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09-17 投稿


leasing 发音

英:[ˈliːsɪŋ]  美:[ˈliːsɪŋ]

英:  美:

leasing 中文意思翻译




leasing 短语词组

1、progressive leasing ─── 累进租赁

2、leasing companies ─── [经] 租赁公司

3、leasing credit ─── 租赁信贷

4、financial leasing ─── 融资租赁;金 ─── 融租赁

5、direct leasing ─── [经] 直接租赁

6、leasing trade ─── 租赁贸易

7、finance leasing ─── 金融租赁融资租赁

8、vendor leasing ─── [经] 卖主租赁

9、leasing industry ─── [经] 租赁业

10、re-leasing v. ─── 再出租; ─── 再租用(re-lease的现在分词)

11、leasing business ─── 租赁业务

12、equipment leasing ─── [经] 设备租赁

13、leasing contract ─── [法]租赁合同

14、leasing company ─── 租赁公司

15、leasing asset ─── [经] 租赁资产

16、leasing manager ─── 租赁经理

17、head of marketing and leasing ─── 营销和租赁主管

18、leasing authority ─── 有权出租单位

19、aircraft-leasing ─── 飞机租赁

leasing 词性/词形变化,leasing变形

动词现在分词: leashing |动词过去分词: leashed |动词第三人称单数: leashes |动词过去式: leashed |

leasing 常用词组

financial leasing ─── 融资租赁;金融租赁

leasing contract ─── 租赁合同

leasing trade ─── 租赁贸易

leasing 相似词语短语

1、leashing ─── n.皮带;束缚;vt.束缚;用皮带绑住

2、pleasing ─── adj.令人愉快的;讨人喜欢的;合意的;v.取悦(please的现在分词)

3、lasing ─── n.发射激光,产生激光;adj.产生激光的;v.发出雷射光(lase的ing形式)

4、-leasing ─── n.租赁;(苏)谎言;v.出租(lease的ing形式)

5、feasing ─── 不断减少

6、easing ─── n.减轻,缓解;v.减轻,缓解;(使)小心缓慢地移动(ease的现在分词)

7、ceasing ─── n.停止;中止;终了;v.停止;中断(cease的ing形式)

8、-easing ─── n.减轻,缓解;v.减轻,缓解;(使)小心缓慢地移动(ease的现在分词)

9、leading ─── adj.领导的;主要的;n.领导;铅板;行距;v.领导(lead的ing形式)

leasing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Several cities are considering leasing municipal assets. ─── 同时,几个城市正在考虑出租市政资产。

2、Denise sees the fleece,Denise sees the fleas.At leas Denise could sneeze and feed and freeze the fleas. ─── 丹尼斯看见了羊毛,丹尼斯看见了跳骚。丹尼斯又打喷嚏,有吃东西,他把跳骚冻了起来。

3、Should you consider establishing leasing capabilities in China? ─── 你是否应该考虑在中国建立租赁能力的可能性?

4、One or more key marker beds were identified for the purpose of leasing and drilling. ─── 为了租地和钻井的需求,他们对比了一个或更多的关键标志层。

5、Account Executives Requirements: -University degree in Journalism/ Communication/ PR &Marketing Related field; -At leas...... ... ─── 公司名称:汉威士体育文化传播(北京)有限责任公司工作地点:上海市卢湾区发布时间:2009-7-15

6、Based on this model, we discuss the preferences of the producer for either selling or leasing his durable goods. ─── 基于这个模型,文章讨论了厂商对其耐用品的出租或销售偏好。

7、From car retail the company branch out into car leasing. ─── 公司的业务从汽车零售扩大到汽车出租。

8、Management range includes investment, exploitation, manufacture, processing, leasing, attornment, wholesale, service. ─── 中信集团是中央管理的大型国有重要骨干企业,是国家授权投资的经营管理机构。

9、International Non-ferrous Metals Leasing Corporation Ltd. ─── 国际有色金属租赁有限公司

10、Have you thought of the advantages of leasing? ─── 你想过租约的有利之处吗?

11、Info:Leather Bikers Jacket Our range of bikers jackets are crafted elegantly from pure and stylish lea ...... ─── 主要材质:真皮次要材质:真皮尺码:全码适用季节:秋

12、Local resident: You will often read various advertisements for room leasing on the poles in the Agora. ─── 学校的单元房:学校也有部分多卧式的单元房,适合多个学生一起合租(每人分摊的费用低于单人间宿舍)。

13、To break up black markets surrounding the antiquities of poor countries, he proposes leasing the artifacts to museums. ─── 为了打破贫穷国家古文物的黑市交易,他提议将这些艺术品出租给博物馆。

14、Medical devices leasing center has been founded in many hospital in recent years. ─── 医疗设备租赁中心近几年来在很多医院已经建立起来,有了很多成功的经验。

15、Would you care about a cup of lea? ─── 你喜欢喝杯茶吗?

16、Kleppe involved the leasing of coal reserves on public lands to private mining companies. ─── “克莱拍”一案涉及到把公有土地上的煤矿资源租赁给一些私营矿产公司。

17、Leasing at the Beijing R&F shopping mall has meanwhile been satisfactory. ─── 同时,北京富力购物中心的出租情况令人满意。

18、He says the advice there is to have at leas least $2,400 for 12 months in the United States. ─── 他说他们那里的建议是在美国12个月的学习至少要有2400美元。

19、Immigrants could circumvent such exclusionary laws by leasing or purchasing land in their American-born children's names. ─── 移民可以通过用他们在美国出生的孩子的名字租赁或购买土地来规避这种排他性法律。

20、The system of leasing out the rights of collecting and retaining taxes in a certain district. ─── 包出租税的制度在一定地区出租征收和保留税款权力的系统

21、Staff leasing, as a brand new service, is very unusual as it sets out to meet employers special demand. ─── 人才租赁是一种特殊的服务形式,依托于企业的特殊需求应运而生的一种全新的服务方式。

22、The success of the company and commercial bank's financial leasing collaboration to solve customer financing problems. ─── 公司成功的与商业银行合作开展融资租赁业务,解决了客户融资问题。

23、Leasing out a domestic property involves a number of legal procedures and financial arrangements. ─── 出租住宅物业涉及许多法律程序和财务安排。

24、Some farmers are already informally leasing out their land-use contracts.After Mr. ─── 一些农民已经非正式地出租了他们的土地使用合约。

25、All of the LEA sequences detected in animals to date, including those reported in this study, belong to LEA3 group. ─── 到目前为止,所有在动物中检测到的LEA序列,包括本研究中报道的,都属于LEA3群组。

26、Handle all leasing activities including conducting site inspections in the absence of Sales and Marketing. ─── 处理所有租赁事宜,包括在市场部不在的时候带客人看房。

27、The tax base depends on the nature of leasing item, the finance leasing and business leasing. ─── 在计算应税收入时要区分融资租赁和经营租赁。

28、As it hears the Voice a-calling, a-calling from the Lea! ─── 因为它听到了草原的召唤!

29、"Leasing is going to be 90 percent of the solar business, " he said. ─── 他说,“租赁将会占太阳能业务的90%。”

30、AMB offers a variety of flexible leasing services for customer. ─── 安博能提供灵活多样的租赁服务。

31、Our operations involve construction, leasing, and management of villas and apartments. ─── 公司营运涉及别墅和公寓的建造、租售和管理。

32、Michael Lea, born in Salford and brought up in Leigh, is a strong and quick defender. ─── 出生于萨尔福德在莱格长大的迈克尔李是一名强壮有速度的后卫。

33、Vodka, Tomato Juice, Lea & Perrin, Celery Salt, Pepper and Tabasco. ─── 伏特加,番茄汁,李派林辣酱油,芹菜盐,胡椒粉和塔巴斯哥辣油

34、The endless lea will purify your thought. ─── 一望无际的草原会净化你的思想。

35、The girl he lea ned against was his daughter. ─── 他靠着的那个女孩是他的女儿。

36、Available to give preferential treatment in a big margin when once again leasing our Corp's other car. ─── 再次包用我公司的其他车辆,可以大幅度优惠。

37、China Int'l Nonferrous Metal Leasing Co., Ltd. ─── 中国国际有色金属租限公司。

38、In order to conclude the transaction, I think you should reduce the price by at leas 3 %. ─── 为了达成交易,我想你们至少得减价3%才行。

39、The elevators in the leasing items shall run smoothly when the human on the third or fourth floors are not using them. ─── 厂房电梯(货梯)三至四楼实际运用时应保证乙方租赁的厂房电梯的正常运转。

40、Her only income came from sporadic leasing deals, forcing her to dip repeatedly into retirement savings. ─── 她仅有的收入来自于零星的租赁交易,这令她不得不经常动用退休储蓄。

41、"Mike Lea has been consistent all the way through. ─── “麦克.李也是非常出色。

42、KCC offers premium office space. Many multinationals have committed to leasing. ─── 九龙贸易中心提供优质办公室,吸引多间跨国公司租用。

43、The land under wind turbines can be used for grazing cattle and other purposes, and leasing land for wind turbines can provide extra income for farmers and ranchers. ─── 风力涡轮机下方的土地可以用来放养家畜和用于其他用途,而租借给风力涡轮机的土地也可以为农民和牧场主提供额外的收入。

44、Mike Lea has been consistent all the way through. ─── 基兰.李本赛季表现十分稳固。

45、But neither from Roger nor anyone else could the Abbot get news of Sir Richard at Lea. ─── 但是修道院院长既不能从罗格也不能从任何其它的人得到李?理查德爵士的消息。

46、In the next few years, Staff Leasing and Personnel Administration will share the domestic talent market. ─── 人才租赁服务与人事代理服务在今后的几年里,将会在国内的人才上平分秋色。

47、Once leasing annualised revenue, the Financial definitely be affected, and will also affect urban development. ─── 一旦出让金按年计收,财政肯定会受影响,进而也会影响城市的发展。

48、In velar rest position, the distance of LEA to VCL was greater in B group than in A group(P

49、If you think you know it then shout it out. Is it taxes, interest on loans, land leasing or borrowing? You've got three seconds, go! ─── 如果你认为你知道答案,那么就大声喊出来!它是税,贷款利息,地租还是借款?你有三秒钟的时间,开始!

50、But I'm afraid it is not easy as the leasing terms are very reasonable. ─── 不过恐怕不容易,因为业主所提出的租凭条件已非常合理。

51、Participants should clear the farm plots and plants before the end of the leasing period. ─── 参加者須在租約期滿前自行清理耕地及作物。

52、The real-estate tax is calculated under the rate on leasing income method. The applicable rate is 12%. ─── 从租按租金收入12%的税率缴纳。

53、But for other firms, leasing may not be the best option, says Cassiano. ─── 但是,对于其他企业,租赁可能不是最好的选择说,卡夏诺。

54、And nearly all of these packagers plan to continue to use leasing for future equipment acquisitions. ─── 和几乎所有的这些包装计划继续使用租赁设备为未来的收购。

55、Why has equipment leasing been so slow to take off? ─── 为什么设备租赁的起步如此之慢?

56、E mise davanti le serve e i loro figliuoli, poi Lea e i suoi figliuoli, e da ultimo Rachele e Giuseppe. ─── 他叫两个婢女和她们的孩子走在前头,利亚和她的孩子跟着,拉结和约瑟走在最后。

57、How do we pay business tax in leasing property? ─── 出租业务怎样纳营业税?

58、Married high-grade car leasing, and will provide the wedding, floats, such as full-service camera. ─── 各种高档婚车租赁,并可提供婚礼主持、花车、摄像等全方位服务。

59、Up in the cottage called the Lea, four men with nothing to wait for closed the circle of their lives. ─── 在那座叫“草原”的小别墅里,四个没有什么指望的男人,结束了他们的人生旅程。

60、M.S., B.S. in Computer Science or related field.2. 3+ years software development experience including at leas...... ... ─── 公司名称:北京六所华胜高技术股份有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-4-18

61、Other financial institutions are in good positions to ally themselves with financial leasing firms. ─── 其它金融机构则与金融租赁公司结盟方面状态良好。

62、At least 5 years of marketing experience in local or foreign large financial leasing companies, banks, engineering machinery industries. ─── 具有融资(金融)租赁公司、银行、工程机械行业等相关工作经验5年以上;

63、NSR predicts that in the next decade the business of leasing satellite capacity will grow by an average of 4. 3% a year. ─── NSR预测,未来十年内卫星容量租赁业务平均每年会增加4.

64、At the end of July Chrysler stunned its dealers by saying it was getting out of leasing entirely. ─── 七月末时,克莱斯勒宣布将完全终止租借业务,这让经销商们目瞪口呆。

65、International Packaging Leasing Corporation Ltd. ─── 国际包装租赁有限公司

66、Lea, vedendo che avea cessato d’aver figliuoli, prese la sua serva Zilpa e la diede a Giacobbe per moglie. ─── 于是,拉结把自己的婢女辟拉给了雅各为妾,雅各就与她亲近。

67、If you are interested in leasing trade, please let us know. ─── 如果你们有意做租赁贸易,请告诉我们。

68、The leasing company must provide technical and repair services. ─── 出租人有义务提供技术和维修服务。

69、The application for housing land after selling or leasing houses shall not be approved. ─── 农村村民出卖、出租住房后,再申请宅基地的,不予批准。

70、The two companies have signed a contract to do leasing trade. ─── 两家公司已签定合同做租赁贸易。

71、You would not believe all he said.He is a leasing person. ─── 他说的话你可不能全信。他是个说谎不带脸红的人。

72、The leasing portfolio is not just a sideline; it is seen as a way of getting a foothold in other business. ─── 租赁组合不只是一种副业;人们认为这是争取在其他行业立足的一个办法。

73、The river Lea flows into the Thames which flows into the North Sea. ─── 利河流入泰晤士河,泰晤士河流入北海。

74、You can look for a tenant on your own or appoint a licensed estate agent to handle the leasing of your property. ─── 你可自行寻找租客或委托持牌地产代理替你处理出租住宅物业的事宜。

75、Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn lea ves. ─── 使生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美。

76、Don't try so hard, the best things come when you leas. ─── 五一呆在寝室是最无聊的。。。。难道有个小女生找个话题来聊

77、Its business scope includes marine trsnsport, port stevedore, crew laabor leasing,bunker supplying, hotel restataurant. ─── 公司航班密度和进出口箱量在中/日航线的班轮公司中位居前列。

78、A contract for the commercial leasing of a vessel or space on a vessel. ─── 商业租船契约租用船或放船的空间的商业契约

79、Sixth, misappropriation and diversion of land leasing, rental, land revenue. ─── 六是挤占挪用土地出让金、租金等土地收益的。

80、An oil boom would also mean a multibillion dollar windfall in tax revenues, royalties and leasing fees for Alaska and the Federal Government. ─── 石油产业的繁荣还意味着阿拉斯加和联邦政府将获得数十亿美元的意外之财:税收收入、特许权使用费和租赁费。

81、To provide leadership to guide and lead leasing team to achieve business objectives. ─── 以便为上级领导提供指导方向,并携租赁团队达到商业目标。

82、Big Show Brie Bella vs.Katie Lea Cryme Tyme (JTG & Shad Gaspard) vs. ─── 上Q最常有的感觉是“无聊”,尽管在网络上花去了大把的时间 - Kofi Kingston vs.

83、But Mr. Lea's being good enough to let them keep dragging on around here. ─── 但是李老爷让他们在这里苟延残喘已经够好心了。

84、Long-term leasing of brand new vehicles for company use could be the best choice of car allowance. ─── 在此情况下,长期租用簇新汽车供公司使用,诚然是提供汽车津贴的最佳选择。

85、Skill Requirement:1. 2-3 years work experience;2. Above 2years of technical experience in Mainframe and COBOL;3. At leas...... ... ─── 公司名称:大连阿尔泰克信息技术有限公司工作地点:辽宁省大连市发布时间:2009-7-25

86、Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals, R. D. Frandson, Lea& Febiger. ─── 兽医解剖生理学,兽医学要览(5)白火城等,中华民国兽医学会编印。

87、Indeed, land leasing Shady Deal Case is the world know very secret. ─── 事实上,土地批租黑幕很早就是世人都知道的秘密。

88、D. rely on the finance department to get leasing information. ─── 依靠财务部门获得租赁方面的信息。

89、One form of debt financing is leasing, and is often used for things like property or equipment. ─── 债务融资的形式之一是租赁,常被用在财产或设备等事物上。

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