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laureled 中文意思翻译




laureled 词性/词形变化,laureled变形

动词第三人称单数: laurels/laurels |动词过去分词: laureled/laurelled |动词过去式: laureled/laurelled |动词现在分词: laureling/laurelling |

laureled 同义词

crowned |laurelled

laureled 反义词


laureled 相似词语短语

1、labeled ─── v.贴标签于……;把……称为;(生化)示踪(label的过去式和过去分词);adj.有标签的

2、flanneled ─── adj.穿法兰绒衣服的;v.给…穿上法兰绒衣服;用法兰绒擦;花言巧语(flannel的过去分词)

3、laurel ─── n.桂冠,殊荣;月桂树;vt.授予荣誉,使戴桂冠;n.(Laurel)人名;(法)洛雷尔;(英、西、意)劳雷尔

4、laurelled ─── adj.戴桂冠的,获得殊荣的;v.用桂冠装饰(laurel的过去式和过去分词)

5、laureated ─── n.获奖者,荣誉获得者;桂冠诗人;adj.佩戴桂冠的;荣誉的;(花冠、花环)用月桂枝叶编织的;v.使戴桂冠;任命为桂冠诗人

6、laurels ─── n.荣誉(laurel的复数);月桂树;v.戴桂冠;授予荣誉(laurel的第三人称单数形式)

7、laureates ─── n.获奖者,荣誉获得者;桂冠诗人;adj.佩戴桂冠的;荣誉的;(花冠、花环)用月桂枝叶编织的;v.使戴桂冠;任命为桂冠诗人

8、-barreled ─── adj.桶装的;有管的;v.装桶;磨研;疾驶(barrel的过去分词)

9、barreled ─── adj.桶装的;有管的;v.装桶;磨研;疾驶(barrel的过去分词)

laureled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This reading of Walcott has him emerging fully formed from a laurel bush in Berkshire, bright-eyed, shrouded in rural myth, some kind of wood sprite or nymph. ─── 关于沃尔科特的这种解读好比把他当作了某个树精灵或是仙童,他来自伯克夏郡的一片月桂丛,有着明亮的眼睛,隐秘在乡村神话中。

2、Laurel Berry Thiols ? ─── 和酸提?之?和介面活性?

3、In the meantime, look laurel has tradition of the culture austral long mountain range, be bead outstanding culture accumulates trigonometry area tradition one of deeper area. ─── 同时,容桂拥有悠久的岭南文化传统,是珠三角地区传统优秀文化积淀比较深厚的区域之一。

4、But on that November evening, in his home on the rim of Laurel Canyon, another kind of chain reaction was about to be unleashed. ─── 但在11月晚间,在他月桂峡谷边缘的家,另一种连锁效应即将引发了。

5、Suddenly, in the midst of these medical ministrations, they heard the tramp of boots outside the door.Then a booming voice called out: 'Laurel Goong-goong, are you asleep? ─── 便在此时,忽听得门外有人走近,一人朗声说道:“桂公公,你睡了没有?”

6、He had to pose wearing laurel wreath. ─── 他得摆好戴著月桂花冠的姿势.

7、You do not look like Laurel and Dr. Dirt does not look like Hardy. Are you implying that the photographer looks like Laurel? ─── 你看起来不像是劳来,阿土博士看起来也不像是哈台,你是在暗示拍照者看起来像是劳来?

8、I guess the answer to your question is the Peabody was a tremendous honor.It's a singular honor in a lot of ways.I think I'm perfectly willing to rest on that laurel. ─── 但你不知道,我估计这个回答是艾美奖是个巨大的荣誉,它只是众多成就中的一个,我想我很希望有那么个桂冠。

9、 双语使用场景

10、A laurel branch is on the left side of the torch. ─── 在火炬的左侧是月桂树枝。

11、Dong Xingjian Wen Dongxing, guangxi 8 laurel earth already coastal the open city of edge edge. ─── 东兴见闻东兴,广西八桂大地既沿海又沿边的开放城市。

12、You see, the laurel tree trunks smooth impression that incredible, laurel branches criss-cross, the thick branches and leaves woven into a green predominant for us to block the sun. ─── 你瞧,桂树那光滑的树干令人觉得不可思议,桂树的树枝纵横交错,茂密的枝叶编织成了一顶绿色的大帽子,为我们遮挡阳光。

13、Trubek, Laurel Munger and John Esser. ─── 作者声明: by David M.

14、Medals for a positive athletes stand on the steps Family of Laurel Corolla with a right hand, a symbol of victory, the left hand held high. ─── 奖牌正面为一名运动员站在台阶上,右手拿着一簇月桂花冠,象征着胜利,左手高高举起。

15、She is holding a laurel crown in her left hand and a palm leaf in her right hand. ─── 她的前面是一个大花冠,里面写有各个竞赛分项的名称;

16、To show his undying love for the maiden,he decided that the laurel would be his favorite tree and should be the prize for deathless poets and poetry. ─── 为了表示他对仙女未泯的爱情,他将月桂树作为他最喜爱的树种,并决定将它作为一种对荣誉与威望的奖励,把它授予那些永恒的诗人和流芳百世的诗。

17、Antidesma japonicum [dense-flowered China laurel] ─── 五味子木

18、The primary objects consisted of Wu Gang, a laurel, the Moon Rabbit, a toad, the Tengou, and the Moon Palace. ─── 主要研究对象,包括人物吴刚,植物桂树,动物玉兔、蟾蜍、天狗与建筑月宫。

19、North American dwarf shrub resembling mountain laurel but having narrower leaves and small red flowers; poisonous to young stock. ─── 北美矮灌木,类似山月桂,但有更窄的叶子和小红花;对年幼的树干有毒。

20、Laurel forest covers some 70% of this park, situated in the middle of the island of La Gomera in the Canary Islands archipelago. ─── 加拉霍艾国家公园位于加那利群岛的拉戈梅岛中心,该国家公园中70%的面积覆盖着月桂林森林。

21、First place winners were awarded a silver medal, an olive branch and a diploma. Those in second place were given a copper medal, a branch of laurel and a diploma. ─── 冠军被授予银质奖牌、橄榄枝花环和一张奖状,亚军被授予铜质奖牌、月桂花冠和一张奖状。

22、FRANCIS, Laurel B. ─── 劳雷尔·弗朗西斯

23、Then,she saw a path of hearts leading to the town's bakeshop. Now Princess Laurel knew who her secret valentine was. ─── 她看见一条路上铺满了心,心一直铺到了城堡的面包房。现在劳雷尔公主知道她的神秘的巧克力情人是谁了。

24、So far, which has been the toughest love scene for Laurel? ─── 到目前为止,哪一场床戏是最难拍的?

25、Pattern for the oak and laurel branches below the leaves, a symbol of strength, loyalty and peace. ─── 图案中下方为橡树和月桂树枝叶,象征力量、忠诚与和平。

26、Laurel Holloman: She's just full steam ahead in her career, she's producing a movie, and it's really exciting. ─── 她把精力放在事业上,全力作冲刺,她在制作一部电影,而那真令人很兴奋。

27、On the obverse, two female figures placing a laurel crown on the head of young victorious athlete. ─── 奖牌正面描绘的是两名女性为一位年轻的奥运冠军佩戴月桂花环的场景。

28、On the reverse, a victorious athlete standing on a podium, holding a laurel branch in his right hand, arm raised. ─── 奖牌背面为一名奥运冠军站在领奖台上,右臂高高举起,手上握着月桂花冠。

29、They found that the winter foliage in their new land was somewhat different, so they added mountain laurel and pine to the holly and the ivy. ─── 他们发现他们所在的新大陆,冬天植物的叶子有一些不同,所以他们为冬青树和常春藤增加了美国山桂和松树。

30、Dalian LAUREL Petrochemical pump production Co., Ltd. ─── 大连劳雷石油化工泵制造公司。

31、erect evergreen shrubs: mountain laurel. ─── 一个直立常绿灌木属;山月桂。

32、Back for an Olympic medal winner on the podium, his right arm held high, hands holding Laurel Corolla, background designs for the stadium and the Acropolis. ─── 奖牌背面为一名奥运冠军站在领奖台上,右臂高高举起,手上握着月桂花冠,背景图案为体育场和雅典卫城。

33、Meanwhile,it analyzed the market status and market potential of palm oil and laurel oil,and come to the conclusion that China is a all-important market for Malaysian and all over the world. ─── 同时,也分析了棕榈油和月桂油在中国的市场状况和市场潜力,不管是对马来西亚还是整个世界来说,中国是非常重要的市场。

34、Along the roads, laurel , viburnum and alder , great ferns and wildflowers delighted the traveler's eye through much of the year. ─── 在路的两旁,一年中许多时候,月桂树、荚莲、桤木、蕨类植物和各样的野花都能让过往的行人赏心悦目。

35、The front sides of the medals awarded at the Games of the Olympiads feature an image of a Hellenic goddess holding a laurel wreath with the Athens Colosseum in the background. ─── 在奥林匹亚举行奥运会时,所颁的奖牌正面图案为以雅典圆形剧场为前景,手拿荣誉花冠的海伦女神。

36、He was crowned with laurel. ─── 他们把桂冠加在他头上。

37、Laurel was a perfect girl in every way. ─── 从各方面讲,罗拉都是一个完美的女孩。

38、It takes only about 20 years for Lishui to rise abruptly in photography field and gain the laurel in China and world's photography palaces one after another. ─── 仅20余年的短暂时光,丽水摄影迅速崛起,在中国乃至世界的摄影艺术殿堂上摘取了一个又一个桂冠。

39、Fracture of ossicle of right laurel bone, does accipitral mouth rip companion ulna to want an operation? Meeting deformity not? ─── 右桂骨小骨骨折,伴尺骨鹰嘴撕脱要手术吗?会残疾不?

40、Among them, the gold with fiducial Chongqing counteracts Xi Ding to pick next laurel with 20.02% years of yield. ─── 其中,重庆信托的金中和西鼎以20.02%年收益率摘下桂冠。

41、Laurel and Harday were in double harness throughout most of their film careers. ─── 劳雷尔和哈迪在他们大部分的电影生涯中合作亲密。

42、Lost Films Of Laurel And Hardy Vol. ─── 劳雷尔和哈迪系列卷。

43、On the obverse, the ancient coliseum and the goddess of victory holding the laurel crowns and the caption: "XXIV Olympiad Seoul 1988". ─── 奖牌正面是古代竞技场和手持月桂花冠的胜利女神以及“第24届汉城奥运会”字样。

44、Medal is a symbol of peace back of the pigeon, it flying, a Laurel mouth colorful branches. ─── 奖牌背面是一只象征和平的鸽子,它在翱翔,嘴里衔着一根月桂树枝。

45、Beals Laurel. ─── 主演:Jennifer.

46、Also, Laurel Holloman feels love and kinship for people everywhere, not only with her own family, nationality, or group. ─── 不单在她自己的家庭,国家,群体中能感受到爱与亲情

47、In Gu Xila, laurel is the mark of Baal Apollo award, mean glory and divine. ─── 在古希腊,月桂树是太阳神阿波罗赏赐的标志,意味着光荣和神圣。

48、Research on Wu Gang Cuts the Laurel ─── 关于吴刚伐桂

49、But we know yesterday's laurel is only the urge on today's striving and the ideal in the future is just the permanent and unchangeable pursuit in the heart. ─── 但我们知道,昨天再多的殊荣,只是对今天更加奋进的一种鞭策;而明天的理想,才是心中不变的执著追求。

50、The bad news is that when Laurel and I tried to have a baby, we failed over and over again. ─── 坏消息是,我们婚后想要孩子,但却一无所获。

51、"Medal goddess of victory on the back of the planet, she held Laurel Corolla left hand with a palm. ─── 奖牌背面为胜利女神站在地球上,她左手举着月桂花冠,右手拿着棕榈叶。

52、This story shows that your attitude is your master. Peaceful mind can bring happiness to one's life. Everyone can gain happiness. The victory laurel may fall on everyone's head. ─── 你的心态就是你的主人,平和的心态,能给自己带来快乐的人生,快乐的人生每个人都可以获得,成功的桂冠可以戴到每个人的头上。

53、He stopped by the wooden fence which surrounded the gardens of Mount Stanning rectory, and looked across a laurel hedge towards the lattice windows of that simple habitation. ─── 他在包围着斯坦宁丘教区各个庭园的木栅外站住了,越过一个月桂树篱,遥望那简朴住宅的一些格子窗。

54、It depicts Venice as a queen being crowned with a laurel wreath, and rising victorious above a balcony where Venetian noblemen and noblewomen gather. ─── 他把威尼斯画成戴着桂冠的女王,胜利地出现在威尼斯男女贵族群集的阳台上。

55、Laurel is attracted to foreigners, exotic places, traveling, and to people who can expand her horizons, teach her something, or show Holloman places and worlds she has never experienced before. ─── 吸引她的元素包括:异国情调的地方,旅行,能开阔眼界,帮她成长或为她打开未知世界那扇窗的人

56、Near broken chains, mountain laurel and rolling rocks. ─── 在破晓之链附近。有着山月桂树和滚动的岩石。

57、He has obtained the laurel of the best actor of Oscar for the behavior in this film. ─── 他以在此片中的表现获得了奥斯卡最佳男主角的桂冠。

58、Her marble brow seemed to be made for the laurel! ─── 她那大理石的额头似乎为桂冠而生!

59、They do a pretty good job of impersonating Laurel and Hardy. ─── 他们扮演劳莱和哈代很成功。

60、Laurel always impresses me with her answers because they are usually so detailed and thoughtful. ─── Laurel的回答一直很令我印象深刻,因为她的答案通常都是很详细和经过深思的。

61、He was wearing a Roman kilt and laurel wreath. ─── 他身穿罗马人的褶叠短裙,头戴桂冠。

62、It is composed of the American flag presented in the form of arms, accompanied, in the foreground, by the Olympic rings, the Olympic motto" Citius, Altius, Fortius"( faster, higher, stronger) and a laurel branch, symbol of victory. ─── 在盾形的星条旗前方,“更快、高、强”的奥林匹克格言号召着运动员奋力向上,代表胜利的橄榄枝条缠绕在奥运五环上,强化了本届会徽的竞争意义。

63、The important thing is that the Old Turtle should think that I'm Laurel. ─── 只要海老乌龟不发觉我是冒牌货,那便没事。

64、They'll all be sporting with the young ladies in the laurel walks. ─── 他们全体都会在有月桂树的小路跟年轻的小姐们戏耍。

65、Laurel Holloman is emotionally well balanced and also has a well developed intellectual grasp. ─── LU情绪平稳,具有知性美.

66、On the obverse, two female figures placing a laurel crown on the head of a young victorious athlete, with, in the bottom half, the inscription "OLYMPIC GAMES LONDON 1908". ─── 奖牌正面描绘的是两位女性为一名年轻的奥运冠军佩戴月桂花环的场景。正中下方刻有“1908年伦敦奥运会”字样。

67、How does a common reinforcing steel bar worker walk step by step to win the laurel of "national labor model"? ─── 一个普通的钢筋工是如何一步步摘取“全国劳模”桂冠的?

68、You and Laurel are really my angels. ─── 嘿,姑娘。你是不是在注视著你爱的那人?

69、He turned Daphne into a laurel tree. ─── 她的父亲把达芙妮变成了月桂树。

70、laurel, viburnum and alder, great ferns ─── 在一年的大部分日子里,月桂、荚莲、桤木、大蕨

71、Laurel extracted the little package from his master's inside pocket and hurried into the inner room to fetch a cup of wine.He scooped up a small amount of the drug on his fingernail. ─── 伸手到他怀中取出药包,转身回入内室,取了一杯酒出来,打开药包,伸出小指,用指甲挑了一些粉末。

73、The great poet Pindar wrote poems of praise in memory of the winners of the laurel or wild olive wreath. ─── 伟大的诗人品达,曾为那些获得桂冠或橄榄枝编织的花环的优胜者,写下了赞诗。

74、The leaves dropped from his imaginary crown of laurel. ─── 他想象中那顶桂冠的叶子凋零了。

75、On the obverse, a winged goddess holding laurel branches in both hands, arms raised. ─── 奖牌正面为张着双翅的胜利女神双臂上举,双手托着月桂花冠。

76、To escape unscathed, Robin knows Laurel will need some allies, but unfortunately a Hunter receives only 2 Influence Points per Level (+1 Cha mod). ─── 为了可以安然生还,罗宾知道劳蕾尔需要一些盟友,但是不幸的是猎手每级只能得到2点影响力(魅力调整+1)。

77、But he covered it up as best he could by combing his hair forward and wearing his laurel crown everywhere. ─── 但他通过把头发往前梳和到那里都带着他的桂冠来尽可能最好的掩饰。

78、Laurel is a dedicated researcher of skin care health and products. ─── 劳雷尔是一个专门研究皮肤护理的健康和产品。

79、After the merger, a new logo was designed. It combined the symbols of the two companies: the three-pointed star of DMG and the laurel wreath of Benz. ─── 合并后,公司设计了新的车标。这个车标包含了两个公司的象征:戴姆勒的三角星与奔驰的月桂花环。

80、Laurel conducted some of the experiments as Columbia orbited the Earth, and described seeing new life emerge from a tiny cocoon. ─── 哥伦比亚号绕行地球飞行时,劳拉进行了一些试验,她看到小小的蚕茧中诞生出新的生命,这样说道:“生命在许多不同的地方延续。

81、He had to pose wearing a laurel wreath. ─── 他得摆好戴著月桂花冠的姿势。

82、Some never really catch on.Not many girls are named Laurel, even fewer are named lauryl sulfate. ─── 一些名字则从未变得流行起来,没有太多女孩被起名为劳瑞尔,叫“劳瑞”或“索菲特”的就更少了。

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