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09-19 投稿


Klan 发音


英:  美:

Klan 中文意思翻译



Klan 网络释义

n. 三K党(等于Ku Klux Klan)

Klan 短语词组

1、smashes the klan ─── 粉碎三K党

2、ku klux klan n. ─── 三K党

Klan 相似词语短语

1、Alan ─── n.艾伦(男子名)

2、khan ─── n.可汗(对最高统治者的尊称);商队客店;n.(Khan)人名;(瑞典)卡恩;(老、柬)坎

3、flan ─── n.果馅饼;坯子;vt.用蛋奶冻馅饼袭击;n.(Flan)人名;(法)弗朗

4、klap ─── 鼓掌

5、kulan ─── n.西亚野驴;马科;n.(Kulan)(土)库兰(人名)

6、clan ─── n.宗族;部落;集团;n.(Clan)人名;(英)克兰

7、Klan ─── n.三K党(等于KuKluxKlan)

8、klang ─── n.巴生(位于马来西亚);(德)响声;n.(Klang)人名;(俄、罗、瑞典、捷)克朗

9、elan ─── n.活力;热忱;锐气;n.(Elan)人名;(法)埃朗

Klan 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cab driver: For twenty dollars I'll take you to a Ku Klux Klan cookout! ─── 占士邦:那麽若你跟著那架房车后面的话,我会给你多二十元。

2、What he did was: he started up this club called the Ku Klux Klan. ─── 他所做的是:搞了个联谊会,叫三K党。

3、The very suspicion of seditious utterances against the government, suspected complicity in the Ku Klux Klan, or complaint by a negro that a white man had been uppity to him were enough to land a citizen in jail. ─── 只要有煽动反对政府的一点点嫌疑,有三K党同谋的嫌疑,或者有黑人控告他态度傲慢,就足以让一个市民进监狱了。

4、We were safe, even though the Klan was extorting 'donations' by night. ─── 我们是安全的,即使是勒索党'捐赠'的夜晚。

5、as head of the local Ku Klux Klan, Mr Killen orchestrated the murder of three young civil-rights workers. ─── 作为当地3k党的头目,基伦先生参与凶杀了3位年轻的民权工作者。

6、What he is doing is just like dressing up in Klan outfits and walk in to a Black Panther bar. ─── 他他的行动就像是穿三K党的服装打扮走进了黑豹吧。

7、These web pages are put up by bogus "Klan" groups as well as anti Klan groups. ─── 这些网页是提出了假“党”的群体以及反党的群体。

8、Since the Klan affair Rhett and Scarlett had been, with the exception of the Yankees and Carpetbaggers, the town's most unpopular citizens. ─── 你那宝贝查尔斯,弗兰克,还有那个笨蛋艾希礼----"“快别说了----"“我说你那个艾希礼,这些正人君子----关于女人,他们到底了解什么?

9、A study of the period of 1868 to 1871 estimates that the Ku Klux Klan was involved in more than 400 lynchings. ─── 一项对1868年至1871年的治安调查估计三K党参与了超过400件私刑。

10、These organizations [White Citizens' Councils and the Ku Klux Klan] are protesting for the perpetuation of injustice in the community, we are protesting for the birth of justice in the community. ─── 那些组织(白人公民联合会和三K党)进行的抗争,是为了永远延续社会上的不公平;我们进行的抗争,是为了催生社会上的公平。

11、Do you think that, if you were granted omnipotence and omniscience and millions of years in which to perfect your world, you could produce nothing better than the Ku Klux Klan or the fascists? ─── 你如果有全智和全能,并且有千百万年的时间来使你的世界臻于完善,你难道创造不出比三K党和法西斯更美好的东西么?

12、I rejoined that the Klan is a more lunatic splinter group. ─── 我回答说三K党只不过是神经失常的一小撮。

13、How Is the Ku Klux Klan Like a Group of Real-Estate Agents? ─── 为什么说3K党其实很像一群房地产中介?

14、In one case, the Oxford photo, below, has been lifted and put on a web page for a bogus "Klan". ─── 在一个案例中,牛津大学的照片,下面,已取消,并在网页上一个虚假的“党” 。

15、Louisiana authorities say a woman recruited for a Ku Klux Klan initiation ritual was shot and killed after she tried to back out. ─── 路易斯安那州当局称一名在参加3K党入会仪式的妇女在试图离开时被射杀致死。

16、"Ashley isn't in the Klan! ─── 弗兰克也不可能!

17、Greensboro massacre: Five members of the Communist Workers Party are shot dead and seven are wounded by a group of Klansmen and neo-Nazis during a "Death to the Klan" rally. ─── 格林斯博罗大屠杀:共产主义工人党党员在“3K党去死”的集会中,遭受一伙3-K党和美国新纳粹党党徒的枪击,5人遇害,7人受伤。

18、a member of the Ku Klux Klan ─── 三K党的一员

19、The Nazi Party is an enormous German Ku Klux Klan . ─── 纳粹党就是一个大型的德国三K党。

20、I felt good about how we handled the Klan situation, and it increased my confidence that we could deal properly with anything that might happen in the future. ─── 我对我们处理三K党这一状况感觉很好,增强了我的信心,让我觉得我们将来有能力能够适当地处理可能发生的任何事情。

21、What he did was, he started up this club called the Ku Klux Klan. ─── 他干的就是搞了个叫做“三K党”的组织。

22、The Ku Klux Klan openly flourished and laid legitimate claims to controlling the governor. ─── 三K党公然肆虐,名副其实地控制了州长。

23、She said we were related to him in some way.What he did was: he started up this club called the Ku Klux Klan. ─── 人和人的命运就是不一样,或许某种人会一直是这个样子,不要再做无用的尝试,去,改变,它。

24、At an afternoon Klan meeting in Alabama I had a nice conversation with this lovely grandfather. ─── 翻译:一个下午,3K党在阿拉巴马州举行会议,我和这位可爱的3K党始祖有过一次和善的交谈。

25、The secrets of the Ku Klux Klan. ─── 父母教养方式的差异对孩子影响不大。

26、known that he is a member of the super-wealthy Bad Moonz Klan. ─── 知道他是极-有-财的破月亮部落的一员。

27、Civil rights legislation did not stop Klan riders. Men like him did. ─── 公民权利法规无法阻止三K暴徒,像他这样的男人可以!

28、The SS and Nazi movement in Germany or the Klu Klux Klan in the US is an example of those in white form of this nature in present time. ─── 德国纳粹运动和美国三K党(译注:是美国历史和当今的一个奉行白人至上主义的民间组织,也是美国种族主义的代表性组织)是今天这类性质的白人事例。

29、In the spring of 1979, the Ku Klux Klan and its national director, David Duke, decided to hold a meeting in Little Rock. ─── 1979年春天,三K党及其全国指挥官戴维.杜克,决定在小石城举行一个会议。

30、Ku Klux Klan ─── n. (美国的)三K党

31、In the spring of 1979, the Ku Klux Klan and its national director, David Duke, decided to hold a meeting in Little Rock. ─── 1979年春天,三K党及其全国指挥官戴维.杜克,决定在小石城举行一个会议。

32、She said we was related to him in some way and what he did was, he started up this club called the Ku Klux Klan. ─── 一句母爱的劝言,让阿甘用自己的一生履行着生命的承诺。

33、Louisiana authorities say a woman recruited for a Ku Klux Klan initiation ritual was shot and killed after she tried to back out.44-year-old Raymond " Foster is charged with second grade murder. ─── 路易斯安娜州当局说,一名妇女在3K党招新仪式上企图退出时惨遭射杀。年仅44岁的拉蒙德福斯特被控犯有二级谋杀。

34、27.I'm no policeman.He and Mr.Elsing are under arrest for complicity in a Klan raid at Shantytown tonight.A nigger and a white man were killed.Mr.Wilkes was the ringleader in it. ─── 我又不是警察,可是他和埃尔辛先生参与了三K党的行动,今天晚上去袭击了棚户区,这才来逮捕他们的,这伙人杀了一个黑人,一个白人,为首的就是艾希先生。"

35、Louisiana authorities say a woman recruited for a Ku Klux Klan initiation ritual was shot and killed after she tried to back out . ─── 路易斯安那州官方表示一名女子被三K党招纳入会,后因拒绝被枪杀。

36、I'll admit and brag about my services to the Confederacy and, if worst comes to worst, I'll join their damned Klan --though a merciful God could hardly lay so heavy a penance on my shoulders as that. ─── 我愿意承认并且吹嘘我给南部联盟做的种种事情,而且,如果万不得已,我愿意加入他妈的那个三K党----尽管上帝不见得会那样无情,将对我作出这种残酷的惩罚。

37、Southern blacks, hounded by poverty and a rampaging Ku Klux Klan, ─── 南部的黑人饱受贫穷之害与三K党猖狂之苦,

38、We were safe, even though the Klan was extorting ‘donations’ by night. ─── 我们是安全的,即使是勒索党'捐赠'的夜晚。

39、Borglum was linked to the Ku Klux Klan. ─── 博格勒姆同三K党有所联系。

40、Dizziness accompanied by strong, the Klan once again found himself opening the safe to restore the new look Kudo. ─── 伴随着强烈的晕眩后,柯南再次睁眼发现自己平安地恢复了工藤新一的样子。

41、They are so upset"--Pitty dropped her voice mysteriously--"about the Ku Klux Klan. Do you have the Klan down in the County? ─── 他们愤怒极了"----皮蒂神秘地压低声音----"至于那个三K党,在你们乡下也有吧?

42、I didn't know he was in the Klan. ─── 哦,他一定会非常谅解,但是他决不会再爱她了。

43、Klan = Stella? ─── 你是鸡神?

44、He should join the Ku Klux Klan----he would look a lot better with a hood over his head. ─── 他应该加入三K党----他的脑袋用头巾包起来看上去会好很多。

45、Also and Xiao-Lan Di Dan back together high school, the intention to scare you about the Klan, they found a bit strange here, like . . . ─── 也和小兰一起回到了帝丹高中,本打算吓唬大家一下的柯南,却发现这里的样子有点奇怪……?

46、The Ku Klux Klan. ─── 三K党

47、He talked about whites worshipping in church in the morning and putting on white Klan sheets at night. ─── 他说那些白人早上在教堂祈祷,而一到晚上就会穿上三K党人的白外套(注3)。

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