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leucorrhoea 发音

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leucorrhoea 中文意思翻译



leucorrhoea 短语词组

1、leucorrhoea pic ─── 白带pic

2、leucorrhoea video ─── 白带视频

leucorrhoea 相似词语短语

1、logorrhoea ─── n.多言癖

2、leucorrhoeal ─── 白带

3、blennorrhoeas ─── 脓性粘液溢

4、leukorrhea ─── n.[妇产]白带(等于leucorrhoea)

5、leukorrheal ─── 白带

6、blennorrhoea ─── 脓性粘液溢

7、leucothoe ─── 银合欢

8、seborrhoea ─── [皮肤]皮脂溢

9、menorrhoea ─── n.月经正常

leucorrhoea 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Below the state that abounds circularly in blood, the yield of leucorrhoea also can rise. ─── 少女经血中前列腺素含量较高,可引起子宫肌肉痉挛收缩而致痛。

2、Vulva Sao is urticant. Leucorrhoea is much. Painful. What is the cause that basically causes? ─── 外阴瘙痒.白带多.痛.主要引起的原因是什么?

3、Did not live sexual life why can my vagina bleed? Does leucorrhoea also carry blood? Is department of gynaecology ill? Serious? Should see department of gynaecology? ─── 没有过性生活为什么我阴道会出血?白带也带血啊?是不是妇科病啊?严重不严重啊?要不要看妇科啊?

4、Leonurus herBal regulates menstruation and arrest leucorrhoea. ─── 益母草药,调经止带。

5、Two day, leucorrhoea follow water recently same, quantity fluid of flavour of much, as good as, make water has glowing feeling, disease of what department of gynaecology do I get excuse me? ─── 最近两天、白带就跟水一样、量多、无异味、尿液有灼热感,请问我是不是得什么妇科病了?

6、Leonurus herbal regulates menstruation and arrest leucorrhoea. ─── 益母草药,调经止带。

7、Is leucorrhoea much `` has peculiar smell `` disease of department of gynaecology? ─── 白带多``有异味``是不是妇科病?

8、Last month 8 menstruation that come, had not come to this month, these days leucorrhoea is very much, be how to return a responsibility? ─── 上个月8号来的月经,到这个月还没有来,这几天白带很多,是怎么回事?

9、A woman says leucorrhoea is very much in the evening is menstruation maladjusted how to do? ─── 有个女人说晚上白带很多月经失调怎么办?

10、Moola bandha is also excellent for treating prolapse, leucorrhoea and urinary (stress) incontinence. ─── 会阴收束对治疗下垂,白带及尿失禁同样成效显著。

11、Leucorrhoea is compared before much, but seem to become little again now, got disease of department of gynaecology? ─── 之前白带比较多,但是现在好象又变少了,是不是得了妇科病啊?

12、It is normal that leucorrhoea becomes transparent state? ─── 白带成透明状正常吗?

13、Did leucorrhoea become yellow to get disease of department of gynaecology? ─── 白带变黄是不是得了妇科病?

14、Shade is burned inside urticant, thicken of leucorrhoea grow in quantity and show reseda, excuse me inflammation of which kinds of department of gynaecology be? ─── 内阴烧痒,白带增多变浓且呈浅绿色,请问一下是哪种妇科炎症啊?

15、The bulk lots Monday's date K line receives morbid leucorrhoea hachure the long land, receives to 5 daily average lines above, 10 daily average lines form the short-term resistance in 2023 spots. ─── 大盘周一的日K线收出带下影线的长阳线,收至5日均线之上,10日均线在2023点形成短期阻力。

16、Vulva of mould sex vaginitis drama is urticant bear hard, the vagina is prickled, leucorrhoea is much, submit appearance of bean curd broken bits or curd form. ─── 霉菌性阴道炎外阴部剧痒难忍,阴道刺痛,白带多,呈豆腐渣样或凝乳状。

17、Causing the common cause with unusual leucorrhoea is all sorts of vaginitis, if vaginitis of sex of vaginitis of sex of bacterial sex vaginitis, mould, trichomonad is waited a moment. ─── 引起白带异常的常见原因是各种阴道炎,如细菌性阴道炎、霉菌性阴道炎、滴虫性阴道炎等等。

18、How is there black to return a responsibility in leucorrhoea? ─── 白带里有黑色怎么回事?

19、Problem of department of gynaecology, about leucorrhoea. ─── 妇科问题,关于白带。

20、Why does recent leucorrhoea resemble sizy and colorless insipidity? ─── 为什么最近的白带像浆糊无色无味?

21、I appear via regular meeting little abdominal pain, leucorrhoea is more also, but go to a hospital checking it is normal to be, I is this how? ─── 我经常会出现小腹痛,白带也比较多,但是去医院检查都为正常的,我这是怎么了?

22、Is leucorrhoea much when be pregnant? ─── 怀孕的时候白带多吗?

23、Leucorrhoea is stuck on palace neck is talking inflammation firm hair, serious still? ? ─── 白带粘在宫颈上是说话炎症刚发呢,还是严重了??

24、My leucorrhoea submits form of bean curd broken bits, the capacity is very much, can protect fill up what do very wet. ─── 我的白带呈豆腐渣状,量很多,能把护垫都弄的很湿。

25、How does leucorrhoea exceed pregnant initial stage one kind? ─── 怀孕的初期有没有一种是白带超多的?

26、The sleeve belt lower limb should in front 肘窝, a stethoscope not fort at the sleeve morbid leucorrhoea. ─── 袖带下缘应在前肘窝,听诊器头不要塞在袖带下。

27、Is leucorrhoea ever more is those who be pregnant augural is still be menstruation augural? ─── 白带曾多是怀孕的前兆还是月经的前兆?

28、Is leucorrhoea ever more is those who be pregnant augural is still be menstruation augural ? ─── 白带曾多是怀孕的前兆还是月经的前兆?

29、Leonurus herBal regulates menstruation and arrest leucorrhoea. ─── 益母草药,调经止带。

30、Leucorrhoea is the secretion of woman vagina. ─── 白带是妇女阴道的分泌物。

31、leucorrhoea increase morbid leucorrhoea quantity increases, many sticks the liquidity for the yellow white, sometimes is the purulent, or water sample courage and uprightness. ─── 带下增多带下量增多,多为黄白色粘液状,有时为脓性,或水样血性。

32、Leucorrhoea grow in quantity, rarer, color slants yellow, what reason be excuse me? ─── 白带增多,比较稀,颜色偏黄,请问是什么原因?

33、Apply to leucorrhoea overmuch. ─── 适用于白带过多。

34、Leucorrhoea is much, still have the object that resembles bean curd broken bits. Itch again. What disease did I get excuse me? ─── 白带多,还有象豆腐渣的物体。又痒。请问我得了什么病?。

35、Masturbation can increase the amount of leucorrhoea really. ─── 发现原因现在不太清楚。

36、Leucorrhoea is compared before much, but seem to become little again now, got disease of department of gynaecology? ─── 之前白带比较多,但是现在好象又变少了,是不是得了妇科病啊?

37、Leucorrhoea grow in quantity, cause reproductive path to affect even. ─── 白带增多等,甚至诱发生殖道感染。

38、Why after period passes, does leucorrhoea have blood? ─── 为什么经期过后,白带有血?

39、Is the leucorrhoea before menstruation pregnant expression more? ─── 月经前白带多是怀孕的表现吗?

40、Suffer from excessive internal heat can cause leucorrhoea peculiar smell, is vulva Sao urticant? ─── 上火会引起白带异味,外阴瘙痒吗?

41、Leucorrhoea is much, still have the object that resembles bean curd broken bits. Itch again. What disease did I get excuse me? ─── 白带多,还有象豆腐渣的物体.又痒.请问我得了什么病?

42、In addition, the precaution with unusual leucorrhoea, answer above all abstemious sex, notice the sanitation of menses, gestation and puerperium. ─── 此外,白带异常的预防,首先应节制房事,注意月经期、妊娠期和产褥期的卫生。

43、of vaginal mould infection companion of ivory spumescent leucorrhoea has vulva Sao to itch more, affect be caused by for vaginal trichomonad more. ─── 乳白色泡沫状白带伴有外阴部瘙痒,则多为阴道滴虫感染所致。

44、Keywords integrated traditional and western medicine;leucorrhoea disease;treatment leucorrhoea decoction;Jialikang effervescent vaginal tablets;efficacy observation; ─── 关键词中西药结合;带下病;自拟治带汤;佳丽康阴道泡腾片;疗效观察;

45、Can the ejaculation outside body be pregnant? Early pregnant leucorrhoea can grow in quantity? Early what is the symptom of pregnant? ─── 体外射精会不会怀孕?早早孕白带会不会增多?早早孕的症状是什么?

46、Why can leucorrhoea be green? ─── 为什么白带会是绿色的?

47、The waist is excuse me acerbity, alvine object ache, leucorrhoea is shown sometimes farinaceous, have peculiar smell, it is what inflammation ─── 请问腰酸,小腹坠疼,白带有时呈粉状,有异味,是什么炎症

48、My menstruation abnormal and is leucorrhoea to get ill A of very serious department of gynaecology so more very? ─── 我的月经不正常而且白带很多这样是不是得了很严重的妇科病阿?

49、When does leucorrhoea just appear? ─── 白带什么时候才出现?

50、Before menstruation why is leucorrhoea met grow in quantity? ─── 月经前为什么白带会增多?

51、Is leucorrhoea hair fizzles out the symptom of disease of department of gynaecology? ─── 白带发黄是妇科疾病的症状吗?

52、Why can leucorrhoea be reseda? ─── 为什么白带会是浅绿色的?

53、There is hematic silk in leucorrhoea, how to do. ─── 白带里有血丝,怎么办。

54、To menses, what omen is occurrence dust-colour leucorrhoea? ─── 到月经期,出现的灰褐色白带是什么征兆?

55、It is normal that is such leucorrhoea belonged to? ─── 这样的白带属于正常吗?

56、Does leucorrhoea bolus have side effect? ─── 白带丸有没有副作用?

57、Leucorrhoea is unusual companion has lumbago, be to get disease of department of gynaecology? ─── 白带异常伴有腰痛,是得了妇科病吗?

58、Leucorrhoea shows pattern of bean curd broken bits. ─── 白带呈豆腐渣样。

59、As a result of leucorrhoea grow in quantity, often can cause vulva Sao to itch or eczema. ─── 由于白带增多,常可引起外阴瘙痒或湿疹。

60、The clinical expression with it and beads bacterium collective vaginitis is vulva Sao itchs, leucorrhoea grow in quantity, but both also distinguish somewhat. ─── 它与念珠菌阴道炎共同的临床表现是外阴瘙痒,白带增多,但两者也有所区别。

61、Be pregnant to still have leucorrhoea? ─── 怀孕还有没有白带的?

62、Use at lobar carbuncle to spit pus, phlegmy hot asthma coughs, pneumonic, heat up dysentery, uric road is affected, carbuncle swollen sore is poisonous, oedema, nephritis, leucorrhoea is overmuch. ─── 用于肺痈吐脓,痰热喘咳,肺炎,热痢,尿路感染,痈肿疮毒,水肿,肾炎,白带过多。

63、Menstruation deferred 7 days, and mammary Zhang is painful, lumbar acid, leucorrhoea still has a dot to take yellow more a bit, be pregnant excuse me? ─── 月经推迟了7天,而且乳房账痛,腰酸,白带有点多还有点带黄色,请问是不是怀孕了啊?

64、If was pregnant, but oneself are not affirmatory still, but have leucorrhoea, be transparent be oviposit period? ─── 如果怀孕了,但是自己还不确定,可是有白带,是透明的是不是排卵期?

65、The person with much leucorrhoea has disease of department of gynaecology! ─── 白带多的人是不是有妇科病啊!

66、And in leucorrhoea unusually medium the infection sex pain that takes great majority suffers from, want to choose to medication suitably in the light of its type. ─── 而在白带异常中占绝大多数的感染性疾患,则要针对其类型选择合适的药物治疗。

67、The leucorrhoea when be pregnant meeting grow in quantity? ─── 怀孕时白带会增多吗?

68、Problem of leucorrhoea of department of gynaecology helps. . . ─── 妇科白带问题帮帮忙哦。。。

69、Excuse me leucorrhoea is yellow, still vulva contains Sao to itch, menses is not whole also constant, be disease of a kind of department of gynaecology? ─── 请问白带是黄色的,还有外阴带有瘙痒,月经期也不整常,是一种妇科病吗?

70、Apply to bare leucorrhoea to fall. ─── 适用于赤白带下。

71、Advocate order increase of dropsy of woman of the turn of life, leucorrhoea. ─── 主治更年期妇女浮肿、白带增多。

72、Answer: Hello! Your circumstance suggests you do B to exceed the examination with leucorrhoea convention to the hospital, decide the pathogeny is treated to disease. ─── 答:阁下好!阁下的境况意见你到诊所作B超和白带普通的检测检查,断定病原对症医治.

73、This medicine is used specifically for morbid leucorrhoea. ─── 这种药专治妇女带下。

74、Which help me? Leucorrhoea problem? ─── 哪位帮帮我啊?白带问题?

75、(11) leucorrhoea is effluvial: Vaginitis of vaginitis of sex of bug of visible Yu Di, sex of clap, mould. ─── (11)白带恶臭:可见于滴虫性阴道炎、淋病、霉菌性阴道炎等。

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