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09-19 投稿


laconically 发音

英:[ləˈkɑːnɪkli]  美:[ləˈkɒnɪk(ə)li]

英:  美:

laconically 中文意思翻译



laconically 相似词语短语

1、iconically ─── adv.形象地

2、canonically ─── adv.照教规地;宗教上地

3、laconical ─── 简明的;简洁的;说话简短的;精练的

4、draconically ─── 严厉地

5、Platonically ─── 理想地;柏拉图式地

6、acronically ─── 肢端的

7、biconically ─── 双锥

8、conically ─── adv.成圆锥形地(conical的副词)

9、Masonically ─── 共济会

laconically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There are many ways of playing Smiley," he found himself replying laconically. ─── 饰演史迈利的方式有很多种,”他简洁地对此回应。

2、its awfully nice of you to think of me , he said laconically. ─── “你这样关心我,你真是太好了。”他简括地说。

3、that is, as being such an answer as a Lacon would be likely to give. ─── 因此,一个“简短的回答”往往被说成是拉哥人的答法,也就是说拉哥人是这样回答问题的。

4、He crossed himself, as he answered laconically: "Walpurgis nacht. " ─── 他的回答很简短,一边说,一边画着十字。

5、As Guderian laconically remarked, “We had no defense against air attacks. ─── 古德利安少校所简短评述的那样,“我们无法防范来自空中的进攻。

6、That prompted Mr. Glos to say laconically that maybe other countries' packages "will help our export economy. " ─── 葛洛斯只能三言两语说,或许其他国家所推的方案「会有助于我们的出口经济」。

7、yes , " answered the doctor laconically , dropping the sheet he had raised" . ─── “是的”医生简洁地回答,放手把床单又盖在姑娘身上。

8、limit words, insist on one document to one affair, try to express laconically and refine the language. ─── 限字数,坚持“一文一事”,做到表达简括、力求语言精练。

9、'Go as a skivvy,' Joe interpolated laconically. ─── 佛瑞德.亨利不肯善罢甘休。

10、' laughed dark Car's mother, stroking her moustache as she explained laconically: `Out of the frying-pan into the fire! ' ─── 黝黑的卡尔的母亲也笑了,她摸着胡须简单地解释说:“一出煎锅,就掉进了火里!”

11、When he was fifteen, his father, a man of forty, had locked him in a room with a girl bride he had never seen before and laconically told him to produce a son. ─── 他十五岁那年,四十岁的父亲把他和素未见过面的新娘锁在一个屋子里,交代他要给家里传宗接代。

12、Mr. Shi a thin man of thinning hair blinked laconically through the smoke. ─── 透过烟雾,(我看到)老石只是眨了眨眼睛。这是个身材清瘦,头发稀少的男人。

13、Jacques Lacon ─── 拉康

14、Or say farewell laconically after passionate affection. ─── 还是热恋以后,简短说声再见

15、* `Too bad,’ she replied laconically. ─── ‘那可没办法,’她回答得很乾脆.

16、Newton says laconically, "I found them answer pretty nearly." ─── 牛顿言简意赅地说: “我发现了这些数值几乎都是很接近的” 。

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