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09-17 投稿


largesse 发音


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largesse 网络释义

n. 慷慨的赠与;慷慨赠与物(等于largess)

largesse 同义词

bigness |breadth | bulk | extensiveness | extent | size | mass | scale | width | expansiveness | comprehensiveness | pretension | pretentiousness | magnitude

largesse 短语词组

1、bureaucratic largesse ─── 官僚主义的慷慨

2、largesse flowing ─── 慷慨的流动

largesse 反义词


largesse 相似词语短语

1、larges ─── adj.大的;多数的;广博的;adv.大大地;夸大地;n.大;n.(Large)人名;(英)拉奇;(法)拉尔热

2、largess ─── n.慷慨的赠予;赠品

3、largens ─── v.扩大

4、largesses ─── n.慷慨的赠予;赠品

5、largest ─── adj.多量的,最大的(large的最高级)

6、large-size ─── 大尺寸的;大号,大码

7、largeness ─── n.巨大,广大;大量

8、larges it ─── 放大它

9、burgesses ─── n.(英)自由民;市民;议员;(美)镇行政官;n.(Burgess)人名;(德)布格斯;(英)伯吉斯

largesse 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ronald Reagan, well on his way to slashing his predecessor's largesse toward clean energy, killed the investment tax credit. ─── 罗纳尔多·里根——当时已经在大张旗鼓地削减其前任对清洁能源的补贴——把投资税务抵免取消掉了。

2、In the short term public largesse is a necessary response to the slump in private demand. ─── 短期内公共财政的慷慨是对私人需求萎缩的必要反应。

3、The System on Largess and Comfort and Compensate a Bereaved Family toEight Banners Officers and Soldiers of Kongxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong Periods ─── 康雍乾三朝八旗官兵赏恤制度

4、So Europe's regulators have moderated their largesse. ─── 所以欧洲的管理者们对太阳能产业也不再那么慷慨了。

5、After you received the largess of vendor, how to deal with it? ─── 可以有供应商免费货物来处理呀,但不知你所说的出现在存货中是指金额,还是数量?

6、Yet it takes more than a dream and government largesse to succeed as a financial hub. ─── 不过,若要梦想成真,光有理想或者挥金如土都还不够。

7、Famous among job seekers for its largesse,the company, quite apart from generous salaries, bestowed on its executives annual bonuses and such perquisites as low-interest home mortgages and company cars. ─── 因为它的慷慨而在求职者中闻名,这个公司除了丰厚的薪水之外,它还给予管理人员年终奖以及如低息房屋贷款和公司车辆等额外津贴。

8、This largesse is sometimes an entry ticket.In Nigeria China's promises to invest about $4 billion in refineries, power plants and agriculture were a condition for getting oil rights. ─── 慷慨大度有时是一块很好的敲门砖,在尼日利亚,中方许诺投资四十亿美元兴建炼油厂,发电站及农业设施作为获得开采权的条件。

9、The Finns' entitlement to a generous state pension and other largesse counts for more than a nest egg to call one's own. ─── 芬兰人在慷慨的国家养老金以及其他大方的福利中的权利要比他们所拥有的储蓄金有价值得多。

10、8 He gave largess to the people,51 and, in addition, a donation to the soldiers,52 and founded an order of destitute girls, called Faustinianae53 in honour of Faustina. ─── 8他把慷慨的馈赠给予人民(51),除此之外,亦有对军人的赠予(52),而且成立了一个由穷困的女孩组成的团体,称作福斯蒂娜尼亚(53),以荣耀福斯蒂娜。

11、Such largesse has indisputably made the middle of San Jose more appealing than it used to be. ─── 如此之大的投入无疑让圣何塞的市中心比以前更加光彩照人。

12、Such language obscures these groups' grievances over government policies and feeds stereotypes among some Chinese that the Uighurs were ungrateful for the state's largesse. ─── 但这种语言模糊了群体对ZF的政策的不满,并把维吾尔族人对国家的慷慨忘恩负义的固定观念慷慨灌输给了许多中国人。

13、Actually, I mean, I had so many unforced errors, I just was struggling to keep the ball in today.Just couldn't get it right.Obviously, she benefitted from my largesse. ─── 虽然我对比赛结果很失望,但总的来说,我感觉最近的状态还是不错的,只是在本场比赛中这种良好的状态突然消失了。

14、You will do not know the largess of Yellow River if you do not get to Shandong, you will do not know the spectacle of oil if you do not get to Shengli Oil Field. ─── 不到黄河口不知道山东之大,不到胜利油田不知道石油采集之壮观!

15、to dispense largesse to the poor ─── 把钱施舍给穷人

16、That said, with gold trading at almost $900 an ounce now, the company is showing three times as much largesse as it did in 2000. ─── 话虽如此,在目前黄金价格接近每盎司900美元的情况下,该公司捐赠的数额是2000年时的三倍。

17、There were doubling largess beyond each struggle. ─── 每一发奋努力的背后,必有加倍的赏赐。

18、Finally, Dubai is a warning not to assume investments are always state-guaranteed, even in this age of government largesse. ─── 最后,迪拜事件警告我们,不要以为投资永远都会得到政府的担保——即便是在这个政府慷慨大度的时代。

19、3.So it was no surprise that he sprinkled largesse, doled out tax breaks to “working families” and small businesses, and even tried to silence provincial whinging with extra lashings of cash. ─── 不出所料,他向工薪家庭和小型公司大施恩惠,削减了他们所承担的赋税,甚至还力图通过使用额外的大量现金补贴来平息各省的抱怨之声。

20、As it is, the industry's fortunes rise and fall with the level of official largesse. ─── 正因为如此,这个产业的利润增长与衰退也会随着官方赠予的级别而变化。

21、Spreading its largesse to allies in Asia, Japan's PM Taro Aso grandstands with India's Manmohan Singh after offering New Delhi a record $4.5 billion in loans. ─── 在日本在亚洲表现大方、提供给新德里破纪录的45亿美元的贷款后,日本首相福田康夫与印度总理拉奥站在一起。

22、Venezuela spares little expense in Opec show of largesse ─── 委内瑞拉斥巨资主办欧佩克会议

23、Let us praise the arrival of this new era, it will be in with sincerity and largesse redound theory and the trailblazer that carry out two respects to be brave in to explore. ─── 让我们赞美这个新时代的到来吧,它将以真诚与厚礼回报在理论与实践两方面勇于探索的开拓者。

24、Largesse from outside backers dried up after the rebels achieved their goal. ─── 在反叛者达到目的之后,来自外国支持者的慷慨捐赠也就枯竭了。

25、in return the State would distribute its largess according to each citizen's needs. ─── 国家则根据个人需要进行财富的分配。

26、Thou shalt be generous, and give largess to everyone. ─── 汝需慷慨,而宽恕他人。

27、In return for their largess, managers demand quick results to demonstrate zheng ji, or administrative achievements, to higher-ups. ─── 作为对他们的赏赐的回报,资助资金管理人要求迅速的结果以便向他们的上司表现他们的政绩,或行政管理成就。

28、But if analysts are indeed swayed by chief executives' largesse, how could investors, especially retail investors, trust their calls? ─── 如果分析师确实受到了首席执行官帮忙的影响,那么投资者,尤其是散户投资者,怎么能信赖分析师的研究报告呢?

29、But the government's largesse is obscuring thedegree to which China still depends on subsidized exports to America. ─── 政府的大力资助掩盖了中国依然依赖于受补贴的对美出口的程度。

30、And yet there is still a sense of entitlement and inertia, particularly among those who are used to benefiting from the state's largesse. ─── 但仍然有人存在理所应得和懒惰的思想,尤其是那些习惯了从国家的慷慨中获益的人。

31、The Count of the Largess administered the mint, the customs, and the mines. ─── 圣库直接管理铸币、惯例费与开矿事务。

32、This largesse is evidence of western generosity. ─── 这些大手笔显示了西方人的慷慨。

33、This amazing development attests to the powerful effects of easier monetary policy, fiscal largesse, booming home prices and widespread credit availability. ─── 这一令人称奇的发展,证明了宽松的货币政策、慷慨的财政预算、蓬勃上涨的房地产价格和全面而丰富的信贷供应所具有的强大功效。

34、Members of Congress are appalled by the prospect of taxpayer funds going to companies lavishing such undeserved largess on such a group of demonstrated failures. ─── 纳税人的钱被用于救助这些毫不值得救助的失败的公司,国会成员对此非常震惊。

35、B) Flash key chain/ Beer Bottle Opener: use as gift, promote sales, largess, toy, etc. ─── 单色闪光灯,有三档模式,带装饰性、能性的钥匙扣,可以做啤酒开瓶器(轻轻的开,不然会断)用。

36、But the recipients of their largesse are unlikely to care if the donors are motivated by altruism, public relations or a guilty conscience. ─── 但不论捐赠者是因为利他主义的动机,还是因为公共关系的需要,或者是良心的愧疚而捐赠,对于受赠者来说,这一切都无所谓。

37、" Yang Zhen with " 4 know " from alarm self-discipline, at the same time admonitory and inferior, refus suffers largesse, be " careful alone " example. ─── ”杨震以“四知”自警自律,同时训诫下级,拒受厚礼,是“慎独”的典范。

38、g. Successful business, rich money, largesse and pizzazz; ─── 事业成功,经济良好,大方,潇洒;

39、Over the weekend, German politicians said banks benefiting from the ECB's funding and low rates should share the largess with corporate and household borrowers. ─── 德国政治人士周末期间表示,那些得益于欧洲央行的融资和低利率政策的银行应该与公司和家庭借款人分享这一优惠政策。

40、A139F)Can Store Eletricity Hand Press Flashlight:use as gift,promote sales,largess,toy,etc.use in ─── 环保型电筒:不用电池随时随地可以照明,使用的有自带储存功能,有锻练手腕健身作用。

41、Silver was used widely in the period of SHIGUO, but most of it was used to pay in tribute and largess, it was unimportant in circulation. ─── 白银的使用在十国时得到推广,但大多用于进贡、赏赐等非一般流通领域,在市场流通中仍不占主导地位;

42、Although China isn't as technologically advanced as Japan, it has deployed state largess to impress visitors, especially architecture fans. ─── 虽然中国在科技上不如日本先进,但也准备了一些会令游客、尤其是建筑爱好者印象深刻的“大礼”。

43、To the people he gave largess on his own account22 and also paid the moneys that his father had promised. ─── 对于人民,他用自己的财产给予了慷慨的赠予(22),还支付他父亲曾经允诺过的钱。

44、0092B)Flash key chain/Beer Bottle Opener:use as gift,promote sales,largess,toy,etc. ─── 单色闪光灯,有三档模式,带装饰性、功能性的钥匙扣,可以做啤酒开瓶器(要轻轻的开,不然会断)使用。

45、Ming Dynasty took a policy to allow the heads from the ethnical tribes in the peripheral regions to pay tribute timely with the court's rich largess and to make some trade in Huitongguan. ─── 明朝曾采取允许周边各少数民族首领定期朝贡、明廷给以丰厚的赏赐并可在会同馆进行一定程度的互市贸易的政策,由此而形成明代的朝贡体制。

46、So they intervened time and again, using government largess to lift inefficient firms to safety, sparing jobs and limiting pain but keeping their economies from reaching full potential. ─── 因此,他们再三地干预,用政府慷慨的馈赠救助效率低下的企业。这样做保全了工作岗位,止住了疼痛,但是却使他们经济的潜能没有得到充分地发挥。

47、Famous among job seekers for its largesse, the company, quite apart from generous salaries, bestowed on its executives annual bonuses and such perquisites as low-interest home mortgages and company cars. ─── 因为它的慷慨而在求职者中闻名,这个公司除了丰厚的薪水之外,它还给予管理人员年终奖以及如低息房屋贷款和公司车辆等额外津贴。

48、The interior designer was not the only beneficiary of Mr Thain's largesse: his driver picked up $230, 000 for a year's work. ─── 室内设计师并不是塞恩慷慨奢华的唯一受益者:他的司机为其工作得到230000美金。

49、Then in 2007, Congress extended this largesse beyond highway vehicles to a wider range of alternative fuel users. ─── 到了2007年,国会把这一优惠政策更宽松地扩大到公路车辆之外的代用燃料的用户。

50、37.Delta's situation may be unique, and largesse may also come more easily at the twilight of a well-paid career, but Mr Grinstein says that there is a systemic problem with bosses' pay. ─── 德尔塔的情况也许是很独一无二的,而在一个收入颇丰的事业里,日暮黄昏也许正是有利可图之时,但是格林斯泰因说管理层的薪金问题是体系问题。

51、For such as I to take or leave withal, [1]/In unexpected largesse? am I cold, ─── 把这罕见的舍施丢下;教我拿什么/来作为你应得的报答?请不要

52、But despite the government's largesse, America's recession has been deep and its impact on the rest of the world profound. ─── 但是,尽管政府倾囊相助,美国经济萧条太过严重,对世界其它地区的影响也太深远。

53、In unexpected, largesse? ─── 由我这样的人来决定舍取,惊人的豪爽。

54、You eat host’s foodstuff and think of that it is largess! ─── 吃着主人的食,以为那是赏赐!

55、Cheap credit and government largesse are palliatives that at some point will be withdrawn. ─── 廉价信贷与政府大量支出只是缓和手段,到一定时候将被撤消。

56、Studies have chronicled what individual beneficiaries do with the largesse, but the broader effect is only dimly understood. ─── 虽然有研究记录了汇款受惠人如何处理慷慨的赠与,但对于更广泛的影响却没有充份的了解。

57、Japan's largesse now appears to have captured the project, according to officials in Beijing, Tokyo and Moscow. ─── 根据在北京、东京和莫斯科的官员透露,日本的慷慨解囊现在显然已经赢得了该工程项目。

58、The Democrats, who ran on a platform of good government in 2006, have so far opted to keep the largesse flowing. ─── 民主党选择了继续2006年“得民心政府”的慷慨之举。

59、Juggling three kids with a high-octane career, even without a largesse of palimony, is possible. ─── 即使没有分手后的大笔赡养费,同时养活三个孩子和应付高强度的演艺事业,也不是不可能的事。

60、Our people are in no need of richer nations' largesse. ─── 我国人民不需要富国的施舍。

61、The ecotourist often ventures to places far from a nation's capital and what largesse its leaders can distribute. ─── 喜欢生态旅游的旅客,通常会前往远离国家首都、极少获得当地政治领袖青睐的地方。

62、Record RoseFlash Playing Music & Message:use as gift,promote sales,largess,toy.use in appointment, wish, visit the sick,etc. ─── 录音玫瑰会说话的玫瑰,传递你的深情厚意,表达你的浪漫情怀!

63、But here in Tanjia and the surrounding countryside of northeast Hunan Province, most people say they have yet to see much in the way of government largess. ─── 但在谭家庄和周遭湖南省东北乡间,大多数人抱怨,还没看到政府给的好处。

64、But because of the presumed largesse of future taxpayers, governments seem under much less pressure to reduce their pension costs. ─── 但是由于假定未来的纳税人比较慷慨,政府似乎没有很大的压力来减少他们养老金的成本。

65、Moulton insisted that he did not seek or receive any benefits from the Tories as a result of his financial largesse. ─── 默尔顿坚称他没有为他对保守党的资助寻求或获得任何利益。

66、Many Canadians see Newfoundland as the poor man of confederation, where unemployment always soars above the national average and whose people depend on the largesse of their fellow countrymen. ─── 很多加拿大人认为纽芬兰是联邦中的贫穷的小兄弟,失业率总是高于全国品均水平,人们依赖全国人民的施舍而生活。

67、The central treasury, which represented the fisc of the early Empire, was presided over by the Count of the Sacred Largess. ─── 中央财富取代了早期帝国的公共财富,储存在圣库之中。

68、After a long time lonely life,i met a good guy maybe it's a largess god gave me,at the same time i found here came the happiness again. ─── 一段长久的孤独生活之后,我遇见了一个好人,也许他是上天赐予我的,在此同时我再次拥有了快乐。

69、Eventually both sides relented, and China is now the biggest overseas recipient of Tzu Chi's low-key largesse. ─── 最终两岸均对慈济的善举放宽了限制。目前,中国大陆是慈济低调善行的最大境外受益者。

70、When Japan decided last year to phase out its loan aid to China by2008, the state media published indignant commentaries describing this as an affront, and only in passing revealed details of Japan's largesse. ─── 当日本去年决定到2008年对中国就停止这一帮助性贷款,中国官方媒体则同仇敌忾般渲染日本对中国的侮辱,而对日本的慷慨却轻描淡写。

71、China is ramping up efforts to fight corruption within government and state-controlled enterprises like Sinopec, as a softened economy and press reports of improper largesse inflame public opinion。 ─── 在经济放缓、有关奢侈浪费的报导令公众议论纷纷之际,中国正在加大在政府和像中石化这样的国有企业内部的反腐力度。

72、To pay for this largesse, and for his long spending wish-list, Mr Obama promises to raise huge sums from closing tax loopholes. ─── 奥巴马的慷慨是要买单的,他承诺将通过打击偷税漏税获得的巨额资金来兑现其长长的许愿单。

73、The economy of Greenland remains dependent on Danish largesse. ─── 格陵兰依然要依靠丹麦经济上的援助。

74、But such largesse can bring success. ─── 但是如此的大手笔却能带来成功。

75、They have done well out of his rule both personally and institutionally from all that American largesse. ─── 他们的所做作为既是从服从他个人的命令,也是出于军人的天职,这也是因为美国的对穆萨拉夫的宽容。

76、She is not noted for her largesse(= she is not generous). ─── 没人听说过她出手大方。

77、Surrogate accounting is a social service with strong specialty and knowledge.Resource share is our largesse for entrepreneurs. ─── 代理记帐是一项专业性,知识性极强的社会化服务,资源共享是代理记帐公司奉献给企业家的厚礼。

78、Why do I deserve your largesse, and I do mean largesse, since I’m asking for five million big ones? ─── 这对于你来说重要吗?

79、7. This bolsters the donors' own balance sheets and also strengthens their case whenever they must convince sceptical finance ministries and taxpayers that their largesse does yield results. ─── 同时也能稳定捐献人自己的资产负债表,并巩固了他们的方案,如果需要这些案例来说服那些怀疑他们的慷慨会牟利的一些财务部门和纳税人。

80、It is this largess that accounts for the presence within the city's walls of a considerable section of the population; ─── 这座城市里相当大的一部分人正是因为这种恩赐定居此地;

81、He wants to be the golden boy who dispenses largesse upon the serfs and groundlings who do his bidding for him. ─── 他想成为那个耀眼的小男孩,对着他的奴隶和看客们一掷千金,让他们都遵命办事。

82、Congress, which has feasted on the lobbying largesse of Fannie and Freddie for decades, has a vested interest in the status quo. ─── 数十年来一直享受两房所雇用的游说组织慷慨资助下的国会议员们会维持现状以保护其既得利益。

83、The biggest aid-givers, including the United States, Britain and the European Union, are threatening to divert their largesse from government coffers unless he seeks a "meaningful settlement" with the opposition. ─── 最大的援助者也开始威胁要将他们的慷慨捐助从肯尼亚政府的保险箱中移出,除非齐贝吉总统能与反对党寻求一条“可行之路”;这些援助国家包括美国、英国与欧盟。

84、A creature does not have to consume the salmon directly to benefit from the ocean's largesse. ─── 不过,生物并非必须直接食用鲑鱼才能获得来自大海的恩赐。

85、Actually, affection is largess from heaven, ─── 原来情是上天的赏赐?

86、This country of 11.2 million people has been forced to pursue unconventional food production since the former Soviet Union stopped its annual largess of billions of dollars two decade ago. ─── 自从前苏联20年前开始停止每年数十亿美元的物资援助后,古巴1120万人口,被迫寻找非传统的食物生产方式。

87、He quotes Alexander Tytler's warning that a democracy can survive only until voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse out of the public treasury. ─── 他引用亚利山大泰勒的警告:民主只有在一种情况下可以存在,那就是选民们发现他们的投票能使他们从公共财富中受益。

88、1. 0092B)Flash key chain/Beer Bottle Opener:use as gift,promote sales,largess,toy,etc. ─── 单色闪光灯,有三档模式,带装饰性、功能性的钥匙扣,可以做啤酒开瓶器(要轻轻的开,不然会断)使用。收藏指正

89、Beijing scholars praise for the life of the "two sessions" largesse! ─── 北京学者赞之为献给“两会”的厚礼!

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