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09-17 投稿


Kan 发音

英:  美:

Kan 中文意思翻译


[地名] [俄罗斯] 坎河; [地名] [缅甸] 甘镇.

Kan 短语词组

1、rim kan rim ─── 堪萨斯州

2、Kan River ─── [网络] 坎河

3、ara kan spate ara kan ─── 背部

4、kin kan ─── 金侃(kin kan)

5、yes i kan ─── 是的,我看

6、love kan love kan ─── 公司

7、kelly kan kelly kan ─── 公司

8、er nan kan ─── 尔南坎

9、Yen Chia kan ─── 甄子丹

10、nlab kan fibration nlab can ─── 纤维化

11、ara kan ─── 若开

12、na kan thei lo pa te ─── 他们告诉我们不用它

13、ara kan chan ko ─── 看到了吗,陈?

14、mung kan slum mung kan ─── 贫民窟

15、kan bmanageabrellsh kan Bmanageabrelsh ─── 公司

16、mi kan n.(Mikan) ─── 人名;(捷、塞)米坎;(日)神馆(姓)

17、Yen Chai-kan ─── 甄子丹

18、angel kan angel kan ─── 公司

19、craw kan smarthub craw can ─── 智能集线器

Kan 相似词语短语

1、kain ─── n.实物地租;实物租税;n.(Kain)人名;(德、捷、瑞典)凯因;(英)卡因

2、-kan ─── n.赣江

3、kana ─── n.假名(日语字母,由汉字简化而成);n.(Kana)人名;(塞、赞、芬)卡娜(女名),卡纳

4、kans ─── n.赣江

5、ikan ─── n.鱼(马来西亚用语,尤指经烹调的鱼);n.(Ikan)人名;(英)艾肯;(日)猪甘(姓);(塞)伊坎

6、kane ─── n.凯恩(姓氏,美国北极探险家)

7、kang ─── n.(汉)炕;n.(Kang)人名;(柬)康

8、kaon ─── n.K中介子

9、Akan ─── n.阿坎人(居住在加纳、科特迪瓦等西非地区的民族)

Kan 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、De opleiding kan gespreid worden over meerdere jaren.Ze kan aangevat worden tijdens of na de tweede cyclus. ─── 听Het diploma kan echter pas behaald worden听nadat听het diploma van de听tweede cyclus behaald werd.

2、the ancient city of wiang Ta kan ─── (泰国) 万泰堪古城

3、I byeol gga ji do sa rang hal geo e yo haeng bok kan sa ram mi doe eo ju se yo... ─── 古今中外,多少仁人志士、大家名流在这 醉人迷心的月夜创下不朽之作,无法细细计量。...

4、The appointment of Mr Kan, formerly state minister for national strategy, and a close ally of Mr Hatoyama, comes just a day after Mr Fujii said he wanted to quit. ─── 在藤井裕久表示希望辞职的第二天,前国家战略担当大臣、鸠山由纪夫的亲密盟友菅直人就被任命为财务大臣。

5、Ik wil me laten onderzoeken,kan dat? ─── 我想检查身体,可以吗?

6、PLBs of Dendrobium phalaenopsis were sensitive to Kanamycin (Kan), 100 mg/L Kan was effective for selection in the solid culture and the suspension culture. ─── 3.卡那霉素对秋石斛原球茎的有效筛选浓度是100 mg/L。

7、For the enemy force advancing from the area between the Kan and Fu Rivers was not very greatly superior to the Red Army in strengh (100,000 against 40,000). ─── 因为当时从赣抚两河间前进的敌人军力,比起红军来优势并不很大(十万对四万)。

8、Blown from the sky, from north to south, Kan, Quanzhou, a man will always have a never-ending red “Boatbuilding. ─── 从天吹到地,从北侃到南,泉州男人永远有冲不完的“壳子”。

9、In the later1920 s and1930 s, he was the chief editor of Shi Juan, Xin Yue Monthly and Shi Kan, which played an active role in promoting the development of Chinese odern poetry. ─── 在上个世纪20年代后期30年代初,他主编的诗歌刊物:《诗镌》、新月》和《诗刊》,对推动中国新诗的发展是起了积极作用的。

10、After transferring to MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/L ABA, 50 mg/L Kan and 100 mg/L Carb, these embryogenic calluses formed 13 plantlets via somatic embry ogenesis. ─── 将这些抗Kan胚性愈伤组织转移到添加1mg/LABA、50mg/LKan和100mg/LCarb的MS固体培养基上,通过体细胞胚胎发生途径获得了13株再生植株。

11、Zhang Kan, a psychologist, said: "Men have shorter life expectancy than womenan undeniable part of the reason lies in the psychology". ─── 心理学者张侃(音译)说,男性平均寿命低于女性不可否认的原因之一是心态。

12、Japan's newly appointed finance minister, Naoto Kan, earlier in the week also declined to rule out bankruptcy as an option for JAL. ─── 当周早些时候,日本新任财务大臣菅直人也没有排除日航破产的可能性。

13、" What, me? " protested Mo Kan - cheng hastily. ─── “ 呀,呀,怎么有我 呢 ?

14、After the preliminary selection of Kan , we get 29 anti - Kan regenerated plantlets. ─── 经卡那霉素(Kan)的初步筛选, 获得了29株 抗 Kan的再生植株.

15、Although Yi Kan obtains dealership to contend for battle, drive away Yang Zhiyuan, he reachs brushstroke prep above impossibly also with Microsoft of every 33 dollars trade. ─── 即使伊坎取得代理权争夺战,并赶走杨致远,他也不可能与微软达成一笔高于每股33美元的交易。

16、Kan Eguchi Richard Fenwick Ignacio Ferreras T? ─── ru Hosokawa 笕昌也 Masaya Kakei Tetsur?

17、I am the happy kan Jia. ─── 大牛:我是快乐的大牛。

18、Mo Kan - cheng gave Pockmarked Li his ten dollars, and the latter departed well pleased with himself. ─── 李麻子从莫干丞手里拿了钱, 就兴冲冲地走了.

19、Now Mr Kan offers the path to advancement. ─── 现在,菅直人提出了改变情况的途径。

20、I believe that Prof Y W Kan, Prof L C Hsu, Prof David Ho and other biololgical and medical researchers have been nominated to the Nobel Prize Committee many times. ─── (如简悦胜、徐立之、何大一和好几位其他生物学与医学研究者)我想已经被提名到诺贝尔奖学金委员会多次了。

21、Mo Kan - cheng and the others exchanged surreptitious glances, but no one said anything. ─── 莫干丞他们都面面相觑, 不作声.

22、Yi Kan is the United States famous and radical investor, in the times Wanner and Motolora all have a large number of investment. ─── 伊坎是美国著名保守投资者,在时代华纳和摩托罗拉均有大量投资。

23、Improve production line by U shape, SMED, POKA-YOKE , kan ban, 5s etc. ─── 平衡生产线,消除生产瓶颈,提高产能.

24、For what kind of way to bring about effective competition, said Kan Kaili, the first is to allow different roaming network. ─── 对于什么样的方式能促成有效竞争,阚凯力说,第一是允许异网漫游。

25、"They have no incentives to launch a diplomatic war for now, but we have to watch after the situation stabilizes," said Kan Yi-hua, a professor of diplomacy at Taiwan's National Chengchi University. ─── 台湾国际政治大学外交学教授甘宜华(音)说:“尽管他们现在没有发起外交攻势,我们尚需耐心观察。”

26、Elizabeth Layton of Wellsville, Kan, was 68 before she began to draw. ─── 堪萨斯州韦尔斯维尔市的伊丽莎白.莱顿到68岁才开始画画。

27、Of course, rely on remainder asset and Yi Kan also does not become billionaire. ─── 当然,伊坎也不是依靠廉价出售资产而成为亿万富翁的。

28、The next cup noodles to eat when Momo Kan Beibi not think Huahua, that critize. ─── 各位下次吃杯面的时候摸摸看杯壁是不是觉得滑滑的,那就是了。

29、Kan Hing Fook's work is notable for its use of colours that resembles western and Chinese painting. ─── 簡慶福的作品風格獨特,糅合了西洋畫及國畫的色調。

30、Zhongshan Hospital before and after the door there, East forecourt, Kan Lou West, for 10 minutes after the Drum Tower, the East-West Institute Buddhist temple. ─── 中山门内有前后院,前院东、西看楼,后为钟鼓楼,东西禅林院。

31、" Kan - cheng , you're a senior member of the staff. ─── “ 干丞!你是有了一把年纪的.

32、Huntoon, who is 42 and lives near Wichita, Kan. ─── 42岁居住在堪萨斯州维吉塔市的霍顿夫人如是说。

33、The best selective concentration of kanamycin (kan) was 15 mg L-1. The con centration of carbencillin (carb) was 500 mg L-1. 14 transgenic cauliflower pla nts were obtained. ─── 卡那霉素(Kanamycin,简称Kan)的筛选浓度为15mg/L,抑制农杆菌生长的抗生素选用羧苄青霉素(Carbencillin,简称Carb),浓度为500mg/L。

34、Asterisk_telefooncentrale VOIP centrale Asterisk is een open source pakket waarmee een volledige telefooncentrale kan worden opgezet. ─── 广西壮族自治区民政厅包含政务公开,民政新闻,政策法规,职能部门,民政友情连接。

35、Dermed kan man finne sporadisk informasjon på enkelte internett forumer. ─── 因此,人们可以找到一些偶尔的信息互联网论坛。

36、Mo Kan - cheng stood to one side, his head drooping and his face deathly pale. ─── 莫干 丞 站在一旁, 垂着头,脸是死白.

37、Ik kan u weinig helpen,want u moet gewoon bedrust houden. ─── 我帮不上什么忙,因为你只要多休息就可以了。

38、Author Wang Xiaohua;Yao kan(Department of Biochemistry;LMC); ─── 作者王晓华;姚侃;

39、Microsoft and the postulate that Yi Kan buys plan institute to list explain clearly, they do not wish to undertake negotiating with respect to the clause. ─── 微软和伊坎收购方案所列出的基本条件明确说明,他们不愿就条款进行谈判。

40、Coach Guo Feng Kan said in an interview that the current team's primary task is to stop the momentum of decline, "So this is the goal of the game get away for hours. ─── 主教练郭侃峰在接受采访时表示,目前球队的首要任务就是止住下滑的势头,“因此本场比赛的目标就是争取客场拿分”。

41、Also Titled Zeng kan jiao zheng Wang zhuang yuan ji zhu fen lei Dongpo xian sheng shi. ─── 增刊校正王壮元集注分类东坡先生诗.集注分类东坡诗.

42、Charles will go to Berkley HAAS,and he got a US$50,000 scholarship as James Kan. ─── BTW, Charles帮我回答了Webber是谁,我来帮他回答Jeremy的问题。

43、Study on the role of ybtE gene in enteroaggregative E. co/iybtE from EAEC 17-2 was cloned and deleted with its internal around1kb fragment and inserted by an selectable substitution with kan in vitro. ─── 三、肠聚集性大肠杆菌中ybtE基因作用的研究克隆了 EAEC-2中 HPI白 yb伍基因,体外缺失 988hp,并插入卡那霉素抗性基因(ban)作为选择性标记。

44、Mr Kan attempted to regain the initiative. ─── 菅直人试图重新获得主动权。

45、Be in inchoate when censuring Yahoo CEO Yang Zhiyuan and company board of directors, yi Kan ever expressed to won't negotiate with Microsoft. ─── 在早期指责雅虎CEO杨致远及公司董事会时,伊坎曾表示不会与微软谈判。

46、Klaas-Jan alleen het Friese volkslied kan meezingen. ─── 亨特拉尔只会唱海伦芬队歌。

47、The Udalianchic Volcanoes, famous for dormant volcanoes inChin,spurt twice on December 5th of forg Xi 58,April lst of Kan Xi 60 in Qingdynasty. ─── 五大连池是我国著名休眠火山,曾于康熙五十八年十二月五日(1720年1月14日)、康熙六十年四月一日(1721年4月26日)连续两次喷发。

48、Every year, greater numbers of Chinese sturgeon are found dead in the Yangtze River. Is industrialisation taking its toll on this ancient and protected species? Kan Zhe reports. ─── 发生在中国长江流域的中华鲟伤亡事件每年都在增加。工业化发展是造成这一国家一级保护动物锐减的原因吗?阚哲对此进行了报道。

49、Ju Shanghai Han fen lou Qing nei fu cang Song kan ben ying yin. ─── 据上海涵芬楼借淸内府藏宋刊本影印.

50、Wegens de snelle computergestuurde reactietijden, kan de vooruitgangsafstand (de scheiding tussen voertuigen) zeer kort zijn -- 2 seconden of minder. ─── 在一些系统, PRT 车形式甚而动态再结合"火车" 车, 分离由几英寸, 减少 阻力 并且增量速度和节能。

51、Ik moet wel een thuis voor haar vinden want ik kan haar ook niet blijven houden. ─── 我必须要为它找到一个家,因为我无法长期的让它呆在我这儿。

52、Also Titled Folksongs weekly of National Peking University. Ge yan zhou kan. ─── 北京大学歌谣周刊. 歌谣周刊.

53、- Kan hij/zij mij terugbellen? ─── 他/她可以回我电话吗?

54、Jag kan tala lite engelska. ─── 我可以说几句英语。

55、Shanghai Chiao Kan Trading Corporation ─── 上海侨康贸易有限公司

56、Yi Kan censures all the time say, yahoo CEO Yang Zhiyuan hampered the negotiation process between this company and Microsoft. ─── 伊坎一直指责称,雅虎CEO杨致远妨碍了该公司与微软之间的谈判进程。

57、When Mao KanKan the evaluation lights inner insolent surface high also when insolent, it is modest that he laughs at my surface. ─── 当茅侃侃评价高燃内心张狂表面也张狂时,他笑道我表面是谦虚的。

58、Zhang Kan, a psychologist, said: "Men have shorter life expectancy than women an undeniable part of the reason lies in the psychology". ─── 心理咨询师张堪(音译)说:“男性的寿命之所以比女性短,心理因素是一个不可否认的原因。”

59、CHEN Kan, CAO Jin-hua.Reliability analysis of a general repairable system: Markov renewal model [J].Acta Mathematicae Applacatae Sinica, 1981,(4) :295-306. ─── [4]程侃,曹晋华.一般可修系统可靠性分析--马氏更新模型[J].应用数学学报,1981,(4):295-306.

60、Series Zhongguo Dunhuang Tulufan xue zi liao cong shu. Ren wen cong kan ; di 9 ji. ─── 中国敦煌吐鲁番学资料丛书.人文丛刊;第9辑.

61、Mo Kan - cheng was flustered, and his miserable expression was almost laughable. ─── 莫干丞慌慌张张回答, 他那脸上的神气非常可笑.

62、Tsat Kan, a smart bachelor, decided to make himself a name, started his journey out. ─── 功夫小子七斤,机智过人,好打不平。

63、Yi Kan is very difficult capable that with Microsoft the negotiation is reached trade advantageously, does the reason where? ─── 伊坎很难有能力与微软谈判达成有利的交易,原因何在?

64、" We lived near together on a lane in Ch'ang - kan, Both of us young and happy - hearted. " ─── 同居长干里, 两小无 嫌 猜.

65、Mo Kan - cheng half closed one eye and gave him a puzzled look. ─── 莫干丞怪样地睒着半只眼睛.

66、With this, Wu Sun - fu waved Mo Kan - cheng away. ─── 吴荪甫说着, 就摆一摆手,叫莫干丞退去.

67、Mo Kan - cheng just stood and gaped wide - eyed. ─── 莫干丞的眼睛睁大了发怔.

68、The Swedish participants are Maria Hall, Jin Jiang, H?kan Rehnberg and John Sundkvist. ─── 为此展览出版的画册包括双方理论家对本国作品的评论,以及每个艺术家对主题的简短思考。

69、Bao Kan is a general term for newspapers and periodicals. ─── 报刊就是报纸和杂志的总称。

70、"The Government's initial decision to send the Self Defence Forces was based on the wrong information," says Naoto Kan, the party's leader. ─── “政府当初派出自卫军是因为得到了错误的信息,”民主党领导长菅直人说。

71、The furnace was made up of Eight Trigrams-qian, kan, gen, zhen, xun, li, kun and dui-so he squeezed himself into the "Palace of xun,"for xun was the wind, and where there was wind there could be no fire. ─── 八卦炉是按天、水、山、震、风、火、地、泽划分的,孙猴知道其中的奥妙,进去后便钻进“巽宫”位置上。巽是风,有风无火

72、In the agrobacterium-mediated gene transformation, the selecting pressure is 20mg/L Kan. ─── 1 在农杆菌介导的基因转化中,确定了有效的Kan选择压为20 mg/L;

73、How is it that Mo Kan - cheng hasn't told me anything about it? ─── 怎么莫干丞不来报告我?

74、Hua Shun-ming,Cheng Guang ming,Kan J un-wu,et al.The current research on the piezoelectric actuators for precision displacement[J].Piezoelectrics and Acoustooptics,2004,26 (3):192-195. ─── [3]华顺明,程光明,阚君武,等.压电精密位移驱动器的研究进展[J].压电与声光,2004,26(3):192-195.

75、Stevens DA, Kan VL, Judson MA,et al.Practice guidelines for diseases caused by Aspergillus. Infectious Diseases Society of America.Clin Infect Di .. ─── 中华内科杂志编辑委员会.血液病/恶性肿瘤患者侵袭性真菌感染的诊断标准与治疗原则(草案).中华内科杂志,2005,44:554-556.

76、Nou eigenlijk niet,nee,maar mijn grote hobby is muziek,Ik hoop dat ik daar in de toekomst wel veel geld mee kan verdienen. ─── 实际上是不满意的,但我的嗜好是音乐,我希望更多地薪水从哪获得。

77、"When large areas to temporary, cinema operators often do not know how many Pai Ying, ranked more Moren Kan, Pai fewer votes enough. ─── “当大片来临时,影院经营者往往不知道排映多少场,排多了没人看,排少了票不够。”

78、Mo Kan - cheng was summoned in next. ─── 接着吴荪甫就传见了莫干丞.


80、Everybody knows, radical investor Yi Kan had nominated candidate of oneself board of directors, because this dealership contends for battle,avoid hard. ─── 大家都知道,激进投资者伊坎已经提名了自己的董事会候选人,因此代理权争夺战难以避免。

81、Mr Kan may lack his skills. ─── 菅直人则可能缺乏这种能力。

82、Lushan is the beautiful Kan Buwan Qixiu, Lushan's history and culture that is not, it is perhaps After all, this poetry of another kind of understand it. ─── 庐山的奇秀幽美是看不完的,庐山的历史文化也是说不尽的,这或许不失为对此诗的另一种理解吧?

83、"Ni Kan3" means the speaker requires the hearer to announce his own viewpoint.The relations of three variants reflect that grammerticalization of the "Kan" is taking place in Putonghua. ─── “你看3”表示说话者要求听话者发表自己的看法,三个“你看”的关系反映了普通话中的“看”正在发生虚化。

84、Kan jeg g?re det hele bedre n?r jeg kommer igen? ─── 当我再来的时候,我能做的更好吗?

85、Unlike Cic, Kan reversed the ratio of L3T4+/Lyt2+ T-cell subsets. ─── 使L3T4+/Lyt2+ T-细胞亚型比值倒置;

86、A Preliminary study on the Patriarchal clan system Building of the Lo Family in Cheng Kan Village. ─── 呈坎罗族宗法建设初探。

87、Series Taiwan wen xian cong kan. ─── 台湾文献丛刊.

88、In choosing Mr Kan as the new finance minister, Mr Hatoyama has picked a man whose relations with Mr Ozawa are considered neutral. ─── 在选择金田一耕助成为新任财长时,鸠山由纪夫挑了一个对于小泽一郎相对中立的人选。

89、Yue-Sai Kan is the sponsor of the CAP. ─── 在北京的艺术景画廊位于北京798大山子艺术区。

90、Tu Demin, Wang Xinsheng, Kan Lin et al.Effect of charge trappling on electric treeing in polyethylene[J].Proceedings of the CSEE,1993, 13(10): 7-12. ─── [7]屠德民,王新生,阚林,等.电荷陷阱对聚乙烯树枝化的影响[J].中国电机工程学报,1993,13(10):7-12.

91、Kan Le glass card watercolor painting works of art ─── 坎勒玻卡水彩画艺术

92、harap kan pagar..pagar dah roboh... ─── 心情: ntah la... 昨天。

93、Bankrekeningnummer: (Kan ook later worden ingevuld.Internationaal, gebruik de Bic en Iban.PayPal: Je PayPal adres. ─── ) 意思是你可以输入银行号,国外的会员可以输入paypal帐号,或是空着以后可以修改.

94、Tu Wei - yueh's face was dark now , and his gimlet eyes bored into Mo Kan - cheng's. ─── 屠维岳 铁青着脸, 尖利的眼光逼住了莫干 丞.

95、The Grammaticalization of Modality Mark "kan" ─── 情态标记词"看"的语法化

96、Kan Bell high-pressure airless spraying machine has a number of the world's leading innovative technology. ─── 堪贝我高压无气喷涂机具有少项世界抢先的独创技巧。

97、Kan ik stoppen als ik me weer beter voel? ─── 当我觉得好时我可否停止?

98、Please spare his life this time." Without waiting for Kan Ning to finish, Chou Yu ordered his guards to beat him. ─── 周瑜不等他说完,叫卫士们一阵乱棒把甘宁打了出去。





小涵 しょうかん syoukan



涵ちゃん kantyan

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