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09-18 投稿


joyance 发音

英:[['dʒɒɪəns]]  美:[['dʒɒɪəns]]

英:  美:

joyance 中文意思翻译



joyance 相似词语短语

1、Romance ─── n.传奇;浪漫史;风流韵事;冒险故事;vi.虚构;渲染;写传奇;n.(Romance)人名;(西)罗曼塞

2、jouisance ─── 玩乐

3、Torrance ─── n.托伦斯(美国加利福尼亚州西南部城市名)

4、noyance ─── 诺扬斯

5、sonance ─── n.声音;有声状态

6、annoyance ─── n.烦恼;可厌之事;打扰

7、joyances ─── n.喜悦,快乐

8、abeyance ─── n.中止,停顿;归属待定,暂搁

9、noyances ─── 核心

joyance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A brand-new life Brings me matchless joyance A sweet-sounding cry Inspires me with earnest fatherly love ─── 一个崭新的生命带给我无比喜悦一声清脆的啼哭激发我深挚父爱

2、Red is a kind of totem, represent traditional, flourishing and joyance, it with fervent and bold and unrestrained attitude, let a person be full of yearning. ─── 红色又是一种图腾,代表传统、红火和喜悦,它以慷慨奔放的姿态,让人布满向往。

3、There are joyance and expectant expression on people face, the footstep goes hurriedly toward enlightened great theater. ─── 人们脸上洋溢着喜悦和期待的神情 ,脚步匆匆地朝开明大戏院走去。

4、Count locally in what mine grows year, have successful joyance, also have unsuccessful lesson. ─── 在矿长的位置上数年,有成功的喜悦,也有失败的教训。

5、On carriage district, she is enmeshed in happiness and joyance all the time, cooperate kidnapper exceedingly. ─── 运输的路上,她一直沉浸在幸福和喜悦中,非常的配合绑匪。

6、Still be enmeshed when the joyance of wheat bumper harvest is medium when them, immediately was pulled open again this year summer those who insert is prelusive. ─── 当他们还沉浸在麦子丰收的喜悦中时,随即又拉开了今年夏插的序幕。

7、Belief promotes a country to holding the joyance of heavy in both hands.We walk into spring.Walk into to let a hundred flowers blossom colourful season. ─── 信念兴国捧着沉甸甸的喜悦.我们走进春天.走进一个百花齐放五彩缤纷的季节。

8、I slowly carrying out, slowly fumble, of course what redound gives me is more and more joyance. ─── 我慢慢的实践着、慢慢的摸索、当然回报给我的是越来越多的喜悦。

9、During that short time, a human is born, smiling, crying, fighting, hurting, joyance, sadness, hating, loving.All of these are just an encounter in that flash, after all will repose forever. ─── 在这样一个瞬间,人降生了,笑着,哭着,战斗,伤害,喜悦,悲伤,憎恨,爱,一切都只是刹那间的邂逅,而最后都要归入永久的长眠中。

10、On a second thought, happily, she said, “ One lifetime!” He laughed, not that she guessed right, but was infected by her joyance. ─── 女孩想了一想,快乐的说:"一辈子!"男孩笑了,并不是因为她答对,而是感染了她的喜悦。

11、Light yellow color is a kind of pure and fresh, fresh and tender color, represent the joyance of new student life. ─── 鹅黄色是一种清新、鲜嫩的颜色,代表新生命的喜悦。

12、After original joyance goes, I feel in the home decorating still is too common, without style. ─── 最初的喜悦过去之后,我觉得家里的布置还是太普通了,没有格调。

13、During although have,say to never-failing works hard and be subdued, but the joyance that also experiences a victory for many times, mental plenitude, of earning precious. ─── 期间虽有说不尽的辛劳和委屈,但也多次感受到胜利之喜悦,精神之充实,所得之宝贵。

14、Mix however rococo " happy flirtatious " different, there is a kind of true joyance in Todd's design. ─── 然而和洛可可“快乐的轻浮”不同,托德的设计里有一种真挚的喜悦。

15、See me, his expressional instant turns into by joyance stunned, that smoke between the lip trembled, one cut cigarette ash is dropped go up in the floor. ─── 看见我,他的表情瞬间由喜悦变为惊愕,唇间的那支烟抖了一下,一截烟灰掉在地板上。

16、” Inoue Daisuke may have lost personal wealth, but our world are full of more joyance and happiness because of his invention. ─── 井上大佐可能失去了一些个人的财富,我们的世界却因此而多了无限的喜悦与欢乐。

17、The following day, joyance shows fully in the mail that a friend that works in Yahoo sends: "Yesterday, we experienced a nerve-racking day!Very lucky, I still am employee of a Yahoo! ─── 第二天,一位在雅虎工作的朋友发来的邮件中透露出喜悦:“昨天,我们经历了伤脑筋的一天!

18、"Shanghai the mood with clinking joyance, disease hasten is embraced Summer 1999. ─── "时维九月,序属三秋。"上海以无比喜悦的心情,疾趋拥抱1999年秋天。

19、Thick as hail order is the biggest joyance that we harvest fall. ─── 纷至沓来的订单是我们在金秋收获的最大喜悦。

20、Happiness is not to own money but to the joyance of success and the enthusiasm of creativity as well. ─── 2 幸福不在于拥有金钱,而在于获得成就时的喜悦以及产生创造力的激情。(美国总统 罗斯福.

21、Wuji, the most magical thing under heaven, pre-determines our destiny and imposes the anguish, pain, joyance and ecstasy of life on every single one of us, and you are no exception. ─── 一、满神: 无极里有每个人的生老病死,每个人的悲欢离合,你的也在里面。

22、After original joyance goes, I feel in the home decorating still is too common, without style. ─── 最初的喜悦过去之后,我觉得家里的布置还是太普通了,没有格调。

23、For me, writings can show my emotion, reveal my joyance, alleviate my anger, and inspirit my ambition. ─── 对我自己来说,文章能抒发我的感情,表露我的喜悦,缓解我的忿怒,激励我的志向。

24、Every time drive person in attack the joyance that when give a good shot or winning a ball, can make his excited and achieves a kind of success. ─── 每当击球者在击出一个好球或赢得一个球时都能使自己兴奋并达到一种成功的喜悦。

25、They are so excited, excited, joyance and happiness. ─── 他们是那么兴奋、激动、喜悦和幸福。

26、also included editorial office colleague 10 years to come arduous and cultivated sweat, the magazine grows ceaselessly expand brings joyance. ─── 也包含了编辑部同仁10年来辛勤耕耘的汗水,杂志不断成长壮大所带来的喜悦。

27、About Living, there is an Attitude, please call it Joyance; ─── 关于生活,有一种态度,叫做快乐;

28、You perhaps can notice, when the child with child bring into contact with and their about the same age, the inner joyance that reveals is in overtones. ─── 你也许会注意到,当孩子接触到与他们年龄差不多的孩子时,所流露出的内心喜悦是溢于言表的。

29、The burgeon initially you are;the gentle joyance. ─── 雪化后那片鹅黄,你像;

30、Wang Jianan is taking comfort east the joyance that battle wins and dust settled in journey, hurry to Xi Baipo hurriedly. ─── 王建安带着豫东战役胜利的喜悦和征尘,匆匆赶到西柏坡。

31、Wu Zetian can'ts restrain joyance, what its evolutional and she expects is about the same, she is herself next plan are worn, even every every detail, dialog and movement. ─── 武则天按捺不住喜悦,事情进展的和她预料的差不多,她为自己下一步谋划着,甚至每个细节、每个对话和动作。

32、c.The phrase of Tongda: to get rid of self-persistence, defense between what I could get and what I had gotten, give our mind a freedom, joyance and comfort. ─── 通达位:泯除自我中心的执着,消除能取和所取所构成的防卫性,让心灵得到自由,喜悦和自在感。

33、But this beautiful small lovely let our savor first the happiness of parent of humanness father person and joyance, the love affair that also lets us was immersed in predicament. ─── 可这个漂亮的小可爱让我们尝到了初为人父人母的幸福与喜悦,也让我们的爱事陷入了困境。

34、"Give me tiny light,return you infinity sunshine" We will always provide you unexpected joyance with our topping products and perfect after-service. ─── 本公司将一如既往地贯彻“给我少许关爱,回报无限阳光”经营理念,让你不时体验一份喜悦,用我力求完美的服务给你永久的支持。

35、We enjoy the joyance that the friendship brings to us, we enjoy the human warmth that the friendship brings to us. ─── 我们享受友谊带给我们的愉悦,享受友谊带给我们的温馨。

36、With thy clear keen joyance Languor cannot be: Shadow of annoyance Never came near thee: Thou lovest, but ne'er knew love's sad satiety. ─── 我从未领略: 对爱情或美酒的赞扬 会倾泻出潮水般的心荡神驰的欢畅。

37、On the understanding that a glimpse of him in class was an indescribable joyance, then the present condition is a suffering for me. ─── 如果说以前上课时偶尔投去的一瞥,是种莫名的喜悦,现在则是一种煎熬。

38、with a drink you feel sweet, if you can stand for a long while by the pool, you must feel pleased and indulged in immense joyance. ─── 尝一口,好甜,如果您能伫立潭边,定会宜情悦性其乐无边;

39、On a second thought, happily, she said, " One lifetime! " He laughed, not that she guessed right, but was infected by her joyance. ─── 女孩想了一想,快乐的说:“一辈子!”男孩笑了,并不是因为她答对,而是感染了她的喜悦。

40、Today, when we answer the economic window that eye comes to one year, besides gratified with joyance outside, more it is edificatory and think. ─── 今天,我们回眸一年来的经济亮点时,除了欣慰和喜悦外,更多的则是启迪与思考。

41、If joyance and tolerance is perpetual, what you leave at leisurely SPA of Banya and what it brings to you are of eternity too. ─── 如果快乐和宽容可以永恒,那么您留给班雅休闲SPA的,以及班雅休闲SPA留给您的,都将永远存在。

42、Await a postman to send a letter the angst that come and the joyance after receiving a letter. ─── 等待邮递员送信来的焦虑和收到信后的喜悦。”

43、The 4th, still have a kind of joyance that holds the job that oneself like to do truly. ─── 第四,还有一种抓住自己真正喜欢做的事的喜悦。

44、the pain, tears, sweat and joyance, enjoy it, ─── 疼痛,眼泪,汗水,喜悦,我们一起分享,

45、Free it is a Shuang Renjian, have the labour pains that a huge sum throws, also market share climbs the joyance that rise. ─── 免费是把双刃剑,有巨额投入的阵痛,也有市场份额攀升的喜悦。

46、After-thought rises, I once also had had regret and vexed, but more it is participation joyance however. ─── 回想起来,我也曾经有过遗憾和懊恼,但更多的却是参与的喜悦。

47、If be in Oscar such big circumstance, you should prepare to grab the hand of the eye to wrap only more, because you are on the stage that receive award likely, share joyance even when accepting honor. ─── 假如是在奥斯卡这样的大场合,你更是要预备一只抢眼的手包,因为你有可能走上领奖台,在接受荣誉的时候还要分享喜悦。

48、" the joyance that a xinhua net friend does not restrain a heart, grab those who got this card immediately " sofa " . ─── 一位新华网友抑制不住内心的喜悦,立马抢得了这条帖子的“沙发”。

49、I don't know what mood he has, neither any joyance of going home, nor any reluctant to part from China, only has reluctance to the trip. ─── 看不出他的心情怎样,没有即将回家的喜悦,也没有对离开中国的恋恋不舍,有的只是对于旅行的无奈。

50、This is the solitude and sit-in I advocated when there was joyance because the life was woke up. ─── 这就是我提倡的独处和静坐,此时有生命被唤醒的喜悦。

51、Yin Chaohui was a little compunctious that he had turned a blind eye to the “hands”, whereas it was just the ignorance inspired the joyance of Yin Chaohui when he “found” it. ─── 尹朝辉有点后悔原本对“手”的熟视无睹,然而正是这种熟视无睹才能更加激发尹朝辉“发现”它的那份喜悦。

52、Factitious what should have sad joyance, who can tell me! ! ! ─── 人为什么要有悲伤喜悦,谁能告诉我啊!!!

53、From today, no matter survival or death, destitution or affluence, soreness or joyance, failure or triumph, we will be together forevermore... ─── 从今天开始,无论生存与死亡,无论贫苦与富足,无论悲伤与快乐,无论失败与成功,我们将永远永远在一起...

54、Christmas is a warmth, romantic festival, before everybody surrounds the fireplace that sits in warmth, happily gather under the same roof, share festal joyance. ─── 圣诞节是一个温馨,浪漫的节日,大家围坐在暖和的壁炉前欢聚一堂,分享节日的喜悦。

55、For me, writings can show my emotion, reveal my joyance, alleviate my anger, and inspirit my ambition. ─── 对我自己来说,文章能抒发我的感情,表露我的喜悦,缓解我的忿怒,激励我的志向。

56、It is the cadaverous number on statistical code, be still the joyance after changeover becomes money? ─── 是统计代码上苍白的数字,还是转换成金钱后的喜悦?

57、I am enmeshed in amative joyance. ─── 我沉浸在恋爱的喜悦中。

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