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09-20 投稿


leniency 发音

英:[ˈliːniənsi]  美:[ˈliːniənsi]

英:  美:

leniency 中文意思翻译



leniency 同义词

longways | laterally | longwise | longitudinally | sideways | lengthways |along | end to end

leniency 短语词组

1、leniency program ─── 宽恕制度

2、leniency clause ─── 宽大处理条款

3、leniency error ─── 宽容评价误差

4、excessive leniency ─── [法] 宽大无边

5、leniency bias ─── 宽容偏见

6、leniency effect ─── 宽恕效应

leniency 反义词


leniency 词性/词形变化,leniency变形


leniency 相似词语短语

1、lenient ─── adj.宽大的;仁慈的;n.(Lenient)人名;(法)勒尼安

2、tendency ─── n.倾向,趋势;癖好

3、sentiency ─── n.感觉;知觉

4、pendency ─── n.悬垂;悬而未决

5、leniently ─── adv.宽大地;温和地

6、lenience ─── n.仁慈;宽厚

7、penitency ─── 忏悔

8、leniencies ─── n.宽大,仁慈;温和

9、renitency ─── n.顽强;抵抗性

leniency 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Criminal Judicial Policies of Combine Leniency with Severity and Criminal Investigative Procedure ─── 宽严相济刑事司法政策与刑事侦查程序

2、policy of leniency in treating captured personnel ─── 宽待俘虏政策

3、The strictness is expressed as selective incapacitation, three strikes act and truth-in sentencing, and the leniency is expressed as intermediate sanction and mandatory parole. ─── 在严厉方面表现为选择性无害化的提出、三振出局法的出台以及实际刑运动的兴起等;在宽缓方面主要表现为中间制裁和强制假释。

4、They bombarded the Governor with pleas for leniency ─── 他们向州长恳求从宽处理。

5、Combining Leniency with Harshness ─── “宽严相济”刑事政策

6、In this early life his colleagues sometimes suspected Koba or Ivanovich of buying leniency for himself by handing over their names to the police. ─── 在他早期的生活中,他的同志有时怀疑科巴或者伊凡诺维奇通过将这些名字移交给政府来换取对自己的宽大处理。

7、That is, the relative stringency, or leniency, of raters for a particular case is not equivalent. ─── 也就是说,评级员的相对严格或宽松,对某一特定案例是不等价的。

8、Other countries, including Canada and the Netherlands, have acted similarly.America says such leniency sends “the wrong signal”. ─── 包括加拿大和荷兰在内的其他国家也有过类似的处理方式,美国认为这种宽大的做法发出了“错误的信号”。

9、Alternate Leniency and Severity ─── 宽严相济

10、leniency and compassion shown toward offenders by a person or agency charged with administering justice ─── 充满正义的个人或机构给予罪犯的仁慈和同情

11、CCDI regulations have clearly stated government will show leniency to those who confess their wrongdoings by themselves within 30 days, he said. ─── 中央纪检委已经明确申明对于那些在30天内承认错误的官员,将进行宽大处理,甘说.

12、At worst, they were gilded affairs, and with what leniency are gilded errors viewed. ─── 它们至多不过是些有钱人无伤大雅的错误,而对这些镀了金的错误,人们一向是宽宏大量的。

13、"Leniency to Confessors" ─── 坦白从宽

14、Perhaps Bob and I felt that leniency toward Smudge somehow translated into paying Krista back for some of her pain. ─── 可能鲍勃和我觉得宽恕斯玛奇在某种程度上可理解为补偿克丽斯塔所受的痛苦。

15、Before we crossed the river, the Chiang Kai-shek clique mistook the leniency we extended them for weakness on the part of the people, and believed that the river, a natural barrier, could not be breached, staking their lot on it. ─── 在渡江前,蒋介石集团以为我们给他们宽大是表示人民的软弱,以为长江天险不可突破,他们就押这个宝。

16、treat sb. with leniency ─── 宽待某人

17、Delegates fumed over the "leniency" of modern courts and the way that young people were "no longer frightened of the police" . ─── 民意代表对现代法庭的“仁慈”感到愤怒,他们认为现在的年轻人“对警察完全不害怕”。

18、She dared to hope that an abject apology for breaking training, combined with Coach's pity and leniency, would put the matter to rest. ─── 她本来大着胆子希望可以草草向教练道歉,抱歉打断了训练,然后带着教练的同情和好意,就了结这件事。

19、The judge rejected pleas for leniency and sentenced him to a year in prison. ─── 法官驳回了宽大处理的请求,判处他一年的监禁。

20、Combination of leniency with punishment ─── 宽严并进

21、handle leniently; treat with leniency ─── 从宽处理

22、The judges dismissed his lawyers' request, and said that Katsav's position was no reason for leniency. ─── 法官驳回了律师的上诉请求,他说没有理由要顾及卡察夫的职位,而给予这位总统宽大处理。

23、As known to all, the policy of our armed forces is always to treat captives with leniency. ─── 众所周知, 我军的政策一向是优容俘虏。

24、Leniency is a sign of weakness. ─── 仁慈是弱者的标志。

25、Find the medium between severity and leniency ─── 在宽严之间找一居中的尺度

26、Perhaps Bob and I felt that leniency toward Smudge somehow translated into paying Krista back for some of her pain. ─── 可能鲍勃和我觉得宽恕斯玛奇在某种程度上可理解为补偿克丽斯塔所受的痛苦。

27、The victim's widow protested at the leniency of the sentence. ─── 受害人的遗孀抗议判决太轻。

28、If the district attorney agrees to show leniency by discussing a plea. ─── 如果地方检查官同意宽大的讨论诉求。

29、But that will probably change, as prosecutors deploy “flipping” tactics honed during racketeering trials, in which lower level employees receive leniency in return for testifying against their bosses. ─── 不过,这一切或许将有所改变,整个审讯期间,检察官们制定的是敲竹杠策略,一些低级雇员会做出不利老板的证词,以此换取宽大处理。

30、At the same time, suggestions of how to cope with leniency effect were provided. ─── 同时,根据对成因的分析提出了对绩效考核中宽大效应的控制方法。

31、Had it not been for that campaign of suppression, the people would not have approved our present policy of leniency. ─── 如果没有那次镇压,今天我们采取宽大政策,老百姓就不可能赞成。

32、leniency to those who confess their crimes and severity to those who refuse to ─── 坦白从宽,抗拒从严

33、Therefore, our country proposed the criminal policy of combining punishment with leniency at the right moment combined the polarization trend world criminal policy. ─── 为此,结合世界刑事政策的两极化发展趋势,我国适时提出“宽严相济”的刑事政策。

34、The reason for such leniency: keeping a positive self-image. ─── 原因又是如此简单:保持正面的形象。

35、But defense lawyers said the judge showed leniency because of al-Zeidi's age and clean record. ─── 但辩方律师说法官因祡迪的年计纪及过取的纪录表达出宽大的一面。

36、punish without leniency; punish with severity ─── 严惩不贷

37、While thousands of people lost their jobssavings when the company declared bankruptcy in 2001,one disgruntled investor appeared in court to argue against leniency. ─── 2001年安然公司宣布破产,虽然有成千上万的人失去了他们的工作和积蓄,只有一位投资商因不满法斯托的刑期减免出庭。

38、The Principle of Severity with Leniency in Criminal Law and its Application ─── 宽严相济刑事政策的定位与适用

39、Video from four years ago shows this Brooklyn divorce judge accepting cash and a 250-dollar box of cigars. They are from a lawyer seeking leniency in his own bribery case. ─── 四年前的一段视频纪录了布鲁克林一离婚法官接受现金和价值250美元的一盒雪茄的场面。这段视频来自于一位为自己的贿赂行为寻求宽恕的律师。

40、Leniency elucidates Buddhism theory with Buddhism in practice. ─── 出家人的慈怀之举,是以佛教实践对佛理的阐发。

41、One student who arrived four minutes late in 2007 was turned away, even though she and her mother knelt before the exam proctor, begging for leniency. ─── 2007年高考时有一学生因为迟到了4分钟而被监考人员拒之门外,即便是考生和她母亲给监考人员下跪求情也不让进。

42、leniency and compassion shown toward offenders by a person or agency charged with administering justice. ─── 充满正义的个人或机构给予罪犯的仁慈和同情。

43、criminal policy of combination of leniency with punishment ─── 宽严相济刑事政策

44、To punish without leniency ─── 坐罪不贷

45、Reflection on the History and Actuality of the Policy of "Leniency to Confessors, Severity to Resisters ─── 对“坦白从宽,抗拒从严”历史与现实的思考

46、leniency effect ─── 仁慈效应

47、"The judicial reform process has been progressing smoothly, with leniency shown in a growing number of criminal trials," he said. ─── “庭审的改革进程已经在稳步地进行当中,在逐步增加的犯罪审讯中体现宽大,”他说。

48、On no account will leniency be shown ─── 决不宽贷

49、The condition or quality of being lenient; leniency. ─── 宽厚,仁慈宽大仁慈的状况或品质;慈悲为怀

50、Leniency towards those owning up to their crimes and severity towards those refusing to do so; ─── 坦白从宽,抗拒从严;

51、tolerance in judging others;kindness;leniency ─── 宽容;宽厚;仁慈;宽大

52、It is our consistent policy to give leniency to those who confess their crimes and severity to those who refuse to do so. ─── 坦白从宽、抗拒从严是我们的一贯政策。

53、First, the Office of the Ming should not be confined to narrow: the Office of leniency should be vast; ─── 一、办公室明堂不宜窄小局限:办公室宜宽大辽阔;

54、less arrest or death penalty and more leniency ─── 两少一宽

55、Both of his brothers wrote letters to the judge seeking leniency, as did his mother. ─── 和他们的母亲一样,他的两个哥哥都写信给法官请求宽大处理。

56、The criminal policy of alternating leniency with severity will play an extremely important role in the guidance to our country's criminal judicature activity for the current and even the next time. ─── 宽严相济刑事政策对于当前乃至今后一个时期我国的刑事司法活动,必将起到极其重要的导向性作用。

57、As you seem to take advantage of our leniency in this matter. ─── 贵方似乎在趁机利用我公司的宽容态度。内容来自

58、She appealed to the judge for leniency. ─── 她向法官请求宽大处理。

59、a magistrate known for her leniency with first-time offenders ─── 因对初犯宽宏大量而知名的女法官.

60、leniency policy ─── 宽恕制度

61、judicial leniency ─── 司法宽恕

62、5. Application of the Policies of Leniency and Suppression. ─── 五、宽大政策与镇压政策的运用。

63、Few close to the case think it would have progressed nearly as far had Siemens not invited in Debevoise &Plimpton, a New York law firm, in the hope of winning leniency from American prosecutors. ─── 与此案关系密切的人几乎都认为要不是西门子聘请纽约德普律师事务所,希望能够得到美国检察官的”宽大处理”,根本不会有如此进步。

64、The leniency extends only as far as the Hui. ─── 宽大的延伸仅据回族.

65、As you seem to take advantage of our leniency in this matter, we now give you the final notice that, unless we shall receive a substantial amount on account by return of post, we shall adopt other measures for its recovery. ─── 对于此事, 贵方似乎在趁机利用我公司的宽容态度,本函系最后通告, 复函时请汇足够金额, 以结此帐, 否则只好采取其它途径, 特此函告

66、The China Daily newspaper said the new legal interpretation backs up a May regulation issued by the Communist Party's discipline organ, which offered leniency to corrupt officials who confess their crimes. ─── 中国日报称新的司法解释支持了党中央纪律检查署发布的五月规则,对那些主动承认错误的人员给于宽大处理。

67、a policy of leniency ─── 宽大政策

68、The victim's widow protested at the leniency of the sentence. ─── 受害人的遗孀抗议判决太轻。

69、On The Perfection of Arresting Condition from the Perspective of Severity with Leniency ─── 从宽严相济看逮捕条件的完善

70、they taught me how to treat people with leniency and a soft heart.they guided me in the ways of Sufism. ─── 伊玛目沙菲仪说:“我陪伴苏菲老人家,并从他们那里获得了三种知识。1、他们教我如何说;

71、Leniency to those who confess, severity to those who resist. ─── 坦白从宽,抗拒从严。

72、excessive leniency ─── [法] 宽大无边

73、to treat with leniency ─── 宽待

74、The policies of leniency and suppression should be applied correctly. ─── 宽大政策与镇压政策的运用,应求恰当。

75、Victims' groups were furious at the acquittals and perceived leniency of some of the sentences. ─── 受害者团体对法庭的无罪判决和宽大处理表示愤慨。

76、She begged for leniency for her son. ─── 她请求给儿子宽大处理。

77、Leniency towards the many and severity towards the few; ─── 多数从宽,少数从严;

78、While thousands of people lost their jo and savings when the company declared bankruptcy in 2001, only one disgruntled investor a eared in court to argue agai t leniency. ─── 2001年安然公司宣布破产,虽然有成千上万的人失去了他们的工作和积蓄,但是只有一位投资商因不满法斯托的刑期减免出庭。

79、Amid an outcry from online listeners and Congress, the recording industry indicated it may show new leniency on royalties for Internet radio. ─── 在来自线上听者和国会的一声尖叫中,记录的工业指出,它可能为网际网路收音机在特许权上显示新的慈悲。

80、The government asked the nationalised banks to show leniency, but repossessions will probably jump after mortgage payments are unfrozen. ─── 冰岛政府要求国有化后的银行宽大处理未能到期还款的借款人,但在恢复抵押贷款偿还后,被银行收回的房屋数量可能大幅上升。

81、The judge promised leniency if the offender confessed. ─── 如果罪犯认罪,法官答应从宽发落.

82、Reflection on the Policy of "Leniency for Confessions and Severity for Refusals" ─── "坦白从宽,抗拒从严"的理性思考

83、Her leniency had, in a way, inflamed his regard. ─── 在一定程度上,她的宽容态度也煽起了他的爱慕之情。

84、Thinking about Developing the Criminal Policy of Combining Punishment with Leniency ─── 宽严相济刑事政策的展开

85、She appealed to the judge for leniency. ─── 她向法官请求宽大处理。

86、The criminal policy of strict with leniency is a fundamental criminal policy in the new age in china. ─── 宽严相济刑事政策是我们党和国家在新时期提出的一项基本刑事政策。

87、Both of his brothers wrote letters to the judge seeking leniency, as did his mother. ─── 和他们的母亲一样,他的两个哥哥都写信给法官请求宽大处理。

88、The criminal policy of combining punishment with leniency is open in space, and requires legislators, judges and law enforcers to implement on the basis of the basic principle of criminal law. ─── 宽严相济刑事政策具有开放的空间,但需要立法者、法者和执行者在刑法基本原则的制约之下展开其具体内容。

89、{0>The phenomena such as laxity in law enforcement and leniency in punishing infringing acts existing in some local authorities should also be supervised and eliminated. ─── 督促解决一些地方存在的执法不严和对侵权行为处罚不力的现象。

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