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09-17 投稿


Siamese 发音

英:[ˌsaɪˈmis]  美:[ˌsaɪəˈmiːz]

英:  美:

Siamese 中文意思翻译




Siamese 词性/词形变化,Siamese变形


Siamese 常用词组

siamese cat ─── 暹罗猫

siamese twins ─── n. 暹罗双胎;连体婴

Siamese 短语词组

1、siamese connection ─── 二重联接,叉形头联接

2、siamese cats ─── 暹罗猫

3、Siamese-Laotian War ─── 暹罗-老挝战争

4、blue point Siamese ─── [网络] 蓝点暹罗

5、Siamese twins ─── 暹罗双胎,连体婴

6、talkative siamese cats ─── 健谈的暹罗猫

7、Siamese Civil War ─── 暹罗内战

8、Siamese crocodile ─── 暹罗鳄鱼

9、Royal Siamese Air Force ─── 皇家暹罗空军

10、Siamese Fighting Fish ─── 暹罗斗鱼; 搏鱼

11、Siamese twin float ─── 暹罗双浮车

12、Royal Siamese Navy ─── 皇家暹罗海军

13、lynx point siamese ─── 暹罗山猫角

14、Siamese (cat) ─── 暹罗(猫)

15、siamese kitten ─── 暹罗猫

16、Siamese twin ─── 连体婴儿 ─── 连体双胞胎

17、Siamese Flying Fox ─── 暹罗飞狐

18、siamese dream ─── 暹罗梦

19、Siamese cat ─── 暹罗猫

Siamese 相似词语短语

1、siameze ─── 锡亚美泽

2、seames ─── 设备

3、siamezes ─── 暹罗

4、siamezed ─── 九月

5、Siamese ─── n.暹罗语;暹罗人;adj.暹罗的

6、Assamese ─── adj.阿萨姆邦的;阿萨姆人的;阿萨姆语的;n.阿萨姆邦人;阿萨姆语

7、siamesed ─── adj.连体的,二重连接或并联;v.连接;使…结合(siamese的过去分词)

8、shames ─── v.使羞愧(shame的第三人称单数);n.羞愧的事(shame的复数)

9、siameses ─── n.暹罗语;暹罗人;adj.暹罗的

Siamese 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Pedigree oriental breeds such as Siamese cats are more prone to the respiratory problem than other cats, according to the researchers. ─── 研究人员也发现东方血统的猫咪,如,暹罗猫,比其他种类的猫咪更容易患上呼吸系统方面的疾病。

2、The Q10 have a rightness the sister of the siamese twin, 1 be Mary, another call? ─── Q10有一对连体婴的姐妹,一个叫玛丽,请问另一个叫?

3、Where I saw Siamese twins, he saw people having difficulty buying clothes that fit, and young men who were good cooks. ─── 我注意到的是连体双胞胎这件事,可是儿子关心的却是他们不好买衣服,还有他们做饭很好吃。

4、I used a litter of Siamese kittens as a reference, and was planning to draw some siblings for Ranik when I ran out of steam. ─── 我用了一些暹罗猫当作参考﹐且本来是要画更多的人物﹐过后来还是觉得太累人了。

5、The gentle burps which it evokes from the drinker are heard amid the bustle of Parisian sidewalk cafes and amid the tinkling of Siamese temple bells. ─── 在熙熙攘攘的巴黎露天茶座中,在暹逻寺叮咚的钟声里,能听到饮用它的人在轻轻地打嗝。

6、The hospital decided to perform a separation operation on the Siamese twins. ─── 医院决定对这对连体婴儿作分离手术。

7、Planning and control are especially inseparable--the Siamese twins of management ─── 规划和控制象管理的双胞胎一样是特别分不开的。

8、Siamese bore design ─── 萨米迟缸体设计

9、The woman was holding a large Siamese cat and speaking to him in French. ─── 女人抱着一只暹罗猫,还用法语和它讲着话。

10、Siamese fighting fish are available in a wide range of colors. ─── 暹罗斗鱼的体色各式各样,选择面极广。

11、Siamese twin float ─── 泰国双联浮子

12、It bears much the same relationship to Siamese and Shan that Latin does to Italian. ─── 它与泰语及掸语之间的关系就像拉丁语和意大利语的关系。

13、"Breeds are either shorthaired (e.g., Siamese) or longhaired (e.g., Persian)." ─── 品种分短毛(暹罗猫)和长毛(波斯猫)

14、Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat? ─── 他肩膀上的那只桫椤猫是谁运来的?

15、We all anthropomorphize pets, looking for a certain spirit in beautiful shepherds, blue-eyed Siamese cats, and fat belly piglets. ─── 我们都将宠物拟人化,在漂亮的牧羊犬,蓝眼睛的暹罗猫,胖肚皮的小猪身上寻找某种精神。

16、The Reasons of Oversea Chinese Having Been Employed at High Levels by Siamese Royal Family in the Monopoly Trade ─── 暹罗王室在垄断贸易中重用华侨的原因

17、The case study explores the grief responses of a woman who terminated pregnancy at 14 weeks owing to carrying Siamese twins. ─── 摘要本个案研究在探讨一位怀孕十四周的妇女从其获知胎儿为连体婴到中止怀孕后两个月的哀伤反应。

18、Siamese Connectino ─── 消防水泵接合器

19、He/she has to take same position which Siamese twins have taken into work and which is long-lasting for them. ─── 他们必须把自己切实放在连体婴儿的位置来进行思索,而这种思索会让人持久难以忘怀。

20、Siamese Tigerfish ─── n. 暹罗虎鱼(松鲷科)

21、Siamese porcelain ─── 暹罗瓷器

22、siamese fire department connection ─── 水泵接合器

23、a Y-shaped siamese joint; siamese fire-hose lines. ─── Y形接头;连接着的灭火水龙管道。

24、siamese connection ─── 二重联接叉形头联接

25、You are a Siamese! You are fun-loving, playful, energetic, talkative, and exotic. You are the center of attention and you love every minute of it. ─── 你是一只暹罗猫!你喜欢开玩笑,喜欢玩耍,精力充沛,健谈,并且是舶来品。你总是成为万众瞩目的焦点,你乐此不疲。(暹罗,是泰国的旧称)

26、clappered siamese ─── 单向阀瓣式集水器

27、One period from the formation of high-rise buildings Wudong Siamese sales rate of 100%, nearly 500 households accommodated. ─── 其中一期由五栋连体高层建筑组成,销售率达100%,有近500户入住。

28、a short-haired breed with body similar to the Siamese cat but having a solid dark brown or gray coat ─── 与暹罗猫相似的短毛猫,但皮毛为纯深褐色或灰色

29、At the invitation of Chinese court, Siamese king dispatched at regular intervals tribute missions to China, with formal tribute for presentation to the Chinese courts and ballast cargo for sale at Canton or Peking. ─── 受清廷的招徕,暹罗国王定期派遣使团携带贡品来华朝贡,并可于贡船上附带压舱货物在广东或北京销售。

30、"Mascherano already said we are not Siamese twins who always need to stick together.So now he is going to Liverpool, it's problem solved. ─── “小马跟我说过,我们不是连体人,不需要互相粘在一起才能生存,所以他去了利物葡,没有问题。”

31、I used a litter of Siamese kittens as a reference, and was planning to draw some siblings for Ranik when I ran out of steam. ─── 我用了一些暹罗猫当作参考,且本来是要画更多的人物,过后来还是觉得太累人了。

32、Siamese down jacket is a good choice. (2), an ordinary snow-capped mountains to climb: First of all, should be warm enough, while the best are long paragraph. ─── 有一些病人能正确对待疾病,配合医师进行治疗,情绪稳定,与疾病斗争的意志较强,往往比那些被癌症下得不知所措的病人治疗效果要好得多。

33、WAN Xin Taiwan, into a state Siamese slow frequency electrical gear, Deli love Taiwan, Shihlin transfer speed converter control system. ─── 台湾万鑫、成邦连体变频减速齿轮电机,台湾爱德利、士林变频器控制系统调速度.

34、siamese cats are rather like dogs in some ways ─── 泰国猫在某些方面相当象狗。

35、3.She enjoys Irish music, Viet-namese food, Italian footwear, Siamese cats and English novels. ─── 她喜欢爱尔兰音乐、越南食品、意大利的鞋、暹罗猫和英国小说。

36、Discussion on Design of Siamese Connection for Fire Pump ─── 消防水泵接合器设计中的几个问题

37、Dr.Heart2: If you're talking about separating Siamese twins, yes, I'd want to do it in the United States rather than anywhere else in the world. ─── 心脏病科医生2:如果说到分离连体儿,那么我希望在美国做这个手术而不是世界上任何其他地方。

38、Siamese cat ─── n. 暹罗猫

39、Cocktail is actually a hybrid of Siamese Sweet pummelo and Frua mandarin. ─── 果子可小如桔子,大如葡萄柚。

40、A moment later, the image of an Invid officer unit-the heavy cannon mounted on its shoulders making it look like Robotech Siamese triplets-peered out of the screen at them. ─── 片刻之后,一个因维军官级单位的影像出现在他们面前的屏幕上,它的双肩上扛着重炮,看起来活像个机器人连体三胞胎。

41、Siamese Fighting Fish ─── 暹罗斗鱼, n. 暹罗斗鱼(斗鱼科)

42、With 19 members in common (soon to be 21 when Bulgaria and Romania join the EU), the two bodies are like Siamese twins awkwardly joined together. ─── 有19个国家(当保加利亚与罗马尼亚加入欧盟,很快就有21个国家)同是两个组织的成员国。两个组织如同连体双胞胎一般别扭地连在一起。

43、Siamese Flying Fox ─── n. 暹罗飞狐(鲤科)

44、Royal Siamese Air Force ─── 暹罗(泰国)皇家空军

45、siamese fitting ─── 二重联接头

46、Royal Siamese Navy ─── 暹罗(泰国)皇家海军

47、woman was holding a large Siamese cat and speaking to him in French. ─── 女人抱着一只暹罗猫,还用法语和它讲着话。

48、I have three small pretty white young Siamese cats . ─── 我有三只幼小可爱的暹逻种小白猫。

49、Characteristics of Siamese Diplomacy in the Modern History ─── 试论暹罗近代外交的特点

50、Siamese Wars ─── 暹罗战争

51、Last week, Manila airport authorities arrested a Filipino man trying to smuggle three live Siamese crocodiles from Cambodia. ─── 上周,马尼拉机场管理当局还逮捕了一名菲律宾男子,此人试图将3条活的暹罗鳄鱼从柬埔寨走私到菲律宾。

52、The medical team to treat the Siamese twins was organized soon after the twins were accepted in the hospital. ─── 医院党政高度重视、科学决策,迅速成立救治女婴组织体系。

53、a short-haired breed with body similar to the Siamese cat but having a solid dark brown or gray coat. ─── 与暹罗猫相似的短毛猫,但皮毛为纯深褐色或灰色。

54、For example, our Siamese forming a firing, but many parts of sub-brands are firing twice and then Stitching together. ─── 比如我们的连体是一次烧制成型,但很多品牌都是分部分两次烧制然后拼接到一起的。

55、Crocodylus siamensis [Siamese crocodile] ─── 暹罗鳄

56、Undertake external factory steel and glass basin wash basin Siamese business. ─── 本厂对外承接玻璃台盆钢化及清洗连体盆业务。

57、I operated the clothing range: men's and women's suits, long, short-sleeved shirt, men's and women's wear, jacket tooling, tooling Siamese clothes, cotton trench coat, cashmere coat. ─── 我公司经营的服装范围:男、女西装,长、短袖衬衫,男、女职业装,茄克衫工装,连体服工装,棉风衣,羊绒大衣。

58、wild siamese cardamon ─── 缩砂

59、Siamese twins ─── n. 暹罗双胎, 连体婴

60、Burmese, Persian, Oriental and Siamese breeds were all entered into this year's contest. ─── 来自缅甸、波斯、亚洲以及暹罗不同猫的品种都参与了今年的比赛。

61、Butch Vig was previously the producer of some influential albums.For example, Nirvana's Nevermind and the Smashing Pumpkins' Siamese Dream. ─── 乐队成员Butch Vig原来是很有名的唱片制作人,制作过Nirvana的经典唱片Nevermind, 以及Smashing Pumpkin的Siamese Dream.

62、Separation of siamese twins ─── 剑突联胎分开术

63、He attacked the Siamese kingdom of Ayutthaya (now in Thailand), but was forced to retreat. ─── 后来又继续东进,攻打暹罗人的阿瑜陀耶(Ayutthaya,在今泰国境内)王国,但被迫撤退。

64、to siamese two persons in marriage ─── 使二人结为夫妇

65、building siamese ─── 立管进水接口

66、The advent of the Siamese first issue in 1883 witnessed the gradual reclaiming of HER Sovereign postal system and by 1886 foreign postage stamp usages virtually disappeared after she joined the UPU. ─── 1883年暹罗发行第一套邮票,标志着其邮政体制独立,外国邮票在暹罗的使用也随着其于1886年加入万国邮政联盟(UPU) 而成为明日黄花。

67、Siamese twin ─── n. 联体双胞胎,天生身体连在一起的双胞胎

68、They are Siamese to France. ─── 它们同法国相连。

69、A terrier eyes a Siamese cat sitting in the window of a Blackpool, England, home. ─── 英国黑泽住宅区里,一只小猎狗盯着一只坐在窗户上的暹罗猫。

70、Design for mainframe of siamese hang spot welding machine and its pneumatic system ─── 联体式悬挂点焊机主机及气动系统的设计

71、Siamese cat having a bluish cream body and dark gray points. ─── 有灰色斑点的蓝白色暹罗猫。

72、Balinese compared with the Siamese cat, not too hot temper, sounds relatively gentle. ─── 巴厘猫与暹罗猫相比,脾气不太暴躁,叫声也比较轻柔。

73、The rise and fall of overseas Chaozhoulese sugar refining industry during the early days of the Siamese Bangkok Dynasty ─── 泰国曼谷王朝时期潮人制糖业的兴衰

74、Siamese cotton ─── 西阿米斯棉

75、Why did the Siamese twins move to England? ─── 为什么一对联体孪生子要移民英格兰?

76、Quite a number of ethnic Chinese married the local women and settled down in Siam, and they began to be assimilated during the course of abiding by the Siamese custom and culture. ─── 不少华人与暹罗妇女通婚,定居于此,并遵从暹罗的习俗、文化,逐渐被暹罗人同化。

77、Siamese Civil War ─── 暹罗内战

78、Harvest Festivals: The magnificent scenes of harvest Festivals show the ancient Siamese's due attention to harvest and the joy to win the harvest. ─── 点击下载)丰年祭奠:丰年祭奠的恢宏场景向人们展示了古代暹罗人对于丰收的重视和赢得丰收的喜悦。

79、Siamese pedestal types delicate light, wall-type shower hydrants, beat sticking out. ─── 二在卫浴用品的选择上着重体现功能性。

80、” Getting and becoming are like Siamese twins: What you become directly influences what you get. ─── ‘得到’及‘成为’永远在一起:你成为什么直接影响你得到什么。

81、Individuality and story are therefore like Siamese twins that cannot be separated. ─── 故事和个性就像连体婴儿一样无法分开。

82、To his surprise, this gave rise to a Siamese twin embryo where an extra head was generated from the transplanted cells. ─── 没想到,这产生了一个连体胚胎,植入的细胞产生了一个额外的头部。

83、Keeping and Breeding of Siamese Fighting Fish Betta splendens ─── 暹罗斗鱼的饲养与繁殖

84、Siamese Fireback Pheasant ─── n. 泰国火背鹇

85、free-standing siamese fire department connection ─── 自立集水水泵接合器

86、to siamese a water pipe to another ─── 把水管与另一水管连接起来

87、Our cats are Siamese cats; they're both female. ─── 我们的猫是暹罗猫;两只都是母的。

88、Last week, Manila airport authorities arrested a Filipino man trying to smuggle three live Siamese crocodiles from Cambodia. ─── 上周,马尼拉机场管理当局还逮捕了一名菲律宾男子,此人试图将3条活的暹罗鳄鱼从柬埔寨走私到菲律宾。

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