies' anklets tinkle in the stillness of starry nights. ─── 我必须在醉花丛昏睡的树荫下搜寻,那里鸽子在角落里咕咕叫着,仙女的脚铃在繁星点点的静夜里叮当做响.

11、time, tired, tide , tiny, tinted, tidy, tinkle, tingle, ─── 时间,累了,潮流,小,着色,整齐,叮当声,耳鸣,

12、The tinkle of a bell,of breaking glass,of ice being stirred in a drink ─── 铃、玻璃破碎、冰块在饮料中搅动的丁零声.

13、So, does it hurt when you tinkle? ─── |那么撒尿的时候疼吗?

14、Go Tinkle,Tinkle, Tinkle!“she wears a funny bonnet,”Is what the raindrops think. ─── 它们说的是:瞧啊,她戴的帽子好怪!”

15、laughter tinkle pleasantly ─── 发出银铃般的愉快的笑声

16、For a while nobody moved;it was all sunlight and silence except for the tinkle of the stream and those three little lonely sounds. ─── 这时候,周围只有阳光、寂静、泉水的轻微的流动声和那三个音了。

17、Give me a tinkle and let me know what time the show starts. ─── 给我打个电话,告诉我演出什么时候开始。

18、I must stop work for a minute and go and have a tinkle. ─── 我必须停止工作一会儿去小便。

19、5.And the tinkle and clink of silverware on china, the hiss and gurgle of the coffee maker. ─── 还有陶瓷上银器的清脆的叮当声,咖啡壶的斯斯声和汩汩声。

20、the tinkle of bells; a ring; a stroke ─── 铃声

21、After their cry silence again falls under the burning sun: in the vendor's jug the ice moves and I can hear its tinkle. ─── 叫嚷之后,静寂再次降临到烈日之下:街头小贩的罐中冰块晃动着,我可以听到它们叮当作响。

22、I will give you a tinkle tonight. ─── 今晚我给你打电话。

23、As Archer rang the bell, the long tinkle seemed to echo through a mausoleum. ─── 当阿切尔拉门铃时,那久久的铃声好似陵墓里的回声。

24、Bering remembers waking to the tinkle of these bells, a small but distinct sound in an otherwise silent house. ─── 白令记得自己是被这些叮当声唤醒的。在一间寂静的屋子里,风铃的声音柔和而清晰。

25、Our King has many scythes, and is perpetually mowing His lawns.The musical tinkle of the whetstone on the scythe portends the cutting down of myriads of green blades, daisies and other flowers. ─── 我们的王有许多镰刀,永远在刈割他的草地,磨刀霍霍之声,预告着要割去草的数种绿叶,和雏菊等一干杂在草中的野花。

26、l gotta go tinkle. ─── 哈哈,我要去洒泡尿。

27、I hear the tinkle of the glasses.The wine is being brought out. ─── 我听见玻璃酒杯叮当响,酒拿出来了。

28、The telephone gave a tinkle. ─── 电话叮铃响了一下。

29、Moving forward fellas, can we please work on our aim?Or better yet, lift up the seat before you tinkle. ─── 他心里确信这是一个非常糟糕的梦,所有的事情会在明天变得正常。

30、Where's my tinkle ball? ─── 我的绒线球呢?

31、tinkle a bell ─── 摇铃

32、to have a tinkle ─── 撒尿

33、the tinkle of a bell ─── 铃的丁当声

34、the tinkle of glass breaking ─── 玻璃破碎发出的当啷声

35、He is accompanied by a chorus of birdsong and the tinkle of wind chimes from his office. ─── 鸟儿的合唱和他办公室的风铃声陪伴着他。

36、Singing a Mountain Song from Jiangxi, and Gazing at the autumn Moon, The Downpour and the Drizzle, and The Wind Makes the Bamboo Leaves Tinkle from Fujian. ─── 《打只山歌过横排》(赣)、《八月十 五看月光》、《大雨落来细雨淋》、《风吹竹叶响叮当》(闽)等。

37、PowerWords [tinkle // vi. ─── 叮当做响;

38、Bouillaud's metallic tinkle ─── [医] 布优氏金属玎铛音

39、the tinkle of the hammer on the anvil in the country smithy, ─── 是乡村铁匠铺里铁砧上锤子的叮当声,

40、There was a crash and tinkle of breaking glass. ─── 豁浪! 玻璃窗打碎了!

41、The wine glass dropped to the floor with a tinkle. ─── 酒杯丁零一声掉在地上。

42、loveliest tinkle as of golden bells answered him. ─── 金铃似的,最可爱的铃铛声回答了他。

43、Give me Bach and Beethoven , not these modern crashing - tinkle composers . ─── 给我一些巴哈与贝多芬作品,不要这些当代的喧嚣音乐作曲家的。

44、Do you remember me sittin all alone waitin for the tinkle of the telephone? ─── 你还记得我在孤单中一直等着电话吗?

45、A sense of humor may take various formslaughter may be anything from a refined tinkle to an earth quaking roar. ─── 幽默感表现的方式多种多样,15.笑是银铃般优雅轻笑,16.是震17.耳欲聋的放声大笑。

46、A sense of humor may take various forms and laughter may be anything from a refined tinkle to an earth quaking roar. ─── 幽默感表现的方式多种多样,笑也许是银铃般优雅轻笑,也许是震耳欲聋的放声大笑。

47、Give me a tinkle when you get home ─── 你一到家就给我打个电话.

48、.. Tinkle Trousers, male dog diapers and female dog diapers for dog incontinence. ─── 劲狮服饰发展有限公司 . 劲狮服饰发展有限公司 .

49、She heard the tinkle of the broken lens. ─── 她听到透镜当啷一声撞碎了。

50、to tinkle the piano keys ─── 使钢琴键丁当作响

51、As Archer rang the bell , the long tinkle seemed to echo through a mausoleum . ─── 当阿切尔拉门铃时,那久久的铃声好似陵墓里的回声。

52、He went to open the door when he heard the tinkle of the bell ─── 他听到铃声响,就走过去开门。

53、7.A sense of humor may take various forms and laughter may be anything from a refined tinkle to an earth quaking roar. ─── 译文:幽默感表现的方式多种多样,笑也许是银铃般优雅轻笑,也许是震耳欲聋的放声大笑。

54、Remember seeing someone go buy jewellery, dispensers side asked to tinkle behind "stop" side for the visitors to see a wide range of jewellery. ─── 记得当时看到有人进去买首饰,掌柜的要一边嘱咐后面叮当声“停”,一边让客人看各种各样的首饰。

55、One could hear a faint tinkle of knives and forks and crockery in the shacks and bungalows lining the foreshore. ─── 从建在高地边上、俯瞰着大海的木屋中,传来了杯盘刀叉的声音。

56、She needed a tinkle. ─── 她要撒尿。

57、a tinkle; a jingle; ding-dong ─── 叮当

58、"The only sound I hear," said Wendy, "is like a tinkle of bells." ─── “我只听见一个声音,”温迪说,“像是叮叮的铃声。”

59、Take me to the potty. I need to tinkle. ─── 带我去夜壶那里。我要撒尿。

60、A sense of humor may take various forms and laughter may be anything from a refined tinkle to an earth quaking roar . ─── 幽默感表现的方式多种多样,笑也许是银铃般优雅轻笑,也许是震耳欲聋的放声大笑。

61、metallic tinkle ─── [医] 金属玎铛音

62、Where time be loaded with does the Nokia software game subject tinkle of bells get rid of comparatively well? ─── 您的位置:凡人谷知道>电子数码>移动手机/通讯>移动手机购买>诺基亚软件游戏主题铃声去哪里下载比较好?

63、Come morning, the mist condenses into drops on the edges of twig and leaf, which tinkle to the earth. ─── 清晨来临,雾气凝结成水滴附着在嫩枝和树叶上,滴滴答答地落到地上。

64、However, he did take off his army jacket and rip out the collar;the last two brass buttons still doing their duty were torn off and tossed into the darkness where they fell without a tinkle. ─── 可是,他把军衣脱下来:一把,将领子扯掉;那对还肯负责任的铜钮也被揪下来,掷在黑暗中,连个响声也没发。

65、Her voice would tinkle pleasantly in a series of little friendly questions about weak or strong tea, how much, if any, sugar, milk, cream, and so forth. ─── 她会以清脆愉悦的声音问要浓茶还是淡茶、要多少、要不要加糖、牛奶、奶油等等。"

66、The loveliest tinkle as of golden bells answered him. ─── 一个最可爱的叮叮声,像金铃似的回答了他。

67、So it would ever be, he saw, simultaneously with the slow archaic tinkle from the phone box as he rang off. ─── 从他挂上话筒,电话机发出缓慢而古老的丁零一声时,他就明白了。

68、Laughter may be anything from a refined tinkle to earth quaking roar ─── 有人莞尔而笑,有人纵声大小

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