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09-19 投稿


linguistically 发音


英:  美:

linguistically 中文意思翻译



linguistically 同义词

etymological | philological | semantic | syntactical | verbal | dialectal | morphological | grammatical | phonological | lingual |language

linguistically 反义词


linguistically 短语词组

1、contextually and linguistically ─── 语境和 ─── 语言

2、cross-linguistically ─── [网络] 跨语言

3、linguistically simple ─── 语言简单

linguistically 词性/词形变化,linguistically变形

副词: linguistically |

linguistically 相似词语短语

1、sociolinguistically ─── 社会语言学

2、jingoistically ─── adv.侵略主义地

3、extralinguistically ─── 语言外的

4、logistically ─── adv.逻辑地,运筹地;在后勤方面

5、linguistical ─── adj.语言学的;语言学上的

6、linguistic atlas ─── 语言地图

7、linguistic area ─── 语言区

8、linguistic ability ─── 语言能力

9、metalinguistically ─── 元语言学

linguistically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She advocates for programs that aims to increase access quality healthcare services that are culturally and linguistically appropriate for Limited - English Proficient communities. ─── 她提倡应对英语熟练度有限的社区,提供更适合其文化和语言的高品质健康照护计画并增加可近性。

2、American linguist who revolutionized the study of language with his theory of generative grammar,set forth in Syntactic Structures(1957. ─── 乔姆斯基,诺阿姆生于1928美国语言学家,他在句法结构(1957年)一书中所阐述的关于生成语法的理论曾使语言学研究发生突破性进展

3、He spoke it, of course -- he and Mother had made a point of speaking English at home when she was little, so she would not be handicapped linguistically if she was taken into Battle School. ─── 他肯定会说的,她当年在家的时候父母非常强调这一点,所以她进入战斗学校才没遇到语言障碍。

4、As secretary to his father in Europe, he became an accomplished linguist and assiduous diarist. ─── 作为其父在欧洲任职期间的秘书,他在那里熟谙了多种语言,并开始勤勉地写日记。

5、Thus, a linguist must take great care in drawing comparisons between Darnassian and its two cousin languages. ─── 因此语言学家们必须仔细区分这几种语言的不同之处。

6、I just found a book written by a Yale linguist and psychologist Charles Yang named The Infinite Gift: How Children Learn and Unlearn the Languages of the World. ─── 人们学习第二语言通常要花费多年的时间与精力,但往往事倍功半;而在幼儿时期人们学习自己的母语又几乎不费吹灰之力,这是为什么?幼儿是怎样掌握一门语言的?

7、He is not much of a linguist. ─── 他不是个了不起的语言学家。

8、He is a remarkable linguist. ─── 他是一位杰出的语言学家。

9、Serving in Iraq with the 101st Airborne Division as an Arabic linguist in 2003, I met scores of Iraqis. ─── 2003年,作为一名阿拉伯语语言学家,我被派往伊拉克的101空降师服役。在此期间,我见过无数的伊拉克人。

10、One of a Hellenic people that invaded Greece around1100 b.c. and remained culturally and linguistically distinct within the Greek world. ─── 多利安人古希腊民族,大约公元前1100年入侵希腊,在文化和语言上与希腊仍有差别

11、Jo Kim, a linguist at the unit, said, "For the Beijing Olympics we have made 2 special lists, one of Chinese gold medal hopefuls and another list of place names and stadia. ─── 发音部门的语言学家金舟(音译)说:"我们准备了两份名单,一份是有望夺金的中国运动员名单,另一份是北京地名和场馆名称。"

12、A linguist ever said: "A poem is not a poem until it is read. ─── 一语言学家曾经说:" 一诗不是一诗直到它是读.

13、Boundedness of matter is linguistically manifested in the countability of nouns which is usually exhibited in the grammatical restrictions on the usage of articles and inflectional morphemes. ─── 事物的有界性表现于名词的可数性,而名词可数性往往表现在与名词相关的语言结构中,如限定词和词素变形等。

14、Conveying information linguistically amounts to processing these instructions. ─── 在最简单的例子中,信息推理就是简单地去掉与句子意思不相适应的事物。

15、He used to be a linguist till he turns writer. ─── 他过去是个语言学家, 后来成了作家。

16、Garishly colored and linguistically tortured T-shirts abound in the malls and markets of this sprawling city. ─── 在这个四处扩张的城市里,各种色彩炫目和印满文字的T恤衫充斥于各种商厦和市场。

17、Refer to the defining properties of human language that distinguish it from animal system of communication.They were proposed by American linguist, Charles Hockett. ─── And they include 5 feature: Arbitrariness语言的任意性, Productivity多产性, Duality双层结构, Displacement 移位性, Cultural Transmission 文化传播性.

18、The late Professor Li Fang-gui, the linguist who hailed from Xiyang and worked in the US, was the modern authority on Tai Yu. ─── 原籍昔阳的已故旅美语言学家李方桂教授,是台语研究的现代权威。

19、he became a skillful chemist and excellent linguist, ─── 他已经成为一个熟练的化学家和优秀的语言学家,

20、Theme and Rheme were put forward by Czech linguist Mathesius, which aims to study how different elements in a sentence exert different functions. ─── 主位(Theme)和述位(Rheme)这一对概念是由捷克语言学家马泰修斯Mathesius提出来的。

21、In all electronic media, especially when typed on the small screens of mobile handsets, absolutely anything, linguistically speaking, seems to go. ─── 在所有的电子媒介中,特别是在移动手持设备的小屏幕上输字时,整个文本内容都是不符合语言学规范的。

22、Before a Web page is published on a Web site, it must be approved by marketing, approved by the Webmaster, and translated by a linguist. ─── 在一个Web页面被发布到网站之前,这个网页必须被市场部,网管部门审核批准,并翻译成其它语言。

23、Linguist and educator Noam Chomsky was born on December 7. He developed a theory of transformational (sometimes called generative or transformational-generative) grammar that revolutionized the scientific study of language. ─── 1928年12月7日,语言学家、教育家诺姆·乔姆斯基诞生。他提出了了转换生成语法理论(有时被称为生成论或者转化-生成论),使学习语言的方法更为科学。

24、Linguistically, however, these proper nouns can be viewed as a special group of compound nouns and as a simple category of noun phrase, possessing their own formation rules and physical markers. ─── 但是,从语言学的角度来看,机构名称是一种偏正复合式专有名词,同时又是一类较为简单的偏正名词词组,有自己的结构规律和形态标记。

25、She's an excellent linguist. ─── 她精通数国语言.

26、The double objects are a sentential form which is universally taken notice by the linguist recently.They often studied many new things about the double objects. ─── 双宾句是语法学家们普遍注意到一个句法类型,关于双宾句的话题是常谈常新。

27、Linguistically, the inner development of Chinese makes an internal force to absorb letter words. ─── 从语言学看,汉语自身的发展要求是吸收字母词的内部力量。

28、Linguistically speaking, Zhejiang is extremely diverse. ─── 从语言上讲,多样性十分显著。

29、The important characteristic of a speech community is that the members of the group must, in some reasonable way, interact linguistically with other members of the community. ─── 一个言语社区最重要的特点就是这个团体的成员必须以某种合理的方式和该社区中的其他成员进行言语方面的相互交流。

30、As a native English speaker, I was feeling confident about my ability to understand the locals linguistically, if not necessarily culturally. ─── 作为一个英语为母语的人,我自信我的能力,我了解当地人语言,文化上先暂且不说。

31、He used to be a teacher till he turned writer (linguist). ─── 他过去是教员,后来当了作家(语言学家)。

32、Linguistically, it is called non - verbal communication. ─── 从语言学角度来讲, 身体语言被称为 非 言语交流.

33、She's a natural linguist, ie learns languages easily. ─── 她有语言天赋(学习语言毫不费力).

34、They will also have an understanding of Chinese culture that enables them to interact with Chinese language users in linguistically and socially appropriate ways. ─── 他们也将有一个了解中华文化,使他们能够与中文用户的语言和社会的适当方式。

35、Emic : a term in contrast with etic which originates from American linguist Pike's distinction of phonetics and phonemics. ─── 位学的:来自于美国语言学家派克对与语音学和音位学的区分的一个术语,与非位的相对。

36、Linguistically , the inner development of Chinese makes an internal force to absorb letter words. ─── 从语言学看, 汉语自身的发展要求是吸收字母词的内部力量.

37、In order to lets the different country with a cleargoal the talented person earnestly reads the material, and invitesthis country linguist, precise translation entire material content. ─── 为了有的放矢让不同国家的人才认真阅览资料,并请该国语言学家,精确翻译整个材料内容。

38、The inner structure of an utterance can be divided into a theme and a rheme according to Czechic linguist V. ─── 从言语学的角度看翻译单位,其最小单位是语句,或称话句,而不是抽象的句子,因为语句是实际使用中的语言的最小单位。

39、The distinguished speaker who will address us on “ A History of English” is the American linguist, Dr. Smith. ─── 向我们演讲 “英语的历史”的杰出演讲 者是美国语言学家史密斯博士。

40、He examd without wrath, and with the eye of a linguist who is deciphering a palimpsest, that portion of chaos which still exists in nature. ─── 他用语言学家考证古人遗墨的眼光,平心静气地观察自然界中迄今还存在着的多种多样的混乱现象。

41、Precisely because of this structural simplicity of Chinese, American anthropologist and linguist Edward Sapir described Chinese as a “soberly logical” language. ─── 也许正因为汉语这种结构上的简洁性才使著名的美国人类学暨语言学家爱得华萨皮尔将汉语描绘为一种有着“合理的逻辑性”的语言。

42、The links between the two countries are so strong that linguistically, and probably culturally too, they are closer together than ever. ─── 两国之间的关系如此紧密,语言方面,可能文化方面也是如此,它们现在是空前的紧密。

43、God creates languages to prevent communications between races. Only the smartest person can master another language other than mother language, or even master mutiple languages, to become a linguist. ─── 上帝创造语言是为了阻止不同种族的人们之间的交流,只有那些最聪明的人才能掌握除了母语以外的语言甚至成为多语言学家。

44、But you might want to be a linguist too. ─── 但或许你也想成为一个语言学家吧。

45、As a linguist, humanist thinker and an anthropologist, Humboldt played a great role in the theorization of the issue of linguistic worldview. ─── 作为语言学家、语言思想家和人类学家的洪堡特,对语言世界观问题的明晰化做出了重要的理论贡献。语言世界观,在最广泛的意义上,即语言与世界的关系。

46、Traditional translation research views translation merely as the transfer between two languages, with the emphasis on the comparison of the original text and the translated text linguistically. ─── 传统翻译研究认为,翻译仅仅是两种语言之间的转换,强调原文与译文语言上的对等。

47、He had never been to school or university but had studied privately and by the time he was twenty was a skilful chemist and excellent linguist, speaking Swedish, Russian, German, French and English. ─── 他从未上过学校或大学,但是,他私下研究,并且到了他二十岁时,他已经是一个熟练的化学家以及极出色的语言学家,会说瑞典语、俄语、德语、法语和英语。

48、So it is for the linguist in relation to the question ‘What is language? ─── 因此,我们很难说哪个定义更为精确,哪个定义更为优越。

49、Lu Shuxiang is a famous linguist and educationalist of Chinese language in modern China. ─── 吕叔湘是我国现代著名的语言学家和语文教育家。

50、A gifted linguist, he was equally at home in French, German and English. ─── 他是一位天才的语言学家,同样精通法、德、英多种语言。

51、This paper tries to probe linguistically into the causes of the birth of poetic imagery to reveal that it derives from the jumpy and rhythmic language of verse. ─── 其实,应从文体语言角度切入,阐释意境产生于诗体跳跃的有韵律的意示性语言的奥秘。

52、Every time I fire a linguist the performance of the recognizer improves. ─── 一位大家对语言学家的评价,哈哈.

53、So far no linguist has a immobile and accordant opinion about subject, and there isn" t a convictive definition of subject, too. ─── 到目前为止,没有一个语言学家对主语有固定不变的一致意见,也没有一个能说服大部分人的主语的定义及其表现形式。

54、David mentions that he is a linguist, ─── 大卫谈起他懂几国语言。

55、Like the EU, Belgium is linguistically and culturally divided. ─── 与欧盟一样,比利时是个多语言、多文化的地区。

56、619. cognate : related linguistically; ─── 619 。同源:有关语言;

57、Jespersen maintains that a linguist should keep a loyal record of the happenings in the language rather than set up imaginary categories to prescribe its actual use. ─── 叶斯泊森认为语言学家应忠实记录语言的使用情况,而不是人为地去规范语言的使用;应结合语言的发展史去研究语言,才能赋予语言理论最大的解释力;

58、She studied the phenomenon cross - linguistically . ─── 她 跨语言 来研究这一现象.

59、MAT, he was a famous American linguist. ─── MAT,他是美国著名的语言学家.

60、American linguist who revolutionized the study of language with his theory of generative grammar, set forth in Syntactic Structures(1957). ─── 乔姆斯基,诺阿姆生于1928美国语言学家,他在句法结构(1957年)一书中所阐述的关于生成语法的理论曾使语言学研究发生突破性进展

61、They are a linguistically undervulgarised group of people and even the most harmless phrases are likely to cause offence. ─── 因为,法国人很少使用粗俗语言,即使是最无害的短语,也容易伤人。

62、She's a good linguist. ─── 她精通数国语言。

63、She's not much of a linguist, but she does know how to say one word --"beautiful"-- in several languages. ─── 她能对捉住她的宝贝的一个母亲使用它, 或对钓鱼出他的家庭的照片的一个孤单的售货员。

64、The distinguished speaker who will address us on "A History of English" is the American linguist, Dr. Smith. ─── 向我们演讲“英语的历史”的杰出演讲者是美国语言学家史密斯博士。

65、He had been asked to do so because, as a linguist, ─── 他被邀请参加,是因为他懂好几国语言,

66、Linguistically, the languages of the world can be syntagmatically classified as two types: SVO and SOV, the object of the latter preceding the verb compared with that of the former. ─── ?恼Z言的分?角度?砜矗?澜缟系恼Z言按照组合??S主要可以分??SVO和SOV?煞N,後者相??肚罢撸?e?前置於?哟省

67、Distinguished professor, Chairman of Foreign Languages College, Fudan University; editor-in-chief of "The English-Chinese Dictionary"; linguist and lexicographer; expert in Shakespearean Study. ─── 复旦大学外文学院院长、杰出教授,《英汉大词典》主编,语言学家,词典编撰学家,莎士比亚研究专家。

68、When he applied for the lucrative linguist job, Habib said his recruiter gave no hint he would join a ground assault in Taliban land. ─── 哈比说,他在申请这份薪酬丰厚的翻译工作时,招聘人员并没有向他说明他会参加一次对塔利班阵地进行地面进攻的军事行动。

69、Our species originated around 200,000 years ago, and underwent tremendous diversification, culturally, technologically, linguistically, artistically, for 130,000 years. ─── 我们的物种起源于大约20万年前,并经历了13万年的惊人的多样化进程,包括文化、技术、语言和艺术等方面。

70、A linguistically significant feature of Punjabi is its development of phonemically distinctive tone in syllables that have (or originally had) breathy-voiced consonants. ─── 从语言学的角度而言,旁遮普语有一种鲜明的特色,那就是在带浊辅音的音节中具有发音独特的声调的变化。

71、Distinguished professor, Chairman of Foreign Languages College, Fudan University; editor-in-chief of“ The English-Chinese Dictionary”; linguist and lexicographer; expert in Shakespearean Study. ─── 复旦大学外文学院院长、出教授,《英汉大词典》主编,语言学家,词典编撰学家,莎士比亚研究专家。

72、Miss Moneypenny: You always were a cunning linguist, James. ─── 你永远也是一个口甜舌滑的语言学家,占士。

73、a linguist who specializes in the study of grammar and syntax ─── 专门研究文法和句法的语言学家

74、She's a natural linguist, ie learns languages easily ─── 她有语言天赋(学习语言毫不费力)

75、Obvious knowledge refers to the knowledge that can be expressed by language or symbols, while tacit knowledge is the knowledge that cannot be explicitly expressed linguistically. ─── 外显知识指那些通常意义上可以用言语或符号的方式加以表达的知识:缄默知识则指那些无法言传或不清楚的一类知识。

76、The term "pragmatic failure" was first employed in 1983 by Jenny Thomas, a British linguist, to define the inability to understand what is meant by what is said. ─── “语用失误”这一术语最早是由英国语言学家珍妮·托马斯在1983年提出的,她将其定义为“不能理解别人话语的含义”。

77、These cultures differed ethnographically, linguistically, ecclesiastically, and historically. ─── 这些文化在民族志,语言学,教会主义和历史上都不同。

78、Be admitted to the Master degree candidate of Chinese department of Shan Dong University in 1985, studied a phonology under the famous linguist Yin Huanxian professor's teaching(1913-1994) . ─── 1985年考取山东大学中文系硕士研究生,师从著名语言学家殷焕先教授(1913-1994)研习音韵学。

79、The ancient sources tell us she was intelligent, witty, charming, a linguist and along with this, she had a tremendous determination. ─── 古代材料还告诉我们,她伶俐、诙谐、迷人、精通多种语言,而且,她还具有惊人的毅力。

80、A good dictionary is the handmaid of the linguist. ─── 一部好字典封语言学家的帮助甚大。

81、Contrast in a language between two phonemes or other linguistically important elements. ─── 元素的相对语言中两个音素的相对或其它重要的语素的相对

82、John McWhorter, a linguist and controversialist of mixed liberal and conservative views, sees the triumph of 1960s counterculture as responsible for the decline of formal English. ─── 他认为20世纪60年代的反传统文化是正式英语衰退的原因。

83、a linguist who specializes in the study of grammar and syntax. ─── 专门研究文法和句法的语言学家。

84、"master linguist, Yale dropout and fair-haired boy of the OSS" (Edward Klein) ─── “语言学硕士,耶鲁大学的退学者,空间系统处的金发男孩”(爱德华·克莱因)

85、Linguistic Adaptation Theory is proposed by Jef Verschueren, a Belgian linguist, in his systematic and comprehensive monograph Understanding Pragmatics. ─── Verschueren提出的语用理论,他的著作Understanding Pragmatics一书系统而全面地阐释了这个理想。

86、Jespersen is considered a world-famous linguist. ─── 叶斯柏森是公认的世界级语言学家。

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