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09-19 投稿


labyrinthian 发音


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labyrinthian 中文意思翻译



labyrinthian 短语词组

1、labyrinthian narrative ─── 迷宫般的叙述

labyrinthian 相似词语短语

1、labyrinthal ─── 迷路的

2、labyrinthically ─── 迷宫般地

3、labyrinthical ─── 迷路的

4、labyrinth fish ─── n.迷鳃鱼

5、labyrinthic ─── adj.迷宫的;曲折的;错综复杂的

6、labyrinth ─── n.迷宫;[解剖]迷路;难解的事物

7、labyrinthitis ─── n.内耳炎;[耳鼻喉]迷路炎

8、labyrinths ─── n.迷宫(labyrinth的复数形式)

9、labyrinthine ─── adj.迷宫的;复杂的

labyrinthian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Down this kind of train of thought, what the person that pursue will discover he was immersed in various concepts and view is labyrinthian. ─── 顺着这种思路,追寻者将发现自己陷入了各种各样的概念和说法的迷宫。

2、a 40-year-old woman is a novel which has rich content and labyrinthian polts; ─── 四十岁的女人是小说,内容丰富,情节曲折;

3、House advocate oneself are stylist, " Labyrinthian " the classic that house is him. ─── 屋主本人是设计师,“迷宫”之屋就是他的杰作。

4、Of this function roll out very labyrinthian. ─── 该功能的推出颇为曲折。

5、The career of Chinese country collaboration that this makes all previous classics labyrinthian and walks into blind lane almost produced tremendous turn, find from this.. ─── 这使得历经曲折而几乎走进死胡同的中国农村合作事业发生了巨大的转折,并由此找到...

6、labyrinthian reflexes ─── 迷路反射

7、Their army horse career is labyrinthian free and easy, was full of legend colour. ─── 他们的戎马生涯曲折跌宕,充满了传奇色彩。

8、labyrinthian domain ─── 迷宫畴

9、Make a comprehensive view the association between two great people, refracted Chinese socialism to build the history of labyrinthian development from a flank. ─── 综观两个伟人之间的交往,从一个侧面折射了中国社会主义建设曲折发展的历史。

10、Actually I have this side a paragraph of labyrinthian experience. ─── 这方面其实我有一段曲折的经历。

11、Begin oestrus when puppy, calorific, be being held in the arms, labyrinthian, turn round, sex, became little beast. ─── 当小动物开始发情,发热,被抱着,曲折,扭转,交合,就变成了小野兽。

12、Saying is " labyrinthian " , because below two buildings on it are a passageway everywhere, unaccustomed person very easy " stray " . ─── 说是“迷宫”,因为它上下两层楼到处是通道,不习惯者很轻易“迷路”。

13、Slope head area is located in harbor city Zhan Jiang east, with Zhan Jiang urban district the fork that lie between the sea looks, thalassic depth, labyrinthian continous grows coasting. ─── 坡头区位于港城湛江之东,与湛江市区隔海叉相望,海湾纵深,海岸线曲折绵长。

14、Technical innovation is a labyrinthian and complex and lengthy process, of achievement of almost all and great science and technology change should experience one end length or short time-interval. ─── 技术创新是一个曲折复杂而且漫长的过程,几乎所有重大科技成果的转化都要经历一段长或短的时间间隔。

15、Although make a province with what famous brand breaks, but in the time in a year this many, is what had they gone how labyrinthian and the road of hardships? ─── 虽然与名牌失之交省,但是在这一年多的时间里,他们走过的是一条怎样曲折而艰辛的路呢?

16、Chen Duxiu rises to fall greatly greatly all one's life, labyrinthian bank river, to his historical opinion, half many century comes, commend differ, inflectional and discrepant. ─── 陈独秀一生大起大落、曲折坎河,对于他的历史评价,半个多世纪来,褒贬不一,抑扬有异。

17、Although much polarization process is labyrinthian, but the external environment that its trend still provided peace and stability for our country. ─── 多极化进程虽然曲折,但其趋势仍为我国提供了和平稳定的外部环境。

18、Try to transform to having door window, casing of many somes of case is labyrinthian , had trifling nation distinguishing feature. ─── 对现有门窗加以改造,多些格框曲折,便有了些许民族特色。

19、Try to transform to having door window, casing of many somes of case is labyrinthian, had trifling nation distinguishing feature. ─── 对现有门窗加以改造,多些格框曲折,便有了些许民族特色。

20、Party card cadre " take the blame resigns " the course that experienced a paragraph of labyrinthian development in China. ─── 党政干部“引咎辞职”在中国经历了一段曲折发展的历程。

21、To party constitution historic reviewing the labyrinthian sex that conduces to development of understanding party constitution and importance. ─── 对党章的历史性回顾有助于了解党章发展的曲折性和重要性。

22、Configuration feature : The bine is erect, be as high as 1 meter, a bit labyrinthian, base the ministry does not have wool, upside has short shag. ─── 形态特征 :茎竖立,高达1米,稍曲折,基部无毛,上部有短粗毛。

23、So, the purpose of reform is for the person, and it is with the person this reform, ability gets of people support, gift calendar classics is labyrinthian and indefectible. ─── 所以,改革的目的是为 了人,而以人为本的改革,才能受到人民 的拥护,才能历经曲折而不败。

24、Chinese modernization is a complicated and labyrinthian course, in which there were many lost opportunities. ─── 中国现代化经历了一个面临多次机会、但又屡屡与机遇擦肩而过的复杂曲折过程。

25、Review Fujian to carry 50 old development course, it is labyrinthian that its develop way. ─── 回顾闽运50多年的发展历程,其发展道路是曲折的。

26、To seek socialist economy form, generation acting socialist, not Wei hardships, be brave in to develop, experienced endless and labyrinthian journey. ─── 为了探寻社会主义经济形态,一代代社会主义者,不畏艰辛,勇于开拓,经历了漫长曲折的征程。

27、House advocate oneself are stylist, "Labyrinthian " the classic that house is him. ─── 屋主本人是设计师,“迷宫”之屋就是他的杰作。

28、We should study this kind of phenomenon that Russia appears in modern course seriously, deepen the understanding of complexity of modern to backward country road and labyrinthian sex. ─── 我们要认真研究俄罗斯现代化进程中出现的这种现象 ,加深对落后国家现代化道路复杂性和曲折性的认识。

29、The circumstances of this story is very labyrinthian and new, the author says: The taxi of this Africa country is to run quickly 320, local is opening BMW 745 cross-country in sanded ground; ─── 这个故事的情节非常曲折新奇,作者称:该非洲国家的出租车都是奔驰320,当地人开着宝马745在沙地里越野;

30、Your life, refuse linear, your road, labyrinthian. ─── 你是勤快有加的女人。

31、Saying is " labyrinthian " , because below two buildings on it are a passageway everywhere, unaccustomed person very easy " stray " . ─── 说是“迷宫”,因为它上下两层楼到处是通道,不习惯者很轻易“迷路”。

32、Also make us feel from this the hardship that facilities of urban round officer develops and labyrinthian. ─── 由此也令我们深感城市团校事业发展的艰难与曲折。

33、Before conference of abide by justice, the party experienced exploration of hard and labyrinthian ground on intellectual problem. ─── 遵义会议前,党在知识分子问题上经历了艰难曲折地探索。

34、Begin oestrus when puppy, calorific, be being held in the arms, labyrinthian , turn round, sex, became little beast. ─── 当小动物开始发情,发热,被抱着,曲折,扭转,交合,就变成了小野兽。

35、Since 1979, the shipping concern of dealings of cross-strait classics trade and two sides though after many labyrinthian, but grow rate still startling. ─── 1979年以来,两岸经贸往来和两岸的航运关系虽说几经曲折,但发展速度仍令人吃惊。

36、After the socialist economy passes labyrinthian development, still can have new development. ─── 社会主义经济经过曲折发展以后 ,还会有新的发展。

37、But as a result of " left " the leader of bend mistake, he however nearly is hit into " AB is round " element, this is him a paragraph of unforgettable experience in labyrinthian revolution life. ─── 但是由于“左”倾错误的领导,他却险些被打成“AB团”分子,这是他曲折革命人生中一段难忘的经历。

38、Here is having hard and labyrinthian enginery phylogeny. ─── 这里有着艰难曲折的兵器发展史。

39、The monetary experience in Chinese socialism construction is more rough labyrinthian. ─── 货币在中国社会主义建设中的经历就更为坎坷曲折。

40、Shunt mode and transfer means often is adjusted, this decided in inferior the long-term sex that the country forms sound market economy, labyrinthian sex and complexity. ─── 转轨模式和过渡方式经常调整,这就决定了中亚国家形成健全的市场经济的长期性、曲折性和复杂性。

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