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09-19 投稿


littered 发音

英:[ˈlɪtəd]  美:[ˈlɪtərd]

英:  美:

littered 中文意思翻译





v.使杂乱( litter的过去式和过去分词 ); 乱丢杂物; 乱扔; 使饱含

littered 词性/词形变化,littered变形

动词过去式: littered |动词第三人称单数: litters |名词: litterer |动词过去分词: littered |动词现在分词: littering |

littered 相似词语短语

1、jittered ─── n.紧张不安;(电子信号等)晃动;v.紧张不安;(信号或装置)晃动

2、flittered ─── n.一掠而过的东西;vi.飞来飞去;匆忙来往

3、tittered ─── n.窃笑;傻笑;嗤笑;vi.吃吃地笑;傻笑;偷笑

4、pittered ─── 图为

5、glittered ─── v.闪光;闪烁;n.闪光;灿烂;华而不实;(眼中的)光亮

6、lettered ─── adj.有学问的;有文化修养的;标有字母的;v.写印刷体字母(letter的过去式)

7、bittered ─── 使变苦

8、litterer ─── 垃圾虫

9、clittered ─── 断断续续的

littered 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You can not just litter wherever you like. ─── 你不能随地乱丢杂物。

2、For the benefit of the public, do not litter. ─── 为了公众的利益,请不要随地扔垃圾.

3、The floor, though regularly swept every evening, presented a littered surface. ─── 地上虽然每天傍晚都扫一次, 仍然杂乱不堪.

4、Why don't we pick down the litter? ─── (我们为什么不乱丢垃圾?

5、It is antisocial to leave one's litter in public places. ─── 在公众场所遗弃杂物是妨害公众利益的。

6、Gill has offered me first refusal of the best puppy in her bitch's next litter. ─── 吉尔主动表示,等她家的母狗下次产仔时,优先送我一条最漂亮的小狗。

7、Lizzie's dizzy lizard did not litter at Lizzie's lot. ─── 丽奇的那只头晕的蟋蟀没有在丽奇的空地上乱丢东西。

8、The kitchen might have been workable had Nicola kept it tidy; instead it was littered with pots and pans. ─── 如果妮古拉会收拾,厨房本来是能用的;但现在,这里到处乱放着锅碗瓢盆。

9、Do more work ,litter to be all talk. ─── 一定要少说空话,多做工作。

10、Don't litter the floor. Put it in the dustbin. ─── 不要往地上扔垃圾。把它放到垃圾箱里。

11、Fig)Stray papers littered his desk. ─── 他的书桌上都是乱七八糟的纸.

12、Jimmy had a nice litter of kittens when he found me there. ─── 吉米发现我在那里,气得要命。

13、History is littered with Malthusian predictions of shortages. ─── 在人类历史上不乏马尔萨斯主义者对物资匮乏的预言。

14、He littered the stable with fresh straw. ─── 他给马厩铺了新鲜稻草。

15、Empty cigarette packet litter the floor. ─── 地板上丢满了空烟盒。

16、Do not litter in public places. ─── 不乱扔垃圾。

17、Buddy ,you need a litter change of pace. ─── 哥们,你要换换口味啦。

18、Even the beach is completely littered with dust, its just black. ─── 即使海滩被完全用灰尘使它只不过黑色凌乱。

19、He disliked the litter of human dwellings. ─── 他不喜欢住处搞得乱七八糟。

20、And you cannot throw litter on campus. ─── 也不能在校园乱丢垃圾。

21、The floor was littered with papers. ─── 地板上乱七八糟扔了许多报纸。

22、The streets were littered with rubbish. ─── 街上到处都是垃圾。

23、You can litter junk into ash bin. ─── 你可以把垃圾丢进垃圾桶里.

24、"Grandpa, please hire a litter for me. I'm too fared to walk. ─── “伯伯,请你代我就近叫一顶轿子罢,我是走不回去了

25、The living-room floor was littered with filth and tin cans. ─── 客厅地上丢满了脏东西和罐头听。

26、The world's tallest mountains are littered with expedition trash. ─── 世界最高的山脉散落着探险队的遗弃物;

27、Piles of books and newspapers littered the floor. ─── 地板上乱七八糟地堆了许多书和报纸。

28、Dropping litter is almost never allowed. ─── 乱丢垃圾式几乎从不被允许的。

29、Nero: Didn't your mom even tell you not litter? ─── 你妈妈没有告诉你不要乱丢东西吗?

30、The infield was littered with bottles and trash. ─── 地上堆满了空瓶子之类的废物和垃圾。

31、People shouldn't drop litter on pavements, should they? ─── 人们不该把垃圾扔在人行道上,是吗?

32、Don't litter your stuff about. ─── 别把东西乱丢。

33、The entrance hall is littered with toys and wellington boots. ─── 门厅里到处乱扔着玩具和雨靴。

34、Don't litter the place with waste paper. ─── 不要乱扔废纸。

35、Don't throw litter on the ground. ─── 别把废弃物丢在地上。

36、A litter girl and her father went to the beach. ─── 一个小女孩和她的爸爸去海滩玩。

37、He could not undertake to go down and pick up the litter they strewed. ─── 他不能上哪儿去跟在他们后面收拾他们扔得哪儿都是的垃圾。

38、The floor was littered with ravel ( l ) ings. ─── 地板上布满了散线.

39、There was litter strewn all over the pavement. ─── 人行道上到处都是扔的垃圾。

40、Papers littered his desk. ─── 他的书桌上乱七八糟地堆满了文稿.

41、Don't listen to my litter brother.he is a pinhead! ─── 你可别听我弟弟说的话,他就是个蠢蛋!

42、Don't litter (up) your room. ─── 不要把你的房间弄得乱七八糟。

43、Levi left the leaves lying on the littered lawn. ─── 和瓦伊把树叶扔在到处是垃圾的草地上。

44、History is littered with promises of operating synergies, etc. ─── 历史上,未能兑现协同效应承诺的案例比比皆是。

45、His room was a litter of old clothes, dirty crockery and broken furniture. ─── 他的屋子里到处都是旧衣物、 脏陶器和破家具。

46、You must not throw litter about. ─── 不准到处乱扔垃圾。

47、Don't litter the public beaches. ─── 不要在公众游憩的海滩乱扔杂物。

48、The road ahead is littered with snags. ─── 前进的道路上处处都有障碍。

49、Don't litter up the floor with scraps of paper. ─── 别往地上乱丢纸屑。

50、The little boy littered the books in the bedroom. ─── 那个小男孩在卧室里把书乱扔.

51、Levi left the leaves lying in the littered lawn. ─── 利瓦伊把树叶扔在到处是垃圾的草地上。

52、He littered the yard with bottles and cans. ─── 他扔得满地都是瓶子和罐头。

53、He littered the Sunday paper all over the floor. ─── 他把周日报丢得遍地皆是。

54、Your essay is littered with spelling mistakes. ─── 你的文章里到处是拼写错误。

55、You must not litter the grind with paper. ─── 不许你在地上乱扔纸屑。

56、All the animals born at one birth; a litter. ─── 一窝动物所有一胎生动物; 产仔

57、As he smokes he looks at the black wet floor littered with butts. ─── 他一边抽烟,一边瞧着脚下这黑乎乎、水淋淋、烟蒂狼籍的地。

58、His dog hasn't had a litter of puppies. ─── 他的狗还没有生过一窝小狗。

59、The road was littered with wrecked cars. ─── 公路上弃置著撞坏的汽车。

60、Are the horses littered down for the night? ─── 给那些马铺草准备过夜了 吗 ?

61、glass littered the streets. ─── 街上到处是玻璃碎片。

62、There will be fines for people who drop litter. ─── 乱扔垃圾的人将被罚款。

63、Don't throw litter about like that. ─── 不要乱扔杂物.

64、The desk was covered with a litter of documents. ─── 书桌上满满地放着一堆杂乱的文件。

65、A brood or litter, especially of kittens. ─── 一胎生下的小动物一胎生下的小动物,尤其指猫

66、Concrete purpose-built resorts are littered across the mountainsides. ─── 山坡上到处都是专门建造的水泥度假屋。

67、The streets were littered with stones and bottles hurled at the soldiers. ─── 街上满地都是投向士兵们的石块和瓶子.

68、You need to clean the litter box. ─── 你得清理猫窝了。

69、His desk was littered with papers. ─── 他的办公桌上杂乱地堆放着文件.

70、"Take that litter away," she said sharply. ─── “把这乱七八糟的东西拿走,”她严厉地说道。

71、He littered the yard with bottles and cans. ─── 他扔得满地都是瓶子和罐头.

72、You can throw the litter into the dustbin . ─── 你可以把垃圾放入垃圾桶里。

73、His desk was littered with papers. ─── 他的办公桌上杂乱地堆放着文件。

74、They littered the beach with cigarette packages . ─── 他们在海滩上乱扔香烟盒。

75、He littered the paper all over the floor . ─── 他把纸乱丢了一地。

76、Stray papers littered his desk. ─── 他的书桌上都是乱七八糟的纸。

77、You should not really litter things about. ─── 你确实不该到处乱扔东西。

78、Don't litter the ground with paper. ─── 勿随地乱扔纸屑。

79、People throw their litter everywhere. ─── 人们到处扔垃圾。

80、All China is littered with dry faggots which will soon be aflame. ─── 中国是全国都布满了干柴,很快就会燃成烈火。

81、Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted.! ─── 凡在树林里乱扔垃圾者,要受到处罚!

82、Keep the cabin clean. Do not litter or scribble. ─── 四、保持乘座舱内清洁,请勿乱丢果皮、纸屑、随意涂写。

83、It is an offence to drop litter in the street. ─── 在马路上乱丢废物是违章的。

84、His room was in such a litter that he was ashamed to ask me in. ─── 他的房间如此零乱,他都不好意思请我进去。

85、The room was littered with discarded newspapers. ─── 房间里到处是乱扔的报纸。

86、You know when I said I knew litter about love? ─── 你知道我以前说过,关于爱,我懂的很少?

87、Don't litter scraps of paper over the floor. ─── 不要随地乱丢纸屑。

88、For litter basket, ash bin cleaning in toiler. ─── 其它区域清洁,如:垃圾篮、垃圾桶等。

89、The visitors have littered the park with bottles and waste - paper. ─── 游园的人在公园里乱丢瓶子和废纸.

90、Even though the road was littered with boulders and pitted with holes, Bruce was not in the least perturbed. ─── 即使满道乱石,坑坑洼洼, 布鲁斯还是毫不忧虑.

91、His litter strewn room really needed to be cleaned. ─── 他杂乱的房间该好好收拾一下了。

92、It is antisocial to leave litter in public places. ─── 在公共场所留下零乱杂物是违反公益的。

93、The ground was littered with chips of wood. ─── 地上到处都是木屑。

94、You must put the litter in the litter bin. ─── 你必须把垃圾扔到垃圾箱里。

95、Have you ever thrown any litter onto the ground? ─── 你试过乱扔垃圾到地上吗?

96、You shouldn't have littered things about. ─── 你不应该把东西到处乱扔。

97、Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted! ─── 凡在此树林里丢弃垃圾者,将依法处置。

98、Things were littered on the ground at the doorway. ─── 东西在门口摊了一地。

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