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09-18 投稿


jaundiced 发音

英:[ˈdʒɔːndɪst]  美:[ˈdʒɔːndɪst]

英:  美:

jaundiced 中文意思翻译




jaundiced 网络释义

adj. 有偏见的;患黄疸病的v. 使有偏见(jaundice的过去式);使患黄疸病

jaundiced 常用词组

obstructive jaundice ─── 梗阻性黄疸;阻塞性黄疸

neonatal jaundice ─── 新生儿黄疸

jaundiced 词性/词形变化,jaundiced变形

动词第三人称单数: jaundices |动词过去式: jaundiced |动词现在分词: jaundicing |动词过去分词: jaundiced |

jaundiced 相似词语短语

1、jaundices ─── n.黄疸;偏见;乖僻;vt.使怀偏见;使患黄疸

2、jaunced ─── 策马腾跃;跃马前进

3、bundied ─── 毛皮

4、Candice ─── n.坎蒂丝(女子名)

5、jaundicing ─── n.黄疸;偏见;乖僻;vt.使怀偏见;使患黄疸

6、unjaundiced ─── adj.没有患黄疸病的;不带偏见的

7、caudices ─── n.草本植物主轴;木本植物的茎基(caudex的变形)

8、jaundice ─── n.黄疸;偏见;乖僻;vt.使怀偏见;使患黄疸

9、daundered ─── 胆怯的

jaundiced 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To the jaundiced honey tastes bitter, and to those bitten by mad dogs water causes fear;and to little children the ball is a fine thing. ─── 得了黄疸病的人嘴是苦的,被疯狗咬了的人听到水就恐惧,对小孩子来说尽情玩乐是件好事。

2、Evaluation of albumin infusion therapy in term jaundiced neonates with phototherapy ─── 黄疸新生儿光疗时白蛋白应用的价值探讨

3、He was unable to deflect attacks of character and baseless accusations, which made the spurious claims adhere all the more strongly in the jaundiced eyes of the media. ─── 他无法招架人身攻击和无基础的指控,使得在媒体那双有偏见的眼中欺骗性的谣言更加强烈。

4、However, our study demonstrated that arterial baroreflex compensatory mechanisms in jaundiced patients are attenuated in comparison with relatively healthy controls. ─── 然而,研究结果显示阻塞性黄疸患者的动脉压力感受反射功能明显削弱。

5、looked with a jaundiced eye on the growth of regimentation; takes a jaundiced view of societies and clubs ─── 用有偏见的眼光看着管辖范围的扩大;对社交和俱乐部有一种有偏见的观点

6、You're back! said Lily and cast a jaundiced eye on him.What do you want this time? ─── 你回来啦!莉莉讨厌地朝他看了一眼说,你这次来想要什么啊?

7、a jaundiced viewpoint ─── 有偏见的观点

8、"You're back! " said Lily and cast a jaundiced eye on him."What do you want this time? " ─── "你回来啦!"莉莉讨厌地朝他看了一眼说,"你这次来想要什么啊?"

9、jaundiced eye ─── 有偏见的眼光

10、The jaundiced Italian public has been slow to censure Mr Berlusconi, whose ratings remain high for a political leader in a severe recession. ─── 吹毛求疵的意大利公众并未急着指责贝鲁斯科尼先生,对于处在严重经济衰退下的政治领导人来说,他的支持率一直居高不下。

11、He once wrote articles to introduce the TCM of China and refuted some jaundiced American's vilification and attack on the TCM. ─── 他曾撰写文章介绍中国的中医,驳斥一些持有偏见的美国人对中医的诬蔑和攻击。

12、On examination, she had a skin rash , pretibial oedema and jaundiced sclera; her liver was not enlarged and her spleen was not palpable . ─── 她有皮疹,胫骨前水肿,巩膜黄疸,她的肝脏无肿大,脾脏未触及。

13、He was still looking at the world through jaundiced eyes. ─── 他仍然用偏见的眼光看待世界。

14、9.Jealousy had jaundiced his judgment. ─── 嫉妒歪曲了他的判断。

15、she saw him now with jaundiced eyes , and told herself that at last she had discovered his true colours. ─── 如今她以偏见的眼光打量他,并对自己说她终于发现了他的真实面目。

16、To the jaundiced eye , all things look yellow. ─── 黄胆病人的眼睛里,什么都是黄的。

17、After his experience in jail, he has a pretty jaundiced view of the penal system. ─── 经历了牢狱生活之后,他对刑罚制度颇有成见。

18、Jack has rather jaundiced opinions about all these modern ideas. ─── 杰克对所有这些现代观念都抱有相当偏颇的看法。

19、She looked on politicians with a jaundiced eye. ─── 她对政治家有偏见。

20、Our goal was to determine the incidence of UTIs in asymptomatic, jaundiced infants younger than 8 weeks old and to determine which historical and laboratory parameters are associated with UTIs. ─── 我们的目标是确定这个无症状的泌尿道感染的发病率,历史和试验室的数据证实8周岁以前黄疸的婴儿是与泌尿道感染有关联的。

21、A Study on the application of TcB during Phototherapy of Jaundiced Neonates ─── 经皮胆红素测定在新生儿黄疸光疗时的应用

22、take a jaundiced view of sth. ─── 用持有偏见的眼光来看待某事。

23、1. She saw him now with jaundiced eyes, and told herself that at last she had discovered his true colors. ─── 如今她以偏见的眼光打量他,并对自己说她终于发现了他的真实面目。

24、take a jaundiced view of ─── 对 ... 存有偏见

25、Mechanism and prevention of hemolysis of jaundiced infants with and without G-6-PD deficiency in phototherapy ─── 不同G-6-PD活性新生儿光疗致溶血机制及其预防

26、The incoming president has shown he is aware of the jaundiced view many U. S. voters have of trade, even if he does not share it himself. ─── 这位即将就职的总统看来很清楚,许多美国选民对贸易心怀偏见,即使他自己并未流露这样的态度。

27、He has rather a jaundiced view of life ─── 他对生活有点儿怨天尤人的看法

28、Continuing, the Master said: "I see everything like a man with jaundiced eyes! ─── 师父又继续说:“我看见所有一切都好像一个充满偏见(带着有色眼镜)的人!

29、She saw him now with jaundiced eyes, and told herself that at last she had discovered his true colours. ─── 如今她以偏见的眼光打量他,并对自己说她终于发现了他的真实面目。

30、Keywords Armillarisin;Jaundiced hepatitis;Lliver function;Liver fibrosis; ─── 亮菌甲素;黄疸型肝炎;肝功;肝纤维化;

31、all looks yellow to the jaundiced eye-Alexander Pope. ─── 黄疸病患者眼中的所有事物都是黄色的-亚历山大·保罗。

32、The financial markets are taking a jaundiced view of the Government's motives. ─── 金融市场正用一个偏颇的角度来看政府的动机。

33、There were the severely jaundiced newborns who needed exchange transfusion, but the relatives refused, although Dr. ─── 一位脑膜炎的小孩在祖母半夜骑摩托车从山上下来,要求带走小孩。

34、7.His social position jaundiced his view of things. ─── 他的社会地位使他对事情的看法持有偏见。

35、Effect of fructose on hepatic injury and expression of iNOS in livers of obstructive jaundiced rats ─── 果糖对阻塞性黄疸大鼠肝损伤及肝脏iNOS表达的影响

36、The role of Ito cells in hepatic sinusoidal blood flow abnormalities in jaundiced rats ─── 肝贮脂细胞在梗阻性黄疸大鼠肝窦血流障碍中的作用

37、To the jaundiced honey tastes bitter, and to those bitten by mad dogs water causes fear; ─── 对于黄疸病者来说,蜜尝起来是苦的;对于狂犬病患者来说,水会引起恐惧;

38、jaundiced a. ─── 患黄胆病的;

39、He has rather jaundiced opinions about all these modern ideas. ─── 他对所有这些现代观念都很有偏见。

40、If the nails are mostly white with darker rims, this can indicate liver problems, such as hepatitis.In this image, you can see the fingers are also jaundiced, another sign of liver trouble. ─── 苍白指甲往往与衰老有关,也见于贫血、充血性心力衰竭、糖尿病、肝病、营养不良等一些严重疾病。

41、He has rather a jaundiced view of life. ─── 有偏见的思想、看法、观点等。

42、be jaundiced ─── 出现黄疸

43、But one does have to wonder why the publishers selected a jaundiced yellow for the cover. ─── 但令人纳闷的是,出版商为何在封面上选择病态的黄色。

44、Jaundiced hepatitis ─── 黄疸型肝炎

45、The effect of apoptosis in biliary epithelial cells on bile duct hyperplasia in jaundiced rat liver ─── 梗阻性黄疸肝内增生胆管上皮细胞凋亡的实验研究

46、I took pegs off my superiors when it was appropriate (and when I could get away with it), made comments about the performance of others, and criticized my own work with the same jaundiced eye. ─── / 当它是适当的 ( 而且当我可以以它逃离的时候),作了关于其它的表现意见, 而且用相同的患黄疸病的眼睛批评我自己的工作时候,我脱掉钉我的长者。

47、Nothing happened except that I got jaundiced from one of these things. ─── 什么疗效都没有,除了害我得了黄疸病。

48、Many of us who do clinical work and are clinically trained had a bit more of a jaundiced view of how things may turn out. ─── 我们中许多做临床工作和受过临床培训的人对事情将如何发生持有偏见。

49、Perhaps I was a bit jaundiced about films with such a theme, but I am glad it brings about a new understanding about Chinese gay culture. ─── 电影版的蓝宇无法满足每一个人心目中“蓝宇”的“天使”幻象,自然意见颇多。

50、She looked on politicians with a jaundiced eye. ─── 她对政治家有偏见。

51、In this image, you can see the fingers are also jaundiced, another sign of liver trouble. ─── 这幅图像还显示肝炎另一体征:患黄疸病的手指。

52、It also tends to mix into subsequent paint, or it shows through between brush strokes, producing a disagreeable jaundiced look. ─── 而且这还会与后来上的颜色混在一起,又或者会透过后来的笔触被看到。

53、jaundiced opinion ─── 偏见

54、2 benign PTDs with a 5 year s survival of 100%, 1 adenomal carcinorma with local resection was objective jaundic... ─── 对于良性肿瘤可行局部肿瘤切除、十二指肠节段切除或经内镜切除。对于恶性肿瘤,胰十二指肠切除术是首选术式。

55、Application of Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emission to Jaundiced Neonates's Hearing Screen ─── 瞬态诱发耳声发射用于黄疸新生儿的听力筛查

56、How did I feel?Was I jaundiced?Was everything all right?By the time I got home, I was beginning to feel a little queasy. ─── 我怎么了?我得了黄疸病吗?是不是有什么异常?等我回到家里,我开始觉得有点恶心。

57、The effect of somatotrophin on hepatocyte PCNA expression in experimental obstructive jaundic ─── 生长激素对实验性梗阻性黄疸肝细胞PCNA表达的影响

58、takes a jaundiced view of societies and clubs. ─── 尤指没有依据或有偏见的:某一先入为主的意见。

59、Dost thou think that a false opinion has less power than the bile in the jaundiced or the poison in him who is bitten by a mad dog? ─── 你觉得错误的意见比起黄疸病人的胆汁或被疯狗咬到的人身上的毒性更少危害?

60、However, he was initially jaundiced and had to be placed under special bright lamps. ─── 然而,他出生不久便出现黄疸,不得不放在专用的照明灯下面。

61、To the jaundiced eye , all things look yellow . ─── 黄疸病人的眼睛里,什么都是黄的,

62、A view of campaign promises that have become jaundiced; ─── 对竞选许诺抱有偏见的观点;

63、All looks yellow to the jaundiced eye. ─── 黄疸病人眼里样样黄(戴有色眼镜看人)。

64、Don't look at people with a jaundiced eye and make little of them! ─── 别门缝里看人,把人家给看扁了。

65、1.looked with a jaundiced eye on the growth of regimentation; takes a jaundiced view of societies and clubs. ─── 用有偏见的眼光看着管辖范围的扩大;对社交和俱乐部有一种有偏见的观点。

66、Her social position jaundiced his view of things. ─── 她的社会地位使她对事情有偏见。

67、Physical examination confirmed that the patient was jaundiced and had mild epigastric tenderness. ─── 体格检查表明该患者有黄疸及轻微上腹触痛。

68、He had a jaundiced view of life. ─── 他具有狭隘的人生观。

69、Perhaps I was still looking at the world through jaundiced eyes, but I soon became unable to ─── 也许我当时仍是以失望的态度看待这个世界,但不久,我就无法集中精力,对考试全无热情,也看不到从医的前景。

70、a jaundiced patient/liver ─── 黄疸病人;肝内胆红素过多

71、She spoke with a jaundiced tone. ─── 原文:她说话带着一点醋意。

72、" said Lily and cast a jaundiced eye on him."What do you want this time? ─── 莉莉讨厌地朝他看了一眼说,"你这次来想要什么啊?"

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